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Posts posted by femmefatale

  1. I can't believe I waited so long to try this one!

    It's a beautiful tropical scent. It's also very well balanced, not too floral or fruity. The opium adds a smokiness that keeps this from being too sweet and there is a touch of black musk that lends a subtle sexiness. The coconut is there, but it's not foody and also isn't too suntan oil smelling. It almost strikes me more of a black coconut scent (perhaps it's the coconut and black musk together?).


    I just love this and will definitely need a backup bottle. :wub2:

  2. I love aquatics, but unfortunately, most aquatics don't love me. I sniffed this in the imp and almost didn't try this. I just knew it would turn into bathroom soap or one of those "rain" colognes.


    I was wrong.


    Yes, this is very clean smelling so I guess it could be considered somewhat soapy, but not to me. There is also a wonderful sweetness to it, as well as just a hint of coolness. This is not a hot, humid aquatic, nor a cold one like Visiting the Temple... This one reminds me of the beach early in the morning when the coolness of the night still lingers but when the rising sun is just starting to warm the water.


    I actually really like this. :P I am so happy I tried it.

  3. So I've been waiting to review this since I just love it so much I was hoping I would be able to do it justice, but I don't think that will happen. LOL


    I have both the resurrected and the original. I do think I like the resurrected a bit more (blasphemy, I know) but only because it's a bit brighter and smoother smelling to me, along with the fact that the coconut is a bit stronger (which I love). It really makes me feel beautiful and sexy and happy. I love it. :P It does have a resemblance to Snake Oil, but more like a cousin, not a twin. This reminds of the best of Snake Oil and Ashlultum rolled into one.


    The original on the other hand is deep, dark, mysterious, and rich smelling. The coconut is almost gone and the plum takes it's place. It has more of an incensey vibe to it than the resurrected.


    So even though I do lean a bit more to the resurrected, I love them both for different reasons and they each fit different moods. :D

  4. This one made me so sad. :P It sounded so beautiful, but it really didn't work on me.


    It started of somewhat sweet and pretty, then became overwhelmingly floral and then turned into something very perfumey.


    Oh well, this will soon be heading off to a new home.

  5. This is actually far more delicate than I expected. To me it's not so much hard metal as it is a cold shimmery white, slightly ghostly.


    At first it is a bit bathroomy, which ozones tend to do on me, then it goes a bit high class perfumey. As it dries further it sweetens a bit from the honeysuckly and the carnation comes out a little, adding just the barest hint of spice.


    When it first hit my skin I thought I wouldn't like it, but as it dried I really began to like it. It stays close to the skin and is definitely a scent that's all for hubby to smell, not one to attract attention. I will most likely get a bottle to complete my set. :P


    ETA: After trying it again, it was just so-so. Pretty, but a bit perfumey for me. I will keep the imp, but skip the bottle (luckily though at least my decant is in a bottle so I can look at the pretty label LOL).

  6. I was so worried when I read that it smells the same as Sticky Pillowcase (I didn't like SP). Thankfully it doesn't on me. :D


    At first this smells like sweet sugared fruit, but as it dries it becomes tarter and not so sweet. There is a very very faint resemblance to SP, but this would be it's much more fun, brighter, pinker, not so sticky sweet cousin.

    I really didn't think I would like this (because of the pomegranate which tends to make me a little sick), but I really really do. I think I need to pick up a bottle. I can see wearing this a lot during the summer when I'm feeling flirty and girly. :P

  7. Oh, I love this so much more than I expected to. It's a sweet woodsy scent with a hint of the pink clove and magnolia and I think just a bit of chamomile. Luckily the bamboo, fig, and walnut is being held in check and the musk is very understated, adding just a bit more depth. There is a slightly sugary feel to this, but it is in no way foody.


    This is not the masculine scent I was expecting. I *love* this and will be getting a bottle before it goes away. :P

  8. I've pretty much realized that snow scents do not work on me. Sadly, this one is no different. It goes a very masculine soap scent with a hint of mint. Not really bad, but very much not me. And I was most excited about this scent. :P


    It's going into dh's box since I think this will work better for him. I'll update this post once he tries it.

  9. This is stunning. :P


    Beautiful sweet, warm, resiny incense. This does stay close to the skin, which I like with a scent like this. It just add to the magical feeling it has. I feel like stripping naked and dancing under a full moon. Maybe not exactly the church vibe intended. :D

  10. Hard work, patience, and harmony: Chinese musk, dark musk, and moist soil with black cherry, opoponax, night-blooming jasmine, plum, woodland tobacco, snakeweed, and cypress.

    Can I just say how impressed I am by all the new phoenix scents? This is another gorgeous one. At first it's lots of dark musk with a hint of cherry and tobacco. The jasmine is (thankfully) being held in check, but adding just a touch of sweetness. The soil isn't as strong as I expected, but it adds a subtle earthiness (LOL) to it. There is also a bit of greeness that keeps it from being too dark. The plum is there, but it's more of a whisper and the opoponax adds a really beautiful resinous quality.
    This is just plain gorgeous. Where Fire Phoenix made me feel bold, this makes me feel a bit "come to me" sexy. :P I love it.

  11. Oh wow, this is freakin' amazing! It starts off very spicy but it quickly becomes greener and somewhat sweeter. I do get something vaguely like lemon, but not (if that makes any sense LOL). The pink pepper is there, but not overwhelmingly, just enough to add a bit of kick to it. I do get a little floral, but it doesn't scream girly flowers. Instead it reminds me of huge, bright firey looking flowers. The musk (which isn't amping like it normally does) is adding a sexy vibe to it. As it dries further it becomes just a bit smokier and warmer, not so spicy.

    Really this is just very wellblended and each time I think I pin this down, something else pops up. It's really really beautiful. It makes me feel like I can take on the world and look hot while doing it. :P

  12. Water phoenix, of all the elemental blends is the most beautiful. It smells like the color of blue and green water....with just a hint of fruitiness. I think it's the juniper berry. The rain smells divine, but hte lavendar keeps this from morphing too much into a soapy smell. I love it....and I am so glad that I have a bottle. :P


    I completely agree with this description. It *is* a mix of blue and green waters. I can catch a hint of the juniper. As it dries further, the florals come out a bit more and there is a sweetness that helps to balance the aquatic scent. The lavender is there more on the tail end, along with a faint saltiness. It reminds me of a light rain shower on a garden near the beach.


    This is just gorgeous. I am so very happy I got a bottle. :D



    (And good throw, without being overpowering.)

  13. I love this scent! I admit, I'm a big fan of spicy scents and snake oil blends, so it's no surprise I like this one. I can't believe it took me so long to try.


    It starts off with the ginger in the forefront, but that is quickly held in check by the cinnamon and snake oil. It's cinnamon without being CINNAMON and the snake oil is there adding just enough vanilla, but this is definitely not a foody blend. It briefly fades a bit and then all of a sudden springs to life and is this beautiful warm, comforting, yet sexy blend.


    Need. More. Bottles.

  14. Oh, I love this. I was able to get this as a gift for someone and now I desperately need to get some for myself.


    It starts off with a super jolt of coffee, but once it's on the skin the coffee calms down and it's a beautiful spicy, creamy egg nog scent.


    Can I say it again, I love this. I'm thinking about giving something else, esp. since this was gifted to me. I'm sentimental. (((blush)))

  15. Ginger with a hint of oranges and sugared grapefuit. Very nice. I thought I cought a bit of pepper at one point, but it's gone now.


    I think I need to find a bottle. It does seem to be a confidence booster. :P

  16. This is essentially a palate cleanser. It's like having a citrus sherbet in between courses.


    I had on Butter Rum Cookie which is pretty heavy-duty gourmand and other BPAL's and this clears right through them.


    It is wonderful. To think I almost passed on this.


    It's somewhat astrigent without being "clean". It's fruity without being sweet or foody. It's sinus clearing without being mentholated. It's fresh without being ozone.


    And as much as this is an enjoyable scent... it almost has no "substance". It's weightless, a disembodied specter of a scent.





    I completely agree with this. It is definitely palate cleansing and doesn't leave a residual scent in your nose, if that makes any sense.


    When I opened this I actually said "Wow!". It is that beautiful. It is grassy without any sharpness & fruity without being sweet or too tart. It is fresh and bright and cheerful. I am soooo happy I got a bottle and will most likely be getting a back up. :P I can see this being in heavy rotation this summer.
