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Posts posted by TorchedEarth

  1. Haven't been active in ages, but even when I was I couldn't even really find 10 I liked out of possibly hundreds tested. Returning to some of my faves and I love them even more with age, so any help finding new loves is much appreciated!

    Top 5:

    The Girl

    The First of the Three Spirits

    Boo 2010



    As I tend to shy away from “white” scents our paths don’t cross too much, but I do have a few suggestions.


    I think Dirty has the same linen note as boo without the sugar.


    Nocturne is like tko to me but just with violet added. (I’m not sure if you like violet, but Nocturne is lovely.


    The Snow Globe (Coraline) was a white sweetish scent to me. If I remember correctly the sweet disappeared on me & turned into what I can only describe as an ethereal glass scent.

  2. I'm pretty new here, but my top five so far are:


    1. Antikythera Mechanism

    2. Yorick

    3. O

    4. Kumiho

    5. The Old Goblin

    Im familiar with all but the last one.

    Graveyard dirt - yummy rich dirt

    The Lovers (gaiman) - same dirt note in graveyard dirt but with a sweet floral hint

    In time of plague (le) - dirt with some of the leafy muskyness & tobacco

    Bakeneko (le) - a personal favorite - sensual and warm with spices & vanilla

    Psychodynamic discharge (Yule) - warm spicy elements mixed with a little more of a black scent


    Bonus- Arcana Guy Fawkes is a really nice, rich, smokey tobacco scent.

  3. In no particular order, here's some ones I've been reaching for a lot lately...

    Dead Leaves, Violet Candy, and Sugar Crystals

    Graveyard Dirt SN


    The Cracked Bell

    Reapers Gonna Reap

    Based on the first 2 because thats all Im really familiar with:

    White chocolate & sugared violets (luper) - a beautiful sweet violet that has lots of staying power

    Nocturne (gc) - sweet violet & lavender

    The Lovers (gaiman) - same dirt note in graveyard dirt but with a sweet floral hint

    Deep in earth (gc) - a little more sour dirt note

    In time of plague (le) - dirt with some of the leafy muskyness & tobacco

  4. This one keeps changing on me & I love every bit of it. In the bottle it kind of reminds me of hot, wet cement. Right after I put it on I got a dragons bloody red musk & cinnamon. As it’s drying & wearing, I’m getting wafts of all the notes listed at different times. The only things I’m not getting much of is the ginger & rose, but I’m pretty happy about that.

    This is a really lovely & complicated blend. The chaos of it makes me happy.

  5. Hello! I've been buying and collecting BPAL for about 5 years now, on and off, but this is my first time posting. I haven't bought anything for a while now and the new Crimson Peak scents have rekindled my excitement, so I'm in the process of making and updating my lists! So recommendations from you friendly folks would be appreciated :> I have a kind of "wintery" skin chemistry and so I prefer green, cool or watery scents, with the occasional exception for honey or warmer roses. (As you'll probably be able to tell, I adore violets and roses.)


    My top 5:


    The Rose (my everyday for a while!)

    Elf (also another everyday)


    Leanan Sidhe


    Ranger gets snuck in every now in then when my boyfriend's not wearing it and when I want a more subtle, less "perfume-y" scent or simply miss the woods. Prague, Water of Notre Dame, and Maiden also get some play now and again, and Alice and Deadly Nightshade Honey are my go-to oils for when I want something a little warmer or more sensual. Sometimes when I can tolerate vanilla on myself, I wear Snow White.

    I can contribute finally!


    All these except for zombie are le, but can be found aftermarket.


    Based on your scents, I recommend:

    La Befana- violets & herbs

    Rose Red- green wet roses

    White chocolate & sugared violets - sweet creamy violet

    The Fox Sisters - Rose & violet

    Zombie - earthy rose

  6. If you send me your address I will send you a wee half imp of it from my not used back up bottle that I got from etsy oh within past month. I noticed you said you don't like amber in your notes of post but it is in both red moon and bakeneko. Both also have a citrus in them. Both read as warm snuggly scents to me. I alternated wearing the two all spring this year. I only ship on saturdays so it will be a week but it pops up quite frequently on etsy. Thank the heavens. I have finished a bottle of the kitty and restocked more than once.

    You are super amazing. Thank you!

    I actually have found a new appreciation for amber. I had been wearing it in the wrong combination for my skin apparently. When flowers are present it turns straight to soap.

  7. Well our tastes are not very similar at all but I wore the heck out of Red Moon 2007 this spring. The other scent I kept reaching for to deal with the monsoon of 2015 was an old favorite Bakeneko. If I didn't have a back up I wouldn't mention it is on the lab's etsy site right now but I do so you might as well pick up a bottle


    Warm amber musk, Satsuma tangerine, black tea leaf, cardamom, cherry blossom and cinnamon.


    TKO is always good for sleeping

    Thanks! I will have to check out Bakeneko. I have an imp of TKO& it is lovely.

    I appreciate the suggestions!

  8. So recently my favorite bottles have been:

    1. Red moon 2007 (I had no idea I loved red musk so much)

    2. Whip

    3. The Lovers (Gaiman)

    4. A Commentary

    5. Nocturnus (for sleeping)


    I have a box full of sweet scents I don't reach for much so I'm looking for new recommendations & my faves are sort of going in several directions. I did purchase Mdme Moriarty & am waiting patiently (kind of ) for it.

    I am certainly open to other good sleep scents as well.


    Thanks in advance for any recs!

  9. This is lovely. It's kind of a cross between my beloved Nocturnus and Go To Sleep Darlings. The sweet vanilla sugar is stronger (& the same as in gtsd) than in Nocturnus & TKO is a little less herbal.


    I have come to love all of the labs sleep blends.

  10. Everyone has made such eloquent & accurate descriptions of this scent. In the bottle it's really stunning. If only my chemistry would let it stay that way.

    I amp honey like nobody's business & it turns into a sticky sweet sour mess. On me, the honey completely takes over everything & makes it completely unwearable.


  11. Like the other bonbons this year, this is not really a chocolate perfume, but Haunted bon bon kept the most of the cocoa scent of any of the ones I tried. I haven't tried the original Haunted, but this is indeed a smokey musk with a little cocoa. It vaguely reminds me of the smell of the round hookah coals when you first light them. It's very close to the skin & has little throw on me.

  12. In the bottle I get mostly chocolate, a little black current & the teensiest bit of lavender. In the wet stage, it reverses & there's almost no chocolate. On the dry down, the chocolate is completely gone & I'm left with a pretty black current.

    Whatever chocolate note is used in all of this year's bonbons, my skin eats it up & makes it disappear. I usually don't have that problem with the lab's chocolate notes.

    I have the same problem with everyone else. After about 20 minutes, this scent is completely gone on me, but it smelled lovely while it stuck around.

  13. In the bottle, I small mostly chocolate & a little of the wonderful embalming fluid.

    In the wet stage, it reverses & there's almost no chocolate. On the dry down, the chocolate is completely gone.

    Whatever chocolate note is used in all of this year's bonbons, my skin eats it up & makes it disappear. I usually don't have that problem with the lab's chocolate notes. I usually amp them to high heaven. Oh well, embalming fluid is gorgeous, so I can't complain too much. :P


    I have an imp of croquet that smells of cinnamon. I'm wondering if it might be mislabeled since there's no cinnamon in the scent description.

    I want more of it whatever it is.


    Is it a warm cinnamon? It might just be a mislabeled imp of Chimera (-The fiery, volatile scent of cinnamon, thickened by myrrh, honeysuckle, and copal.) instead.

    Sorry for replying so late. I just saw this. Thank you for your reply!!!

    I never got any myrrh or copal, but my imp has now lost the cinnamon. It now smells just like my bottle. In 2 months I guess the imp caught up with the bottle.


    Another example of how aging changes our precious smellies, I suppose.

  15. Privilege!

    Polished party-girl sleaze. This is a shameless scent, devoid of caution, regret, or introspection. This perfume reeks of tabloid glamour, and has no substance whatsoever. Armoise, tuberose, white citrus, rose absolute, oakmoss, tiare, tuberose, vanilla, linden, and lemon tree blossom.

    Although this scent originated with fine plants and the pure essences, the final result is a grotesque, eerily empty caricature of a debauched, narcissistic would-be debutante.

  16. Hellcat is "hazelnut, buttercream, honey mead, rum and sweet almond" -- for me (and, glancing at the review thread, it seems like for many people), that almond note reads as cherry. In my case, the cherry fades on my skin, but others have had different results, so you might want to give it a try!


    For a less dessert-like option, maybe Kabuki? "cherry, red musk, and star anise."


    I second hellcat.

  17. This is a really beautiful sleep blend. It is pretty heavy on the lavender, but my chemistry amps the vanilla sugar marshmallow, which helps. once everything calms down it's wonderfully complex scent that is neither too heady nor too sweet.

    It's become my go to sleep smelly when I can't quite drift off.
