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Everything posted by femmefatale

  1. femmefatale


    Wet: A nice warm vanilla with a hint of lemon and musk. mmmm..... As it dries the musks come out more. Yum!The lemon is still there, but just a hint and the vanilla is dark and warm, not overly sweet at all. I always hated vanilla scents because they were usually too sweet and made me ill. The lab changed that! I have finally discovered my love for vanilla. This is definately sexy and is going on my bottle list! ETA: uh-oh. I'm getting a headache. I don't know if it's the perfume or not, but I think I'll wait on getting a bottle until I try it again to see.
  2. femmefatale

    Dragon's Tears

    Wet it started off a sweet floral and then very quickly went super soapy and stayed that way. Definately old lady bathroom/soap basket. Off to the swap pile.
  3. femmefatale

    Red Lantern

    At first it was way too foody, almost making me queasy. Luckily, that didn't last long. As it began to dry, the spices and and to a lesser extent the tobacco came out. Something sweet also, but not foody. Perhaps the black coconut? I'm happy I was able to pick up a bottle of this.
  4. femmefatale

    The Star

    In the bottle and wet: LIMES. Wow. Almost a bit sharp. Just a hint of coconut in the background. Drying: The limes begin to calm down and a wonderful coconut comes out. Not foody, but not too sweet. Very nice. Dry down: The lime almost completely disappears and out comes this beautiful blend of coconut and warm vanilla. This is a keeper and I can't wait to get a big bottle. This is definately a scent to wear when I need a pick me up. It is such a happy scent. Makes me feel very optimistic.
  5. femmefatale


    This was actually the first bpal scent I wanted to try and I am soooo glad I finally did. In the bottle it smells just like fresh cut grass. OMG, it is so yummy. I loved that smell growing up in Fla, the mix of cut grass and something wet. As it begins to dry a sweetness comes out and something floral. Also, a wonderful salty aquatic. I don't really get the wine, which is actually fine with me. It's very tropical and seductive. I absolutely LOVE it.
  6. femmefatale


    Wet: mmmm...a nice warm woody rose. Not at all the fake rose perfume scent. As it dries the sandalwood and patchouli start to make an appearance, but not overwhelming. This is actually a very nice blend. I like that it doesn't end up smelling old lady or too powdery/soapy. Very happy I got the imp, but will have to try it a few more times before deciding on a bottle. ETA: Well, after a while of wearing this, I guess I was wrong. Dh said it smells like his grandmother. Definately will not be keeping.
  7. femmefatale

    Dragon's Milk

    In the bottle: A nice warm vanilla Wet: Vanilla with something sharp...I swear it almost smells like bug spray? As it's drying, it still has the chemical sharpness. I have no idea what went wrong, but I am not liking this. I will give it a while longer, hoping it will morph into something I like, but if it doesn't, it's off to swaps. Or perhaps it might work better in a locket? ETA: Ok, now the sharpness has faded and it smells like a rich vanilla incense. Lovely. Will try again.
  8. femmefatale


    In the bottle: cherries? Not sure where that is coming from, but it smells yummy. Wet: Still getting cherries and the florals come out though I can't pick the individual notes. As it dries: Hubby says it smells like cherry blossom incense w/a slight touch of leather. oookkkay. My chemistry must be really wonky. So out of curiosity I applied some to my cleavage and that smells like violets and leather. Even though it's not quite what I expected, I really like it (so does hubby ). I think I'll be getting a bottle.
  9. femmefatale


    Didn't intend on trying this yet, but the Lab sent me a surprise imp of this. So of course, I had to try some and I got it all over my hand. LOL At first it is very sharp and very masculine, but as it dries it's a mix of yummy aquatic and something green. I had thought this would be mostly for hubby, but I'm finding I really like it for myself too. Can't wait to try this on him though. I have a feeling I won't be able to keep my hands off.
  10. femmefatale


    In the bottle: Very sweet coconut Wet: I catch a hint of floral and aquatic coming out. Very nice. Reminds me of the beach. Drydown: oddly, it smells wonderful on my one wrist but on the other it smells a bit...plastic? I think I'll have to wash it off the one and try again. Other than my one weird wrist, I really really like this. Assuming the odd scent doesn't reappear, I will be getting a bottle of this. What a perfect summer scent! ETA: Tries it again and it made me a bit sick. It had this weird toasted plastic smell. I really wanted this to work, but sadly, no.
  11. femmefatale

    Miskatonic University

    In the bottle and wet it smelled like very strong, very sweet irish coffee. As it dried something...sharp and acrid came out. Maybe the wood? I also caught a hint of the old books, but not good. There was also the smell of vanilla extract. Again, not good. I had to go wash it off after a little while because it was giving me a headache and made me a bit sick. Definately in the swap pile.
  12. femmefatale


    I LOVE this one! Started out a very sharp, strong (but nice) aquatic but as it dried down it began to morph into something a bit sweeter and fresher. A bit soapy but very lovely. I can see this being worn by either a male or female. I'm going to have to have hubby try it. This is a definate keeper and I might just have to get a bottle! Can't wait to see how it wears when the weather gets hot and sticky.
  13. femmefatale


    Wet it's violets violets violets. Youch. As it dries it begins to sweeten without being too sweet. Also a hint of spice and incense. My nose must be off, because I swear I'm getting a very slight aquatic scent. I like it, but will have to try it a couple more times. I just hope it doesn't turn all powdery on me. I'm also looking forward to trying the second imp I have of this, as it's a slightly different color so I'm wondering if the scent will be as well.
  14. femmefatale


    In the imp I smelled something sharp and...cherry? Wet, very strong icky almonds. I almost washed it off right then, but forced myself to wait and see. As it's drying down, the sandalwood and coconut comes out and the almond calms down. Makes me think of sitting at an outdoor rest. on the beach in the evening. Something I would wear when I want a summer scent, but with a sexy twist. I like it, though I will have to try it another couple times before deciding on a bottle.
  15. femmefatale

    Black Pearl

    Ooooh, I like this one. The coconut and musk were stronger when I first applied it, but then they faded and I catch a hint of the hazelnut and iris. I still smell the musk in the background, I just wish the coconut lasted longer. I'm glad I got a bottle and can't wait to see what it's like once the weather warms up.
  16. femmefatale


    At first I did get the fresh linen, just washed scent. Then it turned a bt more floral (plumeria?). Hubby said it smells like walking into Bath and Body works (which he likes). I'll probably keep the imp, I think it would make a nice summer scent, but I don't think I'll buy a bottle. I'm glad I got to try it though.
  17. femmefatale


    When I sniffed this in the bottle, I was a little...worried. It was very sharp. On the skin though the sharpness begins to fade and it smells like a minty aquatic with a hint of...pine? As it dries it softens and I catch a hint of musk. I really like this one and I'm glad I got a bottle. ETA: Wow, I think my chemistry is really off. After a couple hours I'm catching a very slight tobacco scent on my wrist. More like pipe tobacco as opposed to cigs. I like it. ADDED 12/10/08: mmmm.....I wish I had never swapped me bottle away a while ago. I forgot how much I liked this. It's mint (not peppermint, but more of a true mint smell to me) with just a touch of ozone and a bit of green. I almost thought there was a hint of violet, but now I'm not sure as that seems to have faded. I like ths so much more than Snow White which went play doh on me. (sigh) Now I need to try to hunt down a bottle. ETA: No I don't. It ended up going funky on me. Now I remember why I swapped it.
  18. femmefatale


    My chemistry must be really wonky because lately so many scents are turning into powder on me. It started out as a very sharp rose, as it began to dry down I could catch a hint of earthy scent, but it didn't last long. After a while it was a decent rosey perfume, but now that has even disappeared and now I smell like my mil (powder and make-up). Oddly enough though, the bit I put on my cleavage actually kept the rose scent and smells better than what I put on my wrists. hmmm? Maybe I'll keep the imp and try again, but I won't be getting a bottle.
  19. femmefatale

    Santa Muerte

    In the imp and wet it's super strong and rather icky, like a really bad drugstore perfume. As it dries though it loses the harshness and begins to soften quite a bit. Starts to smell very powdery on me. Almost like Baby Love that someone tried to "grow up" a little. I wouldn't buy a bottle, but I will probably try this again just to see. ETA: No I won't. I smell like old lady mixed w/baby powder. ewww. Not quite what I was going for.
  20. femmefatale

    Sea of Glass

    I abolutely LOVE this one. It is just simply beautiful. Crisp and refreshing floral that does not turn out powdery or soapy. I keep sniffing it because it reminds me of something that I can't quite put my finger on, but comforting and exciting at the same time. Makes me think of sitting in a blooming garden catching the scent of the ocean air. I will definately be buying a bigger bottle!
  21. femmefatale

    Leanan Sidhe

    Wet it's a very sharp scent, almost too sharp with a little softness lurking. Dry the soft florals come out more. On me it's a rather traditional perfume scent. Not bad, but not exactly me. Strangely though, I keep sniffing my wrists. Oddly, on my right wrist it is still sharper smelling than on my left, though I apply it to my left. I might keep the imp, but it's unlikely I would buy the bottle.
  22. femmefatale

    New Orleans

    Wow, pure honeysuckle in the bottle. And STRONG! Wet it was a very sweet, strong honeysuckle. Gave me a headache as well that went away as it dried. As it's drying down the jasmine comes out along with a touch of something. Maybe a bit of spice? Hubby really likes this one on me. I wil wear this again, though a little more lightly on the wrists, but more on the back of the knees etc to help keep away the headache reaction. Not sure if I will buy a bottle. Will have to try it a few more times.
  23. femmefatale

    Purple Phoenix

    Yum! Yum! Yum! I love this scent. It's not as grape on me as I expected after reading some of the reviews, which I am happy to say. On me it's a grape incense smell with a floral hint. I can't stop sniffing my wrists because there is something behind it all that I can't quite put my finger on. I am definately happy that I picked up a bottle of this.
  24. femmefatale

    Jolly Roger

    WOW! Hubby tried this and I can't stop sniffing him! It is definately a clean, refreshing aquatic scent with a hint of the bay rum and a slight woodsy smell. Not getting to much of the leather right now. This is easily one of my favorites and will certainly be buying a bottle. I can't wait to try it myself! ETA: I tried it on myself and at first I thought: still yummy but better suited for hubby. After letting it dry down though I love it on myself as well! I'm actually getting a bit more of the bay rum than on hubby (it's a bit spicier and sweeter on me) and on hubby it was more woodsy. The leather is very faint on both of us. And I'm catching some of the salitness which I really like. I think we'll each need a bottle!
  25. femmefatale

    Rose Cross

    Hmmm, not sure about this one. It started it VERY rose, then took on an incensey rose smelml, then got a bit powdery. Strangely enough though, I can't stop sniffing my wrist. it seems there is something right there on the edge that I can't quite get to. Will keep the imp, but will have to wear it a couple more times to make up my mind about a bottle. ETA: After wearing it for a while, I really like this. It really is a nice blend of incense and rose. It reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on, but it makes me feel a bit wistful. Quite possibly bottle worthy. ADDED 11/27/08: mmmm.....lovely. Smells like delicious rose incense. I really like ths one.