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Posts posted by femmefatale

  1. I had *planned* on wearing Snake Charmer today, but since we are all so sick (poor dh has it now too) and can't smell anything, I'll probably just use some OOF to help with my head.


    Nothing says romance like menthol, dirty tissues, sick kids, hacking up lungs, and fevers. :lol:

  2. "I feel pretty, oh so pretty..."

    This was the first thing I thought of when I smelled Tissue. It's just so....pretty. And clean smelling. It does go slightly soapy on me (which most white flowers do), but it's still so....pretty. Surprisingly, I don't get much honey from this I usually amp it), but I am getting some of the rice paper (I think). I expected this to be far sweeter than it is, but I'm relieved it's not.


    I have a feeling I will try layering this Graveyard Dirt since I'm more of a dirty girl. :lol: But when I just want something fresh and clean and well....pretty, I'll reach for this. I have a feeling it will get a lot of use this summer. :)

  3. This is an interesting one. At first it's a rather sharp green scent with sweet pink rose. It goes through a *very* short soapy phase (maybe 10-15 min), then the sharpness fades and I can pick up a a bit of the mint that other reviewers mentioned, along with the rose that's a bit less sweet now and more lush. It still has a bit of the green, but it's not so strong or sharp. This reminds me of a summer rose blend as opposed to a cold, winter rose.


    It's very pretty and I'm glad I was able to pick up a bottle. I think this would also make a wonderful body oil.

  4. I am so thrilled I finally got to try this. I am a big coconut fan in all its forms. :)


    This is such an incredible blend. I catch a hint of something almost jasmine like, but without being cloying or headache inducing. The incense is there, but sweeter and the coconut it definitely not the suntan lotion coconut, nor a very foody coconut, yet not sharp. It is a coconut that even most coconut haters could love.


    It's earthy, but not dirty. Fresh, but not altogether clean. It's a very difficult sent to describe, but easy to love. :wub2: I am definitely getting a bottle with my next order since I have a feeling my imp won't last long.


    And if you tried Goblin, but found that it turned plastic-y or the patchouli was too much, try this.

  5. Wet it's all melons! Wow. As it dries though the melon scent starts to fade and out comes these beautiful, exotic, clean smelling flowers with a touch of fruit and green. I think I'm catching some of the tobacco which is helping to ground everything.


    I'm having a hard time picking out most of the individual notes. It's actually less fruity than I expected, but that's ok. I love it! :)



  6. Yum!!! This starts out mostly sugared, sweet apple. As it dries though the sweet pea and vanilla cream come out, but somehow this isn't too sweet. I think the guava and passionfruit are there helping to balance out the sweetness but I can't quite pick them out. The apple stays consistant but no longer the primary note. Drying further the carnation starts to add just a touch of spice. mmmm.....

    This is one of the most fun scents I've ever tried. I love apple and will wear Poisoned Apple when I want something darker, but I'll wear this when I want something sweet, fun, and pretty. This is Poisoned Apple's pig-tailed, rollar skating, just a little flirty, younger sister. I loooove it and will be ordering at least 1 more bottle. :wub2:


    ETA: This have good throw, so no need to slather! :)

  7. This didn't smell at all like what I was expecting. It's a very nostalgic scent though. Reminds me a bit of pipe tobacco and something else I can't quite put my finger on. Very pretty, but my stash is getting so big I've decided to only keep what I truely love, so hopefully this will find a good home.

  8. Snake Oil! Why hello there, SN's naughty sister. Less vanilla, but the same spicy sexiness. Yay :D



    I completely agree. Wow. This is gorgeous and sexy and just shot up into my top 10 I think.


    Need. Bottle. Now. Lots and lots of bottles.

  9. At first it's all rosewood, all the time. Then it dries down to sour old lady butt on me. Granted, I've never actually smelled old lady butt (a trend I hope to continue), but this is what I would imagine it would smell like.

  10. I had hubby try this one since I knew it would be too masculine for me. It's very cologne-y smelling. Reminds me a bit of a better done Brut. Now, that may sound like I don't like it, but I do. I always liked Brut. :lol: Though I prefer smokier scents on him, this is a nice change of pace and good for him to wear when he wants something that isn't so...different smelling than the ones he normally likes.

  11. After reading the notes I really expected this to be a heavy, dark, masculine scent, but it's really not. It's rather pretty.

    It's a somewhat sweet incense mixed with just a hint of smooth leather and dark musk.

    I really like this and could see getting a bottle. The only drawback is that it's rather light and close to the skin, but it's worth slathering. It's also good for those who want a incense blend but find most to be too heavy.






  12. Ok, I understand the craft store references now. Very pretty, but definitely smells like a candle store or very nice craft section.

    It starts out very plum-y, but immediently begins to take on a very spicy, somewhat floral scent. Reminds me of a spicier version of a wild plum lotion I used to have and love and rub on my tummy when I was pregnant with my oldest.

    As it dries further something slightly musky and a bit waxy comes out. I still really like it though and can't stop sniffing my arm. :)


    It's a very lovely scent, though I'm not sure I would wear it much as a perfume. Would make a fabulous lotion, hair scent, or even room scent. I could see getting a bottle just for that. :)

  13. I was hesitant to try this since almond is normally a note of doom for me. Strangly though, this doesn't turn my stomach. It's quite pretty in fact.

    The jasmine is keeping the almond in check, though it's not headache inducing like it usually is with me. As it starts to dry down, it does smell a bit dirtier and earthier with a hint of smokiness. Jasmine is still the primary note, but it's a much naughtier jasmine. :lol:


    I like it enough to keep the imp, but I doubt I will wear it enough to get a bottle. I'm so happy I tried it though!

  14. I'm normally a little hesitant with amber. When it's good, it's goooood, but when it's bad it's just awful. And unfortunately, amber many times goes a bit pungent on me, or powdery.


    This one doesn't do either (well, maybe just a touch powdery, but in a soft, pretty way). It's beautiful amber (strikes me as a darker amber blends perhaps) with a touch of creamy florals and a hint of spice. Very pretty!


    I am definitely keeping my imp, but could actually see getting a bottle down the road. :)

  15. Gorgeous. :thud: Just. Gorgeous.


    I am at a loss here at trying to describe this. It's sexy and spicy and earthy and incensey all rolled into one. I get a bit more rose in this than in White Rose, but it's not screaming rose, and most definitely NOT old lady or powdery. The clove is the stongest at first, but quickly calms down (though still there adding a wonderful warm spice). I was afraid of the fir, but it's just adding a touch of greeness. The tobacco gives it an incense vibe I think, and the amber and musk brings the sex. ;) And I think it's the tonka (along with the rose) that's adding just the right amount of sweetness to balance everything out.


    I'm in love. Seriously. And I will be getting at least one more set.


    I can't wait to try them together. :wub2:

  16. This starts out a creamy vanilla tea with just a hint of coconut and rose. As it starts to dry down the orris comes out with just a touch of a resinous feel (perhaps from the benzoin & frankincense?). Orris seems to be one of the scents I amp, so I'm not surprised I'm getting so much from this, but luckily it's not drowning out everything else.

    I expected much more rose from this, but I am so so happy it turned out the way it did. I would consider getting another set for this one alone. It's just beautiful. Not foody, not too floral, and it's a rose scent that even rose haters can love.

    I can't wait to try the red one now!



  17. Wow, this is a morpher. At first it was a very rich, thick smelling wine with a touch of sweetened fruit. As it dried though it lightened up quite a bit and became a bit more candy-like. Mostly sugared grapes and tonka, with perhapsa little honey and plum blossom (I think, this is going very faint on me). I get the feeling there is something a bit smokey and resinous under it all, beginning to offset some of the sweetness. This is where it begins to grow up a bit, though I would never call it womanly. The throw seems to get a bit stronger at this point also.

    Surprisingly, I like it a lot more than I expected. It's a far more youthful and playful scent than I expected, though it does have a hispering of darkness underneath.

    I am definitely keeping the imp and this may end up on my bottle list. :)

  18. Oh, I am soooo happy I was able to get a bottle of this. I seriously love it. It's a beautiful blend of lavender, cinnamon (I believe, it's definitely a spice), and something vaguely herbal, perhaps lemon balm?


    Whatever it is, I love it. :wub2: I might even try to track down a back up bottle, though I have a feeling that may be hard. :lol:
