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Posts posted by femmefatale

  1. Wow. This is not at all what I was expecting and I like it!

    I was really worried about the almond since it usually goes rank on me and makes me ill, but the almond in this behaves and is barely there.

    I get mostly a sweet cake scent with just a hint of spice. I'm also smelling the rose, but it's wafting in and out and I really like it!

    I hope maybe I can swap for a bottle. :wub2:

  2. In the decant it smells just like jello when you're mixing it up. :)

    Wet it's a very sweet, fresh cherry soaked in booze. As it dries it becomes tarter and more Kool-Aid smelling. I actually like it a lot more than expected, but probably won't wear it much so I'll just (happily) keep my decant.




    Spoke too soon. :( Now it's turning slightly sour and waxy. Oh well. At least I have one cherry scent I can wear (Hideous Heart).

  3. Normally I'm not a big fan of cherry and at first this did have me worried (smelled like cough syrup), but once on it dried down to to a spicy, sweet almost candy scent, but not quite. Very interesting and somehow a bit evil smelling, if that makes any sense. :lol:

    When dh smelled he said "Ooooh! I LIKE it!" and sniffed again.

    It's a keeper! LOL. I'm not sure how often I will wear it, but I can see it being a nice pick-me-up scent this fall/winter when I need something different from my musk/foody/spice cool weather scents.

  4. So as much as I wish I could wear aquatics, I usually can't and it saddens me. :(


    This though I really really like! :joy: It doesn't turn into soap, air freshener, or cologne on me. It's watery with a touch of sweetness and salt, blended with some smooth woods. This is an aquatic I can wear without worrying that I smell like a bathroom scent or a mens cologne.

    I can't keep my nose away from my wrist. :wub2: I am so happy I picked up a bottle tonight at the Poe event.

  5. This is so beautiful. On me it's all sweet vanilla and chamomile, but sadly, after 15 minutes it almost disappears. :(

    One piece of good news though is that vanilla has smoothed out and come out out more compared to when it was new when it was mostly chamomile. I am so grateful a kind person picked me up Sachs and Violens from the event (along with signed bags!), I just hope maybe it will become stronger with age. If not, it is an excellent locket/hair scent. :)

  6. Wow, I *love* this! It smells like smooth leather, cologne, woods, and just a touch of the outdoors. This is manly and strong, without being macho. There is something smooth and just a bit sweet that keeps it from being "Hello! Dude here!".

    It smells like what I would like to imagine cowboys smell like (at least, clean ones :lol:).

    I can't wait to try this on dh when he gets home. ;) If he likes it, I might have to hunt some down for him. (:


    But that said, it's something that a woman can pull off also, esp. when she wants to feel confident and strong, but not overpowering or too sexual.

    I am soooo grateful that a kind and generous forumite sent me a decant in a mega kick-ass surprise package. :wub2:

  7. Wow, this is really salty smelling with a hint of a metallic note. Verrrry interesting.

    Unfortunately as it dries, it does what most aquatic and blood notes do on me, goes soapy. Granted, it's a wonderful salty soap scent, kind of how you smells when you start to wash off after swimming in the ocean. I would be tempted to keep it just for that, but it begins to give me a headache. :(

    Oh well, off to a new home that will hopefully love it more.

  8. I was really really looking forward to trying this and I finally got an imp of it, but the problem is....I can't smell anything. At first I thought it was just my nose since my allergies are bothering me, but I had dh sniff my arm also and he said it's so light he can't tell what it is. :(


    After it sits a while I can smell it a bit more, but it's very light. It smells like a dark vanilla lotion I once had. Very pretty, but I'm hoping if I try it again it might be stronger and maybe I'll get more of the scents other posters have mentioned.



  9. Not sure what I think about this one. In the imp it's a beautiful sweet, slightly herbal honey scent, but once on my skin it becomes super sweet and very green smelling. Ew. Luckily that doesn't last long. The green note quickly fades and the chamomile comes out and blends with the honey nicely. There is a slightly powdery feel to it, but it's not a bad thing.

    I'm still not sure though. There is something in this I'm not sure I like, and I can't figure out what it is. It just smells...off.


    I'll hold onto the imp and try it again, but I have a feeling it will probably end up going to a new home.

  10. This is actually not as masculine (at least on me) as I expected. It's somewhat soft, very smooth, and just a bit clean smelling (but not in a cologne or soap way). The sandalwoods are just lovely and the leather isn't a sharp leather at all. As it dries more the leather is a bit stronger but isn't overpowering at all and is still more subtle than I expected.

    Overall, this is a very balanced blend and I think think it's very unisex. While on the skin, I think I actually prefer this to Sachs (which I prefer wet....which sounds really dirty said outloud :blush: :lol: ).


    I can't wait to try this on dh and see how it differs. :)

  11. The sticky sweet scent of candy corn! Even cornier for 2009! - cuz corny is how we roll at BPAL!

    So out of the entire update this was the one I was most excited about. I have a bottle of the original and I love it and have always wondered what it smelled like fresh. Even though I knew this wouldn't be exactly the same, I had to try it.

    When I sniffed this in the bottle I was...surprised and not really in a good way. It smelled boozy and too sweet. So sad and a little afraid to try it.
    Well, after letting it sit on the table for a few hours, I kept looking at it. Even though I had intended on waiting a couple days, I just couldn't help myself. I had to know. So a bit hesitantly I apllied a little on the back of my hand and held my breath. I was really hoping it wouldn't make me ill.
    So I took a sniff and....


    what is this???

    It is DELICIOUS. All the booze and sickening sweetness went away and I was left with the most unbelievable foody scent. It smells like yummy snickerdoodles and candy corn. OMG. This is really heavenly, I can't even tell you. This smells like why I gain weight during fall.
    After it dries further down, the cookie scent fades a bit and it smells more like candy corn with a hint of spice. Yet there is something that makes this more than just a foody scent. I don't know what it is, but it makes the blend very wearable. I'm usually more of a smoky/musky/incense girl (with some coconut during the summer), but I will be wearing this alot, esp. once the weather begins to cool.

    I can't tell you how much I love this one. :wub2: Need. Many. Bottles.

    It just makes me happy. :D

    (Carmilla, Sheridan LeFanu)
    Sometimes after an hour of apathy, my strange and beautiful companion would take my hand and hold it with a fond pressure, renewed again and again; blushing softly, gazing in my face with languid and burning eyes, and breathing so fast that her dress rose and fell with the tumultuous respiration. It was like the ardor of a lover; it embarrassed me; it was hateful and yet over-powering; and with gloating eyes she drew me to her, and her hot lips traveled along my cheek in kisses; and she would whisper, almost in sobs, "You are mine, you shall be mine, you and I are one for ever." Then she had thrown herself back in her chair, with her small hands over her eyes, leaving me trembling.

    Languid, melancholy fire: red musk, purple orchid, frankincense, smoky vanilla, Styrian herbs, peru balsam, tonka, Zanzibar clove, and patchouli.

    Wow. This is one freakin' gorgeous and sexy scent.

    At first it's mostly spice form the clove with the other scents in the background, but quickly the other notes begin to appear. I can pick up the red musk, frankincense, and patchouli, and the vanilla adds a really wonderful smoky sweetness. After it's been on a little while I can catch hints of herbs, but nothing I can pin down and they are light enough that this is in no way and herbal scent. The orchid is surprisingly faint and adds a touch of femininity to the blend.
    Also, for those of you that are scared off by red musk, don't be. It is not a a blend that screams red musk and it is really well blended here.

    Honestly, this is even better than I expected and I am sooo happy I bought a bottle right off. Back up bottles will find their way into future orders.

    ETA: Wow, this just keeps getting better and better. It's become richer and a bit sweeter and the red musk comes and goes. It is really really gorgeous.

  13. At first, it's all Dragon's Musk, but then a lovely sweet musk comes out. Starts to smell a bit powdery, though not in a bad way. Very pretty and much lighter than I expected. Might keep the imp, but can't see wearing it enough for a full bottle.


    ETA: Ok, I can't seem to stop sniffing myself. I'm not getting a wonderful blend of red musk and a slightly powdery note. Sounds like it should be awful right, but it's actually wonderful. I might have to reconsider the bottle thing.

  14. It does remind me of a bit Goblin, but an older brother version. It's woodsy and does have the same sweetness as the coconut in Goblin. There seems to be something vaguely...salty here?

    Whatever it is, it smells fabulous. I prefer Goblin for myself, but this might be a good one for dh, though I might steal it now and then this fall. :)




  15. I'm an so happy someone sent me a testable amount of this. :) Now I can stop coveting something I'll never have.

    It's pretty, though a bit on the perfumey side on me, mixed with incense. It reminds me of a classier woman standing in a head shop, having no idea why she's there. LOL

    But honestly, it's not as unique as I expected. I like my Snake Charmer better. :)

  16. At first this is very green and herbal. Nice. :)

    As it dries a sweet floral comes out. Not jasmine (I am jasmine and it gives me a headache), but something more like honeysuckle, maybe plumeria like another poster mentioned. Very lush, not to sweet or cloying. The greenery and herbs are still there, which creates a nice balance.


    I like this a lot more than I expected. It reminds me of walking in town next to the small gardens where they grown all the herbs and flowers. Lots of mingling scents and rich greenery. Lovely.



  17. At first it's a sweet floral aquatic. Very feminine and definitely southern feeling.

    As it dries the green notes come out more, along with something that's slightly bitter. Sounds gross, I know, but it really works. It's balanced out by the sweetness of the flowers and it does have a hot, humid feel to it.

    Very pretty, unique, distinctive, but completely wearable. :wub2:

  18. Ok, so I keep trying dragon's blood blends because I keep hoping I will find 1 more I like (Dragon's Tears seems to be the only one that works on me).

    I love red musk, patchouli, cinnamon, and vetiver, but the dragon's blood, as usual, goes soapy on me and it turning this a little...odd..smelling.

    Luckily, as it dries, the soapiness fades and it's actually rather nice. The red musk comes out more and the vetiver calms down. It's not as spicy as I expected, but that's ok. The patchouli adds some earthiness to the blend and helps to ground it (pardon the pun :blush: ).


    I wouldn't buy a bottle, but I'll probably keep the imp. I'm also curious to see how it smells on dh.


