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Everything posted by femmefatale

  1. femmefatale

    Midnight Kiss

    This started out wonderfully. Beautiful slightly sweet berries with a hint of patchouli. After a while the red musk begins to come and go in waves. Not sure if I like that, but then that's how I am with red musk. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I really don't. And then it begins to fade quickly and it's mostly a very very faint dusty berry. So sad. I wish this stayed around a bit longer to see what else it would do since I got no cocoa, sandalwood, nicotiana, or amber.
  2. femmefatale

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    Wet: Wood, hazelnut, with a bit of patchouli and something slightly sweet. So far I do not like this. Starting to dry: The brown sugar starts to come out and sweetens it more. I really don't like this. There is something unpleasant about the way the notes are mixing. I can't review how it smelled fully dried down since I had to wash it off.
  3. I haven't noticed bugs, bees, etc being more attracted to me with bpal. And we get a lot around here.
  4. femmefatale

    Mr. Jacquel

    I was generously frimped this and I am so happy I got to try it! At first I thought this would be too masculine, but once it's on it sweetens up a bit from the amber and the spices come out. There is a very slight, vaguely herbal note and the patchouli adds a bit of earthiness and richness, though it's definitely not the main note here. This reminds me of this eclectic world shop I used to go into (not a hippie one, no headshop smell here). I like this far more than I expected and I can't stop sniffing my arm. I'm going to have hubby try it since he seems to man up most of the unisex scents I try out on him. Definitely keeping the decant, might consider a bottle in the future, esp. this fall.
  5. femmefatale


    mmmm.....starts of rich, just turned dirt with roses and a hint of green. As it dries the roses come out more and the dirt note is there to ground it (ha! get it? "ground" it....I crack me up). It is dark and sweet and perfectly fitting for its name. I love this and will have to get a bottle at some point. It doesn't have much of a throw, but it's definitely worth slathering.
  6. femmefatale

    Ol' Roswell Cemetery

    I am not a floral person, but I love this. The flowers and dirt are perfectly balanced. This really does remind me of a garden in the south. Not so much on a humid, hot day, but more in the evening or a spring day when it's not oppresively hot yet, but warm. Everything is growing and fresh and new. Very pretty!
  7. femmefatale

    Thirteen (13): February 2009

    Wow. At first this is really strong and mostly ginger with a hint of brown sugar. I'm getting almost no chocolate. As it dries more it smells a lot like a gingered Sugar Skull on me (I guess my skin likes ginger and brown sugar LOL). After it's been fully dry for a while it calms down quite a bit and a nice herbal scent comes out to balance the sugar and ginger. I really like this, esp. on a cold day like today and I think it will age very well. I only wish I had listened to hubby and gotten 2 bottles.
  8. femmefatale

    What Scent Is This?

    Khrsee (to me) doesn't smell at all woodsy, spicy, or resinous. Could be you got 2 Makhanitis and you are mainly picking up on the champaca. I swapped my Makhanitis and I don't remember what color it was. My Khrysee is a golden amber (though most of my decants are ). The 2 really smell nothing alike (imo) so I think you might have gotten a mislabeled one?
  9. femmefatale

    Windy Moon

    This is a much brighter scent than I expected. I expected more of a dark, smoke filled aquatic, but this is actually much lighter and happier smelling than I expected. It's not so much the water itself, but the air and breeze coming off the water, mingling with flowers by the shore. After it's dried down for a while it becomes just a touch darker as though the clouds were rolling in. Not stormy, but a bit overcast and threatening to rain. It's very pretty and definitely reminds me of summer as opposed to a cold winter scent. It does go a touch soapy as most aquatics seem to do, but it's still very nice.
  10. femmefatale


    The Seventh Daughter, Daughter of the Oath. She was King David’s lover, and the mother of King Solomon. Her scent is breathtakingly lovely, exotic and powerfully sensual in its innocence: carnation, sensual plum, and Arabian musk. mmmm.....this is wonderful! I can't believe I waited so long to try it. This is a wonderful slightly sweet, slightly spicy musk with just a hint of plum. It morphs gently back and forth between being sweeter or spicier, but it's definitely a musk scent, not a fruity one. And it's definitely exotic and flirty and sexy. I love it and might need a bottle.
  11. femmefatale


    I'm normally a little hesitant with amber. When it's good, it's goooood, but when it's bad it's just awful. And unfortunately, amber many times goes a bit pungent on me, or powdery. This one doesn't do either (well, maybe just a touch powdery, but in a soft, pretty way). It's beautiful amber (strikes me as a darker amber blends perhaps) with a touch of creamy florals and a hint of spice. Very pretty! I am definitely keeping my imp, but could actually see getting a bottle down the road.
  12. femmefatale


    Started off tart and fruity (yum!) but as it dried I started to amp the orris. I'm not sure whether or not I like it. Maybe in a locket or as a room scent I would like it more. Or even perhaps as a bath oil. I'll keep the imp and experiment a little. I'm not ready to give up on it yet.
  13. femmefatale

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    I loved this one and then I remembered why. Is smells much like Gluttony does once it's dried down. I guess my skin amps the chocolate and caramel. I'll keep my decant, but probably won't get a bottle since I can just get a bottle of Gluttony once my imps run out.
  14. femmefatale

    Pink Moon 2005

    Yay! I'm so happy I finally got to try this, thanks to a sweetie who picked me up a bottle at DD. It starts of super pink and sweet smelling. I definitely get the strawberries and sugar. As it dries though it fades quite a bit and softens and the florals peak out just a touch. It's still very pink and a bit candy-like, but not as cloying as I expected. I think the florals in this help to keep it from going too sweet (like Candy Phoenix or Sticky Pillowcase did). I really like this and will wear it when I'm feeling extra girly.
  15. femmefatale

    Screeching Parrot

    At first this was super tart, a little sweet, and the grapefruit threatened to overtake everything. As it started to dry down it smelled like a sugared pink grapefruit . Very yummy! There is also something very clean smelling about this. It's not very strong, but I really like it. I think I might have to hunt down a bottle. It would be perfect for this summer (or when I want to be reminded that summer will eventually get here).
  16. femmefatale


    This started off as a spicy, something foody jasmine scent. Very strange. As it dried though it became a bit sharp and soapy. I don't think I like this.
  17. femmefatale


    In the bottle it's definitely resiny woods and just a bit cologney. Very nice. Once on, it keeps the resinous woods, but so much more comes out. I smell a bit of the leather along with something vaguely sweet and sharp at the same time. I can also smell the dusty cloth (how does she do that???). Very cool. I also think this is unisex, though leaning towards the masculine. As with Christine, I think this fits Erik perfectly. Like the poster Christine Daae, I tried one on each wrist and the scent of both of them together, yet apart, is just beautiful. I am a huge Phantom fan and was a little nervous to try these because I was afraid they wouldn't live up to the book (and my expectations). Thankfully I can say there was no need to worry, they are both simply perfect and fitting and do honor to their namesakes. Just a note, this has a hell of a throw. A little goes a long way. Also, I tried this on dh. Smokier & darker. That's all I can say about that.
  18. femmefatale


    In the bottle and immediently wet, it's a beautiful green fresh flower scent. Slightly sweet. As it begins to dry down something similiar to honeysuckle comes out (but it's not overpowering) along with what I think is the vanilla orchid, though it doesn't really smell of vanilla. After a few minutes the sweet flowers fade a bit and I can pick out the frankincense. I think that's helping to keep it from going floral soap death on me. There is also a note that gives it a somewhat exotic feel, though I'm not sure what. I think this captures Christine perfectly. There is a sweet innocence to it, a bit of womanliness, and touch of darkness. I normally do *not* like floral scents, but this is very pretty and I can't believe it sat in my box this long before I tried it.
  19. femmefatale


    Ok, I don't know if it's the meds I was just put on or what, but my skin pretty much devours this. But from what I can smell, it's really delicious. The cherry isn't as strong or sweet as I expected. This is mostly dusty dark chocolate, orange blossoms, and a hint of cherry. I really like it and will have to experiment with ways to make it last longer.
  20. femmefatale


    This started off as a very dry spice scent...with something a bit strange that I can't quite put my finger on. As it dried it became a bit sweeter and a hint of the florals came out. I wouldn't call this a "floral scent" though. It's very....interesting. It reminds me of one of the local historical shops that sell spices and dried flowers and herbs. I'm not completely sure if I like it, but there is something about it that keeps making me sniff my wrist. I think I'll have to try it a couple more times to see.
  21. femmefatale

    Wine, Beer, Rum, Bourbon... the booze scents

    For a rum scent, my favorite is Grog. Dries down to a super yummy coconut rum. My other favorite boozy scent is Devil's Night. It's just perfect. Slightly sweet, slightly boozey, and just a bit smokey.
  22. femmefatale

    Les Bijoux

    At first this starts out smelling like fruity candy with a hint of of something dark in the background. As it dries though it's mostly honeyed apple (yay! no peach!) with incense. It goes through a brief phase where it smells like Poisoned Apple, though a bit sweeter and lighter. And I'm getting no rose from this. I think I really like this. I can see wearing it a lot suring the summer and fall, so I think I might have to get a bottle at some point. ETA: Having dh smell it, he said he did detect some peach and a little rose at first. hmm.
  23. femmefatale


    In the imp and immediently wet, butterscotch candies. As it dries it morphs to the most delicious coconut buttered rum with a hint of butterscotch. This is sweet and foody and boozey and just plain yum, It's also got a great throw. This reminds me a lot of Butter Rum Cookie, but doesn't go odd on my skin like BRC can. It's the liquid and summer version of BRC (if that makes sense to anyone other than me LOL). I am so happy I was frimped this, as I might never have tried it. It's going on my bottle list.
  24. femmefatale


    I was able to get an aged bottle of Hunger and omg.... At first I wasn't completely sure how I felt, but as it began to dry down, it takes on a super sexy, dark, almost musky vanilla with narcissus and a bit of orange blossom. As it dries further, the orange blossom and narcissus take turns, but the wonderful musky vanilla stays cosistant. And I wanted to mention, orange blossom and orange (the fruit) are 2 very different things. There is absolutely no fruit in this, so citrus haters don't have to avoid this one. This is definitely in the Snake Charmer, Snake Oil, etc family. I loooove it!
  25. femmefatale


    This blend is so beautiful and simple (in the best possible way). It's a wonderful vanilla and orange blossom with just a hint of powder from the amber. In most blends that would be a bad thing, but here it's just lovely. I really really love this one. This and Lovers with Rutting Cats are my 2 favorite Lupercalias. I need at least 1 bottle.