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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Trinacria

  1. I think the descriptions of chamomile tea with lashings of honey were spot on. A pleasant herbal, honey scent that smells natural and not too sweet. This is definitely a comfort scent for me, and one I like to wear to sleep. Note: even though it seemed to have poor longevity to my nose, this is one of the few BPAL's my boyfriend has been able to detect a few hours after application.

  2. I received this as a frimp from the lab, and would never have ordered this based on the description. However, it was one of the first things I sampled from my order because it just smelled so delicious- a well balanced, effervescent, fruity floral. Once I put it on, it went a little Jolly Rancher on me, but not so badly that I washed it off. Poor sillage and longevity on my dry skin. I do like wearing this to work during the summer as it's innocent and inoffensive.

  3. Granted, my nose isn't very educated, but I couldn't detect sweet pea or honeysuckle, notes that I love. I couldn't detect anything in particular- it just smelled cheap, synthetic, and horrid.

  4. The Sodom of the New World! -- touted as the richest and wickedest city in all creation! Port Royal was the center of 17th century Caribbean commerce, a notorious safe harbor for pirates, and the site of our third flagship store, which was, sadly, destroyed in the earthquake of 1692. Spiced rum and ship’s wood mixed with the body-warmed trace of a prostitute’s perfume and a hint of salty sea air on the dry-down.


    Definite morpher- went from weird synthetic almond, to cheap bay rum, to the cinnamon scented wreathes you find around the holidays. I prefer the rum in Perversion, Elegba, or Kill-Devil over this.

  5. Definitely a humid scent, so doesn't work well if you like your summer scents to be clean and crisp. On me, the jasmine totally overwhelms the honeysuckle, and I was hoping it would go the other way around. Nice longevity though.

  6. This started off on me as a lovely golden peach, which rapidly disappeared and turned into something unpleasant that my SO described as "hamster mixed with New Age store".

  7. In the imp, a well balanced fruity floral, so well balanced I have trouble picking out individual notes. On my skin, it's mainly magnolia with a hint of sweetness from the peach and honey. If this series is based on a bordello, this is definitely your elegant, expensive courtesan. Perfect sillage, and I only have to re-apply once per day. So glad I splurged on a bottle as it's one of the few I can wear in the summer.

  8. Of my latest batch of imps, I was most excited to try this one. Honey? Check. Vanilla? Check check. Apparently, my skin doesn't agree with dragon's blood, because this smelled like a brand of baby powder created by a head shop. Just awful. I'll try aging to see if it improves.

  9. In the imp and wet, it was something generically fruity with a crisp, almost cucumber-like background (is this a gin martini?). Once it dried, it devolved into this horrific "berry medley" cheap air freshener sort of scent that held to the truism that if you hate it, it has inccredible sillage and longevity.

  10. In the imp, this smelled more like Sprite or ginger ale rather than champagne, and I couldn't detect strawberries at all. I still loved it though, really fun and effervescent. Unfortunately, my skin just drank it up (no pun intended), so not bottle worthy.

  11. Initially White Rabbit was this lovely crisp, gingery scent that was perfect for the oppressively humid day I was facing. Then the ginger and honey faded after 20 minutes and I was left with a sort of generic "fresh linen" that was not for me. Too bad, because I was loving the top notes.

  12. I love BPAL's peach and boozy notes, but this did not work for me at all. It came across as cheap, chemical, generic fruit. I had a tough time picking out any single note. The SO had an equally adverse reaction-simply wrinkled his nose and said "Ew." Luckily it defied the truism that if you hate it, it will have incredible throw and longevity- vanished within a couple of hours.

  13. Picked this one up based on recommendations that this was a good summer perfume in terms of longevity and throw (and because I was raised as an old school Catholic in Louisiana). Initially, I had a hard time distinguishing any notes other than watery cucumber. After about an hour it smelled predominantly of an old fashioned rose based floral perfume. Not my style.
