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BPAL Madness!

Minh Scent

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Everything posted by Minh Scent

  1. Minh Scent


    Stellamaris, I really wish I could send you an osmanthus bush. You would immediately write congress to have them planted in every lobby of every building in the northeast to keep people happy and high. Next time you are at a nursery, please go sniff one out. Yesterday I had on my beloved Blacker Than Raven Wings at Midnight which boast of osmanthus. Could not detect it at all, but am sure it added to the perfection of that scent. Yes, I did go to the reviews (there were only two when I looked) and saw that comment! Thank you!!!!!
  2. Minh Scent


    Oh, wow, yes indeed...and listed as the first ingredient! Great, just what I need, a Libra Attack! Hmmmm...interesting how it is 28$ to Snake Oil's 45$...so if finances have anything to do with it, that would tilt the scales. (But when has money deterred a true Libra!) Reviews (not many) are positive. Thanks, Stellamaris!
  3. Minh Scent


    Oh! @Lucycat and @Myrrha Thank you very much for your comments. I will probably blind order both of those scents ...and Fairy Bites @Stellamaris. (Will go for Sanctus first because hey, frankincense is great even without osmanthus!) I was concerned the Belle Vinu might be too peachy and the Sanctus too much into the lily of the valley, but from your descriptions, it doesn't sound like either is the case. Of course, I read the reviews in the forum, but sometimes they give me such conflicting reports that it does my head in. It would not surprise me if the lab puts in some apricot oil in as well, even if not mentioned. Osmanthus essential oil is quite pricey. Lucycat, I grew up in Pennsylvania, too and went to graduate school in New England...and never met an osmanthus there, true! I hope you get to smell one. The flowers are modest, but my goodness, certainly a whiff of heaven!!!!! Myrrha, you gave me a good chuckle about that rouge imp!!
  4. Minh Scent

    The Old Goblin

    Puzzled by the comments above. I get none if the citrus and floral. It starts as a pine forest and shifts to a "masculine" cologne, which must be the ozone making its asppearance and blending with the pine. I like it immensely!
  5. Minh Scent


    Hmm. First wiff wet-overpoweing tea rose that quickly settles into a softer version. It is almost a dead ringer for Perfumers Workshop Tea Rose, but not as long lasting. I am not getting any of the darkness mentioned in description or what others in above reviews have pointed out. I love rose, so my only whinge is it dissipates quickly.
  6. Minh Scent


    Osmanthus actually smells closer to apricot than to a floral. It is sweetish, but not at all cloying. Ah, if you have been sniffing around California plants, it is called the sweet olive there. Oh, if you have the anniversary scent "Pouting the Strains of Sacred Song", it makes its appearance there...and perhaps that is the best I can get. (Not shoddy at all!) I am thinking that if it is mixed with other florals, they might knock it out. It does not have the strong smell of white flowers. Here is the bit about it from Fragancia.
  7. Minh Scent


    Reading the reviews, I wonder if the imp was mislabeled! I get a very light almost floral scent from the beginning and then the whole disappears in less than 1.5 hours! The description had me hoping it was in the Serge Lutens Arabie family, but not at all. I wouldn't kick it out of bed, but both Strangler Fig and Grave Pig give me more of a fig note and are longer lasting.
  8. Minh Scent

    Tobacco scents

    Thank you for looking at your notes and typing them here,Strahlend. That is very Kind. Hellfire does sound what I am looking for.
  9. Minh Scent

    Tobacco scents

    Strahlend and Annemathamatics, thank you, thank you for your thoughtful comments. Based on your input, I will put Interfector as top choice, with Perversion running second. Anne, you description of Sherlock being high pitched makes me understand it perfectly. I'm all about that bass! Ha! I do have Cafe Mille on the list. In fact my next order is reliant on the numbers of it left. I am also the happy owner of Question Mark, which I love. Oh, darn, I forgot about Hellfire.. but incense AND tobacco, sounds like it can be bought blind. Mars Ultor's lack of being able to keep it up us a cruel joke! Thanks again!!! Tobacco hugs!!!
  10. Minh Scent

    Tobacco scents

    Alright, I have been combing through this thread for GC tobacco recommendations (very useful!), as well as looking at the 20 or so blends that come up on the main BPAL website. Bearing in mind my favorite BPAL of all times is Antikythera Mechanism and that I also have and like Black Rider and Dracul, which of these would you recommend if only one "allowed" to be purchased. (Sadly, Havana and Kali are "out of stock". Not sure if that means forever.) 1. Perversion 2. Interfector 3. Ogun 4. Elegbra 5. Sarah, the Mother Bear 6. Sherlock Holmes Thank you for your input!
  11. Minh Scent

    Phoenix Steamworks

    This is such an unusual scent. The smell of metal, especially in first 20 minutes evident. Then it goes a pretty light floral on me. I cannot smell the sage. Easy to wear.
  12. Minh Scent


    Chocolate. Milk. Good for layering, for those inclined to make their own bonbons.
  13. Minh Scent

    Miskatonic University

    I tested this without looking at the notes and got a lovely carmely, creamy foodie scent with a bit of booziness and a woody underbelly. Delicious! Was I shocked to hear there was coffee in this. Did not get that at all!
  14. Minh Scent

    Voodoo Lily

    When wet and drying down, very heavy lily, almost past their prime decaying smell. But complete dry down, spice with lighter floral background. Pretty, not much throw.
  15. Minh Scent


    Very, very green on application (pine, minty, herbal). Actually, a bit strong for me. However, gorgeous on dry down, pleasant and natural smelling. I am also picking up something sweetish. No wood at all, although a small tad of...incense?!) Ah, the oil is such a pretty mint green. Best part about the imps- we can appreciate the color! ETA- not long lasting. After two hours, barely perceptible.
  16. Minh Scent

    Hearts for Ghost Friends

    Admittedly, I bought this for the story. It starts out pretty white flowers on me, but then starts morphing like crazy. I can pick out the individual flower notes of oleander, rose and magnolia at different tines. Then the frankincense. This is so ethereal, so beautiful, so fitting for spirits. I love it and love this whole line. Every Lilith has been such a winner for me!
  17. Minh Scent

    Arachne of Lydia

    Starts out bubble gum EW but quickly turns into a lovely, spicey clove with just a back whiff of currant. Surprisingly not long lasting. Easy to wear.
  18. Minh Scent

    The Last Unicorn

    This is magic! It is well blended but I smell each of the notes!! The lettuce is so pretty, I feel I am in a garden!! Eating chocolate! This must be how a unicorn smells. Surprisingly long lasting. On the bottle list.
  19. Minh Scent

    The Lilac Wood

    I spilled half an imp on myself! (Pesky imps!) And smell wonderful!!! Green and lilac. I didn't get anything woody (or plastic, powdery, soapy). Lovely!
  20. Minh Scent

    The Ninth Cage

    A claustrophobic blend of iron and oak. Hmmm..when I first put this on, I easily smell the iron and some woody bits. After a while, it morphs to something that smells like a men's cologne. I get very little oak.
  21. Minh Scent


    Wow, either my nose is totally off or I got a different batch, because my experience is not matching other comments. I bought a blind bottle because all the notes were winners, First 30 minutes, all I smell are roses, not tea rose or buds or fresh cut or rose with greenery, but full blossomed roses that are just about past their prime. Not unpleasant or necessarily strong, but very THERE. Well past dry down, the honey and orange blossom make their appearance, beautiful and very close to skin, with the roses receding. I get no sandalwood at all. A very pretty scent, light and fresh (after the roses exit a bit!) I get no baby powder, nothing cloying or over-sweet. Hard to take my nose away from my arm! I might layer this over sandalwood oil, because I want that in this scent!
  22. Minh Scent

    All Saints'

    2014 version I can barely pick up the frankincense and myrrh. The florals come in play very early, but although there is more than just rose, that is what is center stage. If you are a fan of rose, It is a pretty scent, no doubt about it.
  23. Minh Scent

    Blacker than the Raven Wings of Midnight

    This is so beautiful! I did not detect the licorice mentioned at all, in fact, it was hard for me to pick out individual notes at all, except I did smell smokey incense in the dry down. I was surprised it did not last long. ETA This is aging sooo beautifully! It continues to be flawlessly blended, but now I am able to admire the patchouli and incense smoke a a bit more. Exotic yet sophisticated. Wow!
  24. Minh Scent

    Pumpkin IV (2014)

    This is a stunner to me. It starts out heavy with pumpkin and then settles into spice (not too much cinnamon), with the honeys making it deliciously sweet. However, not too sweet, as the oud and frankinsence ground it nicely. I was going to layer it, but love it as it is so much, that I did not. My students loved it, said it smelled like caramel candy. It does not to me, but I think that is what they know, as they are children.
  25. Minh Scent


    This came in the vanilla imp pack. It us a heady, sophisticated blend of lily and vanilla, supported beautifully by the sandalwood.It is sexy, with the amber and orris delicately weaving themselves in the background. I do not know what ambergris or elmini smell like. Thank goodness thus is GC!