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Posts posted by femmefatale

  1. My chemistry must be really wonky because lately so many scents are turning into powder on me. :P


    It started out as a very sharp rose, as it began to dry down I could catch a hint of earthy scent, but it didn't last long. After a while it was a decent rosey perfume, but now that has even disappeared and now I smell like my mil (powder and make-up).


    Oddly enough though, the bit I put on my cleavage actually kept the rose scent and smells better than what I put on my wrists. hmmm?

    Maybe I'll keep the imp and try again, but I won't be getting a bottle.

  2. In the imp and wet it's super strong and rather icky, like a really bad drugstore perfume.


    As it dries though it loses the harshness and begins to soften quite a bit. Starts to smell very powdery on me. Almost like Baby Love that someone tried to "grow up" a little.


    I wouldn't buy a bottle, but I will probably try this again just to see.


    ETA: No I won't. I smell like old lady mixed w/baby powder. ewww. Not quite what I was going for.

  3. I abolutely LOVE this one. It is just simply beautiful. Crisp and refreshing floral that does not turn out powdery or soapy. I keep sniffing it because it reminds me of something that I can't quite put my finger on, but comforting and exciting at the same time.

    Makes me think of sitting in a blooming garden catching the scent of the ocean air.


    I will definately be buying a bigger bottle! :P

  4. Wet it's a very sharp scent, almost too sharp with a little softness lurking.

    Dry the soft florals come out more. On me it's a rather traditional perfume scent. Not bad, but not exactly me. Strangely though, I keep sniffing my wrists. Oddly, on my right wrist it is still sharper smelling than on my left, though I apply it to my left.

    I might keep the imp, but it's unlikely I would buy the bottle.

  5. Wow, pure honeysuckle in the bottle. And STRONG!


    Wet it was a very sweet, strong honeysuckle. Gave me a headache as well that went away as it dried. As it's drying down the jasmine comes out along with a touch of something. Maybe a bit of spice?

    Hubby really likes this one on me. I wil wear this again, though a little more lightly on the wrists, but more on the back of the knees etc to help keep away the headache reaction.

    Not sure if I will buy a bottle. Will have to try it a few more times.

  6. Yum! Yum! Yum!


    I love this scent. It's not as grape on me as I expected after reading some of the reviews, which I am happy to say. On me it's a grape incense smell with a floral hint. I can't stop sniffing my wrists because there is something behind it all that I can't quite put my finger on.

    I am definately happy that I picked up a bottle of this. :P

  7. WOW! Hubby tried this and I can't stop sniffing him! :P


    It is definately a clean, refreshing aquatic scent with a hint of the bay rum and a slight woodsy smell. Not getting to much of the leather right now.


    This is easily one of my favorites and will certainly be buying a bottle. I can't wait to try it myself!



    I tried it on myself and at first I thought: still yummy but better suited for hubby. After letting it dry down though I love it on myself as well! I'm actually getting a bit more of the bay rum than on hubby (it's a bit spicier and sweeter on me) and on hubby it was more woodsy. The leather is very faint on both of us. And I'm catching some of the salitness which I really like.


    I think we'll each need a bottle!

  8. Hmmm, not sure about this one. It started it VERY rose, then took on an incensey rose smelml, then got a bit powdery.

    Strangely enough though, I can't stop sniffing my wrist. it seems there is something right there on the edge that I can't quite get to.

    Will keep the imp, but will have to wear it a couple more times to make up my mind about a bottle.


    ETA: After wearing it for a while, I really like this. It really is a nice blend of incense and rose. It reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on, but it makes me feel a bit wistful. Quite possibly bottle worthy.


    ADDED 11/27/08:


    mmmm.....lovely. Smells like delicious rose incense. I really like ths one. :P

  9. ...while it isn’t actively artificial, it does seem like a rose scent instead of the scent of a rose. The scent is very straightforward, with no layering whatsoever.



    I completely agree. It the bottle it was very perfumey. Wet it was very promising, but as it dried, it did take on the rose perfume scent as oppsed to a true rose.

    Not bad, but not one I would buy a bottle of. I might try this one once more to decide whether or not I will be keeping the imp.

  10. Ouch, that is really really strong at first. And it's a very perfumey scent. Not liking it so much wet.

    As it's drying down, ew, it's not changing much. I'm not geting any of the grapefruit. It just smells like some bad perfume I tried years ago. :P Maybe it would work better with hubby's chemistry becuase it's just not working with mine.

  11. Hubby tried this one since some reviewers said it was more masculine. At first it was rather sweet. I could've sworn I caught a bit of honeysuckle.

    As it dried down it took on a smokey incense smell. Really very nice. I think I'll be trying this one myself soon.

  12. Mmmmm...very nice.


    Wet on me it's a warm vanilla, nice because it's not too sweet.


    As it dries it there's a slight spice to it and I catch a hint of something I can't quite put my finger on.


    All in all, I really like this one. Might have to put it on my bottle list.

  13. Wow, this one took me by surprise. In the bottle, strong! Youch. On though it started mostly dominated by the tea, but as it dried it began to sweeten. I didn't really get much of the mint come through, though I did catch some of the lemongrass. Has a mild throw once it dries, although next time I might put a bit more on.

    This really is a beautiful scent and I am so happy I got a bottle of it. I think it will become of of my regular scents, esp. once the weather begins to warm up.



    It smells even better after a couple hours. A perfect balance of flowers and tea, with a *very* slight powder scent. YUM!

  14. Oh, WOW! I love love love this one. In the imp it was rather sweet smelling, though not unpleasant.

    Wet the rose dominates, but not in a sickly sweet way. it's actually very nice. As it dried the leather definately comes out and the roses become secondary.

    Wouldn't be my every day scent, but definately one that I would wear when I want to feel sexy. It's not a light "I want to be seduced" scent, it a definate "I know what I want and will take it" scent. :P


    Hubby loves it. LOL


    Will most certainly be buying a bottle of this. In fact, I think hubby already plans to. :D

  15. After reading the desciption I was really excited to try this one. I love both of these scents.


    In the imp it was very sweet fruit smelling, not much of the rose.

    Wet on the skin it was a very tart fruit scent, still not much of the rose coming out.

    As it begins to dry down the rose is beginning to show, but it's not overpowering, nor too sweet. Starts to balance out. A very nice fruity rose. Even if your not a big fan of rose scents, try this one out. It's very pretty.


    ETA: hmmm....after a few hours it's starting to smell....not sure. It's hard to put my finger on it. No longer roses or fruit. Almost a little....stale? Old? Not sure.


    A while later hubby said it smelled liike mothballs. ewwwww...

    I think I will still give it one more chance down the road, but unfortunately, I'm not holding out much hope. :P I thought for sure this would be "me".

  16. I normally don't like food scents, so this would definately not have been a scent I would've tried if it wasn't part of a group of imps I got. But wow, I am glad I did! I was so afraid that it was going to have that sickly sweet smell, but it doesn't! It was sweeter smelling in the imp, but not overly so. Just pure cake and vanilla. Once on it dried down to a warm vanilla with yummy yummy currants.. And I'm not a big vanilla fan (usually too sweet for my taste), but I LOVE this. The throw is good, but not too strong and lasts a fair amount of time.

    I'm really considering getting a bottle of this. :P


    ADDED 11/28/08:


    On me this is actually not as foody as I expected. I get lots of currents, but not much of the cake. Like another poster, it does remind me of a scratch & snff sticker, or maybe a flavored lip balm I had as a kid, but all grown up.

    I do like this more than I expected and it's one I would actually wear on my skin instead of my locket (which is very rare for me since everything usually ends up there).

  17. Wow, I'm starting to think that having a cold is messing w/my chemistry far more than I thought. I asked hubby if it was my nose, though he is picking up the same scents.


    That said, I LOVE this scent. So far it is not fruity or sweet at all, but more tropical musky on me. I can't stop sniffing my wrists trying to figure out the exact scent.


    I will definately try this scent again. :P Maybe a bottle if it stays this way.



    ETA: I tried it in a locket today and OMG, what a difference! It does smell like a tropical island. Fruity, but true fruity, not the fake oversweet fruit. More like fruit still on the trees, green and lush with hints of flowers on a watery breeze. I really love and I will definately be getting a bottle!

  18. I think I got an older imp because I got absolutely no peach (thank god). instead it is a sandalwood incense smell that dries to more of a powdery incense scent. Very nice, though I think I over did it as it gave me a headache. I will probably keep the imp, if for nothing else than a room scent. Or perhaps just a touch on the back of the knees so that it's not so strong and a little sexy. :P

  19. I got this mostly for hubby and omg, I am so glad I did! It smells so sexy on him! At first it was a smokey musk and then dried to a wonderful fresh and slightly sweet scent with just a hint of smoke in the background. I love it and will very likely be ordering a bottle.

    Of course, now I'm really wondering how it would smell on me? hmmm...

  20. I really, really wanted to like this one, but I didn't get any of the scents that other lucky reviewers got. Instead, it just smelled like a department store perfume my grandmother would wear. :P Even after the dry down it did not improve.I will probably try it one more time, but if I get the same scent I'll be sending it along to someone who it works with.

  21. Definately going to have to try to get some Jolly Roger now. :P


    I do have an imp of Caliban on the way also. Ever since I first found bpal, that one has just been stuck in my head. And I also have some Sea Glass coming.

    So we'll see. And of course, I really can't wait for Thalassa to get here. :D
