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Posts posted by femmefatale

  1. Because I am very, very crass this year. Slushy white mint, vanilla cream, lemon drops, grapefruit, and yuzu!

    I was hoping this would be more bright mint and citrus with a bit of creamy vanilla, but it is very much a "snow" scent with blend of citrus notes. I'm not sure I like it since I'm really not a fan of snow & ice blends. Those who like scents like Pink Snowballs, but would prefer a non-floral and fresher version, you should try this.

    The throw is good and lasts for hours. The label is also cute. :lol:

  2. I seem to be the opposite of most people in that ginger makes me feel ill. Citrus (lemon & orange especially) and mint seem to help when I'm nauseous, so I love Lustration when I'm not feeling well. I ordered some Yellow Snowballs which might work as well.

    Lick It might also be a good one (it's one of the ones I wear during long car rides since I tend to get motion sickness and I know it won't bother me).


    If you like, I could send you decants of each to try and see if you like them/if they work.

  3. Ooops. I accidently reviewed this in the other thread. :blush: Well, here is my not so helpful review.



    In the bottle it's a sharp, somewhat pungent lavender with a bit of sweet cheesecake. It actually caught me off guard and gave me an "ew" reaction. But I decided to take a chance and try it.

    Wet it's better, though still heavy on the lavender (which I actually I don't mind). It's not as sharp and the cheesecake note comes out more (though it doesn't really smell like cheesecake to me, more of just a rich vanilla with a bit of something extra). At first they almost seem at war with each other, but as it begins to dry the lavender softens and everything seems to blend a bit better. It's very interesting how the herbal lavender and sweetness of the cheesecake note come together. I'm also pleasantly surprised that this doesn't go plastic, which the other version I tried (forget the year?) did. After about 30 minutes the lavender has calmed down significantly and it's really very pretty and somehow avoids turning into a baby-type scent which I was worried about. I think people who wanted to like TKO but found it too sweet might really enjoy this. :)

    The throw isn't heavy, but it's not a skin hugging scent either. Of course, I didn't put much on so that might be a factor. :lol: This is overall a comforting scent that makes me want to cuddle under a cozy blanket in front of a fire (which happily I'm doing atm!). It's just very pretty and I can see wearing it both at home and out. :wub2:

    And just now when I had dh smell it, he actually closed his eyes when he inhaled and said "mmmm....I like it". I would say that's a thumbs up. ;)

  4. In the bottle it's a sharp, somewhat pungent lavender with a bit of sweet cheesecake. It actually caught me off guard and gave me an "ew" reaction. But I decided to take a chance and try it.

    Wet it's better, though still heavy on the lavender (which I actually I don't mind). It's not as sharp and the cheesecake note comes out more (though it doesn't really smell like cheesecake to me, more of just a rich vanilla with a bit of something extra). At first they almost seem at war with each other, but as it begins to dry the lavender softens and everything seems to blend a bit better. It's very interesting how the herbal lavender and sweetness of the cheesecake note come together. I'm also pleasantly surprised that this doesn't go plastic, which the other version I tried (forget the year?) did. After about 30 minutes the lavender has calmed down significantly and it's really very pretty and somehow avoids turning into a baby-type scent which I was worried about. I think people who wanted to like TKO but found it too sweet might really enjoy this. :)

    The throw isn't heavy, but it's not a skin hugging scent either. Of course, I didn't put much on so that might be a factor. :lol: This is overall a comforting scent that makes me want to cuddle under a cozy blanket in front of a fire (which happily I'm doing atm!). It's just very pretty and I can see wearing it both at home and out. :wub2:

    And just now when I had dh smell it, he actually closed his eyes when he inhaled and said "mmmm....I like it". I would say that's a thumbs up. ;)

  5. วัน เพ็ญ เดือน สิบสอง
    น้ำ ก็ นอง เต็ม ตลิ่ง
    เรา ทั้ง หลาย ชาย หญิง สนุก กัน จริง วัน ลอย กระทง
    ลอย ลอย กระทง, ลอย ลอย กระทง
    ลอย ลอย กระทง กัน แล้ว ขอ เชิญ น้อง แก้ว ออก มา รำวง
    รำวง วัน ลอย กระทง, รำวง วัน ลอย กระทง
    บุญ จะ ส่ง ให้ เรา สุข ใจ, บุญ จะ ส่ง ให้ เรา สุข ใจ

    The Festival of Lights! On the evening of the twelfth full moon of the Dai calendar, small lotus-shaped offering boats are released out to the rivers and canals of Thailand, carrying prayers and wishes out into the waters. It is a preparation for renewal, and a time for releasing and banishing the darker parts of ourselves.

    Banana leaves, betel nuts, coconut bark, spider lilies, candle wax, and incense.

    Beautiful! Just absolutely beautiful. :wub2: It starts off very green with just a hint of coconut bark and incense, but quickly sweetens when the lilies come out a bit. There is another note I can't quite identify, so I think perhaps it's the betel nuts? The incense is smooth and not at all heavy or sharp smelling, more like the smell of incense itself, not so much the smoke.

    Everything blends really well together and avoids being just an incense scent or a green scent or a floral. It's a gorgeous, balanced blend that I can see wearing year round. I love it already. :wub2:

    And for those of you coconut haters, still give this a shot. It does not smell like coconut, but more of the sweet wood smell that coconut bark has. :)

  6. Love love love this! :wub2: Thankfully, I don't get a cake or foody impression from this. On me it smells like a mix of booze, incense, a bit of smoke, and snake oil. Dh said it smelled like a sweet vanilla incense (in the best possible way).


    It's absolute love though and will get a ton of wear this fall and winter. :wub2:

  7. Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm smelling. Everything is very well blended, though I think the tobacco and vanilla are coming out the most. I didn't like it when I first applied it, it was too dusty and stale smelling. Once the vanilla came out and the juicier notes began to show I liked it more, but it's still rather "old" smelling. Not "old lady" just...old. Very hard to describe it. Not unappealing, just not something I would normally wear.

    I will likely keep my decant, but probably won't get a bottle.

  8. mmmm...wet this is a juicy cright cranberry scent. Yum! As it dries the florals start to come out along with the musks (lightly) and something I can't quite put my finger on. I think perhaps it's the squash note. I get very little to no coconut husk or lemongrass (surprisingly!).

    It's a very confusing blend, but extremely pretty. I actually like this a lot more than I expected. It's youtherful and fresh, without being girly or too young smelling. I think this would make a lovely scent for Spring (the name is definitely fitting!) and though I need to try a couple more times to be sure, I might end up having to get a bottle. :)

  9. Starts of off a rather sharp narcissus with patchouli and hint of what I think is the champaca. It's almost headache inducing, but never quite gets there. Once it's fully dry it is almost entirely red musk with just the barest hint of floral in the background.

    Pretty, but not something I would reach for often. I'll keep my decant though. :)



  10. This starts out a delicious coconut with just a hint of hazelnut and anise. The white amber is very mellow and I think it's what helping this from being too sweet.

    It does remind me of the Deathly Pride a bit, but perhaps a more feminine version. It does go through a slightly off phase. Not quite plastic or chemical, but just a bit harsh. That fades though and the amber takes over. Once it's fully dry it's mostly a creamy, slight sweet amber scent. Very pretty and feminine without being too girly or sophisticated.

    This is more of a late summer night scent as opposed to a coconut beachy scent. Very nice but I actually have something that is very close to it, so I might pass on buying a full bottle. I do like it though, so if I can find one to swap for I doubt I would say no. :)

  11. Let me preface this by saying that I don't like champagne scents. They tend to smell like skunk beer or chemicals on me. I also don't normally do well with "pink" scent. They tend to end up cloyingly sweet on me. So why did I get a bottle that I know will end up a disaster of epic proportions? I have no idea. I like to live dangerously I guess.



    So imagine my surprise when....omg, do I actually like this? Can it be that I finally found a champagne scent that doesn't reek and make me nauseas? Woohoo! :joy:

    This is the first one that actually does seem bubbly to me (even dh mentioned it), but doesn't come off as a chemical scent. It's just sparkling and refreshing with enough of a sweet (but not sticky) pink strawberry scent to balance it out. It reminds me of that scene from Pretty Woman where she's having strawberries and champagne and then watches reruns of I Love Lucy. It's lighthearted and playful with a hint of sexiness. I love it.


    *Despite being reminded of Pretty Woman, I do not think this will make you smell like a prostitute...well, maybe a really good smelling one? I don't know, I've never sniffed one, but I digress.

    I'm happy I was able to get a bottle and the fact that even dh likes it is a definite bonus. I think this will be a wonderful summer scent

  12. Bummer. This is not what I had hoped for. No vanilla mint, just strangely enough all I get is the snow/ice note I'm not very fond of in perfumes. In the bath oil though it's rather pretty and clean smelling, just not what I had wanted. I was looking for the blast of mint (I've been getting a lot of headaches lately) and there was none. :(


    Very nice, just not what I wanted. I think this will be heading to the swap pile.

  13. This smells just wonderful! I really don't get much leather (at least, not in my decant) but I do get the spice and creaminess and something that almost smells like coconut.

    It took me a little while but I think I figured out what it reminds me of: Deathly Pride with just a hint of leather. Very nice. :)

  14. So Snake Oil, Smut, & Banned in Boston had a younger sister. This younger sister decided she needed to go down to the shore to find herself ("herself" aka hot guys) and discover her purpose in life (aka: get laid). She spent her days on the boardwalk and her nights under it.This is that sister.


    It is just a lovely blend of red musk, root beer, and a hint of foody sweetness. It's a little sexy, a little youthful, and very fun.

    I simply :wub2: it and it makes me feel less like my mom-self and more like the girl at the shore I was when I met a certain hot lifeguard (who is now my hot computer guy hubby :wub2: ).


    I need gallons of this. And with the way it makes me feel, dh will surely support that. :twisted: :lol:

  15. This is just gorgeous. :wub2: This is one of those perfumes that both dh and I can wear and it smells different, but wonderful, on each of us.

    It's just so well blended that it can be difficult to pick out the indiviual notes, but the black musk is the real winner here. Black musk can be iffy but here it is just gorgeous. The vetiver and rum are subtle but help to deapen the musk and the bay and blackcurrant are no exist.


    Love. :wub2:



  16. So I got this for dh but since he's busy with his video game and I want to smell it on someone dammit, I'm trying it myself.

    Everytime I smell it I can't get over how realistic is smells! It really does smell like your outdoors, surrounded by dark winter greenery, getting your booze on. :lol: Something like brandy maybe? The booze seems to balance out the woods and greenery nicely and actually helps it to be a touch more wearable, without smelling like you've been starting the holiday parties early.

    I'm surprised at how much I like this and I would love to see if I could track down a partial bottle. :)



  17. At first this smells exactly like cherry chapstick. :huh?: As it dries it becomes a bit deeper and richer but still has a hint of cherry chapstick. :(

    Sadly, not for me. But then again, only 1 cherry scent out of the many I have tried has ever worked for me. sigh

  18. Oh my. I love this one. It's a gorgeous spiced dark chocolate incense scent. It's not quite foody, but delicious and sexy.


    But after wearing it for a while it became a touch heavy. I think this is one of those scents I love to sniff now and then but will rarely wear.

  19. I'm so glad I tried this one! I definitely get the rose petals, which luckily smell more fresh than dried. The rest of the notes just blend so well together it's hard to pick them out. Like a previous reviewer said, there really is a "dusky" feel to this. It's a very nostalgic scent for me and makes me feel slightly wistful.

    I need a bottle to slather myself with since it is a rather close to the skin scent. But I love it nonetheless. :wub2:
