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Posts posted by RayneofCastamere

  1. Oil: Light yellow, thin and runny. Be careful when applying.


    Wet: Skittles! Lovely, happy, sugary Skittles! Skittles you eat at the movie theater during the happy part of a Disney movie. This smells like candy in the best way.


    Dry: Faded down a bit. Still wonderfully sugary and fruity, but in a less candy-like way.


    Way later: The scent's only on my skin now and I have to hold my wrists right under my nose to smell. Still very sweet. I know I've smelt something like this before but i can't remember what.


    As Jenjin stated above, this is what bottled happiness smells like. If my Beanie Baby unicorn with the rainbow mane and tail had a smell, it would be this.

  2. A bit similar to Snake Oil, but with a cherry bubblegum kick. At least it does for me immediately after putting it on. The bubblegum-ish smell went away after about a minute. Not sure if I miss it or not. Still a nice scent. Powdery (not baby powder, this is grown-up powder) cherry candy with a little red musk to spice it up. This is what vintage sunglasses, red lollipops, and Blondie music smells like.

  3. Soft, sensual honey. Like a softer version of Hetairae, really. Hetairae's what you wear when you want to be noticed; Womb Furie's what you wear when you want to relax with your own awesome self. Very nice.

  4. 2015's version came in today!


    In bottle: Rose+alcohol. Like someone made booze out of a rose. Fitting.


    Wet: Rose+SKIN. It's like my normal skin scent, except rose and amped up to eleven. Like what I would smell like if I got my genes spliced up with a rose's, Spider-Man style. It's making me picture the Queen from Snow White as some sort of rose that got turned human. That would be an interesting take on the tale.


    Dry: Skin. Rosy skin. Filthy sweaty rosy skin in the best way. This is a debauched rose queen. Way different than I thought she was gonna be, but I like her. This is fine on its own, but I bet it's fantastic combined with other scents.

  5. Taken from my entire collection, because I couldn't bear to choose, here are my top 5.


    1. Musks-19 (That was a helluva shock)

    2. Vanilla and Amber-10 (Tie)

    3. Sandalwood and Rose-9 (Another Tie)

    4. Clove-6 (Another I didn't see coming)

    5. Frankincense-5


    I wonder what the ultimate combo of these would be?

  6. In frimp: The gardening, patio furniture, outdoors section of a home improvement store. With a hint of leather. Yeah.


    Wet: Ooh, more spicy leather, less Lowe's. Nice. Kind of like a saddle that's been forgotten in a forest for a day or two. I'll be back to edit once it's dried.


    Dry: Just faint leather with only a hint of something...plant. Not terrible, but not something I'll really wear.


    EXTRA NOTE: I tried to cover this up with a little Snake Oil, but the scents sort of blended instead and now I've got what Snake Oil would smell like if it were worn all day by a rugged cowboy/cowgirl. Actually, it's more like if BPAL's Scarecrow had a sexy older brother. So if you have a chance to mix Red Rider and Snake Oil on your pulse-points, do it. Sensual and comforting all at once.

  7. In bottle: Nice slap of wet clay and winter air. Reminds me of the smell I got when making a stop while driving to the grandparents' for Christmas and smelling the chilled air and the mud from the snow, except with just a hint of...spice to it? That's the best I got. Maybe the musk.


    Wet: Much softer now that it's on the wrist. The musk is much stronger now, softening the earth and blending with it.


    Dry: Like an earthier, muskier Zombi, to be honest. It's a strangely soothing scent, with just a hint of danger lurking at the bottom. I really enjoy it. I might have to get more dirt scents because they really work well, at least on me. Lovely.

  8. In bottle: Dust on plums, something rotting. In a good way. An excellent haunted house scent.


    Wet: A bit of the same, only much smokier. Even though it smells much differently than Blood Kiss, I'm getting that same "vibe." You know, darkly sensual with a hint of danger. My skin's really bringing out the smoke in this one. I smell like an evil high priestess who's spent a little too much time around the fires of her human sacrifices. Nice.


    Dry: This has softened down a lot into a smoky incense with a hint of floral to soften it. The rose is just barely there to soften the edges a bit. Very lovely. Very dark. Like the revenant of a once glamorous grand dame has been woken from her slumber, shaking off the dust of decades, by some soon-to-be-hunted fool.

  9. In the Bottle: Tree and cold air. Does anyone else notice that cold air has a smell? Or is it just me?


    Wet: Sandalwood's coming out now; very nice. Amber's there too, but still in the background, which serves the overall scent well. And now the musk. YES.


    Dry: Slightly musky, even a little leathery. Masculine, but not in a way that makes me not want to wear it. It fades a bit as time goes on, but that's fine. Makes it seem more like a my-own-smell-but-wilder-and-sexier scent. My go-to "I'm feeling wild today" BPAL oil. I wanna go howl at the moon every time I wear it.

  10. Ah, the infamous Snake Oil. I'm excited to finally be able to try out this one.


    This is a brand new bottle and I've heard it really transforms as it ages, so I might review this again in like a few months or so.


    -In Bottle: Warm, spicy, sugary vanilla. Very nice.


    -Wet on Wrist: A little mustier than was expecting. Not in an unpleasant way, though. It's a good musty, if that makes any sense.


    -Dry: It's turned into Alice. Didn't see that coming. It smells like Alice does on me, at least the Alice in the frimp I got. This is NOT a complaint as I love how that smells on me. It's got a touch of spice to it, but it's still mostly Alice. Absolutely lovely.


    I really like this. Can't wait to let it age a bit and see how it develops!




    One month later and presto change-o, Snake Oil's transformative power has come through!


    A nice sweet and spiced vanilla, ohhhh so very nice. Add one more to the Snake Oil aficionado pile.

  11. Like everyone above has said, it's a very sexy forest scent. It's very dark and sensual, like the name suggests, and the amber I think is the note that does a lot to sex it up. This is still a dark and haunted forest, but one where you're more likely to run into a flirty satyr than a ghoul.

  12. You have no idea how happy I was to get this in the mail today!


    In the bottle: Like the above reviewers have said, this is VERY much a gardenia scent.


    Wet: Still a boom of gardenia. There's a hint of incense in there as well, likely the frankincense. Will come back in a bit to comment on the dry and settled down scents.


    Dry: The frankincense is really showing up now. The vanilla orchid's there, but it acts more to smooth out the gardenia and frankincense than to stand out on it's own.


    Very, very lovely stuff. I keep smelling my wrist!

  13. If anybody is watching Marvel's Agent Carter, Hayley Atwell has gone on record saying that her character wears a perfume very like Bésame's Decades of Fragrance: 1940, which is described thus:


    After prohibition, NYC jazz club, 1940s Aromatic, Floral, Ambery

    Top notes: bergamot, cognac, davana

    Heart notes: rose, clove, labdanum

    Base notes: sandal wood, amber, benzoin

    I would love to smell like Peggy Carter! Does anyone have any suggestions?


    I tried to look for ones with similar scents, but given the different blends, who knows how similar they'd be? Eh, worth a shot. The closest I can find, kinda sorta are:


    Moscow - "A rich, bold blend of imperial rose, carnation, lush jasmine, lily of the valley, dark musk, amber, bergamot and gilded tangerine."

    The Little Wooden Doll - "rose-infused amber and soft golden sandalwood."

    For Each Ecstatic Instant - "velvet-red roses and sensual aged patchouli with night-blooming jasmine, caramelized bourbon vanilla, labdanum, black amber, and oudh."

    The above is a limited scent, so if it sounds good to you, get it while the gettin's good.

    In Templum Dei - "Oman frankincense, cistus labdanum, white sandalwood, and liquid ambar."

    Lady Death: Savage - "White musk, grey amber, Calabrian bergamot, vanilla absolute, French labdanum, styrax, wormwood, caraway, and bois de jasmin."

    Bette Noir - "Benzoin, wild plum, smoky amber, bergamot, orange blossom, myrrh, and dark berries."

    Spooky Action at a Distance: "rose-infused sandalwood with violet leaf, frankincense, geranium rose, and a spark of elemi."


    And that's the best I could do. Hope this helps!
