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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by mr_5th

  1. I wanted this to be the sex in a bottle scent you ladies described but I only had a mere glimpse of the dark lust.


    Bottle: I could take it or leave it in the bottle. but I've never been too good with the concentrations.


    Wet: This started out so promising. The smell of an old library when it rained and the windows were open. The vetiver was there adding the nice dark green touch. It kind of reminded me of saddle leather in a mossy forest.


    And then it dried.


    Dry: Musk, Musk, and more musk. It smelled like someone took the leather saddle into the ladies room and used it as a changing table. All baby powder. And it won't come off!


    If only the wet stage would last.
