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Posts posted by femmefatale

  1. This smells exactly like the end of summer/beggining of fall when the grass is still green and fresh smelling, but you can sense that cool weather is on the way. It is definitely freshly fallen leaves on green grass.

    Definitely getting a bottle.

  2. Oh, yum! A very subtle pumpkin scent with just enough citrus. Dries to a very soft, light, and feminine scent (at least on my skin).


    In my locket, it's bright, tart and sweet at the same time, with just enough pumpkin but not too much to make me sick. It's a tropical autumn scent, like someone carving pumpkins in the Keys. This is the perfect summer into fall scent.

  3. (copied from my blog)


    On my skin this start out a bit too pumpkin-y for my taste and I'm not really able to pick out the other notes, just a vague... citrus? feel. As it dries it starts to smell like the Yankee Candle store.

    In my locket...it's a tropical pumpkin. I do like it better in my locket and this might actually be a pumpkin scent I can wear.



    ETA: Ok, I was wrong. This is turning my stomach. Oh well. I think Pumpkin III is working for me, so I guess I have one Pumpkin scent I can wear.

  4. Nothing new to add, it smells like dirt or soil. I'm amazed at how accurate it is (and how fast my skin devours it!). I think this would be great for layering. :P


    I asked hubby and he said it smells like in town (Colonial Williamsburg) when everything smells earthy and damp.

  5. Oh you have a super rare one!! Those were how the bottles looked at the very beginning (before I joined).


    And the that's how the labels looked on the imp's ears! I loved those labels with the twiney sticky "sinew". but they were too time consuming for the Lab to keep creating when they got super busy.


    I'd definitely hold on to that bottle! It looks so cute. :P



    I have an imp of lightning that was like that. I always wondering what was up with the label (which I have since lost...sigh)


    I love that bottle though. So cute!

  6. Oh. My.


    At first is does start out a bit herbal and a little astringent, but as it dries that fades and out comes a delicious boozy vanilla with just a hint of spice.

    It ends up though a smokey slightly spicy vanilla that is just... :P


    Both hubby and I tried it and on him it kept a more smokey herbal feel w/a touch of vanilla, where on me it was a rich spicy vanilla with a tiny hint of booze and a very slight smokiness.


    I *love* this.

  7. In the imp it's pure bright candy goodness.


    As it dries, it calms down and starts to smell more like Smarties (which yes, I know is a candy, but those have a lighter candy smell). There is something in the background that I can't put my finger on. There is the slightest touch of...something, that helps to ground this.


    I really really like it. :P

  8. In the imp I thought "Ewwww, smells like cheap drugstore perfume". I almost didn't try it. This is why you shouldn't jusdge a perfume by first sniff.


    It begins dry down to a an earthy sweet/spice scent with the slightest hint of perfume. It's actually very nice, though light. I think I have to slather it on a bit more.


    As it dries further "zombie gingerbread" is right. LOL


    I definitely like it, though I'll have to try it a few more times before deciding on a bottle.

  9. I love love love this.

    I never thought I would like apple scents until I discovered bpal's apple. But not all their apples. Certain ones (Ladon, I'm looking at you) end up smelling like apple scented hair shampoo (?). But I fell in love with Snow Glass Apples and I loved Coral Snake.


    This I might actually like more. (did I say that???)


    It smells like a true, fresh apple. More of the peel than the fruit, but nice and tart with just the right amount of sweetness. But lurking behind the apple is something dark with an evil bite. I'm so happy this doesn't go funky on my skin.


    In my locket it is definitely more apple, but the darkness is still there and it's a interesting mix of freshness, playfulness, and sensual evil.


    I have a feeling all my other bottles will be very lonely for a while. This will certainly be more than a dirty fling. :P

  10. I wondered about the myrrh too, because I swear I catch a bit of that in here.

    At first it's a strange mix of sweetness, woods, and something slightly sharp. As it dries I begin to catch a bit of the patchouli and the spice begins to come out more, along with just enough smokiness. Sadly, I'm not getting much of the apple. It's very nice though, but one bottle should be enough.


    In my locket it's quite a bit different. It is sweeter and has a strangely aquatic feel to it. Like fall when I used to live near the beach. This was a great scent to try today since it's cool and rainy and I am very much ready for autumn.

  11. Does anyone have recs for spicy scents that aren't predominantly clove/cinnamon? As much as I love the spicy sweetness, I'm currently in the mood for something a bit more... dark and savoury, I guess? Saffron, cardamom, pepper and the like.


    I had very high hopes for Scherezade, but that was pure red musk on me, and I was completely in love with the saffron/black musk combo in Khandita until it got swallowed by the rose. :P Any recs for something of that ilk would be wonderful!



    What about Priala, the Human Phoenix? There is cinnamon in it, but it's not CINNAMON. It's definitely darker and sexier. The myrrhs and smoke keep it from being too spicy or sweet and much richer and darker.

  12. Oh wow, I love this!

    In the bottle it was a sweet, fruity, almost candy/bubblegum scent.


    On my skin it blends into this beautiful, lush tropical scent. Finally, a blend where the ylang ylang doesn't take over! It isn't too floral, with just the right about of fruitiness, and as it dries something a bit green keeps this from going to sweet.


    In my locket it is delicious, but in a completely different way. It is brighter and more fruity and just a bit more bubblegum smelling.


    I absolutely LOVE it! Now I just need to track down more!



  13. I'm not big on foody scents in general either. I've found Plunder is a perfect spicy scent for me. Not foody, just straight up spicy goodness. I love it. :P


    The Smiling Spider is also wonderful, but might not be spicy enough for you.




    The scent of a pirate's bumboat, overflowing with stolen wares: tea leaf, cassia, cinnamon bark, clove, allspice, sandalwood, tobacco, peppercorn, and nutmeg.


    I get mostly the spices though with a very slight sweetness (I think from the sandalwood?), but definitely *not* baked goods.

  14. hmm. On my skin this goes all green tea and dries to a slightly powdery/vanilla tea with the barest hint of blueberry (so slight that if I didn't know it was in there I probably wouldn't have guessed it).


    In my locket though it is a very yummy fruity tea with just a hint of ginger. It is very pretty and if I was into tea scents, I think I would love this one. Unfortunately, I'm not, so I think I willprobably pass this on to someone who will love it more.

    I'm glad I got to try it though!


    ETA: Wow, this has some staying power and throw!

  15. This smells like CK1 on me. I've had this problem with other blends with chrome or metallic notes. I think I'm going to have to avoid them in the future. I like smelling like CK1, but it reminds me of high school



    This exactly. Makes me want to skip school, go cruising by the beach in my friends convertible, and make out in the sand.


    I'll probably keep the lovely frimp for nostalgia sake, but won't be buying a bottle.

  16. Fiery, primal, and precociously diabolical: red amber, Spanish moss, Indonesian patchouli, ambergris, red pepper, two cloves, and vanilla flower.

    So today I seem to be revisiting bottles (of hubby's :D) that haven't been opened in a looong time.
    I did not have high hopes because I remember this being to masculine, but what the heck, I have to shower anyways. LOL

    Oh wow, I was wrong. On me this is straight up spicy dark vanilla with a touch of earthiness. It's gorgeous.
    I am so happy we kept the bottle and I can't wait to see how it is on hubby. :P

  17. I had absolutely no intention on trying this today. It's technically hubby's bottle, but he hasn't shown this any love in a loooong time (since we first got it?) and I stumbled across it in my box....sooo....


    OMG, why the hell haven't we used this more? It is amazing!

    Wet, it's a cold, snowy forest. As it dries I catch hints of the berries, sandalwood, and musk.

    The amber begins to come out more, which as usual turns slightly soapy on me, but I don't care. It still smells wonderful.

    I bet this would be gorgeous in my locket and I can't wait for hubby to come home so I can slather him w/it and crawl all over him, sniffing and....ahem....sorry. :P


    I have a feeling this will get worn a lot this winter. It really is beautiful. Very comforting, yet it makes me want to get outside in the cold and walk around the historic part of town (I live in Williamsburg) and enjoy some cider. Now I can't wait for christmas.


    Summary: :D :D

  18. hmmm....I was really worried about trying this since I seem to amp pepper and pepper makes me *very* sick.


    This on the other hand....yum! I think I like pink pepper and I'm so happy that this isn't yet another rose blend that doesn't immediently go all powdery or old lady on me.

    I can definitely pick up the rose and pepper, but I can catch a hint of the orange and geranium and a very very slight hint of berries.


    This is actually very pretty and it's so nice to know that there is a pepper I can wear. I'm not sure about a bottle yet since I tend to be drawn more to other types (very fruity, coconut, aquatic, or darker scents), but I'm defnitely keeping the imp. :P
