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Everything posted by femmefatale

  1. femmefatale


    Warm earth, deep-reaching roots, dark myrrh, galangal, and Atlas cedar. *I am sniffing this on dh's wrist* This is the first scent that I've smelled and said "roots!". LOL. It does bring to mind thick roots buried in the earth. This is a very interesting blend. It's spicy and very earthy with a bit of woods from the cedar. I really like this one and find it very sexy on dh. Must get a bottle.
  2. femmefatale


    Antiqued sandalwood, patchouli, and soft mosses. I had dh try this since it seemed like something he would like. Wow. This smells sooooo good. It's so well blended. Sweet and earthy with a bit of spice. I think I'll have to try this one myself! If it smells this good on me, we'll probably get a bottle, otherwise the decant will be enough (so he says LOL).
  3. femmefatale

    Rose Red

    Wow. This is *beautiful*. I got a decant of this, expecting to not like it anywhere near as much as my Peacock Queen. I was wrong. I love it just as much, but for different reasons. Peacock Queen is more of the full, lush bloom itself with no hint of stem. This on the other hand is a freshly cut rose stem. This smells so realistic and fresh smelling. I will be getting a bottle.
  4. femmefatale

    All They Had Seen, and All They Had Lost

    At first this is a slightly soapy smelling rose scent with a bit of...some other floral I can't identify. As it dries all that is still there, but the aspen leaves come out a bit more. It's not a complex scent (which I like) but a bit perfumey (which I'm not crazy about). Yet, I actually think I like it a bit, though not enough for a whole bottle. I'll keep my decant and will probably wear it more during the spring.
  5. femmefatale


    I'm sniffing this off of dh since I knew right away it would be more his scent. I was right. This smells *wonderful* on him. It's a sharp pine mixed with the smooth orangewood and a soft earthiness from the mosses. I'm also picking up a bit of smoke which I'm assuming is the vetiver coming out. It's a very strong (not in throw, but in feeling) yet calming scent. Definitely keeping the decant for dh, but we'll see about a bottle.
  6. femmefatale

    Nuclear Winter

    I was so excited to try this because I *love* mint. At first it is a wonderful sweet mint with a bit of ozone, but then the mint unfortunately calms a bit and out comes the dreaded xmas tree. If I could just have the sweet mint, even with the ozone, I would be thrilled. Oh well. I'll probably keep the decant (dh seems to like it on me) but I doubt I will be getting a bottle.
  7. femmefatale

    Nowhere in Particular

    At first this is all ozone and grass. I'm not sure how I feel about it. As it dries, it softens and takes on the dreaded soap note I was so afraid of. Where are my apples? Where is my dust? A bit further and I can feel the apples struggling to come out, but they can't quite break free. The soap is just too strong for them. Poor apples, they never stood a chance. (cue funeral march) sigh
  8. femmefatale


    This smells like a handful of spices thrown on top of a bonfire. A bit too smokey for me, but smells awesome on dh! ETA: So for some reason I had the urge to try this today. Wow! It has aged beautifully! It still smells like a rich bonfire at first, but after it's had a little time to dry, the tonka really comes out. Now it smells like tonka and vetiver and I love it! It's definitely more wearable for me after it aged a bit. I think I might have to steal dh's bottle and get him another.
  9. femmefatale

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    mmmm.....cakes (and it does smell like there are 2 different cakes) with strawberry and a hint of spice (maybe the carnation)? Not much of the grapefruit that I can tell, though that could be what's in the background keeping this from going sickly sweet. It reminds me of something from when I was a kid, maybe a doll I use to have (without the plastic smell). I can't stop sniffing myself. LOL It doesn't seem to morph that much and I'm still not getting much of the grapefruit, which is really fine with me. It's yummy the way it is. For some reason it reminds me of Huesos on crack or a much much better version of Sticky Pillowcase (which I didn't really like). Or maybe if the 2 mated, this would be their spawn. Like when 2 ugly people create the most beautiful baby. I normally prefer my foodie scents super spicy, but I love this one. I don't think I need a back up bottle, but I am definitely keeping the one I have.
  10. femmefatale

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but since it's label related.... Is anyone else's Invasion of the Flesh Eating Reindeer really dark? I mean, so dark I can hardly see the reindeer and much of the writing. And it looks like something might be written in white on the left of the reindeer, but I can't tell.
  11. femmefatale

    Butter Rum Cookie

    mmmm....what a perfect holiday scent. On me it's wonderfully sweet and spicy, though not nec. a cookie scent. Luckily, it's not very rummy on me, nor am I getting any almond from this. I really thought Sugar Cookie would be my favorite between the 2, but I actually think I like this one better. I love the spice in this one more. ETA: Once it's fully dried down a delicious smokiness comes out. It's not a burnt smell, just smokey. I definitely need at least 1 bottle of this!
  12. femmefatale

    Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Reindeer from Uranus

    I couldn't say it better. This is the scent for people who normally can't do foody, spicy scents or who don't want to smell like straight up gingerbread. I never knew a flesh eating reindeer from uranus could smell so sexy!
  13. femmefatale


    Dark, slightly bitter cocoa. As it dries the amber very very lightly comes out and becomes just a bit powdery and helps to soften the cocoa a little. It's very yummy, though very light on me. I think it will be worth slathering and might have to add it to my bottle list. I'll try it a couple more times first just to be sure.
  14. femmefatale

    Hanerot Halalu

    Instant love. Seriously. This just hit my top 10 I think. I can't believe I almost didn't try it. At first I get a blast of orange with a hint of beeswax, but quickly it calms down and becomes the most beautiful honey beeswax scent. It is so calming and peaceful and natural smelling. As it dries further the smokiness comes out a bit, but isn't overwhelming. I also get something a bit of creaminess as well, but it's most definitely not cream (which always goes sour on me). This is just gorgeous and I will be buying mutliple bottles.
  15. femmefatale

    The Magi

    This is a much brighter scent than I was expecting. At first I did get a bit of the cola (and for a second, the dish soap) scent, but as it's drying it morphs into a very interesting mix of clean and incense. Somehow this has a very light almost aquatic feel to it. I like this more than I expected to. The only problem is that it is very light and fades very quickly on me. I'm going to let this sit a little longer and try it again, but I think I really like this and might have to get a bottle.
  16. femmefatale

    On Darkness

    At first this is rather sharp, medicinal, thick, and sweet. Not sure if I like it. As it dries down it for some reason reminds me of Schwarzer Mond and something else. I have no idea why. After about 10-15 the sharpness calm a bit. I still can't really pick out any of the individual notes. It has a slightly fruity incense feel to it. I can't seem to keep my nose out of my wrist and it is much much better after the 15 min. mark. I'm really trying to figure this one out and can't decide whether to get a bottle or not. I think I'll have to try this a couple times, but so far I'm definitely keeping the decant.
  17. femmefatale

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    Vanilla doesn't always work on me (often times the vanilla either disappears or does something weird on the dry down), but Tombstone (even when fresh) dries down to the most delicious vanilla. I looooove it. (and this is coming from a girl who had the hardest time coming around to vanilla scents because I always thought of that awful Vanilla Fields perfume....gag)
  18. femmefatale


    I really like this one. It is dark and sweet and sexy and *very* well blended. I was worried that the rose would overpower, but thankfully no. I get mostly black patchouli, musk, teak, and vanilla, with a bit of neroli and hints of apple & bergamot. The rose comes out more after a while, but it's still very much in the background, so rose haters, don't be afaid of this one. I am sooo happy I got to try this and I am definitely keeping the imp.
  19. femmefatale


    At first it's mostly violet an rose with just a hint of lily. No autumn leaves. Still, it's very pretty and very light. This is definitely an up close and personal scent. As pretty as it is, it's not really me and I'm really trying to only keep the ones I know I will wear and love.
  20. femmefatale


    I didn't want to like this one (it's the GOP afterall....shudder), but I am ashamed to admit....I do. At first it is more on the masculine side, but then developes into a slightly sweet, woodsy scent with a hint of musk. It's really very unisex and gorgeous on both me and dh. I will definitely keep and wear this, while just ignoring the name.
  21. femmefatale


    First on this is all honeydew with a hint of cucumber. Reminds me a bit of jolly ranchers. I'm not getting any of the grapes. As it dries I get a bit of the mosses and a very slight floral sweetness. I definitely like this a lot more as it dries and the honeydew calms down. It's actually very pretty, though I think the imp will be enough for me. We'll see once summer comes and I'm more in the mood for a scent like this. I'm happy I got to try this.
  22. femmefatale


    (sigh) Just straight up "ocean" air freshener.
  23. femmefatale


    I have no idea. Seriously. I expected to get all honey (like I usually do with blends w/honey), but I'm not. This is a strange one. It's floral but in a slightly incensey way. But not smokey incense. I do get a little spice, but it's still not a spicey scent. Very strange, in a good way. It reminds me and dh of something we can't quite figure out. Makes me feel very nostalgic. We both actually like it quite a bit and hubby keeps sniffing me. I am definitely keeping the imp and will consider a bottle.
  24. femmefatale

    Santo Domingo

    At first it definitely had a cologne vibe to it, but once on it became a beautiful sweet, tropical flower scent with a bit of smokey tobacco. As it dried down though the soapiness I was dreading came out, but somehow it still smells so good. For some reason it reminds me of growing up in S. Fla., though I'm not sure why. As it dries further though, the spices start coming out and the soapiness fades. I do really like this and I think I'll definitely get a bottle.
  25. femmefatale

    Lotus Moon 2006

    With the lotus, I really expected more of a pinker, bubblegum scent, but definitely not. The opium adds a smokiness to it and the amber is just beautiful. Luckily the pine resin just adds a faint greeness to the mix and I'm not getting much of the rose otto. This so well blended and wonderfully done, though I'm not sure it's me. The label is also one of the prettiest I've seen.