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Posts posted by Malaena

  1. Iulia starts off with a blast of tea and sugar. It smells very clean with some lemon balm peaking through. The blend is then taken over by a flower that I can't identify. It's definitely not orange blossom and to my understanding rockrose is not a floral scent. It smells like an old-lady floral. Icy and stuffy. A good bit of musk underlies this.

  2. Devilish temptation, as sweet as sin: blood orange, neroli, and raspberry.


    This one is very strongly soap on me. When I sniff up close I can pick out a bit of raspberry. It reminds me quite a lot of Froot Loops...soapy Froot Loops! Bloody hell, I wonder what it is that my skin is mangling!!!

  3. This one is very hard to describe. I can picked up a burnt smell but I am not very familiar with saffron. I swear I can smell a wee bit of red musk!! This one reminds me of one of those fancy soaps that are for looking pretty but not actually using.

  4. Wet - Cherries!


    Drying - Sweet cherries bit a bit of an almond feel. It reminds me of red vines and I want to eat my arm. The red musk gives this one great throw and makes food sexy!


    Verdict - Houston, we have a winner.

  5. Wet - Super sweet grape soda or grape candy


    Drying - It wafts grape soda and patch. Up close it smells like ambery grape soda. I get occasional wafts of beer.


    Verdict - I can't stand the scent of beer and I'm not up for smelling of grape soda. This one is just weird. I'll give it a second test later on to see if my skin is wonky today.

  6. This one is VERY weird on me. I tested it twice to make sure.


    Wet - Light, soft jasmine. Usually jasmine screams in my face and smells like rot.


    Drying - The jasmine morphs to violets. The violets smell sugared. This is all sugared violets.



  7. Oi, now I know I hate narcissus. Good information for the future. XD


    ETA - Thought I should expand. Narcissus is like a funeral flower to me. Sickly sweet and cloying much like a lily (which I also hate).

  8. Wet - Holy sweet brown sugars, Batman! This one is pretty damn syrupy with a sugar punch to the face.


    Dry - It mellows and the oak appears. The oak has a musty quality as though it's been sitting off in a dark, forgotten corner. It starts off with low throw of a mellow brown sugar sweetness. After 30 minutes it's a skin scent of slightly sweet, musty oak.


    This one is not for me.

  9. Wet - This starts off as a super sweet flower. At first I was confused and had to look it up because I thought "I know I didn't order a damn white floral!" It smells very much like honeysuckle. I don't know what opium smells like and no orchid I have ever smelled is reminiscent of this.


    Dry - The sweetness lessens and smokiness arises. It smells a bit like candle smoke. The smoke lessens and becomes an indescribable floral resiny scent.


    I'm going to pass this one along.

  10. Wet - Fruity honey with almond and coconut.


    Dry - This is all fruity honey with a bit of green and musk when sniffed close up.


    I'm iffy with this blend. I love honey but I'm not sure if I like THIS honey.

  11. Tea, patch, and fruit - what could possibly go wrong?


    I briefly catch a whiff of mango and then it stubbornly settles into fruit potpourri. This is exactly what Dionysia smells like on me; like walking into Pier One.
