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BPAL Madness!


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About Auberon

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday June 10


  • BPAL of the Day

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  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Country
    United States


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  1. Auberon

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    I placed my first order about half a month ago (Sonnet d'Automne), and since I'm new here, I'd love some scent recs! I'm a twenty year old college student, theatre major with a concentration in costumes, and a minor in French. I dress in mostly alternative fashion (lolita, and other miscellaneous Asian fashions), and have managed to gain a reputation around campus as being well-dressed. I'm not too often a jeans and t-shirts kind of person, although I do have plenty of those, as well, and I don't stick with any particular colour scheme, although I am fond of deep jewel tones and black. People generally describe me as being attractive (in a cute way- I've never been called sexy, and I don't see myself as such), due to my, eh, 'childish' features. Round face, full lips (I'm African-American, haha), and large, almond-shaped eyes. And also bright green hair. My interests and personality are very, very different from my appearance. I'm pretty shy and soft-spoken around strangers and very clearly an introvert, but my friends all know that I'm actually fairly sarcastic and deadpan. I love languages, learning about mental illness, horror, demons/fae, the occult, and basically all that mysterious stuff; I don't think I ever grew out of my edgy thirteen year old phase. I have tons of books and photos about various demons from all around the world, and I enjoy researching and reading and watching things that talk about the various hells in different cultures. I have tons of Lovecraft's stories, so whenever I want to wind down, I'll just read a few of those. When I first came to my university, I told one of the girls that was drawn to me because of my clothing that I "dress to intimidate." That is, I want people to notice how well dressed I am, but still be too afraid to actually come up and talk to me. It's worked so far, which is fantastic. I have pretty bad anxiety, so dressing up a lot, while it is something I do for myself, helps with that because I know people are looking at my clothes and not me. Being well dressed on a college campus is a surprisingly good deterrent when you don't want people to talk to you. I hope this is enough- I always feel so strange talking about myself at length.