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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Nidaba

  1. I got my decants today! Here are reviews of the first 3 I tried.


    CCCXXVI: Almost smells like cough syrup in the imp. It calms down a bit on the skin, but still smells of something like cherry liquor and patchouli almost. Not a winner for me. To the swaps pile.


    CCCXXIV: This one has a strong liquor smell at first too, settles down on the skin, but ends up smelling like body wash. Good body wash, with fruit and almond maybe, but a soapy background. Probably another swap one.


    CCCXXXI: Smells a little resiny in the imp. A bit strong and promising, woods and resins and spices. On the skin- it disappears. Haha. If I stick my nose right against my arm I smell a bit of a Snake Charmer thing, which is great, but it is crazy faint. May swap this one too. =/ ETA: Gets a bit stronger with time.

  2. Heh, I love reading how different this scent is on everyone.


    Wet: Sweet almond and something really heavy and thick. Almost reminded me of patchouli but I don't think that is it.


    Drying: Something spicy has come out. Now it smells like almond, cinnamon? and still that heavy scent. Also a touch of cherry and cola.


    Dry: Going powdery, and mainly spicy now.


    I don't love this, but my husband just told me I smelled good on his own. That has only happened a very few times before so I think I will keep at least my imp.


    ETA: Nevermind, way too powdery now. I keep sneezing. :(

  3. In the imp: Strong, as everyone says.


    Wet: wow, very strong honey and alcohol and fruit. Very sharp and sweet. Starts to go sour on me.


    Dry: Sourness left! Yay! Very strong, cloyingly sweet honey now with the bitter bite of red wine. Very interesting.


    I will keep my imp, but not a bottle purchase for me.

  4. I have never had a scent morph as much from wet to dry stage as this one did.


    Wet: Oh wow, so delicious! The sweetest cakes with fruit (which must be the wine). This is a perfect foody scent, sweet and rich.


    Dry: Oh wow, so disgusting! This turned to sour/spoiled baby formula, and dog biscuits on me. Made me crazy nauseous and I spent hours trying to scrub every bit of it off.


    If I could wear this wet I would, but the dry stage was too horrible to even risk trying it in a scent locket. :( Such a bummer.

  5. I tried searching, but I didn't see a thread like this.


    I just tried on Cockaigne and at first, it smelled delicious. Then it turned to sour baby formula and dog biscuits on me and started making me sick. And I can't get it off! I have scrubbed my wrists and hands three times now with soap and I can still smell it.


    How do you guys get off a smell you really can not handle? I need this off of me immediately and I am at work so I can't really take a full shower or anything. I've tried rubbing with a papertowel too. Are there any things that counteract perfume? Rubbing alcohol or something? Nevermind, they put that in perfume, it wouldn't work. >> Is there something that might neutralize the scent though?


    Any experience you guys have would be appreciated.

  6. Thanks for the help! I mainly get the orange and cream from Zarita, and the problem is, most the other creams don't show up on me like they do in Zarita. Pink Moon 07 I liked because it had a similar vibe, but Alice is really faint and bland on me, and Fairy Market is pretty, but really just a different scent completely on me.


    Hunger sounds like it might be the next one I try!


    I did just try Lady Lilith, and oddly enough, Zarita is what it most reminded me of!

  7. When these scents came out I had a really hard time choosing which to order. I didn't have the money to get all three, and finally went with Lilith Victoria, which I love. I kept wanting to try this one though, so finally got a decant of it this week.


    Wet: At first it is more floral than I expected, and I am a bit bummed. There is something slightly astringent, which I think is the tea.


    Drying: Oh my god, this just became amazing. It is actually a bit like Zarita on me now, mandarin and vanilla cream and gentle florals. It is amazing! Ooh, the tea is there now too, and this is just the perfect blend on me, smells like vanilla, cream, tea, and mandarin with just a touch of the florals and musks.


    Dry: Not quite as nice, very close to the skin and with little throw, but if I stick my nose right along my wrist I can smell the vanilla cream and florals.


    A great scent, I just wish I could have it permanently in the stage before fully dry. I will try it in a scent locket tonight.

  8. I was excited for this, as I am very attracted to water, but aquatic scents rarely work for me.


    Wet: Very salty and marine like, smells a bit like the ocean and I am getting excited!


    Dry: Laundry detergent. :( All of the salt is gone and instead it smells like dryer sheets dipped in laundry detergent.

  9. Wow, I tried this without remembering or looking up what the notes were in it, and I am way surprised it has no cinnamon. I wonder if it is the pink pepper I am smelling.


    On me this is actually a lot like Chimera, which is odd since they do not share a single note. This is all hot and sweet cinnamon on me, very spicy and nice, which is not bad, but not really what I was hoping for. :( I want the lemon and fruit others are getting or else the rootbeer from the sarsaparilla. Haha.

  10. I love pomegranate so I was really excited about this scent.


    This is very thick and deeply fruity, not a light and sparkly fruit like some. It was sweeter than I expected, normally pomegranate comes across with a strong bitter touch, but this one is just wonderfully balanced.


    Yum. Not a lot of throw, but a keeper for me!

  11. I love the smell of chai, and so far none of the bpal oils smell like it on me. Bengal was too light on me, it was a nice skin scent, but didn't smell rich like chai. Personally I really want the black tea too, and its missing from most the BPAL blends that might me close otherwise.

    Other companies do have chai scents though. I know Nocturne Alchemy had a LE Chai blend I bought, and Arcana has a Chai layering note I haven't tried yet.

  12. I decided to wear this one tonight and mmmm.


    Wet: All buttery pumpkin. Very warm and buttery smelling.


    Dry: Wow, suddenly lots of lemony citrus! Still butter and pumpkin in the background. This is really delicious. It reminds me of like a dessert table that has fruit pies next to pumpkin pies and all the smells are mingling.

  13. :P I was so excited about this one.


    This one smells NOTHING like the description on me though.


    In the imp: Ugh! Smells herbally, I had to look up the notes and see if I was confusing pumpkins.


    Wet: So very strong! The minute the wand touched my skin it wafted up to my nose. Still herbally, now with butter and pumpkin and something really sharp.


    Dry: I wish I knew what was smelling so herbal, it is almost like hay actually.


    This one is a no for me. :D



    ETA: About 45 minutes later the creaminess begins to come out, as does the pomegranate. Smelling better now, but still has that weird hay or herb scent!

  14. Wow, this is a complex one. Very hard to pick out notes.


    On me this is very spicy, a lot of carnation, amber, and general flowers. This is a very flower heavy blend, yet it doesn't strike me as most florals do. The amber, musk, and honeycomb really keep it from being one I would even classify as a floral.


    Case in point- My boss just walked in and asked what smelled like cinnamon. :P So the spiciness is definitely what my skin carries in this blend.


    ADDED 1/7/09:


    I'm not sure if I reviewed this before, but when I first tried it, it was too strong on me, way too much floral coming out for my taste. I received a scent locket for Christmas though, and decided to give it another shot, and wowza!


    It has decent throw from the locket, it is easy for me to smell without having to lift the locket at all. It is blended amazingly well, it's hard for me to pick out the individual notes. I can smell the lemon, vanilla, carnation, and ylang ylang if I concentrate, but overall it is just a very warm, bright scent with a touch of sweetness and joy. I was having a bad day and wanted to wear something invigorating yet comforting and this was the perfect choice. =]

  15. It always amazes me how different impressions can be!


    In the imp: Whoa, strong. Can smell the jasmine mainly.


    Wet: Jasmine again with ginger and sandalwood. A little soapy.


    Drying: Ginger, ginger, ginger! But not the bad overwhelming kitchen type, it is supported by the other notes, but I can't really pick them out anymore.


    Verdict: This was NOTHING like I expected. I never smelled the buttery scent others described. No vanilla, no smoke, no leather, no tobacco. But I love ginger, so I will definitely keep the imp, maybe buy another if it runs out, but not a full bottle.



    ETA: This feels a little hot on my skin. Not sure what it is, I normally only get that with really strong cinnamon.

  16. Wow, trying these blends I have learned that I amp pumpkin like crazy. lol


    Wet: This one is all buttery pumpkin when I first apply it. Something chocolatey pokes out as well. (Reading the notes I believe that is actually the tobacco. I often confuse tobacco for cocoa.


    Dry: This smells a little like pumpkin cider to me. I'm not sure why. I can still smell the tobacco and it gives it a very warm, full feel to it.


    Overall, I like it!

  17. My lovely Summer Switch Witch, Kraken, sent me tons of incredibly LE decants I had been wanting to try. This is one of them.


    On me Luperci blends perfectly, until I can't really pick apart any specific scents. The patchouli and honey combine to actually make an almost rootbeer scent on me. I would consider this a unisex blend though, it is sweet, but not too sweet, and just a little earthy.


    Overall, I love this!

  18. Wow, its crazy how different scents can be on different people.


    In the vial: Ack, rancid tobacco

    Wet: Tobacco, with something sweet. If the sweet comes out I will be okay.

    Dry: Ugh! Nasty old wet cigarettes that people have been walking on in the rain for days


    I could not get this off my skin fast enough! No redeeming qualities at all on me!
