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Everything posted by laslibres

  1. laslibres

    Mr. Fezziwig's Ball

    Very nice...woodsy, and spicy fruit too. Clove, cinnamon, and some kind of fruit, like maybe candied citrus peels. Very deep and resinous, though, it's not all fruitcakey. It smells a bit like a masculine version of World of Fools. I do get a suggestion of beer smell...and that's a good thing for me, because I like beer. It smells like the bar top in a really old pub, where the smell has permeated into the wood, and I love love love that smell, it reminds me of Ireland. It’s an old wood smell, like wood that’s been worn down by hundreds of hands over the years. And of course, since I love it the most out of all my decants, it WOULD be the one that's discontinued. :@&*$!:
  2. laslibres

    A World of Fools

    Mmm, Christmasy! Sort of baking-spicy, with clove and cinnamon...it reminds me of Haloa, with that spice cake feel, except spicier. And a little bit of a sort of dark, rich, earthy fruit, which must be the fig in the figgy pudding. I would assume that the "stake of holly through its heart" is a wood note of some kind, and I don't smell it outright but I imagine it lends some depth to the scent. This is so good! It falls into a category that I already have a lot of (sweet cinnamony desserts with fruit), so I might not get a whole bottle...but then again, I might, because it's delicious. Very comforting and holidayish.
  3. Lush's new Supergrass shower gel = BPAL's Litha. Grass and herbs and dirt! I think I'm probably in the minority who likes Lush's grass-scented products, though. Heh.
  4. laslibres

    Fairy Wine

    I really love this scent! It's an extremely fruity wine, almost more like juice than wine, since it's so sweet. Feels like a very reddish-purple scent...I would swear I smelled plum along with currant in this. Possibly also grape or blackcurrant. The dandelion stays in the background as a grassy floral note, and the honey is present too...all notes accounted for! Primarily, though, it's a very girly fruity scent. The mood of Fairy Wine is playful, fun, and magical, and it captures the book perfectly. I find all the Stardust scents are really good at portraying the mood of the book in scent...it's just a good-smelling book, I guess!
  5. laslibres


    Oh, would this ever be a great man scent...lavender and musk, and even though lavender is a floral it still tends to smell sufficiently manly for a guy to wear, to me. The frankincense and amber are both present, and I've been rediscovering lately how much I love frankincense, so I dig that. The lavender note in this is wonderful, and long-lasting, and the white tea note is very true-smelling and stronger than tea notes usually are. And the musk and amber remind me a little of Mag Mell, too...just a very radiant, golden scent. Warm, golden notes, and relaxing, cool lavender - what a combination! I really like this scent. I'm a little sad that I haven't found a way to acquire more without also acquiring Thisbe, which didn't sound appealing to me. But I do really like Pyramus.
  6. laslibres

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    Very plummy plum blossom at first, very fruity. On me, the rice smell sorta comes out more...it smells grainy, nutty, a little savory but sweet too. That with the nutmeg really help back up the floral, make it more interesting than a straight up florals-and-fruits blend. However, the interesting rice/nutmeg/grains undertones don't throw very much. So, to a casual observer, i.e. someone who is not me, I would smell pretty much the same wearing this as I would if I had on Kitsune-Tsuki or Daiyu or some other plum/plum blossom scent. Really, only I can smell the rice, and that's if I huff really hard. It's a very pretty plum scent, though, and as a plum lover I like it, but I wish for more rice!
  7. laslibres

    High John the Conqueror

    Hmm...I don't know why I don't get grape out of this like everyone says, just rose and herbs. Interesting. Maybe also honeysuckle, or some other floral...a very pleasant floral, smells fresh and just-picked but...proper, too. Tasteful and appropriate. And it is a very nice, nuanced, complex floral, with the scent of herbs and a little bit of resins. I don't feel like conquering anything just yet, though. It's a calming scent, and it makes me smell more competent and mature, I think, so that might achieve the blend's desired effect. However, I still put on either Wolf's Heart or Faustus when I really feel like conquering stuff.
  8. laslibres


    So good! I got a half-imp of this in a swap, and it seems like it was very aged, because the oil's very thick and slow-moving. And it's amazing...sticky vanilla, honey, and cinnamon, is what I get from this scent, even though only one of those is listed as a note. But it totally smells like Snake Oil, O, and Saw-Scaled Viper had a huge debauched orgy. And then videotaped it. I also get a wee bit of myrrh and copal from this, which cut the sweetness a little, make it a bit darker and more complex than just pure cinnamon and honey. Very sexy scent, a head-turner for sure. Will be a bottle purchase as soon as I'm able to purchase one, and then will be tucked away to age until it achieves the sticky-sweet sexiness of this imp I have.
  9. laslibres

    Dragon's Musk

    This is a dark red, very slow-moving oil. A very fruity and slightly resiny scent. I enjoy dragon's blood in this scent, whereas I didn't in Dragon's...oh, I forget which one, Dragon's Bone I think. Whichever one that amped sandalwood on me. So I thought I didn't like dragon's blood based on that, but now...I think I do! And these musks are lovely, and a great complement to the dragon's blood. I smell a bit like a headshop denizen in this scent, but a very sexy one. Dragon's blood makes this a very round, red scent, almost fruity...like red Mike and Ikes. Except the musks make this a bit more grown-up than Mike and Ike candy. I kinda dig this scent...it's different, and different than what I'd expected.
  10. laslibres


    APPLE BLOSSOM. YAY. Apple blossom is one of my favorite notes ever and it is ALL OVER this scent. There's something else fruity and juicy in this scent too, maybe plum, and I can also smell lily, but mostly APPLE BLOSSOM. I amp it, and I love it, so it's a good thing. This scent doesn't morph a lot from that...pretty much stays as apple, plum, and apple blossom, with a little bit of extra florals in there for interest. It's like a more appley Kitsune-Tsuki. Or Kitsune-Tsuki goes on vacation to visit the Hesperides. Or a flowerier Pomona. You get the picture. I love fruit blossoms, and this is a sterling example of one.
  11. laslibres

    Crib Girls

    Wow! Honey, lemony berries, spices? I guess what I'm smelling is cubeb, which to me smells just like a Meyer lemon, and I like it. The honeys make this very sweet too, like lemon cake. Little bit of spice too, but it's not doing that usual funky cardamom thing. (Maybe I like cardamom...I'd have to reconsider my whole wishlist if that's the case!) And it seems like cubeb also smells a bit like raspberry or something, because it's totally reminding me of raspberry lemonade. It's really citrusy! And I like that! Not what I was expecting, but I don't know what exactly I expected from this. But honey berry lemonade, lemon cakes, and a bit of a spicy tinge? I'm all over it.
  12. laslibres


    I'm amazed by how these Stardust scents really capture the _feel_ of the book, like if you were a character in the book, the world would probably smell like this. It has a night air smell, and a lot of lavender, and the lavender has a grassy smell to it, which I find real lavender does too. I don't get any magnolia out of this until later in the drying phase, but when it appears it's also very soft and lovely. It really does smell like you're in an English lavender field, at night, and it has pretty good staying power on me, for a lavender blend. I really like this...a very pretty and cool scent.
  13. laslibres

    Coral Snake (2006)

    Apple! Spicy apple! And it's a _red_ apple, for sure, like a sexed-up Hesperides. A little bit of floral from the plumeria and gardenia (I love both of those). The apple is very fresh smelling, and juicy, and the Snake Oil adds a bit of vanilla and spice, but as a background note, just wafting through the air, not turning it completely desserty. The apple doesn't really _combine_ with the other notes, though...this apple is a diva and wants to take center stage. It really is predominantly apple (oh wait...tiny bit of citrus, too! but you really have to huff to get it), and with some light incense, spices, and vanilla breezing through the background. Niiiice. Although I'm pretty sure the decant I have is fairly new, and the apple will retire from the limelight a little bit as it ages, as fruits sometimes do, and the little bit of citrus probably will fade even more. This is just a prediction, however.
  14. laslibres

    Temple Viper

    In the vial: just like SO, but sweeter...so pretty much only the sugar cane at first. Then on me, I _definitely_ get some champaca flower. Scratch that, lots. Like, nothing BUT champaca...pretty hippie-tastic, just this big, humid, very sweet tropical flower. As it wears on, the SO pokes back out, which makes a nice resinous base to the champaca flower. It's one of those Snake Pits that's heavier on the supporting notes than the Snake Oil, though. It really is like a tropical temple, so it's very apt for this snake's name, but with the champaca and incense it's almost too hippie-ish to wear on certain occasions...too headshoppy, like you're trying to cover up certain other smells. *cough* It gets much less pungent as it wears on, though, more pleasant, more like a flowery temple garden, like Khajuraho with extra resins. Undecided on whether I want a bottle, because it also very much resembles Wet Affair, from Possets. Hrm.
  15. laslibres

    Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chèvre

    Mmm, Bailey's! Lovely, creamy, somewhat spicy and chocolatey coffee liqueur. On me, the spices come out more, it's like a delicious bouquet of gourmand-y yet exotic spices. Cinnamon for sure, maybe cassia, maybe the GOOD kind of cardamom? That'd be a rarity. It's kinda eggnoggy, too, very creamy and boozy. And I still get a wee bit of coffee on the drydown, but mostly it's creamy spices. Very tasty.
  16. laslibres

    Anne Bonny

    Yes, all of the listed notes are present and accounted for, and very strong, but especially the frankincense. Very exotic-smelling. However, on my skin, it looks like sandalwood has decided it's the star of the show. This does smell like a red sandalwood, and usually that's the kind that works on me, not white or pale sandalwood. Red is a bit spicier or muskier maybe, a bit deeper? The blend turns out to be mostly sandalwood, although after wearing it for half an hour or so the frankincense comes back. It's definitely a confidence-boosting scent, almost arrogant-smelling, like Faustus is also. Quite sexy. It'd be fun to layer this with other, sweeter scents, to add a bit of edge and woodsiness. It's a pretty simple scent, but its components go together well.
  17. Straight-up raspberry and chocolate...Bonne Bell used to make a LipSmackers in raspberry chocolate flavor, and I loved that, and this is just like it. I feel like this is a black raspberry in the sense that...you know those candies that look like raspberries, with the red and black sprinkles on the outside and gummy inside? It's like those. Little bit of creaminess in the background, maybe a bit of apricot if I turn my head and squint at it. But mostly? Raspberry candy. I like raspberry candy, so this is okay with me.
  18. laslibres

    Womb Furie

    Pretty much what it says it is! The powdery amber, spices, and incense from Snake Oil, and very sweet, almost crystalline honey. It's still a very immature Snake Oil at this point, so it's still powdery and kind of light, but just for now and I bet it'll age really well. The honey adds to the light feel of it, makes it sweeter and almost an airy scent, not deep and rich like Snake Oil usually is. A flowery honey, like in Flower Moon - this is not a honey like the one in O, to me, which was a bit Honey Nut Cheerios-ish. Very sweet scent, but with lots of interesting resins to make it not too cloying.
  19. laslibres

    Sri Lanka

    Very sandalwoody, smoky, incensey. Yeah, I think "dry incense smoke" is the most apt descriptor here. Very woodsy and smoky, but with something kind of resinous and sappy as well, maybe that's the gum mastic. Sort of sweet, sticky. There are several different textures going on here. This does smell quite a lot like what I'd expect India or Sri Lanka to smell like...the incense smoke and offerings from several temples crowding out into the street all at once. It's interesting...sort of murky, but definitely very intriguing. I feel like if I used this in an oil burner it could make my house smell like some kind of mysterious temple or an opium den where weird things could happen. Ooh!
  20. laslibres

    Paduan Killer Swarm

    Oooooh. In the vial, coconut and spices and maybe a bit of licorice. On me, the clove starts out really strong, and cinnamon. It has a woodsy feel to it, almost unisex, but sweet too. The "ginger cream" note smells just like gingerbread, maybe with a dollop of whipped cream, and is perfect. Clove and sandalwood are pretty dominant, though, backed up by the spices and cream (sadly, on my skin the coconut is gone). This scent has a lot of layers to it...I can't identify exactly what all it is, but it's a very nice woods/spices scent. Reminds me of another scent, but I cant think exactly which one...I really like scents in this category, but I have a lot of them, so I'm questioning whether I need a whole bottle of this. It really is very lovely, though - warm and foody but not overly so - and I think I'm leaning towards YES on the bottle.
  21. laslibres


    Ooh, I know just what you're talking about; I live in Arizona and I love those trees! They're kind of a fruity, sweet floral scent, to my nose. I haven't found anything _exactly_ like them, but these scents have the same sort of feel: Thaleia (discontinued GC) Cupid Complaining to Venus The Hesperides (primarily apple blossom, which smells similar to acacia to me, but then I could also be crazy) Les Bijoux Tamora Shango Et Lux Fuit (previous LE) Marquise de Merteuil Horreur Sympathique Aglaea Peach Moon (LE) Hony Mone (LE) Flora Josie I'm not sure why there isn't more acacia as an actual note in any blends...it's such a great scent! (Also, if you find an orange blossom that smells like actual orange blossoms, tell me what it is! I've been looking for one, but they all turn bitter and gross on me.)
  22. laslibres


    I really like this scent! To me, for some reason, acai smells like plum, or maybe like raspberry. It didn't smell nearly so nice in Australian Copperhead as it does in this one, though. Basically all the notes in Daiyu are win on me: I get primarily fruit out of it, with some tea (green or white tea?), and a little floral and musk, too. It DOES kinda smell like Kitsune-Tsuki meets Dorian, actually! But really it's like drinking fruity iced tea in a beautiful shaded garden, with lots of flowers. It's a very fresh, very feminine scent, sort of cool and refreshing, and it's gonna be getting a LOT of play from me this spring and summer.
  23. laslibres


    Ivy and grass! Like Garden Path With Chickens, but without the flowers (or the chickens, I guess). On my skin, though, the green notes fade and are replaced with...leather! And something dirty or dusty, and maybe patchouli a tiny bit. And there might be some tobacco in here too, or some kind of woodsy note? Primarily leather, however. Dusty black leather, with some earthy-woodsy and green notes in the background. Smells like a worm's eye view of a leprechaun, where you can smell his leather shoes as he tromps through the countryside. Very interesting scent!
  24. laslibres


    Yup, the other reviews were right, this is a day at the beach in a bottle, or maybe day at the lake: coconut (like sunscreen almost, but also like Mounds bars) and cool water. I smell something else in there kinda nutty-vanilla-ish...is that the shea? If that's the shea, it's almost chocolatey, too, but it's a background note to the coconut. The coconut is a fresh, shredded, slightly sweet coconut, with aquatics. It's really calming, while still being a little foody-sweet...not your typical coconut blend, but it’s still very tropical. I'm glad I bought a bottle unsniffed of this during the Haiti fundraiser! That was a good decision.
  25. laslibres


    Frankincense and sage, when wet...and then on me, a little bit more musky and leathery. And a little bit of floral too? Nothing girly, just a touch of what might be lavender. I wish there was a stronger basil note, but then again, if I could find a single note basil I would BATHE in it, so I wish everything that said basil had more basil. This is mostly frankincense and light musks, with a tiny bit of herbal (the herbal goes away the more it's on me, but it can still be detected). It's a pleasant, sort of mysterious masculine scent.