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Posts posted by keltiejean

  1. I have scoured this forum for comparisons to the departed Tramp. I have spent COPIOUS amounts of money and tried to even have the scent recreated on Etsy - all in vain. So far I have narrowed down these as being potential Tramp dupes based on previous posts on this forum:


    Dance Of Death









    I realize once they are on my body, they will transform... so.... just IN THE BOTTLE - what do you guys think smells most like the beloved, the revered, the sacred scent of Tramp. I love it so much I can't even function.


    I have bought patchouli and oak moss combo oil - nope


    I have bought weird combinations of patchouli and oakmoss with other things... nope....nada


    I could just buy all 4 samples of the above but I'd like to know opinions first. I really really would appreciate input here.


    Thank you!


    IMO, it would be safe to loose Dance of Death. Have you tried Zombi or any of the other dirt oils?

  2. When wet, this has a fuzzy, leafy wool smell. Kinda cozy, but also chilly. As it dries, it starts to sweeten and warm up! The wool turns softer, more into cashmere. The berries and musk start to show up, as well. This comes off as the warmest, cosiest skin scent, with just the slightest chilly touch in the back! Love love love this!

  3. Years and years and years ago, there was a little "pheromone" perfume oil I got from one of those Passion Parties. It smelt exactly like this. Looking back, that was probably a rip off, but it smells delicate and pretty. I can see a sweet little girl smelling like this, but I prefer more sexy, 'Queen of Sheba' scents :)

  4. Wet- earthy, herby goodness, with the lilac sloooowly showing its pretty face. This is an outdoors gorgeous dream.



    Drying- I'm getting something sweet in the back. I'm guessing that's the plum coming out. The lilac keeps showing itself more and more. I'm


    Dry- soapy clean leather and lilac. This is fresh and clean. There's something that reminds me of being a kid in here. But I can't put my finger quite on it. The plum adds sweetness, but doesn't take away from the freshness.


    This is gorgeous and lovely, but not for me :) The scent memory can't place isn't sitting well with me.

  5. This is so sweet, in a different sort of metallic way. I think this would be deadly sexy on the right male-identifying person (not that I like to put genders in fragrances, but that's who I can see wearing this).


    The tobacco is right up at the front, almost obnoxiously for the first 15 minutes. Once the initial screeching wood and sweet tobacco calm down, your left with a sexy, woody scent. That's when the vanilla really comes to light, and its a gorgeous. You still get that metallic note in the back, but it's not as in your face.


    I'll pass, as this is just not a me scent (and Im not crazy about the first 15 minutes) but I'd love this on the right person.

  6. For being a scent that has a number of characteristics I dislike (including patchouli and sweet notes) this is surprisingly lovely. I think it's gorgeous with a loovely smokey undertone, but I don't see myself wearing it, despite my ever loved floral and orange bossom notes present.

  7. Oooh this went so wrong on me. When it first went on, it was murky, musky and sweet. Which isn't necessarily bad, but just...odd. Pretty quickly, it started getting almost sickly. It honestly smelt like hot, sticky, medicinal sickness. Kinda sweet, and kinda rotten.


    It's dry now, and that musky amber note is still there, but that sweet overtone is just so not for me. I'm getting that citrus note somewhere in there, but if j get too close, I can still get a bit of that sick smell. I'm gonna pass on this guy.

  8. Oh wow- this was interesting. I heard someone compare it to frozen meat and there's defiantly something like that (not entirely unpleasant) in the back. A cold kinda metallic scent over top of a musky, incenses blood. There was a ting of fruit, but not as much as other people were getting. I’ve heard this scent is slightly different on almost anyone, and I’m glad I tried it. But I don’t see it as something I’d regularly like to smell like.

  9. This started off so pretty on me. I remember thinking it was like lilac bushes at night, or any flower that really puts off scent during the evening. It was clean and white, and had a ton of gorgeous florals in it. After about an hour, it takes an evil turn and turns into pure shampoo. It just didn't work. At all. So saadd....

  10. I could be out to lunch on this one, but to me this smells very VERY close to Voluspa's French Bourbon Vanilla candle. The reviews on here that say it smells very "perfume-y" and contemporary are right- but I think that’s what I love so much about this one. I personally find it very layered, warm, well-blended and beautiful!


    So I'm not sure if this is the right home for this, or not. But I'm looking for GC scents in the same vein as Ava. I'm having a lot of trouble with some of the GC's as they all have a very similar headshop-esq tone on me. Whip, Juliette and Imperious Tiger-Lily so far are lovely, but they don't have quite the same level of awesomeness I'm looking for. Any ideas, maybe? :(


    This is another LE, which kind of defeats the purpose of this thread, BUT it wasn't a number-limited run like Ava so you can find it floating around at times: Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending. Similar heady, feminine and flirty mix.


    Looking at the GC - have you given Dorian a shot? Someone in the Ava thread said they were like two sides of the same coin, where Ava is warmer and hazier and Dorian is more cool. But I can smell the resemblence: both give a sense of vanilla musk with some dainty florals and citrus.


    I haven't given Dorian a try yet, but it's been on the list! I'll order an imp on my next order, for sure (and keep an eye out for that LE!) Thanks for the sugestions!
