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Everything posted by femmefatale

  1. femmefatale


    hmm. For something that's supposed to be dark, monstrous, and bloodthirsty, it's rather light (throw wise)and sweet. Wonderful for what it is though. It's a sweet, not so heavy smelling headshop on the boardwalk. So well blended no one note is overpowering. It does go faint very quickly though and then stays close to the skin. The strange thing thow is that every now and then it seems to blossom and then recede. Once it's fully dry more of the olive leaf comes out. It reminds me of a less golden version of Tabella. It strikes me as a rather unisex blend, something both hubby and I can wear. I like it.
  2. femmefatale

    Gift Certificates?

    The ones I wanted weren't.
  3. femmefatale

    Golden Wave

    So sad. On my skin this turns into a fizzy soap. I'm going to try this in my locket because I'm not quite ready to give up on it.
  4. femmefatale

    Gift Certificates?

    I tell hubby all the time that I wish they did gift certs. It would make it so much easier when my parents ask me what I want for bday & xmas. They don't seem to like ordering things online. LOL
  5. femmefatale

    Port Royal

    The Sodom of the New World! -- touted as the richest and wickedest city in all creation! Port Royal was the center of 17th century Caribbean commerce, a notorious safe harbor for pirates, and the site of our third flagship store, which was, sadly, destroyed in the earthquake of 1692. Spiced rum and ship’s wood mixed with the body-warmed trace of a prostitute’s perfume and a hint of salty sea air on the dry-down. Oh, wow! I looooove this stuff. Really. It is just amazing. I think this might have just shot up into my top 10. It's all rummy, salty air, and spice. I am in love. And what makes it even better is that both hubby and I can wear it.
  6. femmefatale

    Black Phoenix

    Order of events: All cherries and almond. Ew. I don't like almond. Generic perfume Powedery generic perfume Rose scented powdery perfume Hubby's grandma <scrubs arm furiously with soap> So either hubby's grandma is one sexy bitch and no one told us or it's just not sexy on me.
  7. femmefatale


    hmmm. Not at all what I was expecting. This starts out a rather sweet aquatic, slightly soapy smelling, but very pleasant. As it dries it is still a bit soapy, but getting a bit darker smelling. It's also got a pretty good throw to it. To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm not sure if this is something I would usually wear, though I think it would probably make a great room scent. ETA: After it's dried down a while I keep catching a whiff of something that smells so good and then I realize "hey, it's me!". It's smoothed out a lot and it's actually very nice. I think I will actually wear this one.
  8. femmefatale

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    So after reading all the hype I finally broke down and tracked down an aged decant. I can't tell if I like it or not. At times I think....not so much, at other times it's interesting. It actually seems a bit more masculine to me, but not manly. I really think I would love this if it wasn't for the red musk as all the other notes are lovely (even the pomegranate, which I more often than not don't like). Also, I seem to like this more from a distance than up close. I have it in my locket right now since I wasn't sure how I feel about it on my skin, and I keep catching a wonderful sceent now and then. But when I sniff it up close....eh. So the verdict is...I still have no idea. I'll keep trying it and might end up with a bottle, but won't need more than that, esp. since I have Snake Charmer. ETA: Ok, I don't know what was going on the first time I tried it, but OMG, I am in *love* now. It is really incredible. I need oh so many bottles of this.
  9. femmefatale


    This starts out very fresh and green and just a bit...watery? As it dries it sweetens up and I catch a bit of the rose and lilac and eventually lavender. It becomes a lot less greener and more floral. There is still a slightly watery feel to it, but I'm not sure why. It makes me think of a beautiful old house on a hill with a lush garden overlooking the ocean. I do not typically like foral scents, but there is something about this I like. It's very pretty and makes me want to put on a sundress and straw hat.
  10. femmefatale


    This isn't nearly as sweet as I was expecting. It is very herbal smelling with a touch of incense and sweetened a bit by the honey. It is a very comforting and warm scent. Very motherly feeling. I think I like this and I think it would also make a wonderful room scent. ETA: After drying even further, I've come to the conclusion that it's not something I would really wear personally, but I would love my house to smell like.
  11. femmefatale


    Hmmm. Not as smokey as I expected given the other reviews. I do get a bit of vetiver, but it's not overpowering. I also get a little dirt, something sweet, a bit of saltiness, and a hint of soap (which I'm assuming is the dragon's blood since that's what it normally does on my skin). It's a light scent and I would say very unisex. I'm not really sure how I feel about this one. I think I'll try it a coupl more times to see. It is interesting though. I just need to decide if it's wearable for me.
  12. femmefatale


    I had hubby try this one since I new right away it wouldn't be for me. This one really lives up to it's name. It's sharp and smokey and smells like what I would imagine....well....brimstone smelling like. I love it on dh. Very sexy and dangerous smelling.
  13. femmefatale

    The Rose

    I agree with the other posters who said this smells a lot like Rose Red, but greener and fresher. It smells like fresh cut grass next to a ful, blooming rose bush. At times I'm afraid it's going to go soapy, but it stops just shy of it. I love this. It's a very happy blend.
  14. femmefatale


    Dirty dirty smutty suntan oil. Love it. Need bottle. Now.
  15. femmefatale

    Carnaval Diabolique

    I can't believe I waited so long to try this one! It's a beautiful tropical scent. It's also very well balanced, not too floral or fruity. The opium adds a smokiness that keeps this from being too sweet and there is a touch of black musk that lends a subtle sexiness. The coconut is there, but it's not foody and also isn't too suntan oil smelling. It almost strikes me more of a black coconut scent (perhaps it's the coconut and black musk together?). I just love this and will definitely need a backup bottle.
  16. femmefatale

    Hellhound on my Trail

    Oh. My. At first is does start out a bit herbal and a little astringent, but as it dries that fades and out comes a delicious boozy vanilla with just a hint of spice. It ends up though a smokey slightly spicy vanilla that is just... Both hubby and I tried it and on him it kept a more smokey herbal feel w/a touch of vanilla, where on me it was a rich spicy vanilla with a tiny hint of booze and a very slight smokiness. I *love* this
  17. femmefatale


    Sadly, none of the bourbon vanilla I so wanted. It's mostly orris (which I amp), champaca, and sandalwood. It smells like a very pretty, light incense. I like it, but I think the 2 decants I have will probably be enough.
  18. femmefatale


    I love aquatics, but unfortunately, most aquatics don't love me. I sniffed this in the imp and almost didn't try this. I just knew it would turn into bathroom soap or one of those "rain" colognes. I was wrong. Yes, this is very clean smelling so I guess it could be considered somewhat soapy, but not to me. There is also a wonderful sweetness to it, as well as just a hint of coolness. This is not a hot, humid aquatic, nor a cold one like Visiting the Temple... This one reminds me of the beach early in the morning when the coolness of the night still lingers but when the rising sun is just starting to warm the water. I actually really like this. I am so happy I tried it.
  19. femmefatale

    Black Rose

    Ew. Old lady and rose soap. Not for me.
  20. femmefatale

    Snake Charmer

    So I've been waiting to review this since I just love it so much I was hoping I would be able to do it justice, but I don't think that will happen. LOL I have both the resurrected and the original. I do think I like the resurrected a bit more (blasphemy, I know) but only because it's a bit brighter and smoother smelling to me, along with the fact that the coconut is a bit stronger (which I love). It really makes me feel beautiful and sexy and happy. I love it. It does have a resemblance to Snake Oil, but more like a cousin, not a twin. This reminds of the best of Snake Oil and Ashlultum rolled into one. The original on the other hand is deep, dark, mysterious, and rich smelling. The coconut is almost gone and the plum takes it's place. It has more of an incensey vibe to it than the resurrected. So even though I do lean a bit more to the resurrected, I love them both for different reasons and they each fit different moods.
  21. femmefatale


    This one made me so sad. It sounded so beautiful, but it really didn't work on me. It started of somewhat sweet and pretty, then became overwhelmingly floral and then turned into something very perfumey. Oh well, this will soon be heading off to a new home.
  22. femmefatale

    Scent for Halloween?

    Most likely either Snake Charmer or Egg Nog Latte. I'm leaning towards original Snake Charmer today and resurrected Snake Charmer tomorrow.
  23. femmefatale

    Champagne, Chocolate, and Cheap Sex

    I was able to get all three of the Champagne scents. Sadly, none of them worked for me. The champagne note quickly turns to a sour, stale, almost champagne scent. With this one is was the sour, stale note with a hint of cocoa. It actually made me a little queasy. Kinda like the morning after.
  24. femmefatale

    Metal Phoenix

    This is actually far more delicate than I expected. To me it's not so much hard metal as it is a cold shimmery white, slightly ghostly. At first it is a bit bathroomy, which ozones tend to do on me, then it goes a bit high class perfumey. As it dries further it sweetens a bit from the honeysuckly and the carnation comes out a little, adding just the barest hint of spice. When it first hit my skin I thought I wouldn't like it, but as it dried I really began to like it. It stays close to the skin and is definitely a scent that's all for hubby to smell, not one to attract attention. I will most likely get a bottle to complete my set. ETA: After trying it again, it was just so-so. Pretty, but a bit perfumey for me. I will keep the imp, but skip the bottle (luckily though at least my decant is in a bottle so I can look at the pretty label LOL).
  25. femmefatale

    Candy Phoenix

    I was so worried when I read that it smells the same as Sticky Pillowcase (I didn't like SP). Thankfully it doesn't on me. At first this smells like sweet sugared fruit, but as it dries it becomes tarter and not so sweet. There is a very very faint resemblance to SP, but this would be it's much more fun, brighter, pinker, not so sticky sweet cousin. I really didn't think I would like this (because of the pomegranate which tends to make me a little sick), but I really really do. I think I need to pick up a bottle. I can see wearing this a lot during the summer when I'm feeling flirty and girly.