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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stubbornfire

  1. When I tested this I got vanilla sandalwood, and...well that's about it! The vanilla smell was very creamy, not sharp and not foodie (thankfully!). I'd say it was soft, but it was a stronger smell than that. So.. Yeah creamy I guess, like the texture not the food. No cedar or frankincense but also no plastic some other reviewers have mention!


    The throw wasn't very strong on me, nor did last but two or three hours, however I only applied a little and my skin chemistry just eats up bpal oils anyway.


    It's really nice, overall! Though I think I won't need a full bottle I might grab a partial, if I can, and let it age or play around with layering it a bit. 😊

  2. I didn't think I'd ever like something with juniper and oakmoss in as much as I like this hair gloss. It's Super well blended, to the point where I don't really get any individual notes, just a gorgeous scent altogether. I didn't even realize there was a lemon note or tobacco!


    It's very cool and very clean smelling, without being medicinal, or herb-y, the way some 'clean' scents can be to me. I love putting it on after showering, along with with either Black Forest (pine to gorgeous powder-y) or Bram Stroker (hot guy freshly cleaned up). 😍

  3. Got a frimp of this today from an ebay purchase, and boy was tthat nice of them cause this is gorgeous. Like hot guy fresh out of a shower with some kind of something excellent going on with his soap or aftershave or both. Wow.


    I really don't know much about the individual notes but I definitely don't get any of the hay I've smelled in other scents. Love what all the rest of these notes are doing though.


    The only shame is that apparently my skin devours perfume Oils, especially mmasculine scents. Maybe half an hour after applying, it's already almost totally gone.

  4. A very sweet, feminine scent. It's largely rose and vanilla, when it's first on and as it dries. Once it does, however, it gets to be a bit harder to pick out notes separately? They mix very well. I don't know what orris or benzoin smell like, but there's almost a candy sort of sweetness to this when it's dried that I'm chalking up to the benzoin after having googled its uses.


    There's... kind of.. kind of a something in the background I know must be the frankincense, but I don't get the usual 'frankincense' smell from it. It's sort of like if there was a vanilla ice cream cone scented incense stick. I don;t get any sort of coconut anything, which is fine; this is a sweet, light-hearted perfume just as it is. Something I'd wear in the summer maybe, to an amusement park or something.

  5. Someone very kindly sent me a half bottle of this as a thank you for a small favor I did for them, and I am so super grateful. It smells just beautiful, absolutely gorgeous.


    I've figured out that incense scents are my thing, I guess, and this is very much an incense scent. First on, and continuing that's the dominant smell. It's a sort of... like when you have to leave somewhere before your cone/stick is done burning and you extinguish it and you get the scent plus smoke? It's got a bit of sweetness to it as well, which I guess is either the bay rum or it and the rose together; I don't get any rose by itself.


    It's so lovely.

  6. I am super grateful to the person who just sold me this bottle, cause this scent is gorgeous. Lots of leather, with something sharp I am guessing is the tobacco. I don't know enough about how cognac or blonde tobacco smell on their own to really be specific about all the notes but gosh it's all gorgeous. and it's the first scent I've bought to have something resembling a 'don't fuck with me' vibe, and I needed that today. 10/10 would buy again and again if given the chance.

  7. Smells really warm in the bottle, and continues to be so when on. I get mostly amber and frankincense from it, but it's uh... not sure how to word it. It's like those two scents are being propped up by something soft and bright in the background.


    The more it dries, the more I think I can catch bits of rose from that background mix, but it's still primarily an incense-y amber/frankincense blend. Very, very pretty; so glad I got a hold of a bottle. Definitely worth locating a back up bottle some time.

  8. Pure, 100% rose, and nothing else. It's beautiful, and a relief that it comes through so clearly after another rose-focused scent didn't smell of them at all for me. The smell is very strong, and never fades back to let any other scent come through, either - it's just all rose, all the time. I do wonder how the incense/rose would smell (I bet it's nice too) but I've wanted a strong rose smell for a while now and won't complain one bit now that I have one.

  9. The Phoenix soars through a summer thunderstorm: Nepalese amber, galangal, red musk, saffron, ozone, and the scent of hot rain striking pavement.


    Picked up an imp-in-original second hand and it's very... well sort of like laundry detergent.


    In the bottle I very much get amber and that ozone-y smell and it's very pretty; not much like rain, admittedly, but not soapy.


    On my skin, however, it smells like one of those scented candles labeled "Fresh Linens" or "Clean Towels" or whatever they like to call them. It's very much 'clothes straight from the washer' detergent-y smell.


    Overall - It's not bad! And since I don't have much of it anyway, I may as well keep it! Good to wear if I'm going somewhere and just want a light, "clean", scent.

  10. I read through 2-3 pages of reviews on this scent before deciding to pick it up from someone second hand, and while I'm not disappointed, I'm still not sure I'll be keeping it!


    It does have a beautiful, dark, calm sort of smell - not feminine, but not really masculine either; beautifully androgynous. Unfortunately, something in this also smells a lot like booze on me. Like a cheap wine or margarita or.. something. I love the incense-y smell I get close to my skin, but the booze smell is very prominent and it's what people near me pick up first. Okay at a party, maybe, but not fine 99% of the time.


    Will give it some time to settle on my skin a little more but I'm afraid I will be swapping/re-selling/just plain giving away my half-bottle.
