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marilyn eyre

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Posts posted by marilyn eyre

  1. The Fruit of Paradise, the Nectar of Death: bittersweet pomegranate.


    The perfect pomegranate scent. Lush and tart, with a hint of sweetness. It's a skin scent that lasts all day. Lovely for the months where Persephone's getting it on in Hell.

  2. This smells chintzy in the best way possible. The Lab's honeysuckle note smells like the real deal, and I can almost taste the juicy drops of nectar. It does have a lovely amber base that grounds it to my skin, but it has this glittery element to it that I enjoy. So fresh and sparkly, it's incredible.

  3. Too grassy when it's wet, like the lawn was just mowed. But when it's nice and dry, this beautiful green musk comes out and it smells like rolling in the first fresh spring grass. It's lovely, but I can't wear it that often.

  4. Very soapy rose with that cheap apple smell that I happen to adore for nostalgia reasons. The grape kind of comes out after the soap smell burns off.

    I know my description doesn't sound appealing, but there's something about it that I just adore. So clean and pure and I love Dante, this is a winner.

  5. Damn.

    I bought a bottle of the 2015 version because I heard so much about it. And for the first month, I couldn't stand it. It smelled like those gross cheap plastic toys bathing in sour grape juice.

    But I heard it gets better with age so I cracked it open recently. AND WHOA.

    It's a sexy dark purple kind of smell, and the plastic note is like some sort of dirty rubbery edge that just rounds the whole experience out.

    Well done, and next time it comes out, I'm stocking up.

  6. Listen, all I can say about this scent is that it smells like a sexy male librarian that plays the violin in his spare time. So glad I smatched up a bottle. Word of warning: it's very strong, but in an oh so good way.

  7. Wowza. This is the perfect mix of gritty sex appeal and slick charm. The oil note is pretty prevalent, but I'm kind of into it. I actually get this image of wearing a leather jacket while walking down the city streets at night, but leather isn't a note. This stuff is STRONG, though. Only use a little bit.

  8. This smells…dirty...

    Not in a gross "ew get that smell out of here" but…just…filthy. The kind of filthy wrapped up in silk dresses and red lipstick licking a strawberry lollipop. While riding with the top down in your convertible.


    …I love it.

  9. Wow. I've been wanting to try this scent for a while, but i had no idea how good it was. Lots and lots of lush magnolias dripping with spiced mandarin juice. I can just pick out some musk underneath it all. This is the kind of scent a true Southern belle wears while she drinks sweet tea and spreads malicious gossip. I think this might be my new signature scent.

  10. Wow.

    I didn't used to care for foodie scents because it's often far too overbearing in commercial perfumes. But this frimp changed everything.

    To take a page out of Neil Gaiman in American Gods, I smells like a slutty bride on top of a wedding cake, which in this case is not a bad thing. It's rich vanilla cake with berries sprinkled on top, dusted with extra sugar.

    Give me ALL THE BOTTLES.

  11. ooooohhhhh my goooood


    i didn't like snake oil much when i first got an imp, but i knew it should age so i let it age for a few months


    holy mother, it smells f-ing amazing. i can't tell if it's brutally sexual or warm and comforting.



  12. Elf

    My nose is not yet sophisticated enough to pull out specific notes, so all I can say is that it smells like a sparkly forest.


    That's not a bad thing at all, I love this scent.

  13. Bubblegum and cherry lollipops. I get cinnamon from this, somehow, maybe it's Big Red gum. Yummy sugary goodness.

    But when it dries, it's a very unsettling scent for some reason. Underneath all the sweetness, there's something just off about it.

    It really reminds me of something Ellen Page's character in Hard Candy would wear. Very fitting.

    I love this. It's also really great layered with Eat Me.

  14. Pretty kitty!


    I bought a blind bottle of this partly because I like all of these notes and but mainly because the Cheshire Cat is one my favorite characters of all time.


    In the bottle: Dark, murky grapefruit. I can smell some musk in there.


    Wet: Pink grapefruit with deep red (bordering on purple) currant stripes, just like in the Disney cartoon. Bright and cheery, low throw.


    Dry: This is so fascinating. It dries very close to the skin, with a lavender-spiked musk taking the center stage. However, the grapefruit/currant scent lazily rolls in and out in waves, as if he keeps vanishing and reappearing.


    "You may not have noticed, but I'm not really all there myself."


    Verdict: I want to roll around in sheets soaked in this scent. It's so comforting and snuggly. And my own kitty loves it!

  15. Shame El Dorado doesn't get much love, because I adore it! It was frimped in my first ever order from BPAL, and I need a bottle ASAP.

    Rich, golden copal. My nose isn't sophisticated enough to pick out anything else, but I love this! Smells like a good, rich cologne, leaning toward the masculine side a bit, but I like that. A powerful scent.

    Give me all the bottles.

  16. My heart is filled with Daredevil. What Would Matt Smell Like? (Oh, hell.) Something bloody... and religious? I'm having trouble nailing it.


    I feel like Matt would be Anathema (black opium, vetiver, honeysuckle) with a dribble of Blood.


    What do you guys think Harley Quinn would smell like?


    Harley Quinn (yay, my favorite character of anything ever!) would definitely smell like Mouse Circus, and wears Jailbait on date nights with Mistah J :wub3:
