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Everything posted by sprout

  1. sprout

    Apple II

    Wet, this smells fruity, with equal balance between the pink pepper, lemon and apple initially, then it becomes pink lemonade. Although I detected the juniper berry initially, instead of smelling of evergreen, it actually does come off as more of a berry note in this mix. So, pink berry lemonade with a hint of apple. Fresh but without being high pitched or cloying. Also, the lemon did not go Pledge cleaner on me, which I thought could be a distinct possibility paired with an evergreen like juniper. Drying on bare skin, the apple really is not a match for these other power hitters, so I get predominantly LEMON, PINK PEPPER, a hint of berry, and a ghost of apple. So, it is slightly sweet, that could be the influence of the apple or something else, see my comments on the dry down. The apples were not tart on me, and quite overpowered by the lemon, pepper and berry but sweet and candy-ish. This would be a wonderful summer scent when you want to cool off or a Hello, time to wake up! scent. I really thought that the pink pepper would kill it for me, so I am glad to have purchased a decant as I almost passed on it. The pink pepper in Jiggery P0k3ry made me slightly nauseous, so I thought it was a note of doom, but that is not the case here. Perhaps the tart lemon keeps it in check. I am actually contemplating a partial bottle and will certainly hoard the imp. This would be wonderful for a quick swipe when I need to wake up and focus. It's definitely an uplifting and energizing scent. ETA: This lasted only about 3.5 hours and I question if there is a teensy bit of tonka in the dry down, it was just slightly sweet and powdery. I guess it could have been the juniper berry, I think it is a little resinous. It did not morph much and stayed true to the wet stage with predominantly berry pink lemonade juicy happiness all the way through. I think it really did help me focus. The throw was not too impressive, it hovered pretty close to the skin, so this is a good one when you don't want to be too sexy or obvious you are wearing scent. Very well balanced, not too foody and definitely not one dimensional if lacking in throw and longevity. A surprise hit! If you like things like Zanthe and Pet Magah Bird, give this a whirl. Source (decanted imp) Tested on wrist and hand
  2. Well my favorite Winter scents, as in smells like Winter are these: Black Ice Talvikuu The Carpathian mountains Cloister Graveyard in the Snow Hunger Moon Ice (Kubuki series) Snow Flakes The Darkling Thrush To get snow in a forest, I'd layer one of the snow and ice scents with forest scents (Andyl nailed my top favorites for forest scents, Jersey Devil, Black Forest, or Ranger), unless of course you can actually get some Carpathian mountains, which already combined snow + forest, beautifully.
  3. sprout

    Sugary or creamy delicate floral scents

    Muse of Fire Midnight on the Midway
  4. sprout

    Pure Applesauce

    This was pretty consistent from start to finish. Top notes may have contained apple blossom because the blossom on me is sweet and has impressive throw. Wet and early dry, this smells like pure applesauce, convincingly so. Mott's applesauce is my childhood memory reference and this smells just like it. Tobacco note or accord is missing for me. There is a hint of black tea in the dry phase but I have to sniff for it. Overall, this is sweet apple mush and sugar with a hint of tea. Maybe aging will allow for more development of the tobacco and tea notes because this would benefit from some grounding notes. Lovely and accurate in it's depiction of applesauce but lacking in complexity. If aging does bring out the tobacco more, I'll update this review and upgrade to a bottle. I'm keeping my decant to retest and enjoy.
  5. sprout


    My experience is pretty similar to reviews up thread. Initial notes are synthetic banana, the Laffy Taffy one is on point. It became more like an actual squished banana as it dried. Later, I smell breakfast cereal, Lucky Charms to be exact or maybe Honeycomb. A hint of latte foam is suggested. This becomes more dry and sweet as it wears, eventually more vanilla marshmallow. Final analysis: This was very true to the description, impressively so, quite realistic. Unfortunately for me, banana is not my jam. I was fearful actually that the coffee would be too intense but I barely detected it. This was a delightful and whimsical scent that captured the back story with accuracy and beauty. I'll keep my decant but the banana note holds me back from the bottle upgrade. That I would keep the imp is a testament to the beauty of the rest of the scent since I strongly dislike banana fruit and especially synthetic banana flavoring like the candy.
  6. sprout

    The Organ Grinder (2015)

    I got creamy almond milk at the beginning followed by milky sassafras, but never did I mistake this for a rootbeer float, no icecream. The wet phase was very delightful. About a half hour in the tobacco makes a show, gets a bit smoky for a bit but is smoothed out by the sassafrass. This doesn't become cigarette smoke on my skin, thank goodness, just smoky and herbal with predominant tobacco leaves, but smooth, yo. For the heart, this was mainly smoky tobacco and a hint of herbal, not quite rootbeer flavor from the "sasparilla." Dry down was very powdery, reminded me a bit of Pickled Imp in fact, wondering if that is the Pine Tar. I don't get the suntan coconut feel from the coconut in this, it just added to the creamy feel and on drydown it was very dry coconut husk (nonfoody) and pine resin. There is no vanilla here, like Pickled Imp, but the coconut adds a bit of creaminess that my nose is reading as foody, but dry and soft, not like Coconut milk or fruit, more like dried coconut flakes. In combination with the Pine resin, it is quite similar to Pickled Imp to my nose (and memory). This is not OG going coconuts, or OG on tropical vacation, this is OG becoming creamier, smoother, and almost foody but dry and rich and creamy. The newer Organ Grinder 2015 was a bit powdery for my taste, but I think this is just because my imp is fresh, this will age into greatness, never doubt it. I tested this against the Old Formula OG (Organ Grinder) and the older version has mellowed into a resinous wonder with the lovely pine tar resin similar to that in Pickled Imp and a hint of tobacco and herbal High John and patch. If you fear the patchouli, it is not strong here, I can barely smell it, even in my aged imp. The addition of the new notes really mellows this one out and takes it just shy of foody territory. Tobacco lovers must give this a test, it hovers between smoking tobacco and fresh dried leaves. I like this better than Interfector as the latter is almost too masculine but this one is truly Unisex IMO. It is woody, herbal, slightly foody, and resinous. I will definitely get a new bottle to age but I will also enjoy layering the new OG with the original OG so I can enjoy both the foody, almost cookie like top notes with the mellow, resinous base. Not only will this probably be a multi bottle love, I could see this being a signature scent!
  7. sprout


    Initially this is apple blossom, slightly more floral but very apple smelling (yes, it does smell like shampoo, the eighties turned out all sorts of hair products with apple smells and it is hard to avoid the association) but this smells like fresh pressed apple juice mainly with a hint of Pom juice (I had to read the notes to appreciate it, it blends well with the apple smell) there is a hint of Nutella smelling nut spread, somewhere between chocolaty and nutty but it is brief. Berries other than Pom juice are not appreciable on me. Azaroles evidently are the haw or fruit of the hawthorn tree. I had to use google fu to learn that, and I have no frame of reference as to how they smell, so I am not sure I smell anything like that here. If you like apple scents, this is a must try, and I agree with the Punkie Night comparison, but this is more of a fresh apple, no spice or booze notes. It would be great for layering with other Weenies that don't have as much apple as I'd like. I am going to hope that cellaring will bring out a bit more of the other notes like berries and nuts, but my guess is that this is the 2009 version (purchased from the Lab's Etsy page) so the berries may have aged out?) This smells like apple orchards to me, flowers and juice--maybe a hint of nuts but the throw is all APPLE!. I wish I had sniffed the dirt that other reviewers smelled as this lacks complexity, but it will be good for layering, so there's that. I am keeping my bottle.
  8. sprout

    Sleepytime BPAL

    Somnus puts me into deep sleep. There is lavender present but on me it smells quite floral, mainly jasmine with a hint of rose. No notes listed so I have no idea but it works. I actually like the smell of Baku the best, it's almost all lavender on me, but Somnus is what I wear when I desperately need sleep. Nanshe works well too and is mainly lemon verbena.
  9. sprout

    Muddy Puddles

    Have you ever huffed a packet of Swiss Miss Cocoa? Well, I have, I guess I am weird like that, and this oil is a dead ringer! It even smells a slight bit powdery, like the cocoa mix but not like baby powder. I dabbed just a little on the indentation above my collarbone and the crook of my elbow, and the throw was good. I got very little morphing, it stays pretty true to the Swiss Miss cocoa scent for a few hours. I am at the 5 hour mark now, give or take, and it is now just pure vanilla. I never smelled the dirt note. This is a decant, and I am not sure but I am betting my decanter mixed well before pouring, but I did not get any dirt notes (no sludge or chocolate bits floating in my decant like in the Sprinklecake or the other chocolate accord BPALz). As far as I know, my skin neither amps nor absorbs dirt notes excessively, and I am only slightly disappointed that I did not get any dirt notes, because I have plenty I can layer and this is just the loveliest smell, it takes me back to being a kid and having a nice cup of cocoa on a cold day. Pure Swiss Miss people. Uncut, straight up, and no chaser. Oh yeah, no question I will upgrade to a bottle.
  10. sprout

    Something sweet and STRONG? *newbie*

    Suggest adding Le Serpent Qui Danse Belle Epoque and seconding above suggestions Lysander and Morocco
  11. sprout

    When Stars are Weeping

    Wondering if this needs to age. I get the honeysuckle and what I am speculating is water lettuce and a hint of bergamot at the top. Heart notes are very nice, crystalline musk, watery florals and maybe the carrot seed, but it isn't effervescent like other blends with carrot seed. I am wondering if there may be amber, though or if this is just the type of musk that goes straight to powder because this is breaking my heart, as it dries to baby powder. I have yet to have amber do this, so I am wondering if it is the musk. All the other blue and crystal musk blends I have tried have been wonderful, nose to wrist, YES YES YES smells for me, so I blind purchased this one in the hopes it would be similar to Yvraine or other lovely blue musk smellies. I am going to cellar this, in the hopes that aging will turn it into glory. I don't get any violet, leaf or otherwise, and only a hint of vanilla. Since my experience is quite different from other reviewers and no one else complained of powder, I am going to chalk this up to a decant that was not mixed well or just being too fresh and try again. I really wanted to love this. TThe wet phase is more my vibe, so maybe I will try a scent locket. If aging improves the baby powder bit and turns this into the blue musk I adore, then I will report back.
  12. sprout

    Scents for late summer into autumn

    I'm thinking Carnival scents especially Snakes are good for the transition but I have to limit the really sweet ones as they amp in the heat and are a little too much. In the theme of "Second Spring" and Autumn Coolness, Lupers are what I will try for these agonizingly hot days. Also, Sol Ivictus, Sportive Sun, and amber blends like Coyote and the Lion aren't too sweet or overwhelming. When it's super hot (over 85° here this week) I like to wear something cooling like Nuclear Winter or Ice (Kubuki). I'll check my stash of scents to test for some DDLM.
  13. sprout

    Scents for late summer into autumn

    Little bump for ideas of late summer scents to wear while it's still hot and waiting for Weenie weather (and waiting for decants)
  14. sprout

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    I'm old school too. I use the spreadsheet to find older things that I want to try, but I write my scent trials in a little black book, titled simply, "My BPAL Journal."
  15. sprout


    Fairy bites has more osmanthus I think but it has to complete with other foodie notes.
  16. sprout

    Sugared incense

    Fairy Market is wonderful. Temple Viper is my hands down favorite sugary incense though.
  17. sprout


    Preconceived notions: None really, I expected it to be resinous because, well, "evil" but I did not look at the notes first. Often vetiver is used to evil things up. I think I was expecting a little brimstone too--sometimes I am a bit too literal In the imp: Woody, rubbery, fruity wtf? (in hindsight, it is probably the opium tar smelling like rubber, it probably needs to age quite a bit to smell more like the opium tar I like, this is a very new, lab fresh imp) Wet: Starburst candy-like fruity liquid, smells sweet like a melon slushie, which is probably the green tea (green tea usually goes sweet on me, YMMV) and fresh barely ripe plum--the fruity liquid over a woody background, which is, in retrospect, the tobacco. The woody aspect is quite mellow, not evergreen or hamster cagey. The tobacco is mostly stems and leaves, not tobacco flower or smoke, like fresh plants, not dried. Drying: Ambergris takes this to a golden, not quite salty place, like amber light plus salt. I would swear there is black musk in this, but no such note listed, perhaps that is the ambrette (I have not smelled single note, but it tends to be musky on me and slightly sweet) marrying with the opium tar and khus (vetiver!) which are slightly smokey. Drydown: Mostly ambrette, ambergris and plum, musky and slightly sweet, shy of powdery, with a hint of sea salt. Green tea gone. Verdict: Yeah, evidently I like evil. Vetiver lovers need not fear the Khus, it is really not present in large quantities here and well tempered by the ambrette which keeps it sweet. Initially this is astringent and fruity (like Starbursts if they were liquified--yeah, that is my scent association, but its good, trust me) but dries down into a plummy musk that is a distant relative to Mme. Moriarty (perhaps an evil nephew?) and perhaps, Intrigue (although Intrigue is fig, not plum). If you like Intrigue but want sweet, this is it. If you want a more masculine MME, this could be your jam, no snake oil of course. This is meant for layering so it isn't as in yo face as I would expect of an evil oil. I am going to age this and retest to see if I need a bottle. I find vetiver gets more potent and smoky over time and I imagine the opium tar will get more hazy and resinous as well. I am predicting this will be quite yummy then and can be used to "evil things up," like florals and foodies that need a little oomph.
  18. sprout

    First Time BPAL-er looking for recs!

    Howdy. Half elf, Bon Vivant, Wings of Azazel, Bordello, Golden Priapus, Tombstone, Aglaea, TKO, Hetairae Ultraviolet, and Shoggoth are my additions but there are many fine recommendations ahead. Welcome to the madness and prepare for the ruthless enabling! Limited edition recs: A World Where there are Octobers, Non Mask and Maple leaves, Oblation, Doll's eye honey, Boo, the Gorobble, Strawberry Moon, Golettes, Body Remember
  19. sprout

    Snake Pit recs

    I've tried all of the snakes. Western Diamond back is soft leather and SO. Asp viper is very spicy with strong SO. Faiza, Death adder and Temple viper are resinous and sweet. Green tree viper is vanilla and mint. Cottonmouth is the lightest of the snakes and floral, mostly linden and lilies. King cobra is mainly frankincense. Boomslang has a good amount of snake oil plus chocolate. Australian Copperhead is fruity. Banded Sea snake is salty and mossy, light on the SO. I can't remember what Habu smells like. I really can't pick a favorite. It depends on my mood. They're all good. If I could only have one, probably Temple viper or Death adder.
  20. sprout


    Preconceived notions: I looked up the notes as the scent developed, and I expected more florals but these were my impressions. I have no notes to guide me, so any reference to such is an educated guess at best! My imp was a gift and is of indeterminate age, so fresh imps may vary! I am guessing that my imp is quite aged, based on the condition of the label and the mellowness of the notes compared to other reviews. In the imp: Wood chips in aqueous seawater. Perhaps? cedar (but not cedar hamster cage of doom), perhaps cypress instead given the mellowness of the wood? I like the wet phase. Wet: Green leaves, fig leaf? (that isn't quite it, but my nose interpreted the flora as fig leaf!). I sense watery leaves and that wood note, which I am solidifying my guess as cypress. I perceive no floral at this juncture, no ice/Lab snow notes, perhaps a hint of salt...I rather liked this phase and wish it did not dry so quickly. It was fleeting. Drying: Subdued, waterlogged floral notes emerge, lilies are my best guess, but narcissus could be right, not jasmine, not rose, not violet, not hyacinth or lilacs. I confound fig and carnation sometimes (funny thing, olfaction) so it could be carnation, but the floral notes are so faint and unfamiliar I cannot identify them and it is as if they are being watered down and perceived through mist and fog... Drier: Scent maintains a slightly aqueous quality (but is different from other clean aquatics, there is no hint of aftershave here) and has perhaps the barest hint of ozone. I can sense a foggy and murky gloom feeling, and vetiver is definitely present, perhaps ambergris accounts for the slightly salty aqueous base? It becomes smokier, saltier and less floral as it dries. It sort of vacillates between clean aquatic (aged white musk?) and foggy and smoky vetiver. Final synopsis: Niflheim definitely captures the theme of gloom and fog with a hint of waterlogged flowers and leaves. My experience was an interesting and unique aquatic that was not bracing, devoid of Axe or other aftershave associations (thankfully!), and slightly smokey on dry down. I rather liked it, but I am not sure I would have sprung for a bottle. This would be a wonderful atmospheric scent or a fragrance to wear on misty and rainy days. I am among the few & proud the lovers of vetiver, so I suspect I am in the minority on my enjoyment of this scent. Since it has been discontinued, I likely will not be able to locate a bottle anyway. I will probably frimp this away but it would also be good for layering with florals that need a bit of tempering.
  21. sprout

    The Best Mint Blends

    My mint (cold) faves Ultraviolet Cathode Nuclear Winter Black Ice Country of Eternal Light Tokyo Stomp Tulzcha Ice (from Kabuki series) I need to try Numb, Pain, Anesthesia, Snowblind, the Coil, Menacing Ionospheric, Lick it
  22. sprout


    In the bottle: Predominantly lavender with a floral backdrop (I purchased a well aged bottle on teh forum, which is why I think the lavender is not sharp and the florals are mellowed out) Wet: Floral (not herbal, not camphorous) lavender with sweet lilacs and a bit of shy violet. These are soft and purple lilacs, like the early spring blooms. Drying: Early on, prominant lavender, lilac and violet--purple flowers, no high pitched screaming or soapiness, the orris (or perhaps the sandalwood or both) provides a dusky quality, soft and diaphanous. The sandalwood is snuggly and grounding but not woody or overpowering. Gardenia and ylang ylang are either present in such small amounts or are so well blended with the other floral notes that I don't detect them. The violets are almost spicy and quite velvety. This blend is close to the skin with moderate sillage and a bit of sweetness from the lilacs but it is not a young girl's blend, more mature (not necessarily grandmotherly but I could see that scent association with the violets being old fashioned). Veil is calming and sweet without being overpowering floral or powdery. If orris becomes powdery on you, I guess this could be an issue, I usually find it soft and billowy. The florals are well blended and soft with the whole being meditative and somewhat soporific. The sandalwood grounds the floral notes well, and isn't as woody as it can be, it is like a nest in which the florals are held. I see the suggestion of a veil, as the impression is soft, tranparent cloth with the sandalwood weaving a tapestry for the soft floral notes. Late dry: Predominantly orris which on me is a sweet, violaceous powder. The lavender burns off and there is mainly orris and violet with a little sweet left over by the lilacs. Final thoughts: This is a well blended floral which is soft and slightly sweet. I like to use it for my sleep scent or on days where I just want to mellow out and calm myself. I am keeping this bottle. If your imp or bottle is sharp or too herbal, let it age a bit and it will become soft and mellow over time. I can usually wear lilac and gardenia, white florals are hit or miss, gardenia is often waxy or buttery, and violet is one of my favorite notes. If you are a violet lover or love purple florals, I recommend trying Veil.
  23. sprout

    Maiden v2

    Purchased Maiden V2 full 5 ml bottle from the Lab's etsy page. I cannot recall testing regular Maiden from the GC yet, but I bought this unsniffed based on reviews. (for reference there are no notes listed for this version, however the notes listed for Maiden in the GC are white tea, carnation and Damask Rose. Preconceived ideas: I have held off testing GC Maiden the released version due to concern the rose note will dominate and turn the whole thing soapy. This version sounds as if the carnations and honey could keep the blend less one dimensional and perhaps temper the domination of the rose note. In the bottle: Rosy spices Wet: Spicy floral rose, edge of powder Early Dry: Powdery rose, spicy carnation, almost creamy, reminds me of Lucy's Kiss at this point or a spicier Alice Late Dry: And the honey appears, just a hint of skank, which is how I like it! The rose is less powdery and the carnations are still bringing the spice. Final thoughts: Yes, I will be keeping my bottle. Agree with reviewers who say this is somewhat akin to Alice (more spicy than Alice) and perhaps Lucy's Kiss. Think Lucy's Kiss plus carnations and honey. This is a good floral that almost becomes powdery but perhaps aging could temper that tendency. Add one to the spicy and almost creamy florals that works for me. I will get good use of this in Spring and Summer when I need a good floral scent that is not too soapy or powdery.
  24. Black Rose from Rapaccini's Garden. Spellbound Whip