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BPAL Madness!

Minh Scent

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Posts posted by Minh Scent

  1. Europa starts out as an extremely strong coffee blast on me and then quickly settles down to a light vanilla cafe with hints of myrrh and vetiver. The coffee stays throughout dry down. The resins are light background players. The vanilla increases with time and happily for me is the non-foody variety. I have been huffing for the styrax which is supposed to smell "vanilla-like". I cannot cannot pick it out, but perhaps it supports the vanilla base. I love this and am having that wrist-to-nose issue we all know too well!


    Enjoyed reading the reviews above which are on the full spectrum between hate and love!

  2. I get dirt, but mostly lots of green (ivy and moss, not much pine), however, the candalwax is illusive until far into drydown, and then I wouldn't notice it if I didn't know it was there. An evocative, atmospheric scent. It reminds me of Graveyard Ivy from NAVA.


    ETA: Whoa! After an hour, the wax indeed comes out! It takes the scent to an entire new level! Love it!!!

  3. Starts as a strong icy-cold blend with a suggestion of eucalyptus, but it is just that...a suggestion, never veering into steaming-leaves-to-open-nasal-passages territory. After a while, the eucalyptus vanishes and I am left with icy violet bouquets!!!


    I LOVE this!! I have many violet scents, but none have thus unique, intriguing icy character. Stunning and original!!!

  4. Jean Audran

    Grey amber and elemi, white cypress, shadowed musk, guiac, labdanum, and black ti leaf.

    First application on skin, I get the lovely labdanum with a light quality. However, the perfume darkens and I swear I get a licorice note (nope, not listed). From there, it morphs into a swirl of light musk. On me, a skin scent. A bit confusing, but pleasant.

  5. Whoa, what do we have here? As SweetEphanies said above, this smells like a fine perfume. The frank is the dominant note I get from application to drydown, going from sweet to more incense-y on my skin. The vanilla, sandal, musk and spices are all blended so well, they do not stand out on their own. The coriander and thyme in the note list gave me pause when I was ordering, but definitely they do not come out as individual kitchen spices. Low throw. Non-cloying magnificence!


    This may be my Yule winner!!

  6. This scent is driving me crazy because it smells so like another I have...but what?! No, not OLLA Streets, as Jenjin suggested above, but I see what she means in terms of the vibe.


    Winter my Secret is extremely powdery (which I like) and elegant. I am not getting any green, but do detect dry vanilla, not sweet at all. To me, this is a classic perfume. It's beautiful!

  7. Did not like this when first applied, as it smelled like strong fruit candy to me...way too sweet for me. However, it calms down to a lovely orange amber. Definitely getting the vanilla. The lavender is understated. Thirty minutes into drydown, my nose is glued to my wrist and I am smiling!!! Beautiful!


    ETA This is very long lasting. I am amazed that the orange note stays through to the end! Love it and a candidate for favorite Yules inspite of the fruit lolly start!

  8. Black leather accord, lavender, myrrh, and vetiver with white cognac.

    With the note list, I was expecting a strong leather-myrrh-vetiver kick, but initial application, it smells of lavender, much lighter than anticipated. The leather does come out. Six hours after spraying, I sill had an attractive smell in my hair, including an intriguing note I could not identify. Low throw.

  9. I am not a big fan of fruit scents, but got a decant of this to try. Surprise...LOVE it! The strawberry is indeed realistic, but it is the dandelion sap and grasses that just blow me away. They are gorgeous notes and play well with the strawberry. I just bought the 2009 version of the perfume oil on ETSY because it is so pretty!!


    The dandelion note is not the same to my nose as the one in Venus Vercordia. This one in Strawberry Moon is much prettier!

  10. Oh, this is rocketing to the top of my favorites list...funny reading all the experiences above, all so different!


    Mine- wet, it is reedy green with barest hint of aquatic (I thought of the reeds along the Nile). The moment it dries, deep myrrh with a twinge of the prettiest vanilla. Overnight, it turned to a beautiful perfumey incense. Intriguing, long lasting and addictive.

  11. Mmm...quintessential BPAL with the patch and musk. Get a tad of hazlenut when it starts off. Very cozy indeed! As it dries down, I get fur as opposed to leather, but don't see a note to suggest that. Final drydown is a musky soft leather with a tad of vanilla and...surprise!...a light reappearance of hazlenut. Intriguing!

  12. Not getting any of my Golden Priapus as several of you mentioned. It does indeed starts with a pretty pine, but on my skin that vanishes quickly and I don't get a "shard" of amber, but rather ALL amber. It reminded me so much of the dry down of Halos (it does not have Halos sharper flowery beginning). It does not last as long as Halos.


    If you are a BPAL amber fan, this is really pretty!

  13. I bought this because I wanted to try a lace, even though I was skeptical of the notes. My goodness, this is perfect! The hit of champagne at the beginning is gorgeous...I never smelled a champagne note before...wow! It settles into a lovely vanilla with a smokey note that is so sexy. The opium is very present...yum. My surprise knock out scent of the year!

  14. Not sure if anyone can help me but........ I am a flight attendant. I fly international. I actually get 3-4 hours of rest in bunks in the ceiling of the plane. I was wanting to bring a 5ml bottle with me to use for relaxation during this time. So..... no plumbers tape. It would be a bottle that I actually opened and closed during the flight. I would keep it in a baggie in case it leaked but I really don't want to deal with my work luggage, manuals, electronics getting covered in a scent. So leaking into the baggie is a worst case situation.

    Any frequent travelers travel with just one 5ml bottle in the main cabin and maybe occasionally in cargo and been able to use them without leaking. I want to have a 5ml bottle with me for use and enjoy not just sealed up for transport.


    I always travel internationally with oils. However for flights, I use a bottle with a reducer cap, because I find an open mouthed bottle can be too dodgy with sudden turbulence. Also, I choose skin scents for the plane so as not to bother fellow passengers in case they are sensitive. I never use imps in transit, because I am not up to imp wrangling on a crowded flight.I find smelling my wrist very comforting for those long trans-pacific hauls.


    ETA I transport a lot if bottles in checked luggage. BPALs have never leaked. Knock on wood.

  15. 2015 version


    Oh, my gooodness! Where has this been all my life??? This is such a gorgeous blend of amber and beeswax, with just a touch of figgy sweetness. I cant pick out the pomegranate. It is not foody, but definitely makes me feel edible! I'm gettting my bpal wax jones on here!Heaven! So happy to see this makes comebacks!

  16. I did not think I was a fan of snow notes, but this beauty has changed my mind! I love the patch/vanilla combo (much lighter here than in the beloved Reverent Rhythm) and the snow note really does smell like...snow! How does Beth do that?? Frosty Silky Bat is beautiful (adore the original, too!), low throw, but lasts very long. I am walking in a cloud of amazing patch/vanilla/snow! YES!
