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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by stubbornfire

  1. I gotta start by saying 1: I will have to edit this in a couple of days when I've actually let it rest and chill out some and 2: That I bought it because it reminded me of a RPG OC I created and that I'm going to keep it for sure regardless of what it smells like for that fact alone. :')


    Cinnamon is definitely here, but sort of..idk sort of throughout the blend but also in the background? Like a good hostess, haha. There's something sort of wood-ish and something sweet, although it smelled more sour when I first applied it.


    It's definitely spicy more than resinous. Spicy and a bit woodsy. It's very phoenix-y. Warm and comforting without being safe or soft. I really like this a lot, hmm.


    I can honestly say I don't know how often I will wear this. It almost feels like it kind of should have a purpose when worn, sort of like a TAL oil or a spell component. This could just be because I associate the name so strongly with a character of mine :') so take that with a big grain of salt?


    I do think I need more though. This sort of thing, I'm sure I'll have purpose for it often enough. And it's lovely either way so.

  2. Pomegranate soap.


    It was almost a bit powdery when first applied and that almost had me liking it! But after about 15 minutes or so it's all pomegranate all the time, with just a bit of a soap-y feel, although that could be due entirely to this reminding mw of soap at a friends house she always had she we were younger.


    YMMV on the soap front but if you love pomegranate stick it out for the not quite powdery scent on application. This is allllll pomegranate. Personally I need to go wash it off. ;( but I will pass my imp on!

  3. This is a pretty floral. I don't get any tea whatsoever - just light but fresh and fragrant florals. Someone on pg 1 said it was sort of like grapefruit, and I agree completely. Cherry blosom and grapefruit.


    It's so pretty, I am almost tempted keep my imp of it, even though it doesn't suit me at all. I will probably pass it on though. 😊

  4. The berries are in the background! It's primarily sage and green tea and maybe a touch of musk? If I look for berries I can find them, but I am pleasantly surprised at how well they are behaving, and not doing a fruit explosion on me.


    This is weirdly pretty, and the first scent in a while that while I'm not sure if I'll wear it, I'm also not sure I want to pass it on.


    I'll have to try it again in a week or two before deciding.

  5. You know fir and pine notes are really not my jam in general..but this just smells really fresh. Like, this is what pine sol is going for but falls short of. It's a genuinely Fresh scent.



    I do mostly get fir and pine! So if you despise those notes, definitely don't add this to your cart. But the other notes are all playing chorus in the background together and it does a nice job of making this pretty and light and not heavy or super masculine at all.


    I'm afraid I may need a whole bottle eventually.../shakes fist. For now, however, I am gonna try to save my goblin sample for when i get done unpacking boxes and washing all the linens. Then I'll open up the window, spray this about the room, and just chill in the prettiness.


    Thank you Puddin' and goblins! Never would have tried this if it hadn't come tossed in!

  6. I have no idea what's in this, but it's incredible. I can't tell you what's in it, and a lot of the notes others are mentioning aren't showing up on me at all. So prepare yourself for the most helpful review EVER.


    It is a bit spicy - it's androgynous but maybe a bit masculine leaning? There's something in here that is doing a very perfume-y thing keeping it from being all masculine though.


    This is going to drive me nuts because I KNOW this smell - or part of it - from another blend and could try to work out ingredients that way. But I can't think of what that other blend is.


    It's warm when I stop sniffing from right against my arm and sit back a bit. Not warm in a Sunbird way, but warm in a...darn tried to trick myself into remembering that other blend's name.


    Oh. It's Luperci. Something in AA is warm and cuddly like Luperci (2007 specifically). AA, however, is softer and Luperci starts very sharp. That's what this is reminding me of! No wonder I love it so much. If it's not the same ingredient, it's a cousin.


    It's different enough that I will definitely hunt more down, money and less pressing blends permitting. It's similar enough that I can grab either one and have a lovely, comforting blend to wear. Win win win.

  7. Sassafras has no chill. It just sort of jumps you as soon as you apply this. Fortunately, it's followed soon after by some things that are soft and relaxed. I guess lilac and chamomile? I think I'm catching some vetiver but no smoke or red musk.


    Oh, yeah, that's vetiver, it starts to step up a bit after applying, nice. Still no vanilla or fig or musk, but the sassafras has calmed down just a tad and is mixing really nicely with the other present notes.


    I'm not too worried about what hasn't shown up yet, as what has is really interesting. I can't say pretty, exactly, but it's really neat. It's not very strong on my skin, but that's no surprise. It's a bummer that it feels like it's going to fade extremely fast, but it's a nice scent. Sort of brash but huggable.


    I don't think I'll need a bottle, though I may just end up getting one anyway if the Pretty Deadly scent line keeps working out for me, for completeness' sake.


    3/3 so far. B)

  8. Oh, neat. I don't like chocolate in my scents - I don't like foodie anything. This is but isn't like that. When I think about and go sniffing for it, it reminds me a bit of tootsie roll pops. But then there's the other ingredients going FOODIE? WHAT? NO FOOD HERE HAHA.... While nervously elbowing cacao to back the hell up. It's strong and sort of fresh and a bit like a tootsie pop. It's so weird. That is, apparently, the theme for the scents I am trying today. Weird but good, oddly enough. At least until it starts to dry down.


    Something goes a little off in this as it dries down. Or something+something+my skin chemistry, since all these notes (-caocao) should be wonderful. It just smells...vague and not good. Gosh I hate to say this but it smells vaguely like someone didn't wash their hands very well after they went to the bathroom.


    I'm gonna go wash my hands/arms very well, and hang onto this to try one more time before passing it along. Ugh. ;(

  9. First on it's, very disappointing. I can't pick out anything, at all. I mean, red musk, a bit vaguely, but mostly because I knew to look for it.


    No tea, no leather, no vanilla, nothing. And it's incredibly light; my skin is kicking the soldier's ass I guess. It's really just barely anything. A light, hardly feel it, musk.


    After a little time, some pepper starts to shuffle forward, and something very faint that just might be tea. A while longer, and....that might be cream? Or..or pie??


    Oh god it's both. Red musk and cream and pie. And pepper close up. Still no leather but that is just fine.


    This is the weirdest scent I've ever tried. God I keep sniffing myself and it smells so crazy but good also?? Gonna bottle hunt, hopefully will catch a couple. This is so crazy but I think I might adore it.


    Idk how far back people read reviews but if anyone is reading mine, just make sure you give the Soldier a bit of time. Like twenty minutes or so at least. Definitely a slow start , and definitely an oil I enjoy sniffing away from my arm instead of nose-pressed-to-it position. What a thing though.


    EDIT--- aaaand there's the leather! It's up close with the pepper and some of the musk. I am confused but delighted by how much I love this.

  10. This is seriously wonderful, uugghh. I complain mention every so often that my skin really just obliterates BPAL oils, so they never smell very strongly or last very long, so this one was a pleasant surprise!


    First on, it's actually a but unpleasant. It smells a bit amber-y but somehow wet, sorta bubbly. I guess that's the champagne like thing others have mentioned (never had any, so I wouldn't know!). If you make it past that, however, you next get hit with...i guess it's whatever makes the musk grey and the carrot seed! It's not watery, but it is wet. I'm sorry - I know that doesn't help, but I don't know how else to describe it. It's not unpleasant here, it's just not what I expected from musk and amber either (but, again, I have no idea what makes a musk grey).


    Finally, everything sort of settles down to a powdery amber, lots of powdery amber, with the musk settling behind and having amber's back. There's a something else to the scent - carrot seed I guess - when I put my nose close, and I'm guessing that's helping the amber-powder not be as plain as a single note of it would be.


    It stayed on my skin for a good three hours? or so, and I caught whiffs of it every so often as I moved around getting things done. I wouldn't say it really has throw on me - you still would have to have been pretty in my bubble to have caught it - but compared to other scents this just lasted and lasted.


    So, very pretty, powdery amber with a bit of flavor, and it lasts! Will have to keep my eyes out for a bottle.

  11. I knew I'd love this, but I hesitated when some reviews mentioned a hint of lemon- I'm not big on lemon scents unless it's a cleaner. :|. Should have trusted my gut sooner.


    I really can't pick out any notes individually - it says fougere with tea and that's what I get! But uhm..it's not the *smell* of tea it's an impression of tea. It smells like being in a bright room, lots of sunshine, and someone just set a cup of tea down on your table for you. That's what this smells like - the sound of a teacup and saucer being set down for you by someone. And maybe there's a handsome gent wearing something light nearby but you only really catch a bit if it when a breeze passes through.


    This is not very helpful, sorry. But 31 or so pages in I'm sure other people have helped more! I also don't know how old this imp is, so.


    No tea, no sugar, no lemon distinctly - just a lovely impression of a lovely afternoon.


    Edit- aha, must be the musks! I do love musks...also there IS a hint of vanilla. Kind of reminds me of the drydown of Theodosius! Not foodie though, just lovely.

  12. It's a bit perfume-y when I first apply it, and that had me a bit worried!


    But, as it dries it's primarily rose and frankincense, but with a little something extra? I don't know if it's the oude or the hyssop, but one of those is keeping thus from being either overwhelming rose (not that I would mind!) or overwhelming incense-y (again, not that I would mind).


    So it is primarily those two, but while they're the bulk they're noticeably not the whole! It's very pretty- very soft and sort of gentle. I don't think I would have expected this from a doc Frankenstein inspired scent, but it fits its name perfectly. I love it and the bottle art quite a bit.

  13. I get the tiniest faintest bit of orange and pretty much nothing else. And, I know my chemistry devours bpal and makes it stick close to my skin, but this was ridiculous. From the second it was on I could barely smell it, and it lasted...idk half an hour? Huge disappointment. Hopefully will be able to rehome :/

  14. Ugh. When first sprayed this did have that smoke/snuffed out candle smell and was lovely. But a few hours later it just smells like some sweet baked goods got burnt. Not even burnt burnt so that I still get smoke either- just an overpowering overly sweet smell like...idk sugar?


    I'm sorry, truly, but it's super sweet and super awful to me. Gonna have to stick to decants starting next payday cause my wallet can't keep taking hits from things that I end up hating.

  15. This has only rested for about half a day (to hell with patience), so with that in mind:


    I can't pick anything out! ...wait, I lied- I think I found the bay rum? Must be. I think I recognize it from st johns eve. There's something bright in this too- "seaman's chypre" I'd guess. No red currant,no tea rose. There's kind of a deep-ish groundedness I'd blame on the patchouli and/or the dark woods, but nothing like that makes itself known specifically.


    So.. Mostly just a sailor's cologne type of thing, though a bit grounded. God it's gorgeous. I will definitely need more.



    EDIT: Oh frick, there's the amber and the rose! It just went from 'hey this is pretty nice' to a I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED. Hahaha, oh dear.. I wish my chemistry didn't devour bpal so thoroughly. I wish I could smell like this all day.

  16. I tried this first before i left for work, and it had only had about ~4ish hours to rest. So i am trying it again after giving it about ~7 hours more. I know- I'm so patient; good on me. 😇


    First in: Almost herb-y, or plants in dry ground-y. Makes sense right? I really can't pick out anything individually but I don't have much experience with that.


    It stays that way for a while, but then something starts to peek through- cinnamon? I think? Desert plant life-y and cinnamon, though only just a bit.


    Drying: Red sandalwood. There is still some plantishness in the background but it is having to try hard to be heard, smelt rather, over the red sandalwood.


    This is the same result I got earlier in the day with one difference: This is Hey I'm red sandalwood; let's spend some time together. And earlier was: RED SANDALWOOD RED SANDALWOOD HIIIII. Hahaha. Maybe I amp it? Maybe it just needs to rest a while longer.


    But honestly, who cares either way? This is fantastic, and I will definitely need more of it. Especially since mine was bottle only, no book! Much, much more.😈

  17. Edit to add i believe this us the 2008 version.


    Wet it's lip balm! It's like Magus' wet stage all over again! Except this one actually has beeswax in.


    As it settles some on my skin, however, I can't pick out much individually anymore. I think I can find the oakmoss and the juniper, and the beeswax is still there! But the rest is just sort of a jumble. A comforting jumble though. You'd feel good and safe in the arms of someone who smelled like this; it smells like they'd take good care of you. They're probably also gorgeous and will make you want to kiss them.


    Yep, that's my review. Safe, comforting, kiss somebody. Hahaha.

  18. Fresh on it's patchouli and heliotrope all the way. Love it. As it dries, im getting something strong and tart. Very strong and tart! It's more earthy too, which i point at oakmoss for. I'm unfamiliar with copal? So I'm just gonna blame it for the tartness. Not a love, but still a like.

    It smells like.. Getting more and more and being happy briefly, until that high wears off and yiu gotta have more and more to get it back. That's what it reminds me off. The sweetness underneath, cause it's lovely stuff! But the tartness of happiness fading and gimme more gimme more.

    Not sure how often I'll wear it, but it's like the lab captured a personal fault of mine in a bottl- well, imp. I may just wear it to remind myself to chill the spending and find healthier, more financially sound ways to deal with being bummed out! Hahaha.

  19. Someone frimped me this, and it's like could you have done me more of a solid? I think not, cause this is tops. Sniffed it in the imp and decided it was a keeper, but checked the notes as I layered it on my hands and now I see why! Hello frankincense; how are you dearest? Playing gorgeously with cinnamon, clearly! I wasn't certain what to expect from violet - never had blend with it in before! But gosh it sure loves the other two in here!


    It's spicy! And a bit incense-y, but there's something lightening it up - tone wise, if that makes sense. The violets are prettying it up bur not making it airy light in a smell sense - it's still deep and dark and oh I bet a lady ruler would wear this. Someone like Cersei would wear this! Gosh I love it. /adds to will need to purchase eventually list!!

  20. Oh! Hm. Fresh on this was lip balm. Plain, maybe beeswaxy, lip balm. I almost stuck it un my pile if stuff to frimp. But it's settling some, and I'm finally getting....well, cedar, a bit. And I think I can recognize the sandlewood now. It's... Well I'm not sure. Very light. It's very.. Clean. Not in a "freshly showered and slapped on some cologne" way like my buddy Bram, but just..just freshly showered. Light, fresh, just a touch of incense. I'd cuddle the heck out of a dude that smelled like this. I'm just not sure if I'd wear it myself!. HM..

  21. Sweet, incense-y goodness. It's blended very well - the red is strong but not dominant! The saffron gives it a smooth resinous-y feel and the honey lightens it all up a bit;makes it sweet but not foodie in any way.



    Very professional and technical review there, mhm, yes. Gosh so grateful to the lovely person that passed me a freebie sample of this. I'm kicking myself for having missed it! It's perfection combined with my Fenris Wolf/Snake Oil concoction.

  22. I knew I'd love this, but I told myself to hush and let it dry down some and see if it morphs at all, etc. It doesn't - it's beautiful and I love it to pieces.


    I don't get most of the notes individually when wet. It's all just a very - well, to borrow from the first reviewer, "warm and smooth" blend. Almost hot, honestly. Not a 'sexy' hot but it's.. Like a not unpleasantly hot summer day, somewhere with tall grasses growing, kind of scent.


    The more it dries I think I get a bit of leather, but the big players are the sage, balsam, bark, and a bit of tobacco.


    I can see this becoming a comforting and strengthening scent for myself. I always wear my perfumes for myself primarily, but there are still ones that I wear more than others to places like work. I know that these are generally unobtrusive and 'clean' smelling scents unlikely to upset anyone/most likely to appeal to most people. I would wear Sarah anywhere. And I would wear her for me. And I would not give a single damn who liked it or what anyone thought about it. Bad days, weak days, sad days, I think Sarah will help a lot.


    I will definitely remember to get a bottle when I can. And a back up bottle. Or three.

  23. I wanted to like this - as it starts to dry a bit I can catch the oakmoss and red patchouli trying to rein in these loud ass florals some but they are just not tough enough to do it. They're not even tough enough to properly co-star. I don't get a distinct cedar smell at all, so white-floral lovers if you were worried, you may not need to be.


    It's very much jasmine, but there's plenty of magnolia and gardenia too, just...not enough of anything else!


    It's driving me up the wall because it's just so goddamn PRETTY, but it's also just very not "me". I'm wondering if a bit if aging will toughen up the patch and moss' game a little...


    Despite everything I've said, I can't bring myself to put my decant in the pass along pile. Maker preserve me I might even need a bottle....

  24. Goooorgeous.


    In the imp, it's a dry cherry.. Like a cherry incense. I guess that's the patchouli? (you can see how little I really know about anything notes/scents related from all of my plague reviews, haha).


    On my skin, it's something different- it's woodsy, but a sweet woodsy smell. The cherry is gone completely and it's just this sweet woodsy smell! Googling says that is likely the labdanum or it and the opoponax.


    It's not what I expected from smelling it wet, but I think I really like both stages equally. If I can manage a bottle of this before they disappear I will certainly try. I'd love to see what a bit of age does to this. :D

  25. This is so, so gorgeous and I will definitely have to get a hold of more than just my decant's worth!


    In the imp I get the leather, red musk and..I want to say the saffron. On my skin it's everything together and it gets hard to pick out anything specific for long - one sniff is brown musk and spicyness, the next is red musk and leather, etc etc.


    It's a little spicy, a lot musk-y, with a touch of leather. Full on gorgeous. Love, love, love it. ❤


    Spoke too soon... Not even half an hour later the whole things died down to brown musk and saffron. It's still rather nice, but Strong, and I miss the red musk and leather. 😣
