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Everything posted by paperdoll

  1. paperdoll

    Dragon's Eye

    Initial sniff: A big lilac tree baking in the sun with lily of the valley underfoot. This is odd as I associate lilacs with cool spring weather and shady corners of the yard, not full-on warmth of the sun. Contradictory or no, there it is. Wearing: The lilac is most prominant, though I can definitely smell lily of the valley. The dragon's blood warms it up and rounds it out - I think it is actually what makes this scent wearable for me. Mellows only slightly during the day. Final Impressions: I'm just not sure about this one. It reminds me very much of my mother, and that prevents me from feeling like this scent is MINE while wearing it, if that makes any sense. I did get a compliment from a coworker while wearing this, so it works well with my body chemistry. I'll probably mix the rest of the imp into an unscented lotion base and send it to my mom for mother's day (she doesn't wear perfume of any kind, so just sending the imp would be a waste!).
  2. paperdoll

    March Hare

    Initial sniff: Holy Crap that's apricot!!!! Very candle-y, very food-y. Very yummy!!! Wearing: Holy Crap that's apricot!!!!! The clove never peeks its head out. I smell like jam. Final impressions: I don't think I like smelling like jam. Maybe I'd like my house to smell like jam? Or perhaps you'd like to smell like jam and I'll swap this to you. I'm not sure yet.
  3. paperdoll


    Initial sniff: The mint is very apparent in the bottle, but I can also smell the lavender and a green, herby, grassy scent. I think the lime is what makes this scent so bright, even though i can't smell it. My color association with this one: bright lime green. Wearing: I wouldn't describe this as fresh, instead I would call it refreshing. When wet it is very minty, but the drydown is a very refreshing bright green. This is the smell of an unusually cool breeze though your green lawn on a hot sunny day. Final Thoughts: I am amazed at how much I like this scent. I am not a fan of scents that can be described as "cool" or "fresh" or "clean" - they are just not my style. I NEED a bigger bottle of this to face the hot humid Georgia summer ahead.
  4. paperdoll


    Initial sniff: I agree that "dusky" really is the most appropriate adjective for this one. Dusky bitter orange in the bottle - definitely not something to mess around with. Wearing: This quickly fades into a bitter, powdery smell on me that was quite unpleasant. Fortunately, it faded VERY quickly and an hour later I am left with nothing but a faint soapy smell. Final thoughts: I really liked this in the bottle. Damn you, skin chemistry!!!
  5. paperdoll

    Ace of Cups

    Initial Sniff: Cherry Icee. Very sweet. Wearing: Very Cherry. Final Impressions: I was hoping for more, but this ain't nothing but cherry slurpee on my skin.
  6. paperdoll

    The Best Scents for Home, a Room, the Car...

    Old Shanghai is very fresh and clean, but not in a Glade sort of way. Highly recommended.
  7. Leo is very similar to Sin - they are different, but definitely very similar (especially the drydown).
  8. Some more to ponder: Leo and The Caterpillar... (and another nod to Vixen)
  9. The Caterpillar makes me feel so chill... just completely calm and at ease. I don't know why, but it works! Whoooo arre yoouu ?
  10. paperdoll

    Shipping Update

    I feel your pain! I'm also waiting for info on a missing Feb 7 order. I even emailed Beth saying that I didn't care if she just canceled it becuase the I think freebies I received in two other recent orders made up for the imps in that order, but I did ask her to let me know whether she planned to reship or not. No word yet... It is very frustrating to me, but I'm completely hooked on the oils, so i just keep my mouth shut and wait...
  11. paperdoll


    Initial Sniff: This is filled with so many things that I like! It is spicy, warm, and though it is not a foody scent, "yummy" is the first adjective that comes to mind. Wearing: It starts out fairly true to the scent in the bottle, but it quickly turns a little sweet on my skin - almost like there are berries in it. The drydown is sweet sandalwood. Final Impressions: This is gorgeous, but the drydown is VERY similar to Leo on me, so I don't know if I'll be ordering a bigger bottle. OK, of course I'll order a bigger bottle, who am I kidding?
  12. paperdoll


    Initial Sniff: Oh wow. This is just gorgeous. I'm a huge fan of sandalwood, and the lightly sweet lemon scent really makes this sandalwood special. Wearing: With new scents, I always test just on my wrists prior to slathering everywhere. Unfortunately, I didn't follow that routine with Zephyr. I liked it so much after a half hour, I reapplied everywhere and skipped off to work. One hour later I think I'm smelling someone's deodorant. I keep getting whiffs of Secret Solid until I eventully figure out that it is ME! Sometimes I hate my body chemistry. Final Impressions: I may have to see if I can't use this somewhere else - linen spray, room scent, whatever. It is just too pretty to leave alone.
  13. paperdoll


    Initial Sniff: Mmmmmm..... This smells warm and inviting. Definitely sunlit and aged. Wearing: This started out beautifully - all warmth and light. Unfortunately it quickly became rather sharp and lost that comforting feeling. Final Impressions: I think this will make a nice room scent. On me it just isn't terribly nice. There are scents that are worse, to be sure.
  14. paperdoll

    Cheshire Cat

    Initial Sniff: The grapefruit gets my attention first, but it is made slightly... mad... by the unexpected background of floral and musk. Very strange indeed! Wearing: All I can smell for the first hour is bitter, sour grapefruit. I perservere, and it fades to a chemical cleaner scent - think Lysol Island Breeze with just a touch more citrus. Final Impressions: I was very intrigued by the smell of this in the vial but it just doesn't work with my body chemistry.
  15. paperdoll

    The Caterpillar

    Initial sniff: A gorgeous, complex, dark floral that is colorful, whimsical, and earthy. Wearing: This stayed fairly true on my skin. The floral and earthy notes are in harmony - both are there wafting lazily about. To me this scent is a shimmery forest green that flashes iridescent purple in the proper light. Final Thoughts: I am so ordering a big 'ol bottle of this. Despite the fact that this is both earthy and floral (two categories I am always slightly wary of), it is a truly beautiful blend that i wear well!
  16. paperdoll


    Initial sniff: Oh Boy is right! This stuff is beyond earthy. In the bottle the juniper really stands out, with the patchouli close behind. But I will put it on, because that is my policy. Try Everything Once. Even This. Wearing: Wow. This is STRONG. And Earthy. It is like dirt with a sharp edge to it. I wear it for about 40 minutes, during which time it fades not a bit, before I get out the soap and scrub. After washing, I can still smell Omen on me, and still 12 hours later it remains (though it is very faint now). Final Impressions: Once I washed it off, the smell was quite nice. It reminds me very much of Middle Earth soap from Lush. I'll be passing this one along to the boy, who has expressed interest... if this is as sexy on him as ME soap, it'll be a definite keeper!
  17. paperdoll


    Initial Sniff: Oh my God this is gorgeous! The rose is exquisitely sweet, and the sandalwood and patchouli add exotic spice. I know I will love this! Wearing: Sadly, my body chemistry does not agree with this scent. While wet it is gorgeous, but this dries very quickly into an extremely dry, dusty smell. Final Impressions: Even though this makes me smell like an old hippie's dusty attic, I have extremely high hopes for it as a room scent!
  18. paperdoll

    Recs for Longest Lasting Oils

    Omen! Even after a scrub with soap and water I still smell like it! Grrr...
  19. paperdoll

    Getting sick of orders showing up as delivered...

    Everybody's going to have a different opinion about this... I've not had trouble with USPS, but my apartment has those locker thingies someone was describing earlier for packages - I get a key in my (locked) mailbox. UPS, on the other hand, will leave anything at my doorstep (which I am NOT comfortable with). Fed Ex requires a signature before leaving a package. I wouldn't mind signature confirmation for USPS items, but honestly would not be crazy about paying even more shipping on a package that I may not see for weeks. You must have had some wicked bad experiences with UPS/Fed Ex/Airborne Express not to be switching carriers with all of the headaches you've been having. Bottom line - do what works best for you, and we'll all deal with it! After all, we're already hooked, it's not like we'll stop buying your oils!
  20. Another vote for Vixen here... I haven't found a sexier perfume yet!
  21. paperdoll

    More great news.

    Just adding my voice to those who wouldn't mind paying an additional mandatory shipping insurance fee...
  22. paperdoll

    Incapacitated for a day.

    I hope you feel better soon!
  23. paperdoll

    Reshipments: to clarify...

    I placed another order too! I hope my missing order arrives soon, though... i am being very good and patient and not bothering Elizabeth about it, but I'm so gosh darn eager for it to arrive!! But placing another order did make me feel better about it all somehow... edited for stupid grammatical errors...
  24. paperdoll

    Queen Mab

    Initial Sniff: This is a gorgeous, complex, light floral. I really can't pick out any individual notes it is so perfectly blended. Wearing: Very light, and fairly true to the scent in the bottle. I will try putting more on to see if that makes it last longer/smell stronger. Beautiful. Final Impressions: This is just so pretty! While it is MUCH lighter than what I am accustomed to wearing, I can still see myself ordering a bigger bottle, just because of its versatility. I would not hesitate to wear this perfume anywhere - a job interview, visiting a sick friend, etc.