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Everything posted by femmefatale

  1. femmefatale


    Smells like Compound W wart remover (according to dh). Yeah....don't think so.
  2. femmefatale

    Vicomte de Valmont

    I had hubby try this one since I knew it would be too masculine for me. It's very cologne-y smelling. Reminds me a bit of a better done Brut. Now, that may sound like I don't like it, but I do. I always liked Brut. Though I prefer smokier scents on him, this is a nice change of pace and good for him to wear when he wants something that isn't so...different smelling than the ones he normally likes.
  3. femmefatale


    After reading the notes I really expected this to be a heavy, dark, masculine scent, but it's really not. It's rather pretty. It's a somewhat sweet incense mixed with just a hint of smooth leather and dark musk. I really like this and could see getting a bottle. The only drawback is that it's rather light and close to the skin, but it's worth slathering. It's also good for those who want a incense blend but find most to be too heavy.
  4. femmefatale

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    Ok, I understand the craft store references now. Very pretty, but definitely smells like a candle store or very nice craft section. It starts out very plum-y, but immediently begins to take on a very spicy, somewhat floral scent. Reminds me of a spicier version of a wild plum lotion I used to have and love and rub on my tummy when I was pregnant with my oldest. As it dries further something slightly musky and a bit waxy comes out. I still really like it though and can't stop sniffing my arm. It's a very lovely scent, though I'm not sure I would wear it much as a perfume. Would make a fabulous lotion, hair scent, or even room scent. I could see getting a bottle just for that.
  5. femmefatale


    I was hesitant to try this since almond is normally a note of doom for me. Strangly though, this doesn't turn my stomach. It's quite pretty in fact. The jasmine is keeping the almond in check, though it's not headache inducing like it usually is with me. As it starts to dry down, it does smell a bit dirtier and earthier with a hint of smokiness. Jasmine is still the primary note, but it's a much naughtier jasmine. I like it enough to keep the imp, but I doubt I will wear it enough to get a bottle. I'm so happy I tried it though!
  6. femmefatale


    I'm normally a little hesitant with amber. When it's good, it's goooood, but when it's bad it's just awful. And unfortunately, amber many times goes a bit pungent on me, or powdery. This one doesn't do either (well, maybe just a touch powdery, but in a soft, pretty way). It's beautiful amber (strikes me as a darker amber blends perhaps) with a touch of creamy florals and a hint of spice. Very pretty! I am definitely keeping my imp, but could actually see getting a bottle down the road.
  7. femmefatale

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    Poisoned Apple is most definitely not that sweet. It's one of my favorite apple blends. Coral Snake is a bit sweeter, but not a very sweet scent. It's very pretty and a bit more complex.
  8. femmefatale


    No. Smells like the air freshener they use in the bathrooms at Busch Gardens. No.
  9. femmefatale


    Bold, bright mandarin paired with the sweet, sensual earthiness of fig. Not bad, just very sweet. Smells like sweet orange candy. Not really for me, but glad I got to try it.
  10. femmefatale

    Red Rose

    Gorgeous. Just. Gorgeous. I am at a loss here at trying to describe this. It's sexy and spicy and earthy and incensey all rolled into one. I get a bit more rose in this than in White Rose, but it's not screaming rose, and most definitely NOT old lady or powdery. The clove is the stongest at first, but quickly calms down (though still there adding a wonderful warm spice). I was afraid of the fir, but it's just adding a touch of greeness. The tobacco gives it an incense vibe I think, and the amber and musk brings the sex. And I think it's the tonka (along with the rose) that's adding just the right amount of sweetness to balance everything out. I'm in love. Seriously. And I will be getting at least one more set. I can't wait to try them together.
  11. femmefatale

    White Rose

    This starts out a creamy vanilla tea with just a hint of coconut and rose. As it starts to dry down the orris comes out with just a touch of a resinous feel (perhaps from the benzoin & frankincense?). Orris seems to be one of the scents I amp, so I'm not surprised I'm getting so much from this, but luckily it's not drowning out everything else. I expected much more rose from this, but I am so so happy it turned out the way it did. I would consider getting another set for this one alone. It's just beautiful. Not foody, not too floral, and it's a rose scent that even rose haters can love. I can't wait to try the red one now!
  12. femmefatale

    Horreur Sympathique

    Wow, this is a morpher. At first it was a very rich, thick smelling wine with a touch of sweetened fruit. As it dried though it lightened up quite a bit and became a bit more candy-like. Mostly sugared grapes and tonka, with perhapsa little honey and plum blossom (I think, this is going very faint on me). I get the feeling there is something a bit smokey and resinous under it all, beginning to offset some of the sweetness. This is where it begins to grow up a bit, though I would never call it womanly. The throw seems to get a bit stronger at this point also. Surprisingly, I like it a lot more than I expected. It's a far more youthful and playful scent than I expected, though it does have a hispering of darkness underneath. I am definitely keeping the imp and this may end up on my bottle list.
  13. femmefatale


    Oh, I am soooo happy I was able to get a bottle of this. I seriously love it. It's a beautiful blend of lavender, cinnamon (I believe, it's definitely a spice), and something vaguely herbal, perhaps lemon balm? Whatever it is, I love it. I might even try to track down a back up bottle, though I have a feeling that may be hard.
  14. femmefatale

    Antique Lace

    When I first put this on it was an almost too sweet vanilla. Usually Tombstone is my go to vanilla scent, so this is quite different. Once it's been on for a couple minutes, it takes on a cleaner, slightly more floral scent with the vanilla. It's also got a hell of a throw. To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's just a bit too close to how I remember those vanilla perfumes I hated (like Vanilla Fields?) smelling. That said, there is something about this that keeps making me sniff my arm. I'm very conflicted. LOL I will keep the imp and try it again. I do think it would be great for layering though.
  15. femmefatale


    On me this starts out smelling like fruity gum, but as it dries the musk comes out to balance the sweetness. I'm normally not a big fan of red musk, but it works really well with the fruit. I like it!
  16. femmefatale

    The Hanging Gardens

    This started out very fruity (mostly pears, I believe), but then the florals came out. Surprisingly, I'm not getting much of the rose, mostly (I think) gardenia, but it's very subdued. This is just a very pretty fruity floral. I like it a lot. I could see wearing this a lot during the summer. It's tropical, without being too lush or fruity. It's just so...pretty.
  17. femmefatale

    Forbidden Fruit

    As light and innocent as your first time should have been. The fresh scent of lotus hidden behind lightly scented flowers, amber, and citrus. hmmm....I agree with the previous poster who said jasmine bumblegum. That's exactly how it starts out. As it dries...I have no idea. I'm still getting jasmine for some reason, plus fizzy candy and perhaps gardenia, with just the barest hint of fruit. It strikes me as being a tropical, summer scent. Very pretty. This reminds me sooo strongly of something from when I was a kid, but I can't place it. It's making me feel very nostalgic though. I'll keep the imp for summer and we'll have to see about a bottle. ETA: That's what I get for reviewing before it's sat for a while. Now it's going somewhat...rank. Not pleasant. Off to swaps.
  18. femmefatale


    I never would have tried this if it hadn't been frimped to me. It starts out very citrusy with a bit of cedar. After it starts to dry the citrus sadly calms down and something a bit fizzy comes out. I can catch the amber now also, and the lemon verbana adds a calming feel to this without taking over. I actually really like this. It's perfect on a cold dreary day like today and the first imp in a while that I've put in my locket (where the citrus stays around longer). I wish it had a bit more throw, but it's definitely worth slathering and I will have to get a bottle.
  19. femmefatale


    So I retried Chimera today. The first time I tried it was an aged bottle and for some reason there was virtually no spice it in and was very faint. I was so sad. But today I tried an aged imp a forumite kindly scent me and omg, what a difference. The spice is there, but it isn't a spicey scent. Nice and sweet and yummy. I love this. Seriously. I need a bottle soon because I don't think my imps will last long. Usually Shub is one of my main go to spicey scents, but while that is sexed up, Chimera is the playful back seat make out session.
  20. femmefatale


    I didn't expect to like this one but figured that since I have to shower soon, I would try it, hate it, and wash it off. Why do I try things I think I'll hate you ask? Because that's just the way I roll. Sometimes I just like being grossed out. Go figure. This was a disappointment in the sense that I actually like it. It starts out very dark, herbal, and earthy. Smells very realistic. As it's on for a while it starts to sweeten and the currant and fig comes out. It still has an herbal note to it, but it's no longer dominant and helps to keep it from going too sweet. The odd thing is, I get something that smells vaguely like beeswax? I can also see how some people get a soapy vibe from it, though on me it stops just shy of it. And though at first it has a good throw, after it starts to dry it begins to stay closer to the skin. I don't know how often I will wear this, but I will definitely be keeping the imp. I'm also very curious about how this would smell in an oil burner.
  21. femmefatale

    Giant Vulva

    Oh wow. Gorgeous. It's more incensey than I expected, which I love. I would definitely say the the copal is the powerhouse in this at first, but as it starts to dry I catch hints of the vanilla and sugar cane (though this is in no way a sweet scent). The beeswax flows in and out and the honey stays somewhat subdued. Beneath all this the copal stays pretty consistent, plus what I think is the skin musk. I really love this. It's a good anytime of the year scent, though I don't think it would be a daily scent for me. It's a bit too sexed up woman for an every day scent.
  22. femmefatale

    Mme Moriarty

    So after reading all the hype I finally broke down and tracked down an aged decant. I can't tell if I like it or not. At times I think....not so much, at other times it's interesting. It actually seems a bit more masculine to me, but not manly. I really think I would love this if it wasn't for the red musk as all the other notes are lovely (even the pomegranate, which I more often than not don't like). Also, I seem to like this more from a distance than up close. I have it in my locket right now since I wasn't sure how I feel about it on my skin, and I keep catching a wonderful sceent now and then. But when I sniff it up close....eh. So the verdict is...I still have no idea. I'll keep trying it and might end up with a bottle, but won't need more than that, esp. since I have Snake Charmer.
  23. femmefatale

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    One of the quirkiest scents I've tried is Banana Peel in a Graveyard. It's also one of the most realistic. I loooove it.
  24. femmefatale

    The most natural or lifelike scents?

    Banana Peel in a Graveyard is a very realistic scent. Not perfumey in the least. Smells like a true banana peel at first, then morphs into a realistic dirt, stone, slightly green scent. Smells like...well....a graveyard.
  25. femmefatale


    This is very...interesting. It starts off rather sharp, but as it dries and sweetens and smooths a bit. It seems to change a bt each time I smell it. Sometimes it's heavier on the musk, other times the honey comes out more, and sometimes it the amber. Underneath it all there is a faint spiciness to it with just a hint of a resinous quality. I would say this is more sensual than straight up sexy. It's complex in the way woman are complex; strong, sweet, sometimes a bit sharp, sometimes smooth, sensual, subdued, grounded...just beautiful. I really like this. I don't think I would wear this daily, but it's definitely something I would wear when I want to feel classic and beautiful and confident.