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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Haltija

  1. Haltija

    Aries 2016

    I love red musk anything and I am a Aries so I had to pick this up regardless. The red musk is strong and so is the red sandalwood in the bottle and I was very happy no dragon's blood was super apparent. On the skin though the dragon's blood does come out, thankfully though it stays nice mixed in with the heaviness of the musk and sandalwood. I have 0 idea what gingergrass smells like so I can't tell if it's coming out or not. The black pepper gives it a spice and I do smell basil a little bit on the dry down but it's not overwhelming or kitchen spice-y. It's a deep blend that smells heavy yet light at the same time. It's very meditative and otherworldly to me and I can see myself just wanting to wear it when I want to be in a deep thought. Very nice!
  2. Haltija

    Volcano in Springtime

    Lotus is a note that either gets along with me or does not, there is no in between. When I first put this on the lotus amped on me to high heaven and smelled almost bitter and I was super worried that it wouldn't change, but it did and thank goodness for that because when it was starting to dry and then was fully dry it became the frothiest, warm and still a little sweet vanilla cream with only a small dose of woodiness from the sandalwood. I fell in love! I will be needing a bottle.
  3. Haltija

    Fleurette’s Purple Snails

    Just beautiful! I am a lover of all things violet and this is a gorgeous blend to have in my collection now. Will need to wear it some more to decide if a bottle is required though. But it's candied violet with a touch of smoke/wood and a glimmer of powder from the orris. Not as sugary as my beloved Faith, but it's pretty close.
  4. Haltija

    The Trappings of the Tea House

    Definitely airy and refreshing. Something about this is just addictive. To me it smells like spiced up vanilla tea with a touch of sandalwood and that sounds so simple, but it's so complex in the best way possible. Will be getting a bottle for sure (:
  5. Haltija

    Raw Cacao, Chestnut, Honey, and Patchouli

    I agree with the review above. This is dark, earthy and chewy but with a sweet core. The raw cacao is there but it literally is just sprinkled over top I think. It's not super foodie at all and I don't even mind. The honey and the chestnut are most dominant on me and the patchouli smells a little sweetened. It smells unisex for sure and I think it would be good for the Fall season. I like it!
  6. Haltija

    The High-Ranking Courtesan

    Definitely floral and gourmand at the same time. Something about this is so pretty, I can't stop smelling it. It's white chocolate, rice powder and the Florentine iris butter primarily on me. It doesn't become soapy, but it does go a little powdery and I don't mind because I do fancy powdery scents sometimes. I like it but I think it could be MORE and I will keep it and see what aging does to it.
  7. Haltija

    Enveloped in Silk Hair Gloss

    I just CANNOT even top tharsei and her glorious review. But, in my opinion this is strawberry hair gloss of ones strawberry hair gloss dreams. There is NOTHING I don't absolutely love about this. It's the perfect amount of sweetness backed by a little bit of sophistication from the orris. Out of the other two notes I mainly get the orris with a tiny tiny edge of musk. But keep in mind this is all about the strawberry cream and goodness is it delicious. It's creamy, realistic and so damn inviting! I want my hair to smell like this forever, forever I say. I will definitely be needing another bottle.
  8. Haltija

    First Cry of the Warbler on the Plum

    Primarily plum, wisteria and cherry blossom on me. The plum borderlines smelling artificial in the wet stage but that fades off to the most lovely cherry blossom that I can just vision in Japan right now, stunning. It's juicy, inviting and uplifting.
  9. Haltija

    Daruma Doll

    Mainly a gorgeous fruity red musk with a touch of rose. I don't get any almond and that's great because usually almond can turn blends really weird on me. The rose is faint and just makes it a touch floral. I love red musk so this is a total winner on me and I think I may need more.
  10. Haltija

    The Card Game Hair Gloss

    Oh my. This is so nice! I knew this would be a good one when I saw the dried blue and indigo fruits note and that's actually what's most dominant in my hair. I agree with Jeni in the fact it has a wine quality to it. Like you took the freshest blueberries or blackberries and steeped them into a gorgeous red wine, but it's not boozy or overwhelming in the least. I don't get any oudh and the iris is only a touch of a wispy floral. I think it's a scent that snuggles you close. You know it's there but it just peeks around the corner every so often to let you know it's still going strong. I am smitten with it and I am debating another bottle.
  11. Haltija

    Rendezvous at the Bath

    I love this. I have to agree with dementia in the fact this smells like Shanghai. But to me it's like if Shanghai and Embalming Fluid had a baby. The mint is barely present and the cucumber is just fresh and crisp. To my nose and on me it smells like a big glass of green tea with a squirt of lemon. Going to be so gorgeous for Summer.
  12. Haltija

    Cascading Blossoms

    Old fashioned womanly perfume nostalgia right here. This is very perfume-y and heady, borderline tropical on me but not too much. It's thick and lush and smells very classic. Lovely, but I can't see myself wearing it too often.
  13. The jasmine in this came out super strong and I was very worried, but I let it settle and am glad I did. The jasmine is present and stays present the entire time, but the sophisticated citrus background that the orange blossom brings keeps it very balanced and there is a soft creaminess to it which is of course from the marshmallow. I don't get a very noticeable chocolate note but I know it's there, peeking it's way through. I like this and I will use up my decant.
  14. Haltija

    The Mirror

    I was very hesitant to try this one but also very interested and it's a fail. ): I have come to the conclusion that lily is a note that really hates me. Lily is all I smell here with a tiny whiff of white musk. A very strong white floral that gives me a awful headache. Will pass this one along to a better home.
  15. Haltija

    Elizabeth of Bohemia

    Another beauty to add to my rose collection and a bottle is definitely required. So simple, yet so unbearably stunning. The most lovely dry woody rose that smells womanly and regal for sure. I feel like I belong in the Renaissance era when I put this on and that alone makes me happy.
  16. Haltija

    Signior Dildo

    NO NO NO! I am just bumfuzzled by this one because I enjoy every single note in here and yet it smells just awful on me, I am sad. It smells like a medicine and it honestly kind of turns my stomach ):
  17. Haltija

    Somewhere or Other

    This is like fizzy roses and it never goes soapy on me. Gorgeous and simple in the most amazing way. I also think fans of the rose in Wretched Rose Window would really like this one. Winner!
  18. Haltija

    The Perfumed Garden

    This was immediately the ones I had to test first from my decants. Jasmine is a note that is either a huge hit on me or a absolute total fail, no in between. This scent is a total failure and it's because of the jasmine and citron. They're taking over everything and the combo of it and jasmine smells absolutely foul, like bug spray and I have never compared a scent to bug spray. Not working at all.
  19. Haltija

    Père Noël

    I have never loved a orange scent as much as I love this one. It's perfectly balanced orange and tangerine with the most mouthwatering anise I have ever smelled. I get 0 lavender and that's just fine. The combination of tangerine and anise is sooo stunning. It's sweet but not too sweet and tart without being obnoxious. Thank you for this Beth! It's perfect <3
  20. Haltija

    The Dream

    When it's immediately on the skin it's all lavender all the time and I get nothing else for about 20 minutes or so. Then I get something woody, but not quite earthy and I am guessing that's probably the agarwood, I can't really tell. No patchouli is detected, even after a hour and neither is the saffron. It's quite unisex on me and almost on the line of masculine. The wildflowers are incredibly soft, not sugary wildflowers like I had hoped. But they are definitely in the "Spring" family of florals. I like this but it's not a favorite of the bottles I ordered. I am hoping aging will make it shine brighter.
  21. Haltija

    Love's Philosophy

    I definitely get a small hint of a root beer element with this one, I made my Mother sniff it too, to make sure I wasn't just being silly and she smelled it too. I hate the smell of root beer was I was very scared that it wouldn't change. Thankfully it did and it became pure spicy vanilla. Sexy, sweet spicy vanilla and I love it so much. I am wondering if one bottle is enough.
  22. Haltija

    Fresh and Blooming as a Rose

    I am completely blown away by how beautiful this is. To my nose and on my skin it is a simple comparison. If Snow White and Rose Red had a baby, this is the offspring. I really can't describe it any other way. The most beautiful rose with a touch of creaminess. This is most loved and I am wondering if one bottle is enough (:
  23. Haltija

    Edith Cushing

    I can't say anything that hasn't already been said On me Edith is the most perfect vanilla musk with the tiniest drop of sandalwood. She really does smell like a more adult, perfume-y version of warm vanilla sugar from B&BW. Something about her feels like a skin scent sometimes too, as well as leaning on the more sophisticated side of being sweet. She's beautiful and I cherish my bottles!
  24. Haltija

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    My Mother wears a ton of BPAL but her first love will always be a department store fragrance called Royal Secret. So far I haven't been able to find a BPAL that smells anything like it but I would like to find one that's similar, for her. It has citrus top notes, middle notes of jasmine and rose and then bottom notes of sandalwood, musk, myrrh and I have seen some places say it has amber in it but I cannot be perfectly sure on that. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (:
  25. Haltija

    Mother Ghost

    The most stunning, soft blend of tea and vanilla flower on me when wet. Dry it deepens with the gorgeous black orchid and musk. There is something about this that every time I smell it I feel like a veil of comfort has been draped over me and I love it. Definitely will be needing a bottle.