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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Nidaba

  1. Nidaba

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    I just received a decant of this from the lovely Moonarcana, and I was so excited to try it today! Wet: Wow, sweet! Very sugary, it made me check the description to see if it had cake in it. It doesn't so it must just be the vanilla. Drying: The sandalwood is out now, but it isn't too much for me. Woods often irritate my nose, but this one just bring a slightly sharp note to the sweet vanilla and slight powder of the amber. I don't really smell the sweet pea. This is kind of how I thought White Rabbit would smell. Dry: Not as strong as I would like, but oh so delicious. I love the smell of this one! I think a bottle will be ordered soon!
  2. Nidaba

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    Hiya, I want to second the suggestions of Fire Pig and Hymn to Proserpine. Fire Pig is a favorite of mine, a very light airy fruit blend. Hymn to Proserpine is also good if you can wear amber. Purple Phoenix smelled awful to me, but I hate grape. I also love the Hamptons, but it might be too sweet and fruity for you. It really does smell a lot like a cosmopolitan. lol
  3. Nidaba

    What's the best coconut blend?

    I love coconut, I just looked up the different coconut scents and I think a imp pack will be on its way to me soon! lol Question- Has anyone here tried Antonio or Carnaval Diabolique? They both list coconut as a note, but they sound odd. lol
  4. Nidaba


    Wow, I've had these decants sitting around forever, and never bothered to try them. Why did I wait? I'm loving the Gaiman scents. Wet: Very heady and full of spices. It smells like a cloud of fragrance around me when I breathe it in. Its hard to explain. It feels very full. Dry: That same strong full sense is there, but now this is an almost smoky incense. It smells incredible. Just the right balance of spices and barely there florals and something sweet on me that ties them all together. This is the first "powdery" scent that has worked on me. Maybe that is because it is more smoky than powdery.
  5. Nidaba


    Oh Bilquis, how I love you!...At first. Wet: Almond and honey! That is all that I am getting, but I love it. This is what I wanted from Queen of Sheba! Dry: Still lots of almond, but it is getting powdery... Argh, no! Stop! I am not sure what I think about this one. I have only had it on 40 minutes, so I will have to let it sit a bit longer. ADDED 2/6/09: Oh man, how did I not try this? I got decants of the Gaiman scents when they went live, but stuck them in the to be tested pile and forgot about them. Bilquis is exactly what I wanted Queen of Sheba to be on me. Rich honey and almond with other spices, a touch of rose, and NO POWDER!!! I am so happy! I love honey scents but so many turn to powder on me. This will be a bottle purchase!
  6. Nidaba

    Thunder Moon

    I think this is the first aquatic I have tried. I'm undecided on it. It smells nice until I put my nose close to it, then something comes up that irritates my nose. Too much grass in it too. This one is all ozone, grass, and slight floral on me. It may be a swap.
  7. Nidaba

    Cancer 2007

    Oh, I love this one. I really wish I had ordered a full bottle of it! On me this is a light, sweet floral with just enough pear showing. It is slightly powdery, but not bad. A lot of sweet pea in this, so if you like sweet pea definitely check this one out!!!
  8. Nidaba

    Sugar Skull

    I have had a bottle of this sitting around for a while. I sniffed it when I got it and it smelled like straight sugar so I never wore it. I opened it and decanted two vials for a forumite today though and decided to actually try it. Yum! On me this smells exactly like apple cider. Sugar, cinnamon, apple, and something else, maybe clove. I love it! I may actually use my bottle now. lol
  9. I'd also like to hear recs for this. TnM is similar on me, but with a tea note too, kind of like a sweet creamy asian moon scent. YUM. NEED MORE.
  10. Nidaba

    Poisson d'Avril

    I really wanted this to work on me. I have liked all the sugared floral blends I have tried so far. I'm glad I just went with a decant rather than a bottle. In the decant: too floral for me, I can't pick out any specific notes, but it is very green. Wet: Ack no! It is making me sneeze! Too many flowers all jumbling together on my arm. No sweetness at all. This is starting to give me a headache. It's nowhere near as bad as honeysuckle gets on me, but it is not wearable. Dry: Now I can smell the honey. It has actually calmed down and is a nice scent now. Still very floral, but not overpowering and the honey makes it more of something that I can wear. I am not sure if I am keeping this or not. The wet stage is horrible, but I do like it dry. Hmmm, I'll have to think about this one.
  11. Nidaba

    Monster Bait: Closet

    I just received a decant of this in a swap with the fantastic Cranberry and I am so glad I did. Wet: This starts out very sweet and cakey with a touch of tart. I love it already. Dry: Oh my god, I want to eat my arm. This is making me so hungry. It reminds me a bit of Cold Stone's Cake batter ice cream. It is the scent of sugary, thick yellow cake with vanilla in it and cream cheese icing with berries in it. This is divine. 5/5 for sure
  12. Nidaba

    Taurus 2007

    I ordered a decant of this for a friend who is a Taurus, but it arrived too late for me to send it. So I decided to try it myself. I'm glad I tried it! In the imp: very floral, but soft with a hint of fruit. wet: Tart apple? Lots of flowers Dry: Mainly florals, but the mint is out now too. It is a very nice spring scent. I think I will keep the decant myself. ^^;
  13. Nidaba

    The Hamptons

    Just tried an imp of this I received with my last order. In the imp: Very fruity and tart. A bit strong. On my skin: Yum! This IS a cosmo! Slightly bubbly and very cranberry with a touch of gin. I don't know how they manage to turn a perfume so effervescent but its great. Dry: This didn't morph at all. It still smells like cranberry, alcohol, and fizziness. I put it on 6 hours ago and can still smell it when I put my nose against my arm. I really like this one and may pick up another imp when I am done with this one. =D
  14. Nidaba


    Oh wow, I love this one. It reminds me a little bit of Vasakasajja which is my all time favorite scent. It must be the skin musk as that is the only note they seem to have in common. On me TnM is a "your skin but better" scent with a hint of tartness. It is very light and lovely with the white sandalwood, skin musk, and a hint of ginger coming to the front. I agree with those that have compared it to the asian moons. It does have a similar vibe.
  15. Sorry for the double post, but I was also wondering if anyone could think of anything other than Hod or Alice that was similar to Pink Moon 07. I am also in love with the sweet spiciness of that blend!
  16. Nidaba

    Gift Certificates?

    I personally like: Gifttagging ThisNext Both are semi-/pseudo-social as well. Is there a way to tag a specific bottle of BPAL though? I want to put a bottle of Zarita on my wishlist, but I can't figure out how to not put the entire CD list on. =/
  17. Nidaba

    Milk Moon 2007

    I had been looking forward to getting this bottle so much. I love milk and cream scents. Wet: Wow, very sweet and fruity. I can't smell much of the honey and milk, this is very figgy. Drying: Ughh, I can't get too close to this one. It makes me feel kind of sick. This has turned sickly sweet on me. I'm really sad. I almost never buy full bottles, but I was sure this one would work for me. Oh well.
  18. Nidaba


    Yes! I almost didn't try this one. I was going to send it to a guy I wanted to try some BPAL, but I decided to give it a try and whooo! This is what Tombstone started to be on me, but morphed into cedar. Root beer, root beer, root beer! Apparently anything with sassafras in it is going to be pure root beer on my skin. Which is great for at home as I love the scent! I doubt I will wear this out though. Seems a bit odd.
  19. Nidaba

    How to make a paypal order.

    Argh. I feel retarded. I knew there was a reason I didn't use paypal before, but this time I was at work and in a hurry to place my order before my boss saw and just clicked the paypal button in order to speed things up. >_< If we paid that way is there something we should do? Like replace the order and have the lab refund us? Or does that still charge them the fees?
  20. Nidaba

    How to make a paypal order.

    Ugh. I just saw this thread. Does the CCnow link to paypal not work? I just made an order and used their paypal link today. =S It looks like it sent the right amount including shipping, so does that mean it is okay? What is the paypal issue?
  21. Nidaba

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    Oh my gosh, this is so incredible! *squee* I received a decant of this from my Switch Witch and just tried it today. This is almost all sweet cream on me with a touch of floral and orange. It smells better from a bit farther away, when I get right next to my wrist the floral is too strong for me. This is a 4/5 for me. ^^
  22. Nidaba

    Aries 2007

    One of the few scents that make me instantly nauseous. =x It is that same awful sickly sweet smell that I got from the ecstasy of True Love. I'm afraid to sniff closer and see what it is, but I think it is the honeysuckle. I don't think it is the Dragon's Blood as my favorite scent is Dragon's Milk and I love Blood Kiss. Wow, definitely not a keeper, and I am really glad that I only bought a decant of this. Okay, I just read the components in True Love, and it must be the honeysuckle. Apparently honeysuckle is my least favorite scent! lol ETA: I let this sit a bit longer before washing it off and it calmed down quite a bit. I can't sit through that first stage though, so to the swap pile this goes!
  23. Nidaba

    Pink Moon 2007

    I never thought florals were right for me, but this is great! The carnation gives it an almost cinnamon vibe on my skin, but this is still a very sweet scent. I'm not sure if I smell the phlox at all, but it is a very nice spring scent. It stays close to the skin on me, but my skin tends to drink up scents.
  24. Nidaba

    Fire Pig

    Ohhh, I love this. I just received a decant of this from my lovely Switch Witch and wow. Wet it was in my face fruity with peach and tangerine at the forefront. As it dries though it becomes this really neat combination of juicy and crisp scents. It is very pretty and girly and a wonderful scent for spring! I can not decide if I want to snag a bottle of it or not, but I will definitely enjoy putting this decant to use!
  25. Nidaba

    White and "Light" Musk Recommendations

    Thanks for the help on describing it guys! I think I will try to buy decants of everything with similar notes in Vasakasajja starting with some of the skin musk ones that have been suggested in this thread!