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Jeni Mullen

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Posts posted by Jeni Mullen

  1. My nose and scent preference disclaimer: I have three distinct camps of scents that I love: baked goods, earthy spices, and woods/forests. My favorite scents are currently Captain Lilith and her First Mate and Eat Me for the foody category, Morocco and Scherezade for the spices, and Druid and Isle of Demons for my woodsies. Notes I dislike are vetiver, civet, leather, all of the peppers, most florals, sometimes tobacco, "wood" scents like rosewood and sandalwood because I amp them so so much and kitchen spices like sage (and by extension, frankincense because woah I get sage from that).


    In the bottle: burning wood and rum (maybe cognac)

    Wet on the inside of my wrists: It smells a little like the burned part of a marshmallow shoved into a fire. Carbon and sweet. It's very understated, however.

    Fifteen minutes dry: I don't get good throw on this. I was scrolling through youtube with my chin in my palm and the smell is delightful. The musk is perfect, the sugar keeps it feminine and the alcoholic undertone is wonderful. I wish I smelled it more. There's definitely a cinnamon-esque smell without making this whole shebang smell like a bakery. Oh, if only it smelled stronger on me!

    Thirty minute dry: same. At least it hasn't completely faded! This is another scent that makes me wonder if my skin is eating the musk.


    Verdict: I won't be getting a bottle of this because it does what Samhain does for me. I might layer Samhain with some Captain Lilith for that sugar-booze undertone and see if it has the same effect. That said, not getting rid of my decant either.

  2. My nose and scent preference disclaimer: I have three distinct camps of scents that I love: baked goods, earthy spices, and woods/forests. My favorite scents are currently Captain Lilith and her First Mate and Eat Me for the foody category, Morocco and Scherezade for the spices, and Druid and Isle of Demons for my woodsies. Notes I dislike are vetiver, civet, leather, all of the peppers, most florals, sometimes tobacco, "wood" scents like rosewood and sandalwood because I amp them so so much and kitchen spices like sage (and by extension, frankincense because woah I get sage from that).


    In the bottle: Cherry candies, like cough drops. I am worried. Cherries don't usually play well.

    Wet on skin (dap on wrists, behind ears, between breasts): Oooh, it's like Beaver Moon 07, vanilla and cherry like the ice cream but without the plastic note that ice cream scents in bpal give me! Yum.

    5 minutes later: Um...where did it go? All I did was put on socks and I can't smell anything. Dabbing on a bit more.

    10 minutes later: Applied more. There's a faint spicy scent like Snake Oil or like Morocco or Scherezade 3 hours later. Wow. I wanted to love this but my skin is just eating up the sweet and there's not enough spice or red musk to make it linger. It actually smells like expensive hand soap you get at bath and body works. Disappointed.

    15 minutes later, now dressed: I'm getting faint sweetness and spice up close and personal but there's no throw. :(


    Verdict: I have no idea what in this blend my skin is eating. Beaver Moon 07 gets amped to hell and back and is so strawberry/cherry/vanilla sweet that I can't wear it. Red musk ought to linger. Egyptian amber is in snakecharmer which works very nicely on me. This will be a mystery for me and I'll have to test it another day to see what's up!

  3. My nose and scent preference disclaimer: I have three distinct camps of scents that I love: baked goods, earthy spices, and woods/forests. My favorite scents are currently Captain Lilith and her First Mate and Eat Me for the foody category, Morocco and Scherezade for the spices, and Druid and Isle of Demons for my woodsies. Notes I dislike are vetiver, civet, leather, all of the peppers, most florals, sometimes tobacco, "wood" scents like rosewood and sandalwood because I amp them so so much and kitchen spices like sage (and by extension, frankincense because woah I get sage from that).


    In the bottle: Butterscotch! This is probably the toffee and tart dominating everything

    Applied wet to the inside of my wrists: Butter butter butter. It smells like popcorn butter (not popcorn, just the oily butter you put on it which might sound like a dis but I really groove it). There's an earthy quality to it that slays the sweetness you might expect. I'm praising the pineapple for this. I don't get the cherries at all, but the butterscotch still reigns. I'd call this scent buttery pineapple danish.

    After 30 minutes dry down: This is a savory foody scent. I'm not really sure how to describe it other than it smells like perfumed butter. It's not a bad smell at all and it reminds me of the kitchen.


    Verdict: I bought a bottle untested from NYCC but I don't care for it by itself. When layered with Dorian or one of the indonesian spice heavy oils I have, this puts me in my happy place. This isn't something I'd wear all the time but it's a foodie scent for people that don't care for cake and sugar.

  4. My nose and scent preference disclaimer: I have three distinct camps of scents that I love: baked goods, earthy spices, and woods/forests. My favorite scents are currently Captain Lilith and her First Mate and Gingerbread Snakes for the foody category, Morocco and Scherezade for the spices, and Druid and Isle of Demons for my woodsies. Notes I dislike are vetiver, civet, leather, all of the peppers, most florals, sometimes tobacco, "wood" scents like rosewood and sandalwood because I amp them so so much and kitchen spices like sage (and by extension, frankincense because woah I get sage from that).


    In the bottle: Sugar and cake. Just as it says on the tin.

    Wet on the inside of my wrist: This is such a gentle sugary scent when wet. You get a white cake aura, nothing buttery or too heavy at all.

    Dried down, after 25 minutes: the throw on this is so beautiful without being overwhelming Typing this up, with my sweater down over my test area, I'm still getting a whiff of beautiful scent. The currants hold the sugar down and make it less cloying and still perfumey. The sugar doesn't go away but it doesn't hurt your teeth or give you a headache either. I LOVE the staying power of this one!


    Verdict: Eat Me had me at the bottle, which is rare. It has moved up into one of my number one scents. In fact, from just a sniff at NYCC this year, I bought it on the spot, untested. There's nothing that weighs this scent down and best of all, it layers with just about everything in my scent palette! I love layering Eat Me with Inferno and I use it with Gingerbread Snakes on a near constant basis.

  5. My nose and scent preference disclaimer: I have three distinct camps of scents that I love: baked goods, earthy spices, and woods/forests. My favorite scents are currently Captain Lilith and her First Mate and Eat Me for the foody category, Morocco and Scherezade for the spices, and Druid and Isle of Demons for my woodsies. Notes I dislike are vetiver, civet, leather, all of the peppers, most florals, sometimes tobacco, "wood" scents like rosewood and sandalwood because I amp them so so much and kitchen spices like sage (and by extension, frankincense because woah I get sage from that).


    In the bottle: it smells like burned wood or like a cooling down fire pit which, honestly, disturbs me a little and almost put me off because I was afraid that I would get strong 'wood' and not 'woodsy' notes.

    Wet, applied to inside of wrists: I smell like I was hanging out in the smoke cloud after my fire pit was put out. It's not a bad smell at all because it sort of reminds me of a clean scent (I saw survivor man smoke the sweat out his clothes on an episode and now campfire smoke always triggers a "clean" scent for me). I'm thinking this would make a really great bathroom atmo spray.

    After 15 minutes: Okay, STRANGEST THING. I'm getting apple cider from a distance as I type this review up. So that's at about 2 feet. Now when I pull my nose close to my wrist I'm not getting apple AT ALL. This is probably one of the most complex scents I've ever worn. I also have a little bit of a tingle on my right wrist which is always more sensitive than the other. I see that there's clove and nutmeg in the notes. Sometimes my skin doesn't like those. I'm a little afraid to try this oil behind my ears, inside the curve of my elbows or between my breasts (which is where I always dab my scents that I intend to wear for a full day).


    Verdict: The reaction of my sensitive skin to the spices is probably going to make this a decant I will eventually try to swap or will give away. The scent is beautiful and extremely complex. It reminds me of picking my own apples at the start of autumn at one of the country orchards near by. That hit of apple cider is magical, the mullein definitely sweetens it from a distance. Up close, I still get just burned wood (probably that fir note) almost thirty minutes later. I'm pretty new to the Post, having made my first order for hair glosses and that Captain Lilith deliciousness but I'm heading over there as soon as I post this to see if Samhain was made into an atmo/linen spray. Yes to the scent! But, ultimately, no to this as a perfume oil for me.


    Edit: Alas! There are only Samhain candles! No atmos or linen sprays. :(

  6. My nose and my skin disclosure: I like sugary, spicy, bakery sort of blends and sometimes woodsy scents that smell like forests and leaves and NOT wood. My absolutely never scents include vetiver, civet, lavender, jasmine, kitchen spices like sage (which sort of runs frankincense out too since it smells like burning sage to me), wax, leather and pepper. I know that doesn't give me a lot to play with!


    Favorite woodsy (to me) scents include: Isle of Demons and Druid.


    In the bottle: it smells like pine sol, but not to the point where I feel like I'll get a nosebleed out of it.

    Applied to wrists, wet: a little bit mulchy, like a big old pile of leaves. It actually reminds me of my dad mowing the lawn when the leaves have fallen which gives you that sort autumn scent? I have no idea if that makes sense. I like it. It's subtle.

    After 15 minutes: Almost no throw. I have to push my nose to my wrist but I LIKE it. It's got a freshly polished wood floor smell...which probably harkens back to the pine sol but I guess is more like furniture polish without any lemon or citrus in it. I want to say that there's some sort of white musk in this too, though I amp musk and musk usually has a better aura.


    After almost 2 hours: Wow. Very sweet. This sort of scent is beautiful! I don't really know what it is because I don't feel like I have a sophisticated nose to all of these notes just yet but mmmm. The leafy green smell is back!


    Verdict: Keeping this decant to maybe layer with Isle of Demons or Druid just to play with. I bet it would be seriously beautiful with Snake Oil or maybe even Morocco to give it a little more spice. Oooh, maybe Neutral to bring out the musk? However, I won't buy a bottle. I don't think I'd wear it all that often to be honest when druid and isle of demons do better jobs staying with me. I think this would make a great trading post atmo though. It's got such a nice, faintly lingering finish to it. I just wish it would throw more! Next time I'm going to dab this between my breasts to see if I can get it to last longer!

  7. About my nose and my scent preferences: I'm a massive foody. My favorite scents are vanillas and sugars and creams, earthy spices and baked goods. Right now, I mostly am in love with Captain Lilith (rum cake and hot toddies), Eat Me (which is like a foody staple), and Gingerbread Snakes (generally for laying because I amp cinnamon like woah but it's really nice under other scents). Scents that I don't like and don't work for me include anything with vetiver, civet, or the "strong" musks, kitchen spices like sage and by extension, frankincense, leather and some tobacco.


    In the bottle: Very cloying vanilla, almost unpleasantly so. It reminds me of vanilla extract...except more bitter at the end.

    Wet on wrists: Still bitter, but not too bad. A little strong in the vanilla department because there's nothing in here to temper it.

    Drying down: I finally understand what "plastic" means when people have mentioned vanillas from the lab going plastic. Ten minutes later and it's actually turning sour, like melted vanilla ice cream on a sidewalk starting to turn... It's got a very sour milk smell on me.


    Verdict: Washing it off after 15 minutes.

  8. I know this is no longer available now but Captain Lilith is a seriously piratey scent. It's rum cakes and hot toddies with a little bit of salty coconut. Definitely a foody scent but it feels very masculine on me, and reminds me of a sea voyage.


    I'd also suggest some of the "green" scents like the musky but verdant The Isle of Demons.


    A lot of the Lovecraftian scents are also aquatics (for that wet, salty smell) and of course, there are all of those GC scents based off of locations.

  9. Wearing this gave me such a happy feeling. You get a cherry/strawberry sort of fruity scent blended in with a buttery cake scent. Unfortunately, this went on strong, surrounding me with such a happy, wonderful smell, and then faded into almost nothing. I tried it three days running and each time, within twenty minutes or so of drying completely, the scent would fade.


    It's still a fantastic scent for a foody (like me) but there was nothing rich and grounding to make it stay.
