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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by erehwesle

  1. erehwesle


    First review, ladies and gentelmen..... Ah, dissapation, what to say? I have discovered unfortunately, that I have trouble describing notes, so bear with me here. Must be from that time in the war when I took shelter in a poppy field from an artillery barrage, and relized it wasn't a poppy field at all but something far far worse. Since then I have a difficult time trusting my nose, but I know what I like. Smelling this from the bottle, I was afraid it would be too sweet, a very light note, almost lavendery. On me, though it changed completely. Subtle, refined, but slightly indulgent. A solicitor crossing back across the temple bar to go slumming for the night in Whitechapel, my embroidered frock coat and powdered wig standing out among the simple working class folk by my very presence. Then tonight I had to help a friend move. After a bit of carrying heavy things in the heat, it suddenly became, while still a haunting light scent, more piercing and musky. I realized I was no solicitor in a wig and frock coat, But that smilin' Jack was on the loose, hide your money and ware your women, the Hellfire club roams tonight... Decadent sophistication, but for some reason the sassafras or the wormwood, just smell, dangerous on me. I smell like a man with a sword in his cane, sophisticated and charming, but not to be triffled with. Any other guys use this one? I find I tend to bring scents a little darker on me, I'm deadly curious to try out my Iago and Alecto, you will be kept posted. Erehwesle