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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Cavalier

  1. I received this as a freebie.


    Imp: Oleander Boom! You can almost see the Oleander twirling out of the bottle in thick swirls of oily scent.

    Wet: The Oleander has wrapped itself around my wrist with a vengeance. I'm not certain I'll ever get it off.

    Dry: The honey is starting to make an appearance. It rounds out the Oleander a bit. Softens it. Makes me want to consider eating it.


    Am I the only one getting something sinister out of this? It is Rappaccini's Garden after all. Oleander has traditionally been a sticky scent for me. It seems to love me much more than I love it. This little imp is full of the stuff. I wonder if I should sequester it away from the other imps. It might try to infect them...

  2. A gentlemen's blend, possessed of dignity, charm and refinement, but in truth masking a corrupted, hideous, soulless core. White musk, lime, lilac and citron.


    Imp: I am strongly reminded of the gatorade powder that you mix with water. It is all sweet powdery citric acid. I was surprised but not put off.

    Wet: The musk comes out to play here. It softens the gatorade a bit.

    Dry: Ah, there's the lilac. Finally! It's soft and it slinks in behind the fading sports drink tang.

    Finish: Awe, it just faded away! It has no lasting power on me!


    Whitechapel never became masculine to me. I see a men's toilette but never an actual men's scent. It is clean, crisp, and definitely not feminine. Dare I call this a completely unisex scent? I think I dare.


    There is nothing sneaking, slinking, or otherwise nefarious in here for me. Either I am too evil and Whitechapel seems clean by comparison or I am too much the naïve girl and thus can not sense any danger hidden in it's depths.

  3. Reviewing a classic scent like Snake Oil is a dangerous step for a newbie. I'll take the plunge anyway.


    Upon uncapping the Imp I see an old wooden incense box polished with lemon oil wax. The incense note is stale as if the box has been empty for some time.


    Wet the spices start to warm and ripen and the lemon oil wax fades.


    Warming on my skin the incense ignites. It entwines with the spices into a heady vapor. I get a whiff of resin in the mix. In its entirety it muddles my senses. I feel a little drunk, inhibitions low, and languid. This stage is sensual, sexual, and thoroughly enthralling. It evokes visions of bazaars filled with vendors, fortunetellers, and a dark eyed almond skinned snake oil salesman. Right now I'd probably buy anything he's trying to sell me.


    Hours later it has lots of thick room filling staying power. I wore it to a craft fair today on my inner wrists. It was hot and muggy. So, basically the perfect environment to get lost in wearing Snake Oil. I found myself wondering how no one else was ensnared by this scent.


    Late in the day I'm left with sweet vanilla mixing with sweat. A VERY SEXY scent that LOVED my skin.
