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Everything posted by femmefatale

  1. femmefatale

    Tiger Lily

    Starts out warm lilies and as it dries the honey comes out and the lilies fade a bit. It does go through a little of the typical perfumey stage, but overall it's pretty nice. It just doesn't last long on me.
  2. femmefatale

    Tiger Lily

    Starts out warm lilies and as it dries the honey comes out and the lilies fade a bit. It does go through a little of the typical perfumey stage, but overall it's pretty nice. It just doesn't last long on me.
  3. femmefatale

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    I love, love, love tropical scents! I love Pele also and it layers well. The Star is a great one (coconut and lime), also Caliban (one of my abolute favorites). I also absolutely love Jolly Roger, Sea of Glass, and Olokun. Obatala is nice (more of a toasted coconut, if irc). And this thread might help: http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=12...amp;hl=tropical
  4. femmefatale


    All I get is a very strong, very sweet jasmine that gives me a headache. Off to swaps!
  5. femmefatale


    All I get is a very strong, very sweet jasmine that gives me a headache. Off to swaps!
  6. femmefatale


    OK, I've been having bad luck with just about anything that isn't aquatic or tropical. Most spicey muck scent are going straight to funky incense. But not this! This is definately a sensual scent, all spice and musk. It does take on a slightly powdery scent on me, but not at all in a bad way. I love it!
  7. femmefatale


    OK, I've been having bad luck with just about anything that isn't aquatic or tropical. Most spicey muck scent are going straight to funky incense. But not this! This is definately a sensual scent, all spice and musk. It does take on a slightly powdery scent on me, but not at all in a bad way. I love it!
  8. femmefatale

    Kumari Kandam, The Phantom Islands

    At first it is such a sharp ozoney aquatic that I had to hold my wrists down to keep from getting a headache. As it dries though, the sharpness fades quite a bit (though it's still there a bit more on my left wrist) and starts to sweeten and a hint of saltiness comes out. It reminds me of something I can't quite place, but it's comforting. I think it would also smell wonderful on dh.
  9. femmefatale

    Kumari Kandam

    At first it is such a sharp ozoney aquatic that I had to hold my wrists down to keep from getting a headache. As it dries though, the sharpness fades quite a bit (though it's still there a bit more on my left wrist) and starts to sweeten and a hint of saltiness comes out. It reminds me of something I can't quite place, but it's comforting. I think it would also smell wonderful on dh. ADDED 8/5/08: Since I can't try this on my skin right now I'm trying it in my locket, so I can't say how it might morph on the skin. I have no idea how else to descibe this other than....Christmas soap. Now you might think I'm saying that in a negative way, but I'm not. It's actually very nice smelling. Very green and watery, but not tropical at all. It definitely has a cold "feel" to it. It's very lovely, though I think it might work better on hubby. I'm going to wear it the rest of the day and see how I feel. It's not really me but I'm very glad I got to try it. Thinking about it though, I could possibly see wearing it during the winter. Still debating on whether or not I'll get a bottle. It would actually make a very pretty room scent too.
  10. femmefatale


    This is definately not one I would've bought myself, but I am soooo glad I got a chance to try. It is BEAUTIFUL! I get mostly jasmine and lavender, but they are very well balanced. Not too sweet (luckily, because very sweet scents give me headaches). It's femine, without being too girly, and it's relaxing as well. I really like it and I really didn't expect to. I want to get a bottle!
  11. femmefatale


    At first it's rather sharp, but as it dries it starts to soften, but the sharpness lingers just enough to add something interesting to the scent. Reminds me of when I lived near the beach and there was approaching storm in the distance and the air was charged and salty and a bit sweet. It's very nice, though I think it might actually smell better on hubby. I'll have to try it on him and then decide about a bottle. I'm also worried that it will end up turning to soap on me, we'll see.....
  12. femmefatale


    Wet, a sweet aquatic with a hint of florals Not sharp like Tempest, this reminds me more of growing up in Fla. when we would get sun showers and the sweetness of the flowers would emerge. The air is fresh and moist and everything is damp and clean and all you want is to close your eyes and feel the light rain on your face. I was actually expected something a bit darker or sharper, but I'm happy with how it turned out. I can't wait to try it on myself as I think it would be better suited on me and the Tempest I tried is more for dh.
  13. femmefatale


    (tried this on hubby) Wet, a sweet aquatic with a hint of florals Not sharp like Tempest, this reminds me more of growing up in Fla. when we would get sun showers and the sweetness of the flowers would emerge. The air is fresh and moist and everything is damp and clean and all you want is to close your eyes and feel the light rain on your face. I was actually expected something a bit darker or sharper, but I'm happy with how it turned out. I can't wait to try it on myself as I think it would be better suited on me and the Tempest I tried is more for dh.
  14. femmefatale


    At first it's rather sharp, but as it dries it starts to soften, but the sharpness lingers just enough to add something interesting to the scent. Reminds me of when I lived near the beach and there was approaching storm in the distance and the air was charged and salty and a bit sweet. It's very nice, though I think it might actually smell better on hubby. I'll have to try it on him and then decide about a bottle. I'm also worried that it will end up turning to soap on me, we'll see..... ADDED 8/2/08: i really have no idea about this one. At first it smelled just like a bathroom scent or some sort of cleaning product. Not thrilled. For some reason though I keep sniffing it. It's slightly sharp, though not as sharp as some of the other ozone scents. I don't think it's for me at all, but maybe (like most oils ) it will smell better on hubby. And unfortunately for me this puppy is strong and stubborn.
  15. femmefatale


    Oh, wow, this stuff is potent! Caught be by surprise how strong it is. Bayou is a very interesting aquatic. It's not a fresh clean aquatic nor is it a deep dark one. This one is definately murkier like a swamp. It reminds me summertime in Fla, canoeing under a canpoy of trees, hot and humid, somewhat dank, with a touch of swamp flowers and moss and wet vegetation. I think I really like this, though it does make me feel a bit homesick. Doubt I would buy a bottle, but I'm glad I got the imp. ETA: Sadly, it ended up smelling like old, stale, really rank cheap drugstore perfume. Off to swap pile!
  16. femmefatale


    Oh, wow, this stuff is potent! Caught be by surprise how strong it is. Bayou is a very interesting aquatic. It's not a fresh clean aquatic nor is it a deep dark one. This one is definately murkier like a swamp. It reminds me summertime in Fla, canoeing under a canpoy of trees, hot and humid, somewhat dank, with a touch of swamp flowers and moss and wet vegetation. I think I really like this, though it does make me feel a bit homesick.
  17. femmefatale

    Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid

    This is so well blended that I can't really pick out the individual notes. It is just simply beautiful. It wasn't quite what I was expecting (I was actually expecting something a bit saltier), but I am not at all disappointed. I could see this becoming my everday scent. I really, really love it and will be buying multiple bottles to hoard. ETA: I tried it in my Salome locket and I have to say, it is truely amazing. I got a bit more of the jasmine this time, which normally I'm iffy w/jasmine, but it's just the perfect amount. It lasts forever in the locket and has a great throw. Now they just have to create a mermaid one to go w/my Thalassa and I would be in heaven. (hint, hint!)
  18. femmefatale


    Once again, the rose amps and ends up old lady powder. I really wanted to like this one. Off to the swap pile!
  19. femmefatale


    Once again, the rose ends up old lady powder. I really wanted to like this one. Off to the swap pile!
  20. femmefatale

    Lady Macbeth

    I was really looking forward to trying this, but unfortunately it *really* didn't work on me. Nice sweet berries but mixed with something really sharp smelling. I ended up with a bad headache and had to wash it off. I'm thinking maybe currants don't like me?
  21. femmefatale

    Lady MacBeth

    I was really looking forward to trying this, but unfortunately it *really* didn't work on me. Nice sweet berries but mixed with something really sharp smelling. I ended up with a bad headache and had to wash it off. I'm thinking maybe currants don't like me?
  22. femmefatale

    The Jersey Devil

    The scent of the wild, hauntingly beautiful Pine Barrens of New Jersey! Pitch pine with blackberry leaf, cranberry, cedar wood and tomato leaf. Hubby tried this one and I'm starting to get a bit jealous 'cause he's actually having better luck than me. grrrrr......lol. It started out all pine and sweet cranberry with a bit of cedar and sweetened more as it dried down, but somehow still remaining very masculine. Love it! On the bottle list!
  23. femmefatale


    Wet: mmmm....a lovely blend of refreshing citrus and warm florals Drying: yum, the smoke and incense appears. The further it dries the smoke fades and a beautiful musk appears. Dry: It reminds me so much of Pele, which I love, but a bit sexier. I must get a bottle! ETA: After a while it just went generic incense on me. But I'm thinking it would smell wonderful paired with Pele.
  24. femmefatale

    Isles of Demons

    I think I really like this. It starts out a bit cologney at first, but as it dries it's a beautiful blend of warm musk and tropical flowers and greens. Not the soft tropical scent like in Pele, but something much richer and darker and deeper, like a jungle as opposed to island breeze. I think this would work well for both a man or woman. I'm going to try this a couple more times, but I think it might end up on my bottle list. ETA: I think layering it w/Pele would work really nicely.
  25. femmefatale

    The Isles of Demons

    I think I really like this. It starts out a bit cologney at first, but as it dries it's a beautiful blend of warm musk and tropical flowers and greens. Not the soft tropical scent like in Pele, but something much richer and darker and deeper, like a jungle as opposed to island breeze. I think this would work well for both a man or woman. I'm going to try this a couple more times, but I think it might end up on my bottle list. ADDED 1/6/09: hmmmm....this is much sweeter than I expected. No volcano, vo smoke, no gates of hell. But what it is is very pretty. It's all sweet, lush tropical flowers. It more feminine than I expected, but I really like this. I'll try my imp a few more times, but I might have to get a bottle for the summer. I'm tempted to layer this with Moai to get the volcano I was looking for.