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Everything posted by femmefatale

  1. femmefatale


    This is mostly resinous rose wih just the barest hint of pomegranate. This reminds me of the shop in Cape May that's in a completely pink house. They sell lots of victorian type items, antique looking tea sets, lots of pink and lace and roses....you get the idea. This is that shop. It's not old lady, just refined and classic. Makes me want to get dressed up and go to tea time at the Williamsburg Inn and act like a lady. Just maybe with slutty underwear beneath my flowered, conservative dress (which by the way, I don't even own.....the dress I mean ). Not really me, but I can see picking up a couple decants for my empty bottle just to have when I'm in the mood.
  2. femmefatale


    This does not smell how I expected at all. It's a very dry, clean, somewhat masculine scent. Once it begins to dry down, a slight sweetness comes out from the vanilla caramel and I'm picking up the moss and amber. This really isn't a scent for me, but I'll be trying it on dh when he gets home.
  3. femmefatale

    White Chocolate and Strawberry

    This certainly smells like white chocolate and strawberries! Luckily, no plastic-y, fake smell. I'm not sure how much I like it though, since it is a bit sweet for me. I'm so happy I got to try it though and might track down a full decant for when I need my sweet fix.
  4. femmefatale

    Flowering Chrysanthemums

    Sweet, ambery floral with just the barest touch of spice. The florals here are different than most others I have tried. A little odd, but pretty. Reminds me just a little of an air freshener I think my mil used to use years ago. It's pretty, but not really me. I'll keep my decant (it's in the pretty bottle LOL), but I don't think I will be buying a full one.
  5. femmefatale


    mmmm....this is the most delicious lemon-limeade. It's a very bright and cheery scent. Reminds me of summertime. The only drawback is that it fades very quickly. Oh well, it's worth slathering and I will definitely be getting a bottle. Hopefully it will stick around a bit longer in my locket.
  6. femmefatale

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    For a fresh rose, I would try The Rose. You could also try 2, 5, and 7, but I found The Rose to be the most like Rose Red. As for a snowy rose...I'm not sure. I remember smelling something that struck me as a cold rose, but I'm not sure what it was now. I'm not too familiar with a lot of the snow scents since the few I've tried turned out horribly on me.
  7. femmefatale

    Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms

    This started out sooo promising. Lots of wonderful citrus with just the barest hint of tea and sweetness from the tonka. As it dries the citrus begins to fade, the tonka comes out more, and then the soapiness (from the ambergris I assume) makes an appearance. So now it smells like a really nice sweet, rich, somewhat fruity soap. Strangely though, as it dries further the soapiness comes and goes and I can pick up the other notes. This is a very strange one. I do agree with the other posters who said it is a bit perfumey. I can't stop smelling my arm. Sometimes I think I like it, sometimes no. I have no idea what to think.
  8. femmefatale

    Couple Consulting an Enpon

    It starts off a rather perfumey or candle smelling blackberry. Then the amber and sandalwood come out. And is that my much loved mint coming out? Ooooh, very nice. Then it goes through a very very brief perfumey stage again before the blackberry explodes and I can't smell much else. It's nice and sweet and fruity, but it's lost all it's complexity. Where oh where is my sexy blackberry scent? Where is my sandalwood? My mint? My orange blossom? Hopefully I'm just having an off day. ETA: I think the sandalwood is trying to make an appearance to balance out the blackberry. I'm also getting something a bit creamy now. It's actually very nice.
  9. femmefatale


    So I started to get a little worried with this one. As hard as I try, plum doesn't seem to like me all that much. If it's a dominant note, I usually end up smelling like a candle or craft store. And at the very beginning, it does just a little. But that changes pretty quickly and it becomes darker and more incensey, yet somehow is still bright feeling. I was also worried about the wine, since wine notes can turn sour on me, but this one stays in check. It's very pretty and stays close to the skin, though I think it might be worth slathering. I can see this being a year round scent, so it would probably get more use than some of the other more springtime ones. I will try it a couple more times, but it's (for now) on my bottle list.
  10. femmefatale

    Man With Phallus Head

    Yep. This exactly. It starts off very soapy and as it dries and does turn a bit darker and more complex but still....soapy. A wonderful rich expensive...soap. I am almost tempted on getting a bottle to make bath oil or hair conditioner with, but since I'm trying to downsize and only keep what I love, I probably won't. I will keep the decant though.
  11. femmefatale

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    This is a very pretty creamy plum scent. I'm not getting much of the other notes. Perhaps just a touch of sandalwood. This isn't as strong on the vanilla as I expected and I was hoping for a bit more nutmeg, but it's a very pretty scent and would be lovely this spring. I'm not sure I would get a full bottle because it's a bit girly (this strikes me as a very youthful scent), but I am definitely keeping my decant and wouldn't say no to a partial bottle.
  12. femmefatale

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    *Note: I am coming off a very nasty, very long cold so it is very possible I will edit this in a week or so.* LOL My nose must still be off because this does not smell foody imo. To me this is a very exotic, vaguely tropical scent. It makes me want to slow dance on a beach at night under the stars. It's a seductive scent, without being too womanly or sexed up. The vanilla is in the forefront, but it's not cakey smelling. The red ginger adds a light spice to balance out the sweetness and the other notes are what I believe give this it's tropical feel. I will definitely need at least one bottle of this. ETA: As this dried further it took on a very smokey quality with just a bit of the vanilla and ginger. I love it even more now. ETA again: I have no idea what is going on. Must be my skin chemistry or soething, but now I'm getting a dirt note. It just keeps getting better and better!!
  13. femmefatale

    Pothôn Mêtêr

    *Note: I am coming off a very nasty, very long cold so it is very possible I will edit this in a week or so.* LOL In the imp it was mostly lush pink rose, balsam, and a bit of caramel and pink pepper. Once on, the pink pepper is the dominant note, followed by the rose and the rest of the notes are way back there. After a while the rose fades quite a bit and becomes a tad soapy, which is very interesting with the pink pepper. And if I didn't know better, I would swear there was the barest hint of cinnamon. The caramel stays consistant, though very light, adding just a touch of sweetness. There is also just a hint of an incense vibe to this, perhaps because of the benzoin? I don't get much in the way of berries here, but it's quite nice the way it is. I'll have to try it a couple more times though before deciding on a bottle.
  14. 14-21 business days is about 3-4 weeks and they seem to be keeping close to that. I would rather have the longer wait time and more reliable, consistant product and service, than a quicker TAT and more issues. Kwim?
  15. femmefatale

    Scent for Halloween?

    I had *planned* on wearing Snake Charmer today, but since we are all so sick (poor dh has it now too) and can't smell anything, I'll probably just use some OOF to help with my head. Nothing says romance like menthol, dirty tissues, sick kids, hacking up lungs, and fevers.
  16. femmefatale


    "I feel pretty, oh so pretty..." This was the first thing I thought of when I smelled Tissue. It's just so....pretty. And clean smelling. It does go slightly soapy on me (which most white flowers do), but it's still so....pretty. Surprisingly, I don't get much honey from this I usually amp it), but I am getting some of the rice paper (I think). I expected this to be far sweeter than it is, but I'm relieved it's not. I have a feeling I will try layering this Graveyard Dirt since I'm more of a dirty girl. But when I just want something fresh and clean and well....pretty, I'll reach for this. I have a feeling it will get a lot of use this summer.
  17. femmefatale

    The Miller's Daughter

    This pretty much goes right away to rose powder. This smells like grandma skin. Not for me.
  18. femmefatale


    This is an interesting one. At first it's a rather sharp green scent with sweet pink rose. It goes through a *very* short soapy phase (maybe 10-15 min), then the sharpness fades and I can pick up a a bit of the mint that other reviewers mentioned, along with the rose that's a bit less sweet now and more lush. It still has a bit of the green, but it's not so strong or sharp. This reminds me of a summer rose blend as opposed to a cold, winter rose. It's very pretty and I'm glad I was able to pick up a bottle. I think this would also make a wonderful body oil.
  19. femmefatale

    Brown Jenkin

    I am so thrilled I finally got to try this. I am a big coconut fan in all its forms. This is such an incredible blend. I catch a hint of something almost jasmine like, but without being cloying or headache inducing. The incense is there, but sweeter and the coconut it definitely not the suntan lotion coconut, nor a very foody coconut, yet not sharp. It is a coconut that even most coconut haters could love. It's earthy, but not dirty. Fresh, but not altogether clean. It's a very difficult sent to describe, but easy to love. I am definitely getting a bottle with my next order since I have a feeling my imp won't last long. And if you tried Goblin, but found that it turned plastic-y or the patchouli was too much, try this.
  20. femmefatale

    Earth Ox

    Wet it's all melons! Wow. As it dries though the melon scent starts to fade and out comes these beautiful, exotic, clean smelling flowers with a touch of fruit and green. I think I'm catching some of the tobacco which is helping to ground everything. I'm having a hard time picking out most of the individual notes. It's actually less fruity than I expected, but that's ok. I love it!
  21. femmefatale


    Yum!!! This starts out mostly sugared, sweet apple. As it dries though the sweet pea and vanilla cream come out, but somehow this isn't too sweet. I think the guava and passionfruit are there helping to balance out the sweetness but I can't quite pick them out. The apple stays consistant but no longer the primary note. Drying further the carnation starts to add just a touch of spice. mmmm..... This is one of the most fun scents I've ever tried. I love apple and will wear Poisoned Apple when I want something darker, but I'll wear this when I want something sweet, fun, and pretty. This is Poisoned Apple's pig-tailed, rollar skating, just a little flirty, younger sister. I loooove it and will be ordering at least 1 more bottle. ETA: This have good throw, so no need to slather!
  22. femmefatale

    To a Woman

    This didn't smell at all like what I was expecting. It's a very nostalgic scent though. Reminds me a bit of pipe tobacco and something else I can't quite put my finger on. Very pretty, but my stash is getting so big I've decided to only keep what I truely love, so hopefully this will find a good home.
  23. femmefatale


    I completely agree. Wow. This is gorgeous and sexy and just shot up into my top 10 I think. Need. Bottle. Now. Lots and lots of bottles.
  24. femmefatale


    At first it's all rosewood, all the time. Then it dries down to sour old lady butt on me. Granted, I've never actually smelled old lady butt (a trend I hope to continue), but this is what I would imagine it would smell like.
  25. femmefatale


    Too sweet. I can't pick out any individual note, it just smells way too sweet and somewhat...off smelling to me.