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Posts posted by femmefatale

  1. "Right," replied the stranger. "I'm a seafaring rat, I am, and the port I originally hail from is Constantinople, though I'm a sort of a foreigner there too, in a manner of speaking. You will have heard of Constantinople, friend? A fair city and an ancient and glorious one. And you may have heard too, of Sigurd, King of Norway, and how he sailed thither with sixty ships, and how he and his men rode up through streets all canopied in their honour with purple and gold; and how the Emperor and Empress came down and banqueted with him on board his ship. When Sigurd returned home, many of his Northmen remained behind and entered the Emperor's body-guard, and my ancestor, a Norwegian born, stayed behind too, with the ships that Sigurd gave the Emperor. Seafarers we have ever been, and no wonder; as for me, the city of my birth is no more my home than any pleasant port between there and the London River. I know them all, and they know me. Set me down on any of their quays or foreshores, and I am home again."

    "I suppose you go great voyages," said the Water Rat with growing interest. "Months and months out of sight of land, and provisions running short, and allowanced as to water, and your mind communing with the mighty ocean, and all that sort of thing?"

    "By no means," said the Sea Rat frankly. "Such a life as you describe would not suit me at all. I 'm in the coasting trade, and rarely out of sight of land. It's the jolly times on shore that appeal to me, as much as any seafaring. O, those southern seaports! The smell of them, the riding-lights at night, the glamour!"

    Seaweed, ambergris, and sea buckthorn berry with exotic herbs, incense smoke, ship wood, and Burmese musk.

    First off, I just love this label. :)

    In the bottle....wow, it's all wood and musk and smoke with just a hint of seaweed and herbs, not much berry.

    On my skin, this is just gorgeous! I actually expected this to be far more aquatic than it is. I expected it to be more the sea with a hint of the ship, but this is all ship on me with the barest breath of the ocean. This is what the captains room smells like.
    As it dries it is just so well blended. It's also very interesting as it seems each time I smell it I catch a different note. This is the aquatic for people who can't do aquatics. Some might find it a bit manly at first, though I find it to be more unisex. I can't wait to see how it smells on hubby!

  2. Deep at the bottom of the well no warmth has yet returned,
    The rain which sighs and feels so cold has dampened withered roots.
    What sort of man at such a time would come to visit the teacher?
    As this is not a time for flowers, I find I've come alone.

    Temple incense, rain, and dust.

    Wow. I get to be the first to review this. :)

    At first this is all salty aquatic (in the bottle and on the skin). It smells mostly like a typical rain cologne scent or rain room scent. Where is my beautiful incense??? Where is my dust???

    As it begins to dry, I begin to catch the barest hint of something dusty. Still not much incense. :( There is something slightly sweet in the background, but I was really hoping for a deeper scent with a touch of rain, but nope, this is all rain on me. Hopefully with some time the incense will come out more. It's very nice how it is, just not the scent I was so hoping for.
    Maybe it would work better on hubby.

    ETA: I'm not giving up on this yet. After a while it has something interesting in the back I can't quite catch. And somehow, they really did get the dust in this. It makes me very nostalgic for when we used to live near the water, but it's not at all what I would call a summer scent. I can't wait to see what it'll be like after it's sat for a little while.

    ETA again: After only a few days of settling, I do think I am catching a bit of the incense. It's more of a darker, slightly sweeter impression, ye is somehow stays very bright smelling. I keep sniffing it to see if I can pin it down, but I can't. It's a beautifully frustrating scent. LOL

  3. When I first put it on I wasn't impressed. It was ok, nothing really stood out and then it all but dissappeared from my skin. Seriously, I couldn't smell a thing.

    But then it just blossomed and out came a beautiful sweet incense. I have no idea how to describe it, it somehow manages to morph from a dark to bright and back and forth scent.

    I can't stop sniffing myself. I had intended to try another scent after this, but I think i'm just going to enjoy this one for a while.

    I think this would also work well on hubby as he tends to turn scents like this into pure sex. :P

  4. This is so confusing. At first it was very green (pine? or something like it) and medicinal. Then it became slightly soapy and not so sharp. After a little while a sweet tropical floral came out along with something almost minty. It's omehow clean, dirty, green, and floral all at the same time.


    I really really like this. I didn't get as much smoke as I thought I would, but that's ok. I can't wait to see how this morphs on hubby, though I think this will be all mine. :P

  5. mmmm....this is beautiful and very unisex. I catch a hint of the leather, but it's soft, not sharp at all. I can also pick up some of the tonka and rosewood and smooth woods.

    I really love this and I'm so happy I was frimped it. I can't wait to see how this smells on hubby! I can see us getting a bottle to share. :P

  6. hmmmm...this isn't very wrathful. On me it's almost all sweet floral with virtually no spice. :P I love clove and cinnamon and I was hoping for a truley spicy, wrathful scent. Sadly, no.

    It's pretty for what it is and I may or may not keep the imp, but I won't be buying a bottle.

  7. Oh I LOOOOOVE this. :P I wasn't even going to try it, but I decided to on a whim because it was such a good price.


    It is gorgeous. Seriously. Somehow on me it smells like a sweeter version of Hellhound. I have no idea why or how, but it does and I smell gooood.


    This is definitely in my top 10 and I need more. Oh so much more. :D

  8. Oh wow, this is soooo odd.


    In the bottle it's bubblegum. Not the super sugary Bubble Yum type, but the bazooka kind.


    On my skin the bubblegum goes into the background and just about disappears and the leather and metal comes to the front. It reminds me so much of something my hubby used to wear, I just can't put my finger on it.


    I do really like it. I think it's something both hubby and I can wear (me in my my locket, him on his skin).


    I'm so glad I picked up a bottle. :P

  9. I agree with the other posters who said that this is a very clean and gentle floral. It's very pretty and feminine without being too girly or womanly. The snake oil in this is very understated, but I'm still able to pick it out.

    I wish the narcissus came out a little more, but I really like this and I'm glad I picked some up. :P

  10. Wow, my chemistry must be really off because I'm getting spicy smokey leather and....mint? It's more like a cooling impression. Very odd.


    I love this and I'm so sad that I won't be able to get any more. :P

  11. Why oh why did I try this? It is beautiful and I can't get anymore. :D


    It started off smelling like a salty rose incense. Very interesting.


    Then it went through a slightly soapy rose phase.


    Now though it smells like fresh roses left near an open window of a beach house. The salt air drifts in mingling with the scent of the roses.

    It's gorgeous and I need more! :P


    ETA: Now it has taken on a more incense feel to it, which is fine with me. :D I think I like it even more now!

  12. mmmm....I really like this. I can catch some of the coconut, rum, wood, and a very small hint of lilac in the background.

    Unfortunately, my skin amps the orris so it tends to drown out most of the other notes eventually. I think I'll just have to wear this in a locket or better yet, slather it on hubby. :P

  13. The Goddess of Persuasion, Seduction and Sexual Wiles. A member of Aphrodite’s retinue, she is also Aphrodite’s daughter and sister to Tyche and Eunomia. Lusty myrtle and jasmine with red sandalwood, stargazer lily, and clove over an opulent, rich bed of warm musk and bourbon vanilla.

    I don't know why, but this went very old lady/thrift store smelling on me. :P

    Had to wash it off right away. Safe to say, not for me.

  14. I got this a few days ago and couldn't believe I waited this long to try it (esp. after going through so much to get this, I finally was able to get some in a swap...still waiting on mine from the decant circle....sigh). Still though, I really didn't expect to like this. And I shouldn't, I hate cream, tea, and black pepper. It's normally a deal breaker for me, but I couldn't resist....it's Ichabod...with wool.


    Luckily I never got the sour note I was expecting. Instead it's a beautiful blend of honey with a hint of lily and something in the background pulling it back from being too sweet.

    Luckily my notes of death never make an appearance. I love this and now have to get a bottle. :P



    ETA: Ok, I had gone back and retried it not long after and it went completely sour on me and the imp. :D

  15. Absolutely beautiful, sweet (but not too sweet) incense. It's the incense in the box, not while burning. There is no smoke in this, which is fine with me.


    It reminds me of the funky, eclectic shop I used to work in where we sold some really good, high quality incense and candles. It had the most delicious smell. Whenever I would walk in I would take a deep breath and smile.


    I need multiple bottles of this.



    Oh, and no grape soda for me. :P

  16. I don't really know how to describe this. It is a rather herbal lavender, but it's wonderfully comforting. As much as I love TKO, I actually find that it keeps me awake even though it is somewhat calming. Temple of Dreams on the other hand, calms my mind and helps me relax so that I can fall asleep.

    I also really enjoy the scent, though I wouldn't wear it as a perfumed, but it's the one scent I actually look forward to putting on before bed (a little behind the ears and in my hair). :P

  17. Very interesting. And annoying, because it reminds me so much of something and I can't figure it out. I *think* it reminds me of a shop an ex used to have, or at least the little indoor plaza it was in.


    Anyways...this is actually a green tea scent I would wear because it doesn't scream GREEN TEA. It's very bright and uplifting, the patchouli stays calm but grounding, and there's virtually no fig (which is fine w/me!), and the mango is wonderful.


    I didn't expect to like this, but I do. I'll have to add it to my bottle list. :P

  18. Ooooh, I really really like this. I think I've found that I really like magnolia, surprisingly.


    This is really beautiful. Nothing is overpowering, it's so well blended. I keep sniffing it because each time I catch something else. The spice is there just underneath, balancing everything. It makes me feel beautiful & sexy. I have to get a bottle. :P

  19. '07 version


    mmmm.....beautiful, lush real roses. This is just gorgeous. I love it because it isn't a complex rose scent, it's perfect in it's simplicity. I am thrilled that I won this in a lot on ebay, otherwise I may never have tried it. :P

  20. I really like this. A lot. Wow.


    Sadly, I'm not getting the bay rum and boubon, but the magnolia, moss, and a bit of the dirt combine to create a really gorgeous scent.

    I NEED a bottle!



    ETA: I tried this again and I'm getting some of the bay rum and something very salty, as hough there is a breeze coming off the ocean. Love it!
