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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by femmefatale

  1. femmefatale


    Well, I seem to have found a scent that can out amp cinnamon....honey. Now, I like honey so that's but I really wish it didn't drown out the cinnamon & clove (which I really love). I think I will have to try this in my locket, but I have a feeling this one might be making it's way to my sister. ADDED Oct. 19: Spicy honey. I love it it. My skin amps cinnamon and honey, so this blend is wonderful, they keep each other in check. Definitely bottle worthy.
  2. Oh my. This is beautiful (well, it's ok in the bottle...but on the skin.... ). The is just a gorgeous blend of aged, polished wood, fine vanilla (not foody at all), and tobacco (very slight). The vanilla and tobacco create an almost yummy pipe scent, but not quite. It's more vanilla than that. But it's not a purely masculine scent, it's very unisex. I can see both dh and I wearing this. I'm very happy I got a bottle and I can see this aging extremely well.
  3. femmefatale

    Shrunken Heads

    At first this is a very sharp leather. As it dries though, it begins to soften a bit and it takes on a greener quality. It reminds me of this room in my grandparents' old house that had my grandfather's old leather furniture, lots of books, and a ton of plants. I really like this and would love to get a bottle.
  4. femmefatale

    Litha 2006

    I actually only got this because it was part of a pack of bottles I got on ebay. I would never have tried this otherwise. I am so glad I did. It is a lovely warm, feminine (but not girly) scent. I get most honey mead with a touch of woods and florals, though no single note is overpowering. There is something about it that makes me happy and nostalgic at the same time. This seem like it would be a great summer into early fall scent. I will have to try this in my locket soon, as I think it will smell gorgeous not affected by my strange chemistry.
  5. femmefatale

    The Ifrit

    Sadly, this go straight powdery perfume on me. No ginger, cinnamon, tobacco...nothing but powdery perfume. Granted not a bad powdery perfume, but still.
  6. femmefatale

    Queen Mab

    Wow, at first it was JASMINE!!! As it dried down, the rose came out and perhaps some of the orchid? I *think* I'm picking up some sandalwood as well. I'm having a hard time with this one. It's really well done. A bit perfumey for me, but still very nice. Not sure if I would wear this much though, so I sent it off to someone who will hopefully love it more.
  7. femmefatale

    Huesos De Santo

    I'm usually not big on foody scents. There are actually only a couple I like (Gingerbread Poppet comes to mind), but I do like this. I tried it on my skin and with my wonky skin chemistry it dried down to a very light somewhat vanilla scent with the barest hint of orange. In my locket it is just gorgeous. After it's been in there for a little while it is a somewhat foody vanilla, with the orange there but not overwhelming, and just the barest hint of anise (thankfully, because I dreaded it being too strong). I can also catch a very slight hint of flowers but it's way back there. It is most definitely not a floral and it's a foody scent that foody haters can love. I had actually expected to swap this away quickly, but now I think I'll probably get another bottle. It's beautiful and somewhat comforting. I love it.
  8. femmefatale

    Meditation in Autumn

    This is not at all what I was expecting. I really thought it would be darker and smokier, instead it is a very bright and green scent. Reminds me a bit of a perfume my friend used to wear, Clinique something? It's very nice, just not my thing. Oh, and this has a hell of a throw and staying power. Wow.
  9. femmefatale

    Day of the Skulls

    My wonky skin chemistry strikes again. This turns into a beautiful rose incense on me. It's rose, but not overwhelmingly and has a nice sweet resinous feel to it. It's very pretty and I think would make a wonderful fall scent. It does make my throat slightly itchy, but that could also be from trying too many scents lately. LOL I can't wait to see how this smells in my locket. I might have to get a bottle of this.
  10. femmefatale

    Katrina van Tassel

    I got this knowing I would hate it. I'm not big on florals, rose goes old lady on my skin, cream goes sour, and honey goes powdery. Somehow all those bad notes make something really wonderful. It is such a truely beautiful rose. It's not what I would call a very sophisticated rose, but it's not too youthful. It's that stage between being a teenager and full woman, where you're still flirty but beginning to know what you want (and just learning how to get it). The honey adds just the right touch of sweetness and I'm (thankfully) not getting the sour cream note I was so worried about. This was the one I had planned to try and quickly swap, but I am now planning on getting a bottle. ETA: Crap. Spoke too soon. Now it's powdery. Bet it would stay beautiful in my locket though.
  11. femmefatale

    The Witching Time of Night

    Floral, that's all I smell. I can't really pick out the individual notes, but I'm not into florals (I was hoping this would change my mind). Also, it went a bit soapy after a while. It reminds me a lot of a perfume I used to have in junior high or high school. It's not bad (actually, it's rather pretty) but just not me. I don't really like my perfumes to sell like perfume. ETA: Hubby suggested layering it w/some Graveyard Dirt. Wow, what a difference. It off set some of the sharpness and grounded it a bit. I still wouldn't buy a bottle, but will now keep the imp. I am however, buying mutilple bottles of Graveyard Dirt.
  12. femmefatale

    Sugar Skull

    Sugar Skull '08: In the imp it was rather sweet with a touch of fruit. On my skin though it deepens and becomes somewhat smokey, though I do still smell the brown sugar. I really don't know how to describe it. It's actually not as foody as I expected which is both good and bad. Good, because I'm not a very foody person. Bad, because I will probably need a couple bottles of it. I wonder how it would layer w/Plunder....
  13. femmefatale


    I really have no idea how to describe this. I mostly smell roses and agave, with I think a hint of woods and ???. It's very mysterious. I would definitely say this is a warmer smelling scent. I'll have to try it soon in my locket to see if I can pick out more of the individual notes. My skin chemistry is wonky so I have a feeling it will smell completely different.
  14. femmefatale

    A Blade of Grass

    This smells exactly like the end of summer/beggining of fall when the grass is still green and fresh smelling, but you can sense that cool weather is on the way. It is definitely freshly fallen leaves on green grass. Definitely getting a bottle.
  15. femmefatale

    Pumpkin III (2008)

    Oh, yum! A very subtle pumpkin scent with just enough citrus. Dries to a very soft, light, and feminine scent (at least on my skin). In my locket, it's bright, tart and sweet at the same time, with just enough pumpkin but not too much to make me sick. It's a tropical autumn scent, like someone carving pumpkins in the Keys. This is the perfect summer into fall scent.
  16. femmefatale

    Pumpkin I (2008)

    (copied from my blog) On my skin this start out a bit too pumpkin-y for my taste and I'm not really able to pick out the other notes, just a vague... citrus? feel. As it dries it starts to smell like the Yankee Candle store. In my locket...it's a tropical pumpkin. I do like it better in my locket and this might actually be a pumpkin scent I can wear. ETA: Ok, I was wrong. This is turning my stomach. Oh well. I think Pumpkin III is working for me, so I guess I have one Pumpkin scent I can wear.
  17. femmefatale

    Graveyard Dirt

    Nothing new to add, it smells like dirt or soil. I'm amazed at how accurate it is (and how fast my skin devours it!). I think this would be great for layering. I asked hubby and he said it smells like in town (Colonial Williamsburg) when everything smells earthy and damp.
  18. I really didn't get any spiciness in Death Adder, Coral Snake, Or Green Tree Viper.
  19. femmefatale

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I have an imp of lightning that was like that. I always wondering what was up with the label (which I have since lost...sigh) I love that bottle though. So cute!
  20. femmefatale

    Hellhound on My Trail

    Oh. My. At first is does start out a bit herbal and a little astringent, but as it dries that fades and out comes a delicious boozy vanilla with just a hint of spice. It ends up though a smokey slightly spicy vanilla that is just... Both hubby and I tried it and on him it kept a more smokey herbal feel w/a touch of vanilla, where on me it was a rich spicy vanilla with a tiny hint of booze and a very slight smokiness. I *love* this.
  21. femmefatale

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    In the imp it's pure bright candy goodness. As it dries, it calms down and starts to smell more like Smarties (which yes, I know is a candy, but those have a lighter candy smell). There is something in the background that I can't put my finger on. There is the slightest touch of...something, that helps to ground this. I really really like it.
  22. femmefatale

    Penny Dreadful

    In the imp I thought "Ewwww, smells like cheap drugstore perfume". I almost didn't try it. This is why you shouldn't jusdge a perfume by first sniff. It begins dry down to a an earthy sweet/spice scent with the slightest hint of perfume. It's actually very nice, though light. I think I have to slather it on a bit more. As it dries further "zombie gingerbread" is right. LOL I definitely like it, though I'll have to try it a few more times before deciding on a bottle.
  23. femmefatale

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    Win. Ok, now they really need to make an oil with that name. I would buy it for the name alone.
  24. femmefatale

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    Ok, I thought one of the funniest things was when I searched for BPAL, a book called Ants Have Sex in Your Beer came up.
  25. femmefatale

    Poisoned Apple

    I love love love this. I never thought I would like apple scents until I discovered bpal's apple. But not all their apples. Certain ones (Ladon, I'm looking at you) end up smelling like apple scented hair shampoo (?). But I fell in love with Snow Glass Apples and I loved Coral Snake. This I might actually like more. (did I say that???) It smells like a true, fresh apple. More of the peel than the fruit, but nice and tart with just the right amount of sweetness. But lurking behind the apple is something dark with an evil bite. I'm so happy this doesn't go funky on my skin. In my locket it is definitely more apple, but the darkness is still there and it's a interesting mix of freshness, playfulness, and sensual evil. I have a feeling all my other bottles will be very lonely for a while. This will certainly be more than a dirty fling.