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Posts posted by sprout

  1. I'm surprised no one else mentioned some of the best scents in the GC for vanilla...



    Morocco (my favorite, it's definitely better aged though)

    Les Serpent Qui Danse


    Cockaigne (best bakery smell ever)

    Stimulating Sassafrass Strengthener (root beer like)

    Dragon's Milk


    Seconding earlier recs for Eat Me,Lyonesse, and Mouse's Long and Sad Tale


    Other foodie or sweet goodies include

    Drink Me

    Knave of Hearts (berry tarts with rosewater)



    Alice (creamy milk tea floral)

    Voodoo, Hellcat, Queen, Horn of Plenty (almond yummy)

    Chimera, Shub Niggurath (cinnamon rolls + resins)

    Dana O'Shee (cereal and milk)

    Eclipse (described as almond, I love the vanilla drydown)

    Bliss (chocolate) Vice (chocolate cherry)

    Miskatonic University (Irish Coffee)

    Bengal (vanilla chai tea)

    Mr Nancy (cookies)

    Hobbit (pastries)

    Lemon Scented Sticky Bat (lemon sorbet)

    Brown Jenkin (coconut, sweet)

    Candy Butcher (unimpable but probably easier to find decants)

    Sudha Sugara (honey milk)


    Limited edition stuff that may be harder to track down (but worth finding decants)

    Boo (marshmallows)

    The Gorobble (melty marshmallows)

    Gollettes (strawberry donut)

    Monsterbait Underpants (sexy cake)

    Monsterbait Closet and Underbed (different dessert cake confectionery things) Bloody Mary (cherry dessert)

    Sugar Cookie

    Egg Nog

    Beaver Moon 05 (cheesecake)

    Spooky and Tokyo Stomp (thin mint cookies)

    Punkie Night (my favorite cider scent)

    Midway (funnel cake)

    Mari Lwyd (Lavender cake)

    Jolasveinar (violet and pastries)

    Gingerbread Poppet and Flesh Eating Reindeer from Uranus (gingerbread)

    Huesos de Santo, Gunpowder (orange and carrot cake)

    Sprinkle Cake (Lilith cupcake)

    Cake Smash (self explanatory)

    Very Pink Surprise Cake

    Liliths Bubblegum and Roses

    Liliths Tea Party (roses, tea, and pastries)

    Braving the Ice (iced mint cookies)

    Pumpkin Spice Cookie, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Pumpkin Marshmallow

    Splatter Comedy, The 12th (banana cream pie)

    Candy Phoenix, Kingdom of Sweets, Devil will find work for Idle Hands, Battle Fairy in Training, Sticky Eyeballs and Floppy Entrails, Sticky Pillowcase (candy)

    Cheshire Moon (creamy cake)

    Great London Spaghetti Hunt (tiramisu)

    My Little Grotesque (cardamom cupcakes)

    Little More Tea (tea and cookies)

    Knock Out Drops (lemon cookies)

    Anne Beany (rum cake)

    Pralines and Powdered Sugar (seen on etsy, recently!)

    Teatime in Roswell (Battenberg Cake, but faint)

    Chocolate Stout Cupcake

    Peppermint Cream Cupcake

    Hard Cider Cake

    Strawberry, Raspberry and Black Currant Sufganiyot


    All that I can think of at the moment, I'll add to the post via edit as I think of more

  2. ) light, delicate honeyed white florals: Do The Dancing Maidens Sleep, Oleander Honey, Honey Moon 05, Fiat Nox Gennivre, L'artiste Du Diable, Alice, Osun, Thaleia (Muse), Zarita the Doll Girl, Hetaire, Yellow Jessamine Honey, Door, Only Lovers Left alive: Hal, Harikata, Orgy with 9 Women

    2) sunny orange citrus: Et Lux Fuit, Alumna,

    3) rain-drenched earthy florals: I'm no help here...

    4) straight honey: Audumla, Sweets to the Sweet

    5) aquatic ocean, like a pirate galleon scent: Windward Passage, Thalassia

    6) always down for great woodsy/forestry Scents, especially with cedar: Lear, Cordelia, Yggdrasil, the Jersey Devil, Black Forest




    Also, there's subthreads in the Recommendations forum for individual florals, Honey, Orange, and I Want to Smell Like Forest...



  3. This savage veil is more of a dark, velvety curtain. This is plum dominated with tobacco, patchouli, and nutmeg evenly supporting.


    Plum tends to be sweet (tbh my skin seems to make many notes sweet) and the patchouli is smooth and more woody than dirty. I don't really perceive spice in this, it's more dry resin sweetened up by plum.


    This could be worn by man or woman and definitely evokes a sense of darkness and brooding. I would say it's a less fruity (no pomegranate) and more unisex Moriarty. It also reminds me of a previous Pickman Gallery scent: The Witches Route (The Carcass) but where that was dry owing to the sandalwood, this is less so.


    This is evocative and certainly befitting the Eryines. That being said, I love this and will treasure the bottle. Benefits going to help RAINN makes me happy.

  4. With a drop of neroli.

    This is pure cranberry jelly for me. The neroli really is just a hint. I love this, it really brightens the atmosphere during the middle of Winter when green growing things and fresh fruit are a pale memory.


    This is fruity and sweet with a zingy punch from the orange of the neroli. If you like the cranberry in The Jersey Devil, you'll love this.

  5. This is the winter version of Midnight in a Silent Grove. It's also probably the closest I'm going to get to chilly night sky above a fir forest, which was Nocnitsa...


    Sweet snow, pine resin(similar to fir) and maybe a hint of ambergris to give it a sense of air? Perhaps a bit of Spanish moss to represent the forest floor.


    I'll need a big bottle.

  6. I understand the Vicks Vapor Rub references but this is so much better, minty, slightly floral, with a hint of ozone, nice & cooling. Eucalyptus is a favorite note and it's here in spades, as the blossoms. This also has some spearmint I think with a sweet leaning very fresh aquatic note.


    I was initially not especially wow'd by this then I kept catching whiffs of something gorgeous! It was Hypothermia on drydown.


    I am surprised this isn't wildly popular. The dry phase is sweet, vanillic, hazy shade of Winter. It vaguely resembles Snow White but no coconut or pineapple/melon. It's closer to the drydown of Snowflakes 2006, which is one of my first snowy BPAL loves. I'm willing to wager there's a healthy amount of benzoin in it. This closest I can come to describing this is the fluffy, slightly vanilla part of TKO without the lavender.


    I may need more than one bottle...

  7. The jasmine is in the forefront of this in the first few minutes with a frankincense note giving it an airy quality. Jasmine sambac has a very subtropical, Southern nights association for me. The black currant is on the limit of my ability to detect it. It brings sweetness to the composition.


    Drying this becomes more of a skin scent. The Amber assuming a fuzzy, soft character. The jasmine is much less in evidence on drydown, where this scent becomes mostly resin. It's well integrated, especially for a less aged oil. The sweetness of the currant marries nicely with the caramel and Amber. Often caramel amps on me, but this scent isn't gourmand and you won't be mistaken for dessert.


    In summation, this starts like a fruity floral but it's more Southern belle femme fatale than teeny bopper juice. The jasmine bows out on the drydown and leaves the caramelized Amber and black currant fusion. This is really unique and unlike anything else in my collection.


    If you are a fan of the black currant note from Sufganiyot and weren't put off by the jasmine note, you will probably love this.

  8. Harlot, Seraglio, or Jezebel may be worth a sample. These are all an incense plus roses smell. None are too green.


    Lilith is a musky, resinous rose with myrrh. Venice is a wildcard suggestion, but is a full bodied red rose with sandalwood in the mix.


    If Rose Cross isn't what you're looking for, I would suggest Beauty, The Agrieved. Reviews describe it as incense plus roses. It has more than frankincense, it has frankincense, roses, myrrh, and sandalwood.

  9. No cologne to my nose, this is tears and white roses. If you have been missing Penthus, which was discon'd a few years ago, I'd consider this as a close sub. although it's lacking the incense note. It also reminds me of Pool of Tears from the Mad Tea Party collection. Think a rose predominant Alice drowning in salty tears.


    It's rare that I find a rose that doesn't go soapy or powdery on my skinistry. The misted roses is apt. Reminds me of The Fairy Thorn, in that it's a haunting, wistful rose.


    Roses in blends dictate that I try before I buy and this is one of the few that work. You definitely have to love the salty tears note to enjoy this. I'm planning on a bottle.

  10. Started off like October and finished with the smooth as a proverbial baby's butt patchouli from Banshee Beat (Revenant Rhythm).


    The dead leaves note is the one that smells like bell peppers. The vetiver is dry, vegetal, and slightly grassy, not Barbecue like.


    I know I'm damming this with faint praise but that bonfire note is very accurate and I really like it.


    I was going to buy a bottle of October but given this smells better than that on the drydown, I'll get this instead. I'm hoping that the bell peppers accord mellows out and smells more like dead leaves after some age. In my prior experience with this accord, that's what happens so I feel it's a calculated risk in my favor. Thank goodness, I don't smell anything like a metallic note as those tend to go high pitched, cheap drug store body spray for all the young dudes on me.


    So, to recap, this unfolds with the dead leaves note, segues into a walk in a forest with moss and leaves, a bonfire in the distance, and gradually fades to the drydown of Banshee Beat with slightly more patchouli and less vanilla.

  11. First whiff wet on skin my nose reads pumpkin spice predominantly with little gourd.


    Early in the dry phase, this gets more gourmand, there's a hint of pumpkin, spice, coconut, florals of the soft and tropical variety, and a squirt of lime rounded out by lemongrass. Confused yet? It's possibly luminescent but I'd love to taste it. It actually smells like some Thai dessert thingie, or maybe my imagination is out on a limb. Like lime meringue with pumpkin spice sugar and coconut flakes.


    The heart is where this becomes interesting. The white Amber and glassy musk join the party. The pumpkin spice is more in the background, the floral and citrus are a fading memory but the green coconut adds grounding and sweetness. To be fair, my skin makes most scents sweet so YMMV.


    This lasted a long, long time and the late drydown was glorious "glassy " musk and pale Amber. Being a white Amber whore, I couldn't be happier.


    Shoggoth is one of the sleeper hits of the general catalog so I'm not surprised that this doesn't have many reviews. I personally think I am not the best reviewer and I struggle to describe what I smell so I'm probably not doing this justice. This and Violent Gestisticulations are my favourite scents of this update so far. That's saying something because there are many, many fine perfumes amongst the 2017 Weenies. I'm going to violate my no backups rule for this one. It's really more of a guideline...


    TL;DR: gourmandy pumpkin spice green coconut Amber. And it's definitely scintillating. If I had to assign a color, this would be radioactive seafoam green with a hint of seashell pink swirl sprinkled with gold and orange glitter sprinkles.

  12. In Hideous Darkness may take the crown as my new favorite tobacco scent.


    Seven Word Story Lust hasn't been mentioned yet and it's a gritty, chewy tobacco, after the tart pomegranate calms the f down.


    7WS Sloth is absofrackinlootley gorgeous.


    Just tried Court of Honor, which has a nice tobacco, supported by the sandalwood. It's reading on the more masculine end of the androgynous continuum but as it dries the ambergris sweetened it some.


    Groan of Mortal Terror reminds me of Antikythera Mechanism without the vanilla or teak...I think I'll retry after a few weeks. It's very airy and dry.

  13. Mossy Graveyard dirt with a hint of airy frankincense in the air. For this nose, mostly dirt and moss with a hint of frankincense. No cologne note, thankfully. So, like Yorick burning some incense.


    This is more dry than loam-y.




    I'm not really a fan of the dirt blends but I like this. I'll keep it for when I want to smell like dirt and leaves. I'd love this as an atmosphere scent.

  14. Resurrecting to ask about yardwork (not quite gardening, I know, but similar enough to the topic at hand).

    Has anyone found any scent that works particularly well for them while mowing the lawn? It would be nice to find something that can hold up next gasoline/sweat/newly-cut grass--not to drown them out, but to complement what's already there. I'm new to the world of paying attention to fragrances, so I haven't to my knowledge tried anything with leather or metallic notes, but that's my first thought. Or maybe the mower engine creates enough earthy and metallic notes in its own right, but then I don't know what other notes would best add to it.

    What are your thoughts?

    Something from Phoenix SteamWorks would likely fit the bill.


    I'm thinking Robotic Scarab sounds like the scent you described in yr imagination above. Me personally would want No. 93 Engine but YMMV. Luckily, they're impable so you can sample 'em all...

  15. I think Geneviere L'Artiste du Diable would be right in your wheelhouse but if she proves too elusive, Iulia, L'Artiste du Diable or Serving Tea after Coitus. Another to consider is Bewildered in a Dream.


    From the General Catalog, I'd try The Apothecary...


    I agree with the Green Tree Viper but I recommend to get an aged sample as the Snake Oil component may be reminiscent of plastic Doll's head on some folks...

  16. Here we go; * = wildcard pick (I've avoided most florals, esp. jasmine and Lavender) some of these have florals but they aren't prominent.

    ♡ = my favorites ; ? = I haven't tried it yet


    A Countenance Foreboding Evil ♡


    Black Annis ♡


    Fenris Wolf ♡♡♡♡♡

    Bram Stoker


    Satyr ♡


    Spider ♡

    Scales of Deprivation ♡



    Anne Bonny

    Jolly Roger

    Juke Joint *

    Antony ♡

    Becoming Thunder ♡

    Beware *

    Interfector ♡

    Looming Spectre of Inutterable Horror ♡

    Robotic Scarab *

    Great Sword of War ♡

    Titus Andronicus ♡

    Tzadikim Nistarim ♡



    The Grave Pig

    The Apothecary ♡*

    Hag's Gate ?*

    Hippie Ghost *

    Mary Read ♡

    Masquerade ♡♡♡




    Dirty *

    Tezcatlipoca ♡



    John Watson

    Sherlock Holmes ♡

    Black Forest

    The White Rider

    The Black Rider ♡

    Baba Yaga?

    Calico Jack

    Incantation ♡

    Kubla Khan ♡♡


    Black Tower

    The Coiled Serpent ♡♡

    Jersey Devil ♡

    Yggdrasil ♡



    Blithe Hollow


    Dawn: Cernunnos

    Loup Garou♡♡♡


    This is Your Wilderness ♡ (may be too sweet due to the honey)

    Jazz Funeral *




    Captain Gleason?

    Doc Constantine ♡♡♡

    Dragon's Hide

    Dwarf *



    The Book

    Manhattan ♡

    Buggre Alle This Bible

    The Marquis de Carabas


    Baron Samedi



    Coyote ♡

    Thales Eclipse♡

    Al Azif ♡

    Nyarlathotep ♡


    Isle of Demons *

    High John the Conqueror *

    The Chariot?*

    Foolish and Vacuous?

    The Organ Grinder ♡♡

    Banded Sea Snake

    Parliament of Monsters ♡

    Isaac the Living Skeleton?


    Trevor Bruttenholm?

    The Magician?

    Fake News *

    Theoi Nomioi

    Mad Sweeney *

    Black Hats*

    Glass Eye**


    All-Father ♡♡

    Mr. Czerobog

    Mr. Wednesday

    The Buffalo Man



    The Forgettable God

    The Intangibles ♡


    Try looking for "masculine scents," leather, moss, tobacco, bay rum, patchouli


    Black musk may go sweet on you, you'll have to test and see. Probably avoid anything with myrrh, opoponox, or Tonka as they tend to be cloying and sweet as they dry down. Don't give up on the aquatics, you could find some that work. HTH

  17. Awww, you're not being difficult, you like what you like. I am one of the minority who loves vetiver and Malediction.


    I bet we can find you some non sweet resin scents, sans florals, no sweat.


    How do you feel about wood notes and patchouli?


    I'll come back with ideas when my cold medicine isn't kicking my ass and I can Brain properly.
