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Everything posted by Trassel

  1. Trassel


    I love this. I really really love this. I ordered an imp of it and... well... this might be my everyday scent. From the bottle, it smelt somehow... chemical, strong and fairly unpleasant. But I put it on regardless. It lasts forever! It smells like loved leather, like... polished leather. The slight steel notes makes me feel like I'm Conan the Barbarian or something, which is funny since I'm a skinny nerd in real life.
  2. Trassel


    I am a total noob at these things, so don't expect a very good review. Also I am a guy if that changes things in some way. This smells amazing. Somehow luxurious and sensual and elegant, and very sexy. I wouldn't call it especially feminine or masculine, but rather a unisex scent. Like what a very attractive person might smell like. Not a daytime scent, definitely nighttime. Dark and exquisite, heady, and somehow really sexy. I can smell something alcoholic, possibly the rum, a touch of leather, that sweetness that seems to be the tonka (I had no idea what tonka was, if it is this sweet vanilla-like smell then I'm a fan), something exotic too. If it were a song it'd be this one.
  3. Trassel

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Hello, I'm new to BPAL and these forums, and also very clueless about perfumes and such things. I'm 20, male and from Sweden. 5'7" and built like a hobbit (sans hairy feet, thankfully). My hair is medium to dark brown and my eyes are blue-grey-green and seem to shift colour based on the light and what I'm wearing. My zodiac sign is Gemini and I was born in the year of the Dog. Generally I look like a scruffy hobo, though I can dress nicely if I must. I pretty much always wear band shirts, army surplus trousers and my beloved big black boots. I am an introverted person, quiet a lot until you get me going about one of my interests and then I simply won't stop talking. I like to draw and write, creativity is important to me, aesthetics are too. I'm a big fan of bands such as Bauhaus, Swans, Anna von Hausswolff, The Velvet Underground, PJ Harvey and such. Music is also very important to me, though I only listen to it, can't play any instruments. I love books and reading, one of my dreams has been to be able to find a perfume (sorry if I use the wrong words here btw) that smells like old books since that is possibly the single most comforting smell there is to me. Books I like include Dune, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Gormenghast, various Lovecraft stories, William Gibson's stuff, Discworld books and much much more. Other hobbies include video games (currently obsessed with The Elder Scrolls games, especially Morrowind), tabletop roleplaying games, cooking and languages... well, I suppose that's it. I love tea and requie it to function at all. There's something so soothing about the simple steps involved in making a cup of tea. I am very new to the world of scents and perfumes, and my vocabulary to describe these things is very limited, so I apologize if I use the wrong words. Scents I've liked: I love the scent of old books, the scent of woodsmoke (like lighting a campfire in the forest), the scent of the forest, spices (like cinnamon, saffron, cloves, ginger, sandalwood maybe counts as a spice as well), leather, sometimes tobacco, the scent of tar, the scent of freshly cooked asphalt, the scent of smoked products such as Lapsang Souchong tea, the scent of a good stout or other dark beer, the scent of either freshly brewed or a newly opened package of coffee. Scented products I have used and liked have been Dolce & Gabbana's The One (male version, a sort of spicy scent), the soap King of Sumatra by a company called Kings And Queens that seem to exist no more (pepper and bergamot scented soap), and I guess that's it, really. I used Lush's Soak 'n Float shampoo until I got tired of people making comments about how I always smelled like I'd been cooking bacon all the time. To summarize, I am a short hobbity nerd with a faiblesse for postpunk type music, tea, books and the scent of smoke. I don't mind smelling a bit unusual, but I'd rather not smell like some sort of incredibly feminine scent. My favourite colour is green but I wear mainly black. Thank you for reading through this, I hope you have a wonderful day!