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Posts posted by sprout

  1. The elements manifested their sorrow at this great man’s departure from England. For the Sun on that day at the 6th hour shrouded his glorious face, as the poets say, in hideous darkness, agitating the hearts of men by an eclipse; and on the 6th day of the week early in the morning there was so great an earthquake that the ground appeared absolutely to sink down; an horrid noise being first heard beneath the surface.

    – Historia Novella, William of Malmesbury on the death of Henry I

    Golden amber and ambergris, sage and white cedar, rockrose, bourbon tobacco, and vetiver.

    This is predominantly tobacco and ambergris on my skin.


    The tobacco is the note from Bulgarian tobacco single note. It's a little chewy, in a good way. The ambergris is in support, less perfumy than usual, adding a bit of sweetness and salt.


    Drying, I still smell tobacco mainly but the amber and rockrose make a nice base. This is earthy and sweet. The cedarwood is quite mellow, there is an absence of the hamster fluffy material, for which I am grateful.


    Overall, this is very well blended. The vetiver and cedar are quite restrained. I am enjoying the tobacco and ambergris pairing with the earthy resinous under layer: Like leaves of drying tobacco strewn over a forest floor. I'll be keeping the bottle. It should pair well with Hag Grey hair gloss, but the gloss is heavier on the ambergris and the tobacco in the gloss is floral, whereas this is exactly like the dried plants.

  2. Bumping this topic as I have been on a Peach note kick. What are everyone's favorite Peach, Nectarine, or Apricot blends?


    I especially like the peachy scent from the blossom so Peach Moon may be my favorite but I haven't tried many of the Dragon Con scents.


    Also, I really like nectarines. I'd vote for Heavenly Ambrosial Dews of Nectar as my favorite nectarine. I'd love to hear if there are others.


    Also, there's no thread for Quince and it seems like it belongs in this thread. Any ideas for a Quince scent?

  3. Non-foody creamy is probably my favorite type overall!


    I would just second several mentioned here already, and add Audumla, if you can find it (four streams of milk, white honey, frankincense, motherwort, and angelica root).

    Audumla is my favorite creamy scent. I broke my no backup rule (it's more of a guideline actually) for it after one test.

  4. TAL Middle Pillar is designed specifically to help with grounding and I find it very effective.


    I also like BPAL Coiled Serpent and Wolf's Heart for this.


    For Winter blues, I highly recommend TAL Anthelios.


    For racing thoughts when I'm trying to quiet my mind and sleep, I like using Somnus or TAL Ebon Night.

  5. If you ever said to yourself, " I want my hair to smell like Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups," this would be your gloss.


    I wish that I had purchased more of this. Then again, maybe it's better that I did not because now I really am craving those peanut butter cups candy.


    Okay, to be clear, this does not smell exactly like peanut butter or Nutella. But I agree with the reviewers who are interpreting the nutmeg note as nutty in juxtaposition with the chocolate. This is similar to Gula bath oil but in hair gloss form. I can't differentiate the sandalwood but I believe it's adding a wooden base to the composition.


    Definitely my favorite chocolate hair gloss thus far. I must forever seek etsy and sales to find moar.

  6. Wednesday guided his wolf-now a huge and charcoal-gray beast with green eyes-over to Shadow. Shadow's mount caracoled away from it, and Shadow stroked its neck and told it not to be afraid. Its tiger tail swished, aggressively. It occurred to Shadow that there was another wolf, a twin to the one that Wednesday was riding, keeping pace with them in the sand dunes, just a moment out of sight.

    "Do you know me, Shadow?" said Wednesday. He rode his wolf with his head high. His right eye glittered and flashed, his left eye was dull. He wore a cloak with a deep, monklike cowl, and his face stared out from the shadows. "I told you I would tell you my names. This is what they call me. I am called Glad-of-War, Grim, Raider, and Third. I am One-Eyed. I am called Highest, and True-Guesser. I am Grimnir, and I am the Hooded One. I am All-Father, and I am Gondlir Wand-Bearer. I have as many names as there are winds, as many titles as there are ways to die. My ravens are Huginn and Muninn, Thought and Memory; my wolves are Freki and Geri; my horse is the gallows." Two ghostly-gray ravens, like transparent skins of birds, landed on Wednesday's shoulders, pushed their beaks into the side of Wednesday's head as if tasting his mind, and flapped out into the world once more.

    Oak leaves and ash, honey mead, wolf musk, a flutter of black feathers, and bronze fennel.

    This reminds me a little of the GC Odin scent, appropriately.


    Opening, I can appreciate some woody notes, not sure if I could distinguish oak, but it's there in the notes. The Wolf musk predominates, and it's similar to the musk of Faunalia or Buck Moon.


    Drying, I amplify clouds of sweet honey. It's shy of powdery and blends very nicely with the Wolf musk. I think there may be a hint of opoponox for the flutter of black feathers.


    Late drydown this is mostly Honey and Wolf musk.


    Final assessment: I purchased this full bottle for the Wolf musk and I have a drive to collect all scent related to Odin. The art is gorgeous. This exceeded my expectations. If you like Faunalia and Buck Moon, this is a must try. For me, this is a honeyed Buck Moon with oak instead of pine.

  7. Very mellow, slightly sweet coffee, like cold brewed. The ambrette is sweet, not quite nutty, and slightly dusky, like soft, fuzzy amber.


    Unfortunately the coffee note doesn't last and the ambrette becomes more powdery. I'm a fan of ambrette, so I really like this, but I wish the coffee lasted longer. The ambrette does become a little perfumey.


    I'm not sure I'd like a whole bottle of this but it's very compelling. I get single note ambrette after the short lived coffee note poofs. (Actually, if my nose is flush with my wrist, I can still smell coffee) I will age the decant a little and see if the ambrette matures. If so, this could become bottle worthy.

  8. This smells like a dead ringer for Clinique Happy to my nose. The glittery aldehydes are potent, like "taste on the back of the tongue " potency.


    I'm guessing here, but Media starts out with a zingy citrus, I'm guessing grapefruit or bergamot, but probably the former because it screams engenue. The heart is probably honeysuckle or Lily.


    Drydown is close to the wet phase, but definitely in the green chypre family with over the top aldehydes. Effervescent, vapid, cheeky are adjectives that come to mind.


    This does evoke the concept well, it smells like commercial, clean, conventional fragrance: really swell, good clean fun.


    I want to purchase this for nostalgic reasons as I used to rock Clinique Happy when it first was available. I may have to pass though because this is Stimulating a headache. This is perfect for wearing to work though or a job interview where the image you want to project is "I'm confident, cooperative, energetic, and won't stink up the joint. "

  9. This was eerily accurate. I definitely get the beeswax up front but the camphor and other Embalming chemicals are prominent. (This is not like the GC Embalming Fluid scent, it's more like real Embalming stuff) Having worked in a Gross Anatomy lab, I can attest that this is how preserved cadavers smell. Well, a little more formaldehyde to be honest, but this is more like what I imagined Embalming chemicals smelled like before widespread use of formaldehyde.


    This morphs to a more resinous scent, reminiscent of the Ibis and Jacquel Neil Gaiman scents released previously, with the camphor and Embalming herbs beneath. Myrrh, beeswax, fir, and what I think may be the Henna are detectable.


    Love this. Not sure about a whole bottle but I may need another decant...

  10. Here's some recommendations from someone who has recently been exploring tobacco as a note, and adding to prior recommendations with * means it's one of my top choices [including tobacco, pipe, tobacco flower and leaf]:


    A Bachelor's Dog **

    A Grievous Swarm *

    A Peculiar Spirit

    Apple III

    Black Lace ***

    Bunraku Theater *

    Cafe Mile et une Nuit

    Christougenniatiko Dentrophobia

    Conjunction of Mars and Saturn

    Dark Chocolate, Black Tobacco, Vetiver

    Diable en Boite

    Danse de la Mort (Pickman Gallery)

    Gluggagaegir *


    Looming Spectre of Inutterable Horror *

    Pleasures of the Imagination II & III & V

    In Time of Plague

    Indulgence (Crimson Peak)

    Interfector *

    La Dame au Cochon *

    La Femme de Satan *

    La Pierreuse

    La Ronde du Sabbat **

    Le Vice Suprême

    Pan Twardowsky and the Devil


    Phoenix and Dragon *

    Red Lantern *

    The Antikythera Mechanism **

    The Initiation (Fleurettes Purple Snails)**

    The Organ Grinder ***

    The Parliament of Monsters

    The Second Morning After Christmas *

    This is Your Wilderness

    Three and Twenty *

    Visions of Autumn VII


    I've intentionally omitted scents that list tobacco but I can't detect it due to overshadowing by other notes, e.g. Perversion, Dracul, etc.

  11. Can anyone recommend a blend that has Myrrh as a dominant component?


    Bestest ever but hard to find: Streets of Detroit is hands down my favorite myrrh dominant creation


    Some myrrh heavy GC blends that I like include: Anubis, Czernobog, La Petite Mort!, Priala the Human Phoenix, Sed non Satiata, Wings of Azrael


    To be fair, I amp myrrh, but these are the blends that I can clearly detect the myrrh and it's listed as one of the major components


    Honorable mention to Medea, Bastet, and Hecate also but they aren't as myrrh dominant as the previous listed ones



  12. Oh I hate to tell you but some of my reducer caps leaked worse than the wand caps! To be fair, I have not tried the reducer caps from the Lab yet, I'm only recently trying those out myself. The ones from Nocturne Alchemy have not leaked for me but I have only used them on their bottles.


    Maybe someone who has actually tried the Lab's reducer caps can tell us?

  13. I received a wandcapped oil that leaks, and now I'm noticing that wandcapped is added at the end of some listings almost like a warning. Do they all leak?

    I can't believe that all leak as I've received some in the mail that did not, however, enough do that if I ship or store them, I take precautions:


    Leave upright during storage and usually no problem


    If shipping, use electrical tape or plumbing tape and place in its own, individual baggie



    Is there a GC scent with a genuine Sakura note? The cherry that comes from almond oil doesn't play well with my skin, but I would love a cherry *blossom* note!


    Have you tried Kyoto?

    I have not! Thank you for the suggestion. The "anise" note scares me, but it sounds imp worthy!

    Anise is definitely there but it is easy to get and test. Aizen-Myoo is easily accessible but I can't recall how much Cherry blossoms are apparent, maybe check reviews?


    Other, less easy to find bpal perfumes with Sakura (but check reviews because for most of these other florals or notes are prominent and could be problematic) include Little Sister is Watching You, Hanami***, Lantern Ghost of Oiwa, Fox Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child, Drum Bridge and Yuhi Hill at Meguro, First Cry of the Warbler on the Plum, Night Snow at Kambara, Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms, The Elephant's Leash, Jingu, There is a Garden in Her Face, Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree, Dragon Moon 06, the Phoenix in Spring, Aphrogenes, and the Instructional Manual.


    Hanami is pretty much the best Sakura scent I've found but it is getting harder to locate..


    There are recommended scents in the Cherry Blossoms thread under the Recommendations section, but I summarized. Sorry, I'm on iPad and don't know how to make a link...

  15. Hi! I hope this is the right place. If I have two samples of an oil & they're different colors, is it most likely a batch difference or is one probably just older than the other? Which one would you keep?

    It could be either. I have noticed ambers tend to become redder as they age. I started writing the dates when I receive imps on the labels so I could compare how they age.

  16. I want MOAAAR Ozone...


    But, is this wishful thinking on my part? I'm not sure I've even smell the ozone I'm jonesing for in my one ozoney scent - Lightning. I adore my Lightning, but it reminds me mostly of rain, which is great, but lacks actual lightning. But what I really want is that electricity slashing through ozone. A tangy burning. Maybe I can layer something on top of my lightning to get that added punch that I seek?


    I want the smell of getting too close to one of those old CRT TVs. I want the sharp electricity of lightning cutting through in the air. I want to smell...electricity, I guess? Is it really electricity I'm looking for?


    Every time I review ozoney scents, people keep mentioning dryer sheets, so I'm wary of trying ozone heavy scents. How would you describe the lab's ozone? Does any lab scent have a true ozone feel?


    Any recs for the most electric/ozone scent - even if "ozone" or that feeling isn't the lab's intent?

    Thunder Moon, I think 09 or maybe 07. It has rain and petrichor but ozone too, if you can find a bottle that hasn't aged out. Fresh Lurid too, if you don't mind lavender and musk of the white variety.

  17. Wet, blood musk takes the lead. I may amp it to be fair. I can't say I've ever smelled Black frankincense but this is more airy than Smoky, but it's definitely incense. The labdanum is a supportive note rather than a dominatrix. There is a hint of blood, no entrails or DBR, it's restrained.


    Drying down, this is a resin lover's dream: seamless frankincense, red musk, and labdanum base notes. This is earthy rather than woody, not dirty.


    The sillage is modest but this lasts a long time, equal parts musk and resins and well past 8 hours. Full bottle, come to mama!

  18. Wet, this is very, very vetiver forward. Only fans of vetiver will likely persevere past the opening. No smoke or BBQ sauce here, this vetiver is green, rooty, syrupy.


    Early drydown the tobacco overtakes the vetiver, and gritty is an apt descriptive. This is dried tobacco leaves, sans smoke or any sweetness to tamper the grit. This lacks the zippy pepper note from Grievous Swarm, so the evolution is gradual rather than oscillating, but the scent progresses and the comparison is reasonable. If you liked the grittiness of the tobacco in Grievous, you'll like this. It's dry and menacing.


    Late drydown, this is the resin festival you'd predict from the notes. I usually amp myrrh, but it's behaved here, just providing support. The labdanum and oudh are woody and merge with the tobacco note. Stems and Dried leaves are suggested. This is definitely unisex but not so masculine as to deter the ladies, assuming that they hung in after the vetiver top.


    All in all, masterful. I am considering a bottle but I think I prefer Interfector or Swarm. I may try layering this with French Vanilla for s&g's. Considering my obsession with the number 23, this will probably be a FB purchase.


    Agree with ZZ, this has impressive sillage and it lasted well past 8 hours.



    Forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but does anyone know of an oil that is similar to Juliette Has A Gun's not a Perfume? I recently got a sample of this stuff and it's absolutely gorgeous, but my skin just eats the stuff and only lasts but a few minutes. I can't justify the hefty $100+ price tag if I have to slather myself in it (I'd rather wear Bpal anyway!)


    It is a single note perfume that is apparently just cetalox and nothing else. I've contemplated buying come cetalox and dissolving it in some everclear on the stove to make my own dupe, but I am very clumsy and definitely not a chemist, and don't want to risk burning the house down!


    Single Note Ambergris is close, not that it is easy to find but I have seen it for sale here and Facebook sales.

    Y'Ha Nthlei has extra notes but I like it and find it a kissing cousin to SN Ambergris...


    I literally JUST bought a bottle of Ambergris over the weekend from someone here on the forum - I'm really looking forward to trying it out. I'm definitely going to have to get my hands on some Y'Ha Nthlei too, thank you for the suggestions!

    Any time

  20. Forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but does anyone know of an oil that is similar to Juliette Has A Gun's not a Perfume? I recently got a sample of this stuff and it's absolutely gorgeous, but my skin just eats the stuff and only lasts but a few minutes. I can't justify the hefty $100+ price tag if I have to slather myself in it (I'd rather wear Bpal anyway!)


    It is a single note perfume that is apparently just cetalox and nothing else. I've contemplated buying come cetalox and dissolving it in some everclear on the stove to make my own dupe, but I am very clumsy and definitely not a chemist, and don't want to risk burning the house down!

    Single Note Ambergris is close, not that it is easy to find but I have seen it for sale here and Facebook sales.


    Y'Ha Nthlei has extra notes but I like it and find it a kissing cousin to SN Ambergris...



  21. OK, my fellow Lilac Lovers, time to bump this thread.


    My favorite Lilac scents follow but I am compelled to ask if there are moar:


    His Station and 4 Aces


    The Lilac Wood

    Dragon's Eye

    Blood Countess


    I would love to get my paws on a Blue Lilac SN or just sniff one
