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Everything posted by dottie_doom

  1. dottie_doom

    Faint Blood Between Her Lips

    Just received a decant of this and I am IN LOVE. As a lover of dragon's blood I had a feeling I would enjoy this one and I was not disappointed! This scent is comforting, cozy and sensual. It reminded me of a slightly sweeter version of Bloodlust. I may have to purchase a bottle....
  2. dottie_doom

    Gingerbread Goblin

    I really wanted to love this since I am a huge gingerbread and coconut fan but it didn't quite work out on me as I had hoped. I haven't quite figured why or what ones, but certain types of patchouli blends seem to go soapy on my skin. This had a lot of soapyness upon application but gradually wore off. When it wore off the coconut and gingerbread started to come through, with a little bit of the woodsy patchouli. I really really love how it smells in the imp and just wish my skin weren't so finicky about patchouli!
  3. dottie_doom

    Some Strangeness in the Proportion

    This ended up being my favorite Ligeia decant that I ordered and ended up buying a bottle, so very happy that I did. To me I don't get the as much sweetness as some people have described. I first get hot by the vanilla and sandalwood with lingering of the pink pepper. On me this is a little bit of a transformer once applied to my skin. It starts out a little bit smoky and woody but gradually turns sweeter as the vanilla comes out. I actually wouldn't mind more vanilla in this one but I do think it balances nicely. Overall I think it's a really beautiful scent.
  4. dottie_doom

    Gingerbread Lust

    I have to admit that I have not yet tried the GC Lust but man oh man am I in love with Gingerbread Lust! I was hesitant at first because Patchouli and I have somewhat of a fickle relationship (sometimes my skin really does not like it). In Gingerbread Lust the patchouli is not overpowering and blends nicely with the other notes. Ordered a decant and ended up getting a bottle because I loved it so much. I agree with the above review, it's musky, sexy gingerbread!
  5. dottie_doom

    The White Bees Swarming Hair Gloss

    This was the very first gloss I have purchased and I am so very happy with my choice. I was looking for something kinda sweet but not overpowering. Somehow this smells exactly like you would expect frost dusted honey to smell but I can't quite explain it... kinda like a "cool" honey? It's really quite beautiful and has a lot of depth, to me it's more than just straight honey. I have short hair and was hesitant to purchase a gloss for this reason but I am so glad I took the plunge, definitely worth it!
  6. dottie_doom

    Pumpkin Spice Everything

    I was a little disappointed with this one. When I opened the decant it was very harsh, almost like a burnt smell. On my skin it didn't work out so well either. I must be amping the allspice because that is really all I can smell and it's a little too strong. I was hoping that it would have a little more sweet pumpkin smell. Just not for me!
  7. dottie_doom

    Eastern Comma

    I LOVE this so much, I could bathe in it. I tend to like most orange scents so it was no surprise that Eastern Comma did not disappoint. I just received this in the mail yesterday and fell in love as soon as I opened the bottle. The orange is so bright and fresh and the tobacco and hay make it a little spicy and smoky. It reminds me of spiced orange rinds... or maybe even a spicy orange tea. My one complaint is that it seems to fade pretty quickly, especially the orange.. Perhaps that's just because I love the orange so much I want it to linger forever. Overall it is a beautiful scent.
  8. dottie_doom


    Hunger might be my favorite scent that I have smelled and worn as of yet (I am relatively new and have so much more to smell!). At first sniff I was unsure about it and set it aside for a little while. In the imp it had kind of a sharp, pungent smell that was not that appealing. Luckily I came back to it and discovered that not only did it smell AMAZING on my skin but I kinda liked the sharp smell now. On my skin it warms up nicely and I can smell more of the orange blossom and vanilla. It doesn't get too sweet though, it still has a bit of that sharp musky smell which, in my opinion, makes it quite alluring and sexy. This scent is complex and stands out among some of the others, it is truly unique. It also has a good throw and staying power. I ended up getting a bottle and am so glad that I did. When I wear it I am constantly sniffing my wrists!
  9. dottie_doom

    Time's Infliction of Eternity

    My very first review! I was lucky enough to grab a bottle recently and am oh so happy that I did. I should preface this by saying that I LOVE Dragon's Blood and LOVE Tea notes, so basically this is my dream combo. This scent did not disappoint. It has the lovely sweet floral notes of Dragon's Blood mellowed by the tea which is so so lovely. I find this scent to be very comforting. It is a bit lighter than most Dragon's Blood scents, but still has lasting power. I don't pick up the lemon or licorice notes that other people have mentioned. I have only worn it once so far so perhaps I'll notice those notes later on. This is just a beautiful scent. I might need to find another bottle!