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Everything posted by pinkgyrl

  1. pinkgyrl


    This is a pale "red" scent on me in terms of color - it's one of those scents that has a million notes blended seamlessly but where it's hard to smell and then pick out individual notes. It's definitely a floral-based scent - but, unlike most florals, it doesn't immediately make me recoil. It's sexy and heady - I get the spice from the carnation and the reddish fruit notes from the plum, pomegranate, and berry - it's an exotic scent, and I can definitely picture myself wearing this on a hot summer night. This does subtly remind me of a much lighter version of Crypt Queen and Lucy, Kissed - without as much of a red feel - and more herbal than both of these scents. Very complex and sophisticated
  2. pinkgyrl

    Loosening of the Obi

    This scent feels so light and airy. On my skin, this scent has a creamy and cottony vanilla feel with just a touch of a fruit or a floral note giving it a sweetness (probably from the rice wine). It's soft and unassuming and would be perfect in an office setting or when you just want a gentle scent to wear. It's most definitey a skin scent, and it just feels magical - love
  3. pinkgyrl

    Recommend a scent for a specific dress or outfit

    Eesshh that's one sexy dress. Vixen springs to mind, for obvious reasons. I have never tried it personally but Bordello also seems like it would be a good choice- nothing to do with brothels! The scent description just makes me think of the colour purple + sex. Smoky, sweet scents would be quite befitting as well I think- Perversion & Liz are both gorgeous and sexy. And, of course, Black Lace. I think that would work wonderfully. (As a last resort re: hot date, just wear it out anyway- guaranteed you'll clinch one!). Definitely great suggestions! Black Lace would be amazing. (Sara Pezzini is another scent in the smoky sweet category that would be amazing) Beautiful dress
  4. pinkgyrl

    Recommend a scent for a specific dress or outfit

    Crypt Queen came to mind right away - it just reminded me of the feel (gorgeous choker by the way!) I think it depends on how you'd like to feel - sometimes I'll wear something soft and innocent when my outfit is edgier or vice versa and sometimes I'll go with the same theme for both the outfit and scent. The others that come to mind are Whip, (any of the "harder" goths if you have them like Rivet.Goth or Gothabilly), Bordello, and all types of leather blends (Le Pere Fouettard, The Black Rider, De Sade - and so on - depending on what you have). Velvet would be an interesting play on the fabric - and I also think any type of stronger scent would hold up to the statement of the outfit (like Black Temple Burlesque Troupe, Panther Moon, Licorice Bats, Paduan Killer Swarm, or Smut). Have fun
  5. I would have voted Grog too - if you want to try a LE with a similar feel - you could try Punkie Night - it has that apple component you are looking for or Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple. Good Luck! (Also, it's kind of odd - but Incubus has a caramel/buttery vibe but in a more "sophisticated" way - you may want to give it a try just for experimental purposes!)
  6. Although not a GC and not super easy to find either, Pink Moon reminds me *a lot* of Pink Phoenix in terms of the carnation - maybe if you have two scents to look for - you'll get luckier (I can't remember if the 05 or 07 is closer to Pink Phoenix though)
  7. Clockwork Couture: Female has a similar feel - and it can still be ordered, I believe
  8. pinkgyrl


    It's much fruitier than I expected but so bright and pretty! I get the black cherry and almond (but not the cheap drugstore blend of these two notes - instead a sophisticated blend) - a little bite of lemon and the vanilla and benzoin warm up the scent and ground it. Delightful The cherry note in this blend is the most authentic that I've ever smelled in a perfume - it's so unique! Unfortunately, it fades super fast - so it would have to be a slather scent for me - hehe.
  9. pinkgyrl

    Sleeping Nymph and Satyrs

    This is so subtle and delicate. I get an indistinguishable - to my nose - mix of soft florals - a heavier dose of vanilla and just a smattering of something almost minty and green - which could be the woods or the balsam. I definitely do not get any distinctive hint of rose which is what worried me. It's just utterly lovely - but would definitely have to be reapplied; it's a close skin scent.
  10. pinkgyrl

    Milk Chocolate, Cassia, and Bacon

    This is Monster Bait Underbed - almost a dead ringer - buttery, slightly spicy and rich chocolate - but the "bacon" lends a hickory note. The hickory/smoke note is very faint; I'm actually hoping it will burn off - because MB Underbed is one of my top 3 blends
  11. pinkgyrl

    Loosening of the Obi

    This is just gorgeous - a very delicate scent - I'm even having trouble finding words that aren't too sharp to describe it. The vanilla and sandalwood are the most prominent and then just a kiss of white musk. I can easily imagine wearing this as a bedtime scent or if one can't wear super strong perfume oils at work. It does go slightly baby powder-ish at one stage, but that seemed to have gone away once it settled into my skin fully. Simply gorgeous
  12. pinkgyrl

    The Arabian Dance

    Leather, coffee, hazelnut, tobacco, and Middle Eastern spices. This is just love If you like Le Pere Fouettard or Bah (is that the Licorice one? hehe - I always forget!) but have difficulty finding them, then definitely grab a bottle. The leather note is very astringent when first applied - but after about 20 minutes, it blossoms into a sexy warm leather with a hint of sweetened coffee in the background. It's incredibly sexy - adore!
  13. pinkgyrl


    This is musky root beer on me with a hint of chocolate - it reminds me of The Anti-Saloon League when I get the sweet rootbeer/foody note - and it also just falls into the general category of the red musk scents - like Snake Charmer, Smut, and Snake Oil - but much lighter of a scent. Basically, this is a musky scent that would be lovely to wear in the daytime.
  14. pinkgyrl

    Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple

    This is perfect for someone who is always on the fence about foody scents - or who doesn't typically like foody scents. Basically, when you put it on - it's just an absolute blast of tart green apple. In the wet stage, it's practically single note apple to me. I keep waiting for the bakery type feel that I usually get with foody scents - and it never comes which is good for me with the apple note (I don't like to smell like a candle or potpourri). As it dries, it's just apple with loads of sugar - the only foodiness comes in the form of just a warmth and deepening of the scent for me. This may actually be an apple scent that I can wear
  15. pinkgyrl

    Wad Of Chewed Up Strawberry Bubblegum

    This is just pure bubblegum on me - I don't get strawberry at all. It's the standard "bubblegum" flavor that you can get in most brands of gum. I love bubblegum as a scent - so I had to start hunting this one down. Unfortunately, to be able to wear this - since it's very faint and fades quickly - you would need a bunch of imps (hehe) I'm going to save it for special occasions and then slather and not feel guilty!
  16. pinkgyrl


    My pick-up angel is just that - an angel This is like Monster Bait: Underbed light to me - I get cardamom, cinnamon, and a creamy caramel type note -maybe a hint of ginger - it's very warm. I'm not picking up as much citrus as the other reviewers - maybe just a hint of orange here and there. It's much fainter than Underbed though and my skin just eats it up unfortunately - it's such a fun scent
  17. pinkgyrl

    The Elephantine Colossus

    Thank you to my pick up angel When it's wet, it's like whoa musk and incense on my skin - it does remind me of the slight nuttiness of Snake Oil for a few minutes in this stage. This really didn't go foodie on me - after it has settled in, I get a touch of salty popcorn and rootbeer (the musk just disappears). It's a drier rootbeer than I expected - I was hoping it would be all creamy and foodie - maybe my skin is fighting it, so I will re-test! Upon retest: I still get the root beer - it feels overall like a cola and foody blend with a layering of almost a ginger musk feel on my skin. It still doesn't scream red musk to me (except in the wet stage) - it must be the "pipeweed" that is fighting the musky part of the scent on my skin. If you go into trying the scent thinking interesting - a root beer scent with a sexy edge, you get much better results than if you go into wearing it hoping to get a scent in the "Snake Oil" family.
  18. pinkgyrl


    I am so glad that I had an This is so beautiful in an almost aching way. It is definitely reminiscent of Dorian - but a delicate and more feminine version. At first, I could smell a lot of citrus - the mandarin - vanilla, and a floral that I couldn't decipher without looking at the description again (after I looked for rose - it slightly reminded me of the rose in Pink Snowballs before it blended into the other notes). Now, Sybil has gently settled into a warm vanilla tea - with just a hint of musk and with just a faint whiff of citrus here and there (almost a citrus-sugar). After a longer while, I do get just a touch of a bitter note - not unpleasant but just something to remind you that not all is sweet and nice. It is so well-blended and just utterly lovely.
  19. pinkgyrl

    SW Friendly E-tailers

    I'm already there! You're fast! (: Thanks!
  20. pinkgyrl

    Tiki Princess

    I this - seriously, I could wear this almost everyday. It's a creamy, cool, and frothy coconut blend. The cold note is very authentic - it almost reminds me of the smell of soft and fluffy snow when you first go outside in the morning after a snowfall and breathe in the air. It's a cousin of Snow White in my opinion but with more of a coconut feel versus almond - and much lighter. This is very delicate and pretty scent without being super floral; I haven't found a scent that I've liked this much in a long time. Adore!
  21. I adore Tiki Princess - and I didn't get to grab enough before it came down - are there any similar GC scents - most particular I'm looking for the snowy/icy/frothy note that's present in Tiki Princess.
  22. pinkgyrl

    Ghoul Hooligan

    Very very cinnamony! This almost made my stomach turn when I first put it on - it's that strong wet - so use sparingly. After the "in your face" cinnamon, I started to get a pastry-bakery note, and it basically started to remind me of the smells of Christmas - the cookies and baked goods but mostly gingerbread cookies right out of the oven. This just was too overwhelming for me unfortunately and just didn't work on my skin. Thankfully, there are gingerbread-type scents that I like so much better.
  23. pinkgyrl

    Paper Kite

    Thank you to Hillary for sending me a tester of this before it came down - I just adore her This is such a gentle and unoffending scent. The first thing I thought of when I applied it is that this reminds me of one of my very favorite blends - Monster Bait: Underbed - there is a spice in here that is very similar. This is a subtle foodie scent to me - fresh creamy coconut with a little of the Underbed spice (grin) I'm in love! The only bad thing is that it's going to be a slather scent. ::plots how to stock up on bottles::
  24. pinkgyrl

    The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair

    Golden is the word that immediately came to mind upon smelling this scent. This is a very soft and delicate scent. It's soft and a little powdery but not in a bad way - reminding me of a lighter version of scents like L'Estate and Leo 2007 (while not identical - just a similar feeling). This is very well-blended and balanced. The amber and the sandalwood are very noticeable to me and were easier to identify - the other notes don't "stand out" as much to me on their own to my nose but blend into just a wonderfully creamy, warm, and woody scent - just beautiful.
  25. pinkgyrl

    Black Heart

    This is super sweet on me! I'm having a very good "be able to actually pick up some notes with my faulty nose" day, so I quickly put this one on, because usually I can't smell this blend very well. It took me awhile to figure out what it reminded me of - but it goes "Candy Phoenix lite" on me - the plum is starting to blossom now and is rounding out this scent, but it's very sugary and fruity for a long time on my skin. I love how Black Heart is the sweeter one, then Black Lace gets a little deeper, and then Black Death is the "darkest" of the three. Very pretty, effervescent, girly, and pink!