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Posts posted by Rip

  1. Light can alter the scent over time. It's a process that takes some time though. If it's something you use on a daily basis that you'll go through in a couple of months, you're probably okay leaving it out. If you only use it occasionally, like for special occasions or perhaps you rotate through several scents, then it's a good idea to store it someplace dark, like a box in a closet, to protect it.

  2. This is kind of an odd one for me. The earthy notes stay close to my skin where I can't really smell them unless I sniff my wrist. The other notes combine into a cool, sweet, but not too sweet, soft aura that smells really nice. As scents go it's on the subtle side where you are aware of it without it being in your face. I like it a lot.


    EDIT: I am revisiting some of the BPAL scents that I liked but felt didn't have much of a throw on me. When really slathered on, Luperci becomes more noticeable without becoming overbearing. In this amount it is warm and spicy with a hint of sweetness. Once it begins to dry down I don't really notice the patchouli anymore. Even received a compliment from one young woman for how nice I smelled wearing it.

  3. I was hesitant to try this because I'm not big on florals but I've been working my way through BPAL's Bay Rum scents and decided to try this for completeness.


    Wet all I smell is slightly sweet Bay Rum. As it dries down the tobacco comes out and adds some spiciness. After that the scent doesn't really change. I can't say that I ever notice any florals which is just fine with me. This is actually quite close to what I'm looking for in a Bay Rum scent. Unfortunately Santo Domingo, like a lot of BPAL scents, doesn't have much of a throw on me. If I'm not holding my wrist under my nose I can't smell it.

  4. Cleric

    When I first apply Cleric I mainly smell incense tinged with rose. It's not my favorite scent but it's not horrible either. However, given time to dry down the rose note fades and it evolves into this lightly sweet incense scent that I absolutely love. This would be a winner for me if not for the fact that Cleric, like a lot the RPG series, has almost no throw on me.

  5. The RPG series has been kind of disappointing to me because most of them seem to have almost no throw on me. Fortunately Paladin is different and I'm aware that it's there without having to press my nose to my wrist. On me it's warm and spicy and sweet. The dominant note is the frankincense but the others are there lurking in the background. I really like this one.

  6. Gnome

    If anyone manages to get a bottle or imps delivered straight from the lab that are light in colour and smell like ginger again, please post and let us know! I'll sign up for multiple bottles of that one.


    I just got imps of the entire RPG series from the lab and the imp of Gnome is light colored and smells like ginger. I'm disappointed to see that it may no longer be representative of Gnome because so far this is easily my favorite of the RPG scents.

  7. I had my reservations about this one but decided to try it out with the rest of the RPG scents for the sake of completeness. Wet or dry, it pretty much smells like shortbread cookies to me. Not a scent I see myself wearing.

  8. Bard

    In the imp I can smell both bay rum and honey. Wet on the skin it's warm honey. As it begins to dry down it settles into a warm, spicy honey with the occasional whiff of honeysuckle. Once it's had a little time to dry the honeysuckle goes away leaving the warm, spicy honey scent. Quite nice but a bit heavy for my personal tastes.

  9. My initial impression smelling it in the imp was that The Black Rider was rather unpleasant but I went ahead and applied a little anyway. Once it had a chance to start the dry down process it went from being unpleasant to being my favorite from the men's imp pack, leather tinged with tobacco. No sign of the oppoponax or black amber. Also not a very strong scent, which I attributed to my not applying much. After about a half hour the scent had largely faded away aside from a faint vanilla smell, which I take to be the oppoponax, if I hold my hand to my nose.


    Later I tried slathering a bit more on my hand to see if that makes a difference to strength or duration but sadly it did not. If it was a little stronger and longer lasting it would be a must buy for me but as is I don't see the point.

  10. I'm working my way through BPAL's bay rum scents.


    In the bottle I smell sugar cookies tinged with something else but the sugar cookies are too overwhelming to tell what else I'm smelling.


    Wet on skin it smells much like in the bottle, just not as powerful.


    After about 30 minutes it's settled down to smelling like snickerdoodles so sugar cookies with a touch of cinnamon. I don't really detect any bay rum, lime, or tobacco.


    Several hours later it still smells like snickerdoodles though the cookie scent eventually fades away to leave a faint residue of bay rum.


    I like snickerdoodles. I like how they smell. I just don't want to smell like one myself.

  11. My favorite BPAL scent so far, though admittedly I haven't tried many. When wearing this all I smell is a nice, slightly sweet aftershave. I can't detect any brimstone or cat smell. When visiting friends I tend to be mobbed by 3 out of 4 cats, the fourth being very shy, who all take an interest in sniffing my wrists so perhaps they detect a cat scent that my nose doesn't. In any case I enjoy it and it's one of the primary scents I wear.

  12. I tried Cyborg because I've been searching for a bay rum fragrance that would approximate the bay rum that a barber used to splash on me when he would cut my hair. This is not that scent unfortunately. In fact, I don't really smell any bay rum at all though I'll admit my nose isn't that sophisticated. To me Cyborg smells very fresh and clean and makes me think freshly cut grass after mowing the lawn. On me it's a lot like Chrome by Azzaro. It's a nice, casual fragrance to wear in the spring or summer.

  13. I've been using toothpicks but after spilling a bottle of Hellboy and discovering that the Lab is currently out stock when I tried to order more (just an excuse to try out some new scents) I'm looking for something a little more klutz proof. I found some roller bottles I like but the balls are made of stainless steel. Are they safe to get or is there a possibility of the stainless steel reacting with the perfume oil and contaminating it?
