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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by sprout



    Game of thrones:


    Cersei: Hellcat

    Jaime: Sin

    Jon Snow: Black Forest

    Dany: Dragon Blood

    Tyrion: no, not Imp. He wears Sed Non Satiata

    Catelyn: Prurience


    I'll think of the others later.

    ooh fun.


    Ned Stark: Highwayman

    Catelyn: Whoso List to Hunt

    Jon Snow: The Black Rider

    Arya: Anne Bonny

    Sansa: The Lady of Shalott

    Joffrey: Whitechapel

    Cersei: Hunger

    Jaime: The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    Tyrion: Perversion or Wilde

    Littlefinger: Envy

    The Spider: Viola

    Drogo: Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn

    Danaerys: Dragon's Milk

    Viserys: Wrath, or The Sea Foams Blood


    Now all I want to do is curl up and read...



    Love it!


    my thoughts:


    Cersei: Tsiphone

    Jaime: Golden Priapus

    Tyrion: Santo Domingo

    Sansa: Phobos

    Arya: Gnome

    John Snow: Black Forest

    Daenerys: Dragon's Milk

    Drogo: Coyote


    Sorry guys, I think "The Lion" (MTP) is Tyrion's scent. But I have always seen him as a Lion. Golden Priapus is perfect for Jaime.


    We need some for


    Roose Bolton

    The Hound

    Brienne the Beauty

    Ser Jorah

    Reagar Targaryen

    Robb Stark

    Tywin Lanister

  2. Any ideas for a dupe for BBW Sweater Weather? I love the room spray, would love to wear the scent. Notes includeSweater Weather – A cuddly blend of eucalyptus, juniper berry and fresh sage


    I am pretty darn sure there is some amber in there as well or perhaps musk as it has a top, herbal/evergreen note that is probably the juniper, eucalyptus and sage but then there is a resinous, warm note that is musky and "sunny" like frankincense or more likely an amber??

  3. Okay, this is my first review and given the paucity of single notes I have tried, I am not the best at picking out single notes, so with that caveat here goes


    Preconceived notions: engine, steamworks, should be interesting, artificial smelling perhaps, mechanical


    In vitro (imp): yellowish oil, average viscosity, smells medicinal (like rootbeer or cola?) and slightly smoky (like oil burning)

    In vivo, wet, first few seconds: sharp, evergreen note [perhaps balm of Gilead? perhaps it reminds me of the resin of evergreen trees, but having never smelled single note balm of Gilead, I have no frame of reference]


    Development wet to dry: actually smells like smoke coming from the oil burning in an engine and captures the "spirit" of the scent's theme very nicely, a single note I wondered what it was, guessed fennel, it must be the white sage

    Base notes: becoming sweeter, more vanilla-resin, me thinks this is benzoin as I enjoy that note. At this phase I think it is equal blend of the herby notes (sage and resinous evergreen notes, a hint of cola/medicine/rootbeer/sassafras? with the benozin which is sweet and vanilla like). As it dries further it reminds me a bit of snake oil with resin (maybe that is all I get of the honeywax candles), but later, I get more of the frankincense and none of the honey comb (womp, womp)


    Affinity and final thoughts: I was surprised by this one as i expected herbal honeycomb and got resinous vanilla rootbeerish herbal. I must conclude that frankincense in a blend is going to trump other resin and organic notes. I really wish I had gotten the honeycomb that others perceived, but I can perhaps layer with an oil that has more honey and needs complexity. I really enjoy herbal scents, benzoin and frankincense so this is going to be a keeper, and I will probably hoard imps. I am contemplating a partial bottle, however, there are many I enjoy that will take precedence over this. Overall, I do think this captured the idea of Number 93 Engine olfactorily. Bravo Beth!


    Edited: 3 hours after application, the frankincense calmed a bit and the honeycomb came out--I am in honeycomb heaven! BIG BOTTLE on this one!!!!!! I love this pure, dry, sweet, slightly waxy comb with a hint o' honey

  4. nervous energy this morning - finished updating the Lupers BPTP update, and added the new Alice and Emerald City (and Lunacy) - think it's up to date.


    (as ever, ignore the color coding, and column A, that's all personal notation)


    Izile's BPAL Spreadsheet

    Thank you for the scent list with descriptions and categories. As a person who has been out of the game for a while and lost a substantial portion of products (long story), this will help me with slowly rebuilding the lost precious. Thank you very, very much. Your attention to detail is helpful and impressive in the extreme.
