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Posts posted by e_miche

  1. A celebration of three years of decadence, determination, death and rebirth. Red musk, tonka, Chinese cassia, mandarin, patchouli, benzoin, wild plum and tobacco.

    I'm going to break the trend here: To me, Red Phoenix is Sexy Beltane. Granted, I haven't smelled Blood Moon.

    Initially I was afraid of the red musk- I thought it would overpower it. But no. This is a gorgeous scent- not overly spicy on me (Snake Oil is spicier).
    To me, it exudes a quiet, yet powerful confidence- the kind you have when you've gone through the wringer and come out the other side stronger, and sexier.
    I'd love to see this become a catalog scent. But for now, I'm going to track down one or two more bottles.

  2. I cannot wait to order a full bottle of this.


    I love frankincense- love love love. It's hard for me to find something with frankincense in it that I don't like. That said- rose is often iffy. I love roses- but they often die on me. This did not. It was like walking with a bouquet of roses in a church right after a high mass. mmmmm. I can't believe that it took me so long to find this.

  3. I get pure rose, carnation, whiffs of vanilla and puffs of smoke here and there...


    I grinned when I opened the bottle- it was like sticking my head into the cooler at a florists' shop (I have a tendency to do that :P ). This is one of the few rose scents that doesn't turn into 'dead flowers" on me.


    Honestly- I love it- my immediate reaction was to twitch toward my computer to find another bottle (I haven't yet). I really do like this- it's certainly not overpowering- not even in the oppressive heat and the stuffy classrooms. I actually get to slather this on b/c it fades after about 3 hours on me. ::shrug::

  4. Upon opening the bottle, I first thought, "Ooh. This is a snuggle scent- to be worn at night"; and I loved it. It was all light floral goodness.


    But then I put it on. I loved it for a bit, and then I smelled soap. Flowers and soap.

    Now, 10 hours later, I think I smell lemon and soap- and the combination isn't working well on me. It's not bad, or even something that I really dislike, but it's just not clicking with my senses.


    I'm going to give it a few more tries and hope that it does click. If not, then off to swaps.

  5. I can't write a better review than metaldog's. It articulates everything I feel about Pink Moon (rather amazing, actually).


    It does have an initial hit of Sugar Skull, but the burnt sugar doesn't last nearly as long. It then "blooms" and I smell the flowers and the strawberry. I've always loved the smell of fresh strawberries, but had no idea that there was a way to smell like them- aside from smearing them all over me, and that's just not practical. After trying this, I knew that I had to try the other blends with strawberry.


    I only wish that I'd bought 2 bottles because I'm rationing it already.

  6. I've always been hesitant about fruity scents, but something told me to order a bottle of this, and then a second bottle when I saw that it was still available. I am so very glad that I did.


    Initially, I smell the pink pepper and the musks. Which is good...then eventually I start to smell the fruits, and finally the jasmine. Nothing truly stands out to me, aside from the pink pepper in the beginning and maybe some mango, but I love the blend. It honestly changed my opinion of fruity scents.


    As the days grow even hotter, I keep grabbing my bottle and smiling as I apply it.

  7. I tried to love it- as I generally love anything with clove; but this one... it just didn't work.


    The apricot started off faint, then I was hit with a wave of clove (come back!!!)-- then all I could smell was overwhelming apricot. A great scent for someone I'm sure- but it was sickly sweet on me.

  8. I'm so glad that I decided to gamble on Beltane- I usually never purchase w/o notes, but I'm so glad I did. In fact, within five minutes of putting it on, I started to hunt down more bottles. Up to two and a half bottles now- I definately want this to last me through the summer and hopefully longer!


    I wish I knew exactly what was in it- I don't think I could describe it better than Fulltiltredhead has though. Lasted about 8-10 hours on me as well.

  9. I quite like it on my skin. No cat pee here.


    I do find it vaguely reminiscent of Snake Oil- I was shocked to see that at least 1 person noticed that as well. I also get a strange citrus out of it every now and then, but on the whole, I like it.

    I need to at least get two more imps of it.

  10. Macha said it better than I ever will!


    It is definately spring down here, so I decided to try out different scents for the warmer weather...


    In the past, when I wore Intrigue, my only reaction was... FIG- lots of fig and something coconutty. But today? Sooo nice- I could finally smell the woods and cocoa, of course along with that fig- but it was just perfect. Also- It likes to morph from one thing to another on me as well.


    I'm considering putting this on my big bottle list.

  11. Bah. :P

    For some reason, The Unicorn smelled like Loreal Curl Spray- but minus the icky "hairspray" note on me. I liked it a lot when I first put it on, but after a few minutes I thought it smelled familiar. I sniffed and sniffed and then it hit me.


    Not unpleasant, but I just kept feeling as though I'd just hairsprayed my arms. Off to the swap box.

  12. How beautiful! This is an absolute beauty of a scent! As said above, it is a softly golden scent- diffused sunlight through the trees. It warms up gradually and envelops you - the memory of honeysuckle and kids on the playground. I used to escape the melee on the basketball/dodgeball/get smashed into the blacktop court by going off near the fences with 2 or 3 friends, talk about horses and the BabySitters Club ( :P ), and pick honeysuckle.


    All in all- a beautiful scent. I'm glad that it's warming up down here so that I can wear it properly.


    ETA: I ended up ordering a 5ml to wear this Spring/Summer.

  13. Initially, I loved it. All incense and carnation on me- I too decided to snuggle down and take a nap ('course, me being sick could have contributed to that).


    After a while, there was just something ...off. The incense got too strong, and the carnation started to smell as though they'd been left in the sun- It was incredibly disappointing because it started off so beautifully.

    This is off to the swap pile.

  14. Fallen won't create that void in your life, though, as it's an up-close, "nuzzle me," sinvitation sort of fragrance.


    I definately agree with the snuggle-up (more or less) idea.

    Not that it needs re-application (I did it just to enhance the notes so that I could review), when I first put it on, it reminded me of a mix of Masabakes and Water of Notre Dame - not a bad mix according to my nose.


    I'm not getting a lot of vetiver- or violet- but I suppose that's why they're "shadow-y"; they're very vague in the drydown. I am, however, getting a beautiful blend of sandalwood and musk -with whiffs of the amber every now and then. It's not as woodsy as I thought it might be- but beautiful nonetheless.


    I see why people would categorize it as masculine- but I'm a strange girl- and I love the smell of it on me.


    This will def. go in the " I at least need another imp" wishlist.

  15. On first sniff- patchouli. So much so, that I often end up jerking my nose away because of the strength of it. But upon drydown, it's all musk and myrrh. It's certainly not your typical patchouli either- at least not like the ones I've smelled. The ylang ylang peeks out every now and then, but to add an iota of lightness to the scent.


    On me, it is a dark, warm scent; not necessarily lust inducing, but rather cuddled up with the s.o., watching a naughty movie.


    As of now, the verdict is still out as to whether it gets a full bottle or not, but I'll enjoy the imp on those special days.


    Update 3/5/05: I had started to layer this with Penthus or Penitence to make it more... acceptable to my nose, but, in the end- it's too strong for me. Bah. Swap pile.

  16. This is the first imp I ever fell in love with, and the first 5ml I purchased!


    I'd worn Serendipitous and its cocoa/orange/vanilla combo was nice for a while, but too sweet in the end- Velvet came in as a perfect substitute.


    The sandalwood and myrrh give the cocoa a sensuality that so many other chocolate scents don't have. I don't even feel like I'm wearing cocoa- just something beautiful and sexy.

    My bf always says that he smells pipe tobacco when I first put it on, though that's not a complaint (thank god).

    It's definately a comfort scent, but it can also be a quiet seductress when it wants to be.

  17. Blood Kiss and Velvet are the two scents that taught me to rethink my vanilla repulsion. It figures that the lab would be the one to teach me that vanilla can be good!


    Blood Kiss is a gorgeous mix of vanilla, clove, and honey on me. I don't smell the cherries much, but the musk and wine are there- and the vetiver makes it just dark enough. mmm.... There's just something sexy about it; a sort of "I'm going to seduce you, but I'm not planning to" kind of thing.


    {Granted, that's not always the response you want, as my dad complimented me on it and then asked for details... including the name. I just couldn't bring myself to tell Mr. UltraConservative that the name was Blood Kiss....sigh- I felt like I was disowning the lab! } :P

  18. I also find it very subtle, but wonderful. It really really reminds me of the early days with my boyfriend- long periods of time in warm places with lots of love, lust, and satisfaction. In those days, I wore 1000 by Jean Patou, and this oil smells just like I did at the end of those afternoons. Every time I wear it, the smell brings me back to those days- the memories and emotions just hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm sure he'll have the same reaction when I wear it around him.... For me, the name is absolutely perfect! I'm just amazed with how it bring up the memories so well.




    Whee... first review!
