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Posts posted by Cazzadeathgirl

  1. tried this one on after a shower, in imp its a wonderful soft grass like scent with overtones of delicate white flowers.

    On skin, same but fades really fast on me (only like an hour at most) doesnt have much throw at all either so on me its just a very soft scent of white flowers, grass and at the very end i smell a sweet violet, none in the description though.


    overall- i really do love this, have an imp ill use up gladly on warm summer nights as a bedtime relaxation scent, id not buy a bottle though due to lack of wear length

    so in score form 7/10

  2. Ranger

    Working my way around the RPG scents and i got ranger a few days ago. love woods and forest scents so knew id love this one, 1st thing that hits me is pinewood, lots of it too, i do smell a little juniper berry but its quite tame and not at all sweet, sadly i dont smell any moss, which is a note i love (eg deep in earth and zombi) normally patchouli amps on me (the catapillar and masquerade) but doesnt even show up on my skin or smelling from the imp. this one only seems to last around 30mins to an hour on my skin which is sad, otherwise id probably go buy myself a bottle. for my pine like scent i think ill stick to yew trees, which i got frimped 3 with my order last week (yew trees lasts 3-4 hours quite easily)

  3. Got an imp of this a few days ago to try, ive smelled dragons blood before (owned dragons tears) but on me, this one smells like violets somewhat to me, that with a small amount of dragons blood mixed in, i dont get smoke at all. this scent ended up reminding me of one called french love which i got last year, french love is just a lot sweeter smelling than dragons hide. ill keep my imp and maybe age it cause i do like the scent overall, doesnt have much throw but lasts a good 4-5 hours on me

  4. Thought id love this one, i love herbs and lilac, like leather too, not 100% sure on the plum but decided id order an imp to try anyway.

    in imp- A rather medicinal scent, can smell the herbs which isnt too bad, cant smell leather either, just herbs and something reminding me of medicine


    on skin- ewww, its reminding me of a dentists surgery and all of the latex gloves, needles and that nasty stuff them fill your mouth with before giving you braces.

    let my mother in law try too, 1st thing she exclaimed was dentists room


    dry on skin- sorry guys but this 1 was too much of dentist surgery to wear longer than 15 mins, i had to wash it off, thankfully i only got an imp to try


    *P.S* may give this another try in the future, it was a fresh made imp, otherwise, it will be going to a friend to try (since shes never heard of BPAL

  5. bought an imp of this a few days ago, well, i knew it was going to be dark and heavy, just didnt realise how much so. i dont get much musk, just an over strong rose fragrance which seems to be a little artificial to my nose. its a fresh imp so maybe a few months aging will dull down the power of this thing. wearlength, its a good 6-8 hours. so far not for me but will revisit in a few months and see how it is

  6. just got an imp of this yesterday and been gone from BPAL for a year due to rl so happy being back, i was half afraid of this when ordering but if you dont try youll never find what you like or dont. Notes i was afraid of in the imp and on was the rum and chardonnay, i love leather though and tonka. when its on, its the most beautiful sweet scent of tonka, i dont get much rum at all which is great, ill be getting a big bottle of this, it lasts quite long on my skin too, around 4-6 hours

  7. Olive blossom, honey, smoky vanilla, cinnamon, jasmine, sandalwood, and champaca flower.


    So, after a long time away from BPAL and the forums, im back. I recently ordered a large amount of imps (always try before going big bottle in my opinion) and in the order i just had to try defututa.

    Most of the notes in this one are ones i just love and adore, i love olive blossom, cinnamon and love smokey scents, vanilla is pretty nice too. the only ones that give me problems are jasmine and sandalwood.


    sadly, wearing this jasmine is the front runner, i do get a little smoke but not what i wanted, i dont even smell any cinnamon or olive which is a shame.


    Think ill try aging this one for a few months or a year and come back to it cause i love the idea of this one, if it doesnt work, im sure i can find a few friends to give my imp to (or try on my guy...though he isnt much into fragrances)

  8. Ordered an imp to try earlier this month


    In imp and wet on skin- beautiful roses full in bloom that are of the red variety. To me, it smells like there's a fair bit of stem in here too. I've never had a leather blend before so can't distinguish what that smells like I'm afraid.


    Dry on skin- this 1 really doesn't change much at all which isn't a bad thing, it's not got a lot of throw, more of a soft close skin scent which I like.


    Overall- this 1 I will use and love, may order a bottle in the distant future. Somehow though it does remind me of a perfume the body shop used to sell and can't remember it's name for the life of me :(

  9. Had to try this 1 due to the jasmine, lavender and honeysuckle, all of them I love so much!


    In imp- lots of lavender...no sweetness from the honeysuckle, wish it was a little sweeter...smells kind of lacking due to it


    Wet on skin- no sweetness at all :( thought it would play nice but nope, the jasmines turning to floral soap on me...I'll see how it dries


    Dry on skin- nope! No change it's a pure unknown mass produced floral soap on me :( will probably put in an oil burner but I'll not be wearing my imp

  10. Bought an imp earlier this month to try, I like most of the notes listed :)


    In imp- ah yes...lots of lavender in this 1; maybe this could be a soothing bedtime scent...here comes the rosemary, perhaps not a bedtime scent after all...and lemon! Lots of it!


    Wet on skin- the lavenders gone :( so is the rosemary that I love...mugged by lemons, not that I don't like lemons...it's went all sunny on me- summer scent then?


    Dry on skin- something's went wrong, very, very wrong ;( and I liked this just on it's went over sharp bitter lemons on me. The throw is pretty strong too, which I'd not mind if it was something that worked on me. The faulty notes are either frankincense or the verbena.


    Overall- looks like it's going to be a summer room scent unless any family want this 1. So nice in the imp but not on my skin

  11. Druid

    Got an imp of this last year and still had it :) also got my big bottle earlier this month


    In bottle- quite a strong scent :) it's mainly the incense I smell which I like, can't smell too much as it tends to overload my nose


    Wet on skin- now I smell more, it's still a strong Incense but I also smell something green...fresh cut grass? Kind of sweetens up a little on my skin. Lemon drops or sherbet lemons anyone? Haha :)


    Dry on skin- well with how it smelled out the bottle, I thought it would stay a little longer :( after about 3 hours, it's gone or a very very faint skin scent. However, the throw was pretty impressive. It's much sweeter on me than in the bottle but not too over sweet at all.


    Overall, I will always love this scent no matter what, since it doesn't last long, I do have to apply it all over my body. (I use a cheap eyeshadow blending brush to draw patterns all over my body to scent) when a lot is applied, it does last 5-6 hours

  12. I just made it in no more of getting my hands on an imp like 4 days before it was discontinued! :)


    So...I wanted something dark....really dark so ordered this to test, I'm normally a woods/green sort of girl


    In imp- the colour of this oil is just....wow! Best not wear white haha...it's a really dark red/brown almost black


    Being honest, when I opened the imp, there really was such a small throw I thought I'd lost my sense of smell...on a close sniff, patchouli and a fair bit of it too! Thank goodness I can't smell much in the way of vetiver cause in another blend with lots of it, it ruined it. I can smell a good bit of cedar wood which is a favorite of mine, no cinnamon though


    Wet on skin-smells a little stronger on skin than in imp....the oil stained my wrist :( now I can smell the cinnamon- I'm happy :) it's not overpowering the other notes though


    Dry on skin- the notes blend Nicer together, can smell the cinnamon most of all but it's not overpowering.


    Overall- at 1st try I do admit, I hated this blend with a passion. It does grow on you the more you wear it though, wouldn't say it's my favorite scent but it's a comforting one to me. I'll keep my imp but since there's no longer any being made, I probably have 1 of the last few imps made. I shall see how it ages, looks like it will be an antique soon enough :)

  13. Got this 1 as a freebie from the lab...the name interested me, as for the scent...I can see why not too many people like this and also why it's discontinued.


    In imp- a deep yellow/amber colour. And on opening, the 1 of the worst perfumes I've ever tried...guess that's the vetiver? It's just....yuck! :( and I like deep earthy scents, I smell no other notes at all


    Wet on skin- still horrible :( doesn't change much at all, perhaps slightly more smokey but that's it


    Dry on skin- thank goodness this 1 has almost no throw, about the only good point in it being honest. It's far too "dark" even as I normally like this type of scent. More for a guy.


    Overall- maybe my aunt would like this 1, she tends to like this sort of scent, if not, it's going bye bye...not too sure anyone I know should even skin test this 1

  14. got as an imp from my recent order....so, I own deep in earth and wanted to see the difference between them


    In imp- a clear oil, on opening it's all earth! :) which is similar to deep in earth but the throw is slightly less on this 1, the rose is a fair bit more gentle as well.


    Wet on skin- yet more earth with some dead roses coming through :) (I love dead roses, more so than the living- talk about morbid lol)


    Dry on skin- not too much change really...the earth turns a more "ruddy" sort of scent, the throw is pretty small which I don't mind too much (not everyone likes to smell earth) it sweetens up slightly too


    Overall- I LOVE this one! :) this will be replacing my deep in earth until it starts behaving itself (see deep in earth post)

  15. I ordered an imp of this recently as it's something totally different from what I like and want to expand my perfume collection of different notes


    in imp- a nice sort of cherry red, looks interesting so far. On opening the imp, it's a lovely sweet smell of delicate cinnamon...is that cherry? It's not listed as a note- how odd but nice :)


    wet on skin- it was sweet in the imp but somehow it's getting sweeter? Not that I'm moaning, I do like sweet sometimes...it's kind of a sweet cake like cherry with a very fine hint of cinnamon now


    Dry on skin- this 1 doesn't change much on me, although when it's dry, there's more of a cinnamon hit, which I do love! Still pretty sweet too


    Overall, this 1 is a real winner for me! Too bad I've already ordered :( ah well, next time I do, it's a big bottle, it's something really girly I'd say, normally I stick to green or woody scents eg deep in earth, zombi ect, but something new is always good

  16. got this as an imp earlier today as a freebie from the lab (not a personal choice of mine)

    In imp- it's a honey colour :) after a small sniff I was overpowered by over sweet golden honey, red wine and a hint of smokiness

    So far- I am really not liking this 1, turning out that any type of good scents are not for me

    Wet on skin- not nice at all! I don't mind honey as a sweetener in my food but as a perfume? Ewww :(

    I can smell a fair hit of red wine, the honey is slowly calming down and not so sweet any more...I'm smelling more of the smoke now which is a good thing, much better than pure honey

    Dry on skin- well, it's bearable I guess...just not something I'd wear anytime soon, not a good summer scent (bees would be chasing me by the smell of things)

    Overall- this would probably be aged or going to a new home with a family member that likes sweet scents and wine

  17. So my order came earlier today!


    This was 1 I really was looking forward to out of 28 imps and 2 bottles


    So to get on with the review...


    In imp- I expected really sweet smelling toffee/coffee but what I got was over sweet jelly belly popcorn :( no hint of dusty tomes or oak wood (don't exactly know how that smells on it's own)


    Wet on skin- ewww! I'm not liking at all :( the jelly belly popcorn sweets make me gag :( this is what I'm feeling right now, no hint of dusty tomes either :( (I'd much prefer dusty tomes to popcorn any day)


    Dry down on skin- still quite sweet, not to the point of making me gag though...I'm starting to smell something dusty coming through now...no oak though


    30 mins later....yuck! :( I still smell the sweetness but not it smells like net curtains that have not been washed in a while with a smoker in the house :( (I was a weird kid that used to smell it)


    Final verdict- ewwww! I'll certainly not be wearing this anytime soon! Though I just got my imp today...maybe ageing will help?


    If not, I could probably give this to a family member for a room scent, far too sweet for me though, you've got to try it to believe it

  18. Ok so I got this as am imp to try before I went full size, the name interested me so had to get plus the notes reminded me of when I was a kid and used to help my aunt repot her geraniums, used to love gently rubbing the leaves to get their scent.


    In imp- smells kind of odd...reminds me of fairy washing up liquid (the lemon kind) so not great

    On 2nd sniff of imp, there, finally got to smell those lovely geraniums :)


    Went on skin- lovely strong fragrance! 1st thing that hits me is the geraniums, the most life like without touching the actual plant :)


    An hour later...still geraniums, though I can smell the nice wet earth now, sadly I don't smell any yew trees (which I like) so now it's lots of wet earth and a backdrop of geraniums :)


    So for final verdict I love this one! So much so, I've recently ordered a 5ml bottle, it's 1 of those I now can't live without :)

    This imp I got is still going and that's almost a year, so a little of this oil really does go a long way (more than likely, this 1 is going to be my signature daily scent)




    So, I just got my 5ml bottle of deep in earth...and it's not what I expected :( it's so much sharper...so sharp in fact that I'm considering not wearing this for a good while :( such a pity as it really was my favorite scent!

    I managed to try the old aged imp and then the fresh made bottle, the new stuff is much longer lasting with some serious throw, the imp however has much less throw, staying power but that's the scent a fell in love with :( I'll be aging my bottle it seems and use my last few imp drips in the meantime

  19. I got this as a frimp ages ago and somehow never wrote a review...


    In imp- a lovely strong marzipan- DR pepper/cola scent


    Wet on skin- still a very strong marzipan scent as said above


    On dry down- turns to a rather strong version of baby powder- I actually like this :)


    As for throw...let's just say my family could smell it in the next room, my bro asked me what cake I was eating lol!


    Overall, it's more for a sweet tooth sort of mood, I'll wear it when I get a craving for marzipan (which I adore!)

    Keeping imp, not bottle worthy I'd say since I won't wear often

  20. As a lover of deep herbals I ordered this a while ago as an imp, the name caught my eye too :)


    In imp: a kind of strange pale like green colour, on opening my nose was assaulted by the smell of some overpowered pine disinfectant....so far I don't like at all! But to try it on and get on with it


    Wet on skin: still smells pretty bad! :( it's a not so nice mix of bitter herbal, pine disinfectant that's still pretty overpowering to me :( though after about 20-30 mins I do start to smell some faint berry sweetness coming through


    Dry on skin: so, it's been almost 1-2 hours since application, now I'm getting a lot of sweetness! It smells like the bitterness has slowly retreated to the background and letting the deadly berries come out and play, though there's still a fair bit of pine wood in the mix, then there's a smokey note coming to join in with the berries


    My verdict: horrible at the start, even if you are a fan of deep bitter herbal mixes, not for me, though after a few hours it is quite nice, shame it's quite a faint smell, if it had better throw once dried, I probably would wear out in the evening, not a daytime scent. Will finish the imp but not a bottle for me

  21. So, cause I do like my rose scents, decided to go try this 1 1st...got this as a frimp from the lab months ago.


    In imp: quite a strong rose fragrance...kind of overpowering at 1st, very slight hint of spice but with a medicinal edge to my nose


    Wet on skin: very overpowering artificial smelling pot puri type of thing going on here :( I've lost all spice I got in the imp so not too happy


    Few hours later: well powdery rose which I'm not too happy about, very long throw, a little really does go a long way, no spice at all on me.


    Verdict: I think I'll use my imp up, maybe for a room fragrance in summer but as a perfume, doesn't work for me, will be sticking to my favorite deep in earth as it doesn't turn all yuck and pot puri like on me
