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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Woodbetony

  1. "I'm Jenmy the Hippopondus!" ~Felix

  2. All you graphic designer folks could I plant a seed in your creative mind? Testicular cancer awareness icon. It's a bit of a delicate subject. There's certainly a fine line between awareness and ludeness. Think on it! 😘

  3. As my current project (TLCS!!) is drawing to a close ( December 5&6) I cannot help but gaze forward and wonder at what I might do next. With that Stitch & Bitch & Learn & Swap event next month I find I am so looking forward to teaching! I would Lovelovelove to share the bliss of liberated creativity. To look at something and be able to make it your own. To alter clothes, make them from scratch, or feather your nest of dreams? Liberation. Elation. Happy creative fingers strumming the threads o...

  4. Brrrrr! Chilly day for a kindergarten corn maze.

  5. Can I take a nap now?

  6. Cooking in my great grandmother's cast iron skillet. #tinyhappyWhat is making you happy today?

  7. I'm lucky to get the chance to escape for a weekend with my sweetie. I will, however be completely entrenched (in the best way!) to my work getting ready for #TLCS2014 Two weeks without my machine put me waaaaaaay behind schedule. I may need some help at the end of the month! I trade eternal gratitude, kisses and a chance for some goodies :)

  8. Mr Felix needed a warm sweater update. I found a few I could cannibalize. It's a bit odd, but the results are warm, functional, and offer a great amount of imaginative play with the high neckline.

  9. Next time you make banana bread brown your butter and use Kracken rum instead of vanilla. You're welcome.

  10. PSA: breast cancer is something we all are aware of. We know self checks save lives. Now hear me in this: MEN. Check your selves. Testicular cancer is detectable through self checks. Woody (my husband) was diagnosed with stage 2 Seminoma on Monday. Last week he had a singular orchiectomy. It's treatable. He will be ok (some of the getting there will be...unfun). His diligent self checking lead to the very early diagnosis. Read up. (Ask us if you need to). Dudes: YOU ARE TOUGH ENOUGH TO CHEC...

  11. Tell me your thoughts on vests. I have one. I flipping love it. I want to make more. I also want to sell some. You?

  12. The singing scene at the end of Elf makes me cry every time #sap

  13. The work at home parent gig is tough. Good. Not at all easy. At all. The end.

  14. We try to take the kids with us when we vote. We talk about why, how, etc. I hope this will help them become involved citizens. Plus the sticker and an opportunity to roll late into class is sweet too. ;)

  15. You know what's awesome? Am elementary school that not only allows the kids to dress up, but also has staff into it too. West Fork nails it :)
