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Everything posted by kitsch

  1. kitsch

    Ask The Nearest Hippie

    This is gorgeous. The most beautiful and perfect "hippie stank." In the bottle it's all scratchy, woodsy patchouli. Once on the skin, it's patchouli with this soft smoky vanilla. The vanilla almost has a burnt, carmelized tone to it, with a touch of smoke to it. Imagine a vanilla candle once you blow it out (if that makes any sense). Once it dries down the cannabis comes out to play and adds this sticky sweet note. I. AM. OBSESSED. I wear a dab of this on both wrists and in my cleavage. Great throw, but still soft, never overpowering. Lasts nearly all day on me, too. I would buy this in the gallon if I could.
  2. kitsch


    This is by far my signature scent. If Beth could continue making this until I die, that would be just great. In the bottle: dirt, dirt and more dirt. A little tang in the background. Wet: Strong, black dirt with a hint of roses. Dry: HNNNGHHHH!!! Yesssssss! Everything comes together and I can't stop sticking my head inside my shirt to smell my cleavage. Humid (I don't know how humid became a smell, and not a feeling, but damn it, it's a smell now, ok?), turned earth and dried roses. Not that fresh, almost juicy smell of a fresh rose. This is a soft dry rose without going powdery. The soil note reminds me of when I left a bag of potting soil and compost slightly open in my yard and it had rained over night. The next morning I opened the bag and scooped some out for my planters with my bare hands and the sun had heated up the soil to this warmed, humid loveliness that you could feel and it stuck to my hands. The scent lasts for hours and hours. It makes me feel sexy and spooky as hell. I want to bathe in a tub full of it. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
  3. I have been looking everywhere for a scent that smells like a rocky New England beach on a total crap, rainy day. That wet, salty, tangy smell. I could very well stick my head outside and get that basically every day for the next month a half, but I want to smell like that ALL THE TIME. All day, 'erry day. Any recommendations?
  4. Thanks Haltija! I was scoping out Cthulhu. I'm definitely going to look into the others. The Deep Ones sounds pretty right up my alley, too!
  5. Amazonian was heavenly.... It's not a clone but the GC blend Desire has a very similar feel on me. Would be super easy to track down an imp too! Thanks for the recommendation! I will hunt some down
  6. Still on the hunt for something similar to Lush's Amazonian massage bar (i LOST IT when they discontinued this. I have a paper thin slip of this that I keep wrapped in cloth in my drawer and sometimes I pull it out. And weep). It's Patchouli, Orange Blossom, Ylang Ylang and Tangerine. A friend somehow got her hands on Obeah ages ago, and it smelled pretty similar, but it's impossible to find. A Countenance of Forboding Evil is Blood Orange, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang and Vetiver, that sounds close right? (RIGHT?! oh god please let it be right) I've yet to try that one. Anyone think it's comparable?