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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Balaclava

  1. I've posted a few reviews on BPAL, but never really joined in discussion until now. Hi everyone!


    I'm a 22-year-old woman. Capricorn, with Scorpio rising. I'm from Chicago, and feel most at home in large cities (nature makes me itch). I am finishing a degree in English and Creative Writing, and when I graduate I'll have a finished novel ready for publication (it's a horror story about a boy who loves Death). I plan to do volunteer work in China next year, and go to Laos to teach English. I'm also an artist, making paintings within the digital medium. I used to take voice lessons, and still occasionally sing Broadway songs even though I no longer want to be an actress. I'm obsessed with fashion and beauty, and hate to leave the house without makeup, yet I'm not a sucker for designer brands and prefer to find obscure treasures that no one else would have. My style varies from day to day. Sometimes I want to look like a pin-up girl, other times like a vampire queen, yet other times like a military officer. Because of the way I look, men assume I'm a vixen, but I'm really not interested in sex or romance at all. Sometimes I wish I was a big fabulous drag queen so I could wear what I want without people casting assumptions.


    I'm an extreme recluse and spend the vast majority of my time in my room, either browsing the internet, reading, writing, painting, or playing computer games. I simply don't find other people to be that interesting when all they do is ask questions and give compliments. I lose my patience with others easily. The few people I can actually connect with are usually much older than me.


    I'm a heavy drinker. Absinthe is my favorite. It looks, smells, and tastes amazing. I make a lot of experimental cocktails (combining absinthe, nutella, mint and almond milk is a favorite). Jagermeister is another staple. I prefer gin to vodka any day, and not just in martinis. I hate beer and am pretty ambivalent to wine.


    I have a very serious-looking face with defined cheekbones, arched eyebrows, dark eyes, a high forehead, and wide, full lips. My body is very petite with a neat hourglass shape. My posture is just right for walking in six-inch heels. I have an extremely quiet, still disposition, which seems to attract animals both wild and domestic.


    • An RPG character test tells me I'd be a Chaotic Neutral Elf Wizard/Sorcerer.
    • Political alignment: Authoritarian with centrist views on economics.
    • My current signature BPAL scent is Tavern of Hell.
    • Myers-Briggs type is INTP.
    • Not sure what my Hogwarts house is other than DEFINITELY NOT HUFFLEPUFF.

  2. This is one of those scents that does a lot better on the wrist than on the inner elbow. On the wrist, it maintains the sweet cherry-almond scent mixing with the musk. On the inner elbow, the jasmine becomes extremely dominant.

  3. It's a very dark, witchy scent. The honey is more of a natural beeswax scent than the sweet confectionery I was expecting, so I'm pleasantly surprised. This is the scent of a haunted forest after a ritual has been completed.

  4. In the imp, it smells so musky and incensy and heavenly. I was so excited to try this, but then...


    Wet, on skin: CITRUS! Citrus comes screaming to the top, and I smell nothing but citrus! Like, dish soap citrus.


    The drydown took away all the nasty citrus and left a cool, androgynous musk. I quite like it dried, but if only my skin didn't amplify the evil citrus.

  5. The roses in this are fresh, wet roses. The wine is a nice boozy undercurrent here rather than the over-the-top grape candy scent of Lilith, so even if you're skittish about wine scents this is worth a try. I could smell leather in the bottle, but not on me. Either way, I adore this one.

  6. Honey - lots of honey, over a delicate layer of cognac. It smells delicious and I can't stop smelling my wrist. It's very intimate, a personal indulgence rather than something I'd wear going out. This scent really brings out my inner glutton.

  7. I'm another person whose body chemistry turns this into something light and delicate rather than dark and heavy. All that shows up on me are the florals and wood scents, none of the booze, and it fades away in a few hours. It might be my skin type (very dry).


    EDIT: I tried this on a different pulse point (inner elbow instead of wrist) and it smells a lot stronger there. It takes on an almost chocolate-like quality. This scent really needs a little body heat to make a lot of the more complex notes come out and play. If you have warm skin with a more dewy texture, it'll smell deep and complex. If your skin is cold and dry, you won't get much from this.

  8. In the imp, it smells like grape candy. I still got the grape candy smell when applied to my skin, but the rose and myrrh started coming out. On the drydown, the grape smell finally disappeared, but it took the rose and myrrh with it leaving just a faint dry spice. <strike>I guess I just can't wear wine scents.</strike><br><br>EDIT: Turns out I <i>can</i> wear wine scents, just had to apply on a different pulse point (inner elbow instead of wrist). I'm glad I gave Lilith a second chance.<br>
