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Everything posted by femmefatale

  1. femmefatale

    Wood Phoenix

    Oh, I love this so much more than I expected to. It's a sweet woodsy scent with a hint of the pink clove and magnolia and I think just a bit of chamomile. Luckily the bamboo, fig, and walnut is being held in check and the musk is very understated, adding just a bit more depth. There is a slightly sugary feel to this, but it is in no way foody. This is not the masculine scent I was expecting. I *love* this and will be getting a bottle before it goes away.
  2. femmefatale

    Beaver Moon 2005

    Starts off very sweet and cakey and dries to an almost twin of Eat Me (at least on me). Maybe a touch less fruity. Very yummy, though I'm not sure if I need a bottle.
  3. femmefatale

    Lick It Like You Mean It

    Sugar pepperminty goodness with a bit of creamy vanilla. Love this!
  4. femmefatale

    Crimson Christmas

    I've pretty much realized that snow scents do not work on me. Sadly, this one is no different. It goes a very masculine soap scent with a hint of mint. Not really bad, but very much not me. And I was most excited about this scent. It's going into dh's box since I think this will work better for him. I'll update this post once he tries it.
  5. femmefatale


    On me this is a cocoa (not milk chocolate, but rich dark cocoa without the bitterness) and creamy vanilla with a hint of caramel and spice. Love Love Love this one. Not too sweet, not too bitter, just perfect.
  6. femmefatale

    Midnight Mass

    This is stunning. Beautiful sweet, warm, resiny incense. This does stay close to the skin, which I like with a scent like this. It just add to the magical feeling it has. I feel like stripping naked and dancing under a full moon. Maybe not exactly the church vibe intended.
  7. femmefatale

    Fire Phoenix

    Oh wow, this is freakin' amazing! It starts off very spicy but it quickly becomes greener and somewhat sweeter. I do get something vaguely like lemon, but not (if that makes any sense LOL). The pink pepper is there, but not overwhelmingly, just enough to add a bit of kick to it. I do get a little floral, but it doesn't scream girly flowers. Instead it reminds me of huge, bright firey looking flowers. The musk (which isn't amping like it normally does) is adding a sexy vibe to it. As it dries further it becomes just a bit smokier and warmer, not so spicy. Really this is just very wellblended and each time I think I pin this down, something else pops up. It's really really beautiful. It makes me feel like I can take on the world and look hot while doing it.
  8. femmefatale

    Water Phoenix

    I completely agree with this description. It *is* a mix of blue and green waters. I can catch a hint of the juniper. As it dries further, the florals come out a bit more and there is a sweetness that helps to balance the aquatic scent. The lavender is there more on the tail end, along with a faint saltiness. It reminds me of a light rain shower on a garden near the beach. This is just gorgeous. I am so very happy I got a bottle. (And good throw, without being overpowering.)
  9. femmefatale

    Saw-Scaled Viper

    I love this scent! I admit, I'm a big fan of spicy scents and snake oil blends, so it's no surprise I like this one. I can't believe it took me so long to try. It starts off with the ginger in the forefront, but that is quickly held in check by the cinnamon and snake oil. It's cinnamon without being CINNAMON and the snake oil is there adding just enough vanilla, but this is definitely not a foody blend. It briefly fades a bit and then all of a sudden springs to life and is this beautiful warm, comforting, yet sexy blend. Need. More. Bottles.
  10. femmefatale

    Eggnog Latte

    Oh, I love this. I was able to get this as a gift for someone and now I desperately need to get some for myself. It starts off with a super jolt of coffee, but once it's on the skin the coffee calms down and it's a beautiful spicy, creamy egg nog scent. Can I say it again, I love this. I'm thinking about giving something else, esp. since this was gifted to me. I'm sentimental. (((blush)))
  11. femmefatale

    Ho Ho Ho

    I get mixed fruit, spices, a hint of floral, and maybe a touch of a spiced rum? It reminds me of a lotion or candle I used to have. Delicious!
  12. femmefatale


    Ginger with a hint of oranges and sugared grapefuit. Very nice. I thought I cought a bit of pepper at one point, but it's gone now. I think I need to find a bottle. It does seem to be a confidence booster.
  13. femmefatale

    That! The Terror From Over There!

    I completely agree with this. It is definitely palate cleansing and doesn't leave a residual scent in your nose, if that makes any sense. When I opened this I actually said "Wow!". It is that beautiful. It is grassy without any sharpness & fruity without being sweet or too tart. It is fresh and bright and cheerful. I am soooo happy I got a bottle and will most likely be getting a back up. I can see this being in heavy rotation this summer.
  14. femmefatale


    When I first got it I tried it in my locket. I remember liking it, but not much more. So today I thought I would try it out on my skin. Well, I didn't have as much luck. It smelled of snake oil with a hint of....poo. I have no idea what's doing it, but it is not pleasant. And the fact that is was a rather dark brown on my skin didn't help. I don't want to smell like sweet poo and also look like it's been smeared on my arm. Safe to say, this will be a locket scent.
  15. I saw in the review thread that someone compared Antonino, the Carny Talker to Tiki King. Would anyone else say they are close?
  16. femmefatale

    El Dia de los Reyes

    At first this is very botter coffee & cocoa, but as it dries is smoothes out quite a bit and takes on a somewhat sweet spicy scent. The coffee mostly disappears and it's just spicy warm brown suger with just a hint of cocoa. This is one I actually like a lot better on my skin than in my locket (which is rare). I am so happy I was able to track some of ths down.
  17. femmefatale


    Wet: Violet with mint and eucalyptus. Drying: The violet calms a bit and now it almost smells like a mint tea with a hint of the violets and I think neroli? It is a bit medicinal smelling, but I like that. Dried down: Doesn't change all that much. I'm not usually a fan of violet scents, but I really like this. The violet and the mints really balance each other well. It's both comforting and a bit invigorating. I am feeling a little under the weather today and this was the perfect scent to try. I also think that it will get a lot of use this summer, so I might have to get a bottle.
  18. femmefatale


    Wet: JASMINE! Holy cow. Drying: Jasmine and a bit of ylang ylang (which is a note I'm not crazy about). The frankincense is coming out a bit and giving this a slightly incensey feel. Dry: Really didn't change much. I think this would be a nice hair scent, but it's a bit much on my skin. It'll have to think about whether or not I'll keep the imp.
  19. femmefatale

    Lilium Inter Spinas

    At first this starts out a green floral scent. As it dries though it begins to turn a bit soapy. I can pick out the lily and fig, but no apple blossom, hibiscus, or sandalwood. It is a rather pretty scent though, just not for me.
  20. femmefatale

    Horn of Plenty

    I had hubby try this today, hoping it would help with them putting a rush on his mileage check. At first I wasn't crazy about the scent. It was rather sharp and harsh smelling, with something sweet at the end. Once it dried though it smells very nice. For some reason on him it smells like black coconut, a bit of almond, tobacco, and High John root. I'm going to have to try it myself, because if it smells that good on me, I'll have to get a bottle just to wear.
  21. femmefatale

    Ile de la Tortue

    Ooooh, this is pretty! At first it's mostly orchid, but as it begins to dry a lush greenery comes out, along with some other tropical blossoms. I really can't pick out the individual notes, but this is absolutely beautiful. I think I like this even more than Tiki Queen (this is more exotic smelling). There is something in this that takes it beyond just being a tropical scent. I love this and will need a bottle of it for the summer!
  22. femmefatale


    At first it's very BERRY. Then as it dries it starts to smell like pop-rocks, then like a berry lip gloss I used to have as a kid. It's actually very yummy smelling, but not really something I want to smell like. I think I'll let my daughters wear this.
  23. femmefatale


    I had dh try this since in the imp it does smell more masculine. Oh wow, this smells wonderful! On him it's a blend of spicy amber and mosses, with just a hint of lavender. It's a unisex blend, though it smells so good on him (and amber tends to go powdery on me), that the imp is going in his stash.
  24. femmefatale

    Western Diamondback

    hmmm....I'm surprised at how sharp this is at first. Actually, I shouldn't be since my skin seems to turn leather (or at least a certain type) very sharp smelling. I pick up the smooth, rich Snake Oil in the background trying to offest the sharpness, along with just a hint of sage. Not much tonka or sandalwood. As it dries more the leather calms a bit and it's a bit more balanced. I do think I like this and I will probably get a bottle, though just one should be good.
  25. femmefatale

    The Head of Holofernes

    I don't know why I got this one. It has 3 notes I don't like: wine, blood, and pomgranate and 1 that I do but doesnt usually work for me: leather. So 4 out seven should be scent of doom. Somehow though, it isn't. I get more grape, than wine, the leather is there just enough to keep everything from being too sweet, the pomegrante is almost unrecognizable but just lends a slight different fruity feel, and I think the blood is what's giving this a faint spice. As it dries further it takes on a more sophisticated feel, perhaps just a bit powdery. I would love too see a bit more tonka and I wish it was stronger, but surprisingly, I really like this. I'll try my decant a couple more times before deciding on a bottle, but it's taught me that maybe I shouldn't completely rule out these notes.