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Posts posted by ForeverLastcXs

  1. Oh god, I love this! I wore this today and couldn't stop sniffing my wrists. Strangely enough, this one smells a lot like Marshmallow Poof on me - think the Poof with creamy floral undertones, perhaps more "grown-up" Poof and less "sweet, sticky little girl" Poof if you've ever tried it. As I love MM Poof, this one is also a big hit for me. I will cherish my bottle forever and forever!

  2. This is definitely Tamamo-No-Mae's sister scent. Since I only have half a bottle of TNM left, I'm thrilled that La Vague has come into existence. It will make a great substitute for TNM once it's gone, but even on its own, it's a brilliant scent with its own personality and "life." Very beautiful, sweet, and syrupy with enough delicious peach to make my mouth water for one. Mmmmm.

  3. Most rose scents go horribly wrong on me; think powdery, dusty, "old lady with fading sense of smell" rose. It's bad. Really bad. This rose scent, however, is a surprise winner. I'm impressed! I was doubtful I'd find a rose that would work on me. This smells just like a lush, bright red rose in full bloom surrounded by vibrant, fragant, dewy leaves. The throw is incredibly strong on me - my skin amps rose like crazy, and most of the time that isn't a good thing. This one borders on a tad too strong, but I'll just have to remember to be less generous with my slathering hands when it comes to Rose Red. It becomes more beautiful and full-bodied as it dries down. Unless this takes a drastic turn (and I hope not), I will definitely be keeping this.

  4. Luckily none of these appeal to me. There are a couple I'm interested in trying, but nothing that looks like a must-have right now. I only live about two hours from Hershey, PA, so if I ever make it to East Coast Will Call maybe I can try a bottle or two. I was loving the sound of La Vague until I saw that it has rose in it, which is an absolutely deal-break for me. Wezwanie/Hold looks really interesting though. I'd like to try it eventually. :P

  5. I was lucky to snag a half-decant of those from a sale!


    Unfortunately (or fortunately, for my nerves and my wallet), CR does not live up to the hype for me. It is a lovely scent but it is too sickly-sweet for my tastes. Very reminiscent of the Knave of Hearts, which did the same thing on my skin. Off to a better home with you, Crumpet!

  6. Mmm, this DOES smell like a marshmallow! I agree with the above posters - there is a somewhat fruity tinge to it, but at the same time, it's very sugary and "pink" smelling. It's sweet but not too sweet, fading into a soft, beautiful vanilla sugar, reminding me of why I'd rather smell like a marshmallow than eat one (unless it's burnt). :P I am very pleased with Puddin's selection for me. I will definitely be keeping this one around!

  7. Yeah, I knew I shouldn't have tried this one, being late for the Snake Charmer party and all. I love this, unfortunately. It's definitely the sister to Mme Moriarity, only a bit less musky to my nose. I suppose I'll have to covet this dear little half-imp as long as I can.

  8. This is a gorgeous autumn scent! It reminds me a lot of Harvest Moon, actually. The apple blossom and blackberry are predominant on my skin, and they're lovely, but I can just as easily use HM to achieve a similar scent. Since this blend is so rare and hard to find, I'm glad I'm not totally crazy about it!

  9. Oh, this is gorgeous! I am glad I ordered a bottle! I had a feeling that I would like it and am so glad that feeling was right. At first sniff, it smells slightly fruity and remains the same on my skin. It smells like a ripe, juicy peach. I'm in agreement with Jilara here; it didn't turn out quite to be what I expected given the list of notes, but nevertheless, I love it! I'll be wearing this one a lot.

  10. At first sniff I get rose. Oh no, this blend is probably not going to like me. I ordered a bottle of this against my better judgment. Most of Beth's rose blends don't work on me, but some do - it all depends on the rose. If I remember correctly, Bulgarian rose is one of the ones that does not.


    Luckily, on my skin, the rose calms down and starts to blend in with the other elements. I'm still not terribly adept at singling out certain notes, but the rose is not as strong as me as it has been in other blends.


    This is fading quickly. It's a very light, pretty, unique scent, but I'm not sure that it's for me. I will have to give this one a couple more tries before I decide to swap it away.

  11. Numb was definitely NOT what I was expecting when I first wore it. I was a bit disappointed, to be honest, but the more I wear it, the more I like it. This is definitely a very icy scent - frozen violets, perhaps? There is a definite floral note...the scent of an ice-encrusted flower standing alone in the heart of winter. This isn't a scent I'd wear out, but so far I'm loving it on these humid spring days in my ridiculously hot apartment. It's very refreshing and calming, and I'm glad I have this. It's probably not a bottle I'll seek out again when I'm almost out, but I'm certainly keeping what I have!

  12. RED HOTS! Seriously, this smells exactly like those little cinnamon candies, and even though I'm not fond of eating cinnamon candy, I LOVE the smell of them. Weird, right? Anyhow, I love this scent. It is spicy, hot cinnamon, and did I mention how much I love cinnamon? I will be putting this on my list of 5 mls to purchase.

  13. I haven't tried death adder yet, but I love Boomslang, Temple Viper and Saw-Scaled Viper. Except for Boomslang, I have bottle of those, as well as Cottonmouth and Asp Viper. Boomslang is the most Snake Oil-y of them, as I've seen many people mention before. I'm afraid that I couldn't pick up much of the chocolate scent on my skin - it was almost straight up Snake Oil for me. I LOVE Temple Viper, but not everyone takes well to sweet, sugary scents like I seem to. Saw-Scaled Viper is one of those blends that doesn't smell too appealing in the bottle, but on my skin it's terrific! Then again, I'm a sucker for cinnamon. :P

  14. I'm absolutely IN LOVE with Faiza! The more I wear her, the more I love her. *sigh*


    I feel like some sort of feral jungle woman with this on. It's reminiscent of the hot, wet jungle - leafy green trees, lush orange pulp, and fragrant flowers. It's very sexy and slinky, and a perfect representation of who Faiza is. I feel so seductive and predatory with this on.

  15. This is gorgeous! The pear is the most dominant scent on my skin, with light floral notes underneath. It has wonderful throw and staying power - I've been wearing it for over 10 hours now and when I put my nose to my wrist I can still smell it without difficulty. I love this blend so much! It is a definite must-buy in bottle form!

  16. In the imp: yikes! I really didn't like the smell of this in the imp, so much so that I almost didn't even want to try it out. Too bitter, dry, and almost masculine.


    On the skin: Much better! It's still sharp and spicy, but very warm and sexy, and not nearly as bitter as it smelled in the imp. It's much more feminine now. The cinnamon is the most prominent note on my skin, and I absolutely LOVE cinnamon, so I'm pleased. :D


    This is a lovely blend, and proof that first sniffs can be deceiving. I'll keep my imp, but I'll have to wear it another time or two to decide whether or not I want a bottle.


    ETA: I now love this blend so much that I ordered a full bottle. It just arrived today, and I applied it right after I got out of the bath, which probably wasn't a good idea. OW OW OW OW OUCH! My wrists have been burning like crazy for the past 10 minutes or so, but my level of devotion to Saw-Scaled Viper is so high that even that's not discouraging me. Now it's beginning to calm down a bit and cooperate with my angry, red wrists. Yay. :D I love this blend! And hey, I have to admit, I do like a little pain with my pleasure from time to time. :P
